3,015 research outputs found

    Interacting quantum walkers: Two-body bosonic and fermionic bound states

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    We investigate the dynamics of bound states of two interacting particles, either bosons or fermions, performing a continuous-time quantum walk on a one-dimensional lattice. We consider the situation where the distance between both particles has a hard bound, and the richer situation where the particles are bound by a smooth confining potential. The main emphasis is on the velocity characterizing the ballistic spreading of these bound states, and on the structure of the asymptotic distribution profile of their center-of-mass coordinate. The latter profile generically exhibits many internal fronts.Comment: 31 pages, 14 figure

    Survival of classical and quantum particles in the presence of traps

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    We present a detailed comparison of the motion of a classical and of a quantum particle in the presence of trapping sites, within the framework of continuous-time classical and quantum random walk. The main emphasis is on the qualitative differences in the temporal behavior of the survival probabilities of both kinds of particles. As a general rule, static traps are far less efficient to absorb quantum particles than classical ones. Several lattice geometries are successively considered: an infinite chain with a single trap, a finite ring with a single trap, a finite ring with several traps, and an infinite chain and a higher-dimensional lattice with a random distribution of traps with a given density. For the latter disordered systems, the classical and the quantum survival probabilities obey a stretched exponential asymptotic decay, albeit with different exponents. These results confirm earlier predictions, and the corresponding amplitudes are evaluated. In the one-dimensional geometry of the infinite chain, we obtain a full analytical prediction for the amplitude of the quantum problem, including its dependence on the trap density and strength.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables. Minor update

    Return probability of NN fermions released from a 1D confining potential

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    We consider NN non-interacting fermions prepared in the ground state of a 1D confining potential and submitted to an instantaneous quench consisting in releasing the trapping potential. We show that the quantum return probability of finding the fermions in their initial state at a later time falls off as a power law in the long-time regime, with a universal exponent depending only on NN and on whether the free fermions expand over the full line or over a half-line. In both geometries the amplitudes of this power-law decay are expressed in terms of finite determinants of moments of the one-body bound-state wavefunctions in the potential. These amplitudes are worked out explicitly for the harmonic and square-well potentials. At large fermion numbers they obey scaling laws involving the Fermi energy of the initial state. The use of the Selberg-Mehta integrals stemming from random matrix theory has been instrumental in the derivation of these results.Comment: 24 pages, 1 tabl

    Activation of the phosphosignaling protein CheY. I. Analysis of the phosphorylated conformation by 19F NMR and protein engineering

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    CheY, the 14-kDa response regulator protein of the Escherichia coli chemotaxis pathway, is activated by phosphorylation of Asp57. In order to probe the structural changes associated with activation, an approach which combines 19F NMR, protein engineering, and the known crystal structure of one conformer has been utilized. This first of two papers examines the effects of Mg(II) binding and phosphorylation on the conformation of CheY. The molecule was selectively labeled at its six phenylalanine positions by incorporation of 4-fluorophenylalanine, which yielded no significant effect on activity. One of these 19F probe positions monitored the vicinity of Lys109, which forms a salt bridge to Asp57 in the apoprotein and has been proposed to act as a structural "switch" in activation. 19F NMR chemical shift studies of the labeled protein revealed that the binding of the cofactor Mg(II) triggered local structural changes in the activation site, but did not perturb the probe of the Lys109 region. The structural changes associated with phosphorylation were then examined, utilizing acetyl phosphate to chemically generate phsopho-CheY during NMR acquisition. Phosphorylation triggered a long-range conformational change extending from the activation site to a cluster of 4 phenylalanine residues at the other end of the molecule. However, phosphorylation did not perturb the probe of Lys109. The observed phosphorylated conformer is proposed to be the first step in the activation of CheY; later steps appear to perturb Lys109, as evidenced in the following paper. Together these results may give insight into the activation of other prokaryotic response regulators

    The ART of IAM: The Winning Strategy for the 2006 Competition

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    In many dynamic open systems, agents have to interact with one another to achieve their goals. Here, agents may be self-interested, and when trusted to perform an action for others, may betray that trust by not performing the actions as required. In addition, due to the size of such systems, agents will often interact with other agents with which they have little or no past experience. This situation has led to the development of a number of trust and reputation models, which aim to facilitate an agent's decision making in the face of uncertainty regarding the behaviour of its peers. However, these multifarious models employ a variety of different representations of trust between agents, and measure performance in many different ways. This has made it hard to adequately evaluate the relative properties of different models, raising the need for a common platform on which to compare competing mechanisms. To this end, the ART Testbed Competition has been proposed, in which agents using different trust models compete against each other to provide services in an open marketplace. In this paper, we present the winning strategy for this competition in 2006, provide an analysis of the factors that led to this success, and discuss lessons learnt from the competition about issues of trust in multiagent systems in general. Our strategy, IAM, is Intelligent (using statistical models for opponent modelling), Abstemious (spending its money parsimoniously based on its trust model) and Moral (providing fair and honest feedback to those that request it)

    An unbiased approach elucidates variation in (S)-(+)-linalool, a context-specific mediator of a tri-trophic interaction in wild tobacco

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    Plant volatile organic compounds (VOCs) mediate many interactions, and the function of common VOCs is especially likely to depend on ecological context. We used a genetic mapping population of wild tobacco, Nicotiana attenuata, originating from a cross of 2 natural accessions from Arizona and Utah, separated by the Grand Canyon, to dissect genetic variation controlling VOCs. Herbivory-induced leaf terpenoid emissions varied substantially, while green leaf volatile emissions were similar. In a field experiment, only emissions of linalool, a common VOC, correlated significantly with predation of the herbivore Manduca sexta by native predators. Using quantitative trait locus mapping and genome mining,we identified an (S)-(+)-linalool synthase (NaLIS). Genome resequencing, gene cloning, and activity assays revealed that the presence/absence of a 766-bp sequence in NaLIS underlies the variation of linalool emissions in 26 natural accessions. We manipulated linalool emissions and composition by ectopically expressing linalool synthases for both enantiomers, (S)-(+)- and (R)-(−)-linalool, reported to oppositely affect M. sexta oviposition, in the Arizona and Utah accessions.We used these lines to test ovipositingmoths in increasingly complex environments. The enantiomers had opposite effects on oviposition preference, but themagnitude of the effect depended strongly both on plant genetic background, and complexity of the bioassay environment. Our study reveals that the emission of linalool, a common VOC, differs by orders-of-magnitude among geographically interspersed conspecific plants due to allelic variation in a linalool synthase, and that the response of a specialist herbivore to linalool depends on enantiomer, plant genotype, and environmental complexity

    The effects of grain shape and frustration in a granular column near jamming

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    We investigate the full phase diagram of a column of grains near jamming, as a function of varying levels of frustration. Frustration is modelled by the effect of two opposing fields on a grain, due respectively to grains above and below it. The resulting four dynamical regimes (ballistic, logarithmic, activated and glassy) are characterised by means of the jamming time of zero-temperature dynamics, and of the statistics of attractors reached by the latter. Shape effects are most pronounced in the cases of strong and weak frustration, and essentially disappear around a mean-field point.Comment: 17 pages, 19 figure

    Meso-1, 2-Bis (Methylazo)-1, 2-Diphenylethane

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    The title compound, meso-1,2-bis(methyldiazenyl)-1,2-diphenylethane, C16H18N4, is arranged in a disordered manner around an inversion point. The N—N atom distances in the azo group of 1.192 (8) and 1.195 (8) Å, and the C—C atom distances in the ethylene moiety at 1.512 (8) and 1.503 (8) Å in the two models [refined to 51.7 (6) and 48.3 (6)% occupancies] were not significantly different