15 research outputs found

    Receptors for immunoglobulin G (FcyR)

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    Os receptores para IgG fazem uma importante ligação entre as respostas imunes humoral e celular. Estes receptores medeiam várias respostas biológicas tais como: fagocitose, endocitose, captura e clearance de imunocomplexos, citotoxicidade e liberação de mediadores inflamatórios. Os FcyR humanos pertencem à superfamília das imunoglobulinas e três classes principais destes receptores são descritas, as quais apresentam várias isoformas. Estas moléculas diferem quanto à afinidade e especificidade para os isotipos de IgG, distribuição celular, sinalização intracelular e pesos moleculares. Além disso, o polimorfismo genético é responsável por variações entre os indivíduos. A diversidade estrutural e funcional dos FcyR faz destas moléculas importantes alvos para a imunoterapia. A ativação e desativação de células efetoras via FcyR pode ser explorada para o desenvolvimento de novas terapias para o câncer, doenças infecciosas e desordens auto-imunes. Esta revisão descreve detalhes estruturais e funcionais, relevância clínica e alguns usos terapêuticos dos FcyR.Receptors for immunoglobulin G (FcyR) provide an important link between the humoral and cellular branches of the immune response. These receptors can trigger a variety of biological responses such as phagocytosis, endocytosis, capture and clearance of immune complexes, antibody-dependent cell citotoxicity and release of inflammatory mediators. Human FcyR belong to the Ig superfamily and three classes of these receptors are distinguished specifying many receptor isoforms. These molecules differ in affinity and specificity for IgG isotypes, cell distribution patterns, intracellular signal delivery and molecular weights. Moreover, the genetic polymorphism introduces variations among individuals. The structural and functional diversity makes these receptors potential targets for immunotherapy. Activation and deactivation of effector cells via FcyR can be exploited to develop novel therapies for cancer, infectious diseases and autoimmune disorders. This review describes structural and functional details, clinical relevance and some therapeutic use of the FcyR molecules.  &nbsp

    Modulatory effects of rutin on biochemical and hematological parameters in hypercholesterolemic Golden Syrian hamsters

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    Flavonoids have been reported to exhibit several pharmacological properties, mainly in cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases. In the present study, we observed that rutin, a known glycosylated flavonoid isolated from Dimorphandra mollis, had a lowering effect on plasma triglyceride levels of diet-induced hypercholesterolemic Golden Syrian hamsters, but did not change total cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels. Moreover, high-fat or rutin supplemented diets showed no immunotoxic effects, since no significant changes were observed on total white blood cells, granulocytes and mononuclear cells, as well as on the neutrophil apoptosis degree, when compared to untreated animals. Therefore, rutin seems to be a selective and non-toxic modulator of hypercholesterolemia, which can be promising for the development of new drugs.Os flavonóides possuem diversas propriedades farmacológicas, principalmente nas doenças cardiovasculares e inflamatórias. No presente estudo, observamos que a rutina, um conhecido flavonóide glicosilado isolado da Dimorphandra mollis, diminuiu o nível de triglicerídeos plasmáticos em hamsters Golden Syrian hipercolesterolêmicos sem alterar os níveis de colesterol total e colesterol HDL. Além disso, observamos que dietas hipercolesterolêmicas ou suplementadas com rutina não apresentaram efeito imunotóxico, uma vez que nenhuma alteração significativa foi observada nos leucócitos totais, granulócitos e células mononucleares, bem como no grau de neutrófilos em apoptose, quando comparado com animais não tratados. Portanto, a rutina parece ser um modulador seletivo e não tóxico da hipercolesterolemia, o que pode ser promissor para o desenvolvimento de novos fármacos.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP), São Paulo State, Brazi

    Evaluation of the Potential of Brazilian Propolis against UV-Induced Oxidative Stress

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    This study investigated the potential use of topically and orally administered propolis extracts to prevent UV irradiation-induced oxidative stress in skin. The results illustrated that green propolis extract (GPE) contained greater amounts of polyphenols, coumaric acid, drupanin, baccharin and artepillin C than did brown propolis extract (BPE). GPE showed higher antioxidant activity than BPE when the IC50 (concentration that caused 50% inhibition) values were compared. Interesting, the oral treatment of hairless mice demonstrated a recovery of 30.0% for GPE and 22.8% for BPE with respect to UV irradiation-induced GSH depletion. The topical pretreatment of animals with both propolis extract solutions recovered around 14.0% of the depleted GSH. However, the employed treatments did not inhibit the increase of cutaneous proteinase secretion/activity caused by irradiation. These findings indicate that despite differences in composition and antioxidant properties, GPE and BPE both successfully prevent UV-induced GSH depletion in vivo and are both promising antioxidant systems against oxidative stress in skin. Based on these findings, complementary studies should be performed to enhance our understanding of the protective effects of propolis extracts in skin

    Inhibition of immune complex-mediated neutrophil oxidative metabolism: A pharmacophore model for 3-phenylcoumarin derivatives using GRIND-based 3D-QSAR and 2D-QSAR procedures

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    In this study, twenty hydroxylated and acetoxylated 3-phenylcoumarin derivatives were evaluated as inhibitors of immune complex-stimulated neutrophil oxidative metabolism and possible modulators of the inflammatory tissue damage found in type III hypersensitivity reactions. By using lucigenin- and luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence assays (CL-luc and CL-lum, respectively), we found that the 6,7-dihydroxylated and 6,7-diacetoxylated 3-phenylcoumarin derivatives were the most effective inhibitors. Different structural features of the other compounds determined CL-luc and/or CL-lum inhibition. The 2D-QSAR analysis suggested the importance of hydrophobic contributions to explain these effects. In addition, a statistically significant 3D-QSAR model built applying GRIND descriptors allowed us to propose a virtual receptor site considering pharmacophoric regions and mutual distances. Furthermore, the 3-phenylcoumarins studied were not toxic to neutrophils under the assessed conditions. (C) 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved

    Modulation of human neutrophil oxidative metabolism and degranulation by extract of Tamarindus indica L. fruit pulp

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    The tamarind (Tamarindus indica L) is indigenous to Asian countries and widely cultivated in the American continents. The tamarind fruit pulp extract (ExT), traditionally used in spices, food components and juices, is rich in polyphenols that have demonstrated anti-atherosclerotic, antioxidant and immunomodulatory activities. This study evaluated the modulator effect of a crude hydroalcoholic ExT on some peripheral human neutrophil functions. The neutrophil reactive oxygen species generation, triggered by opsonized zymosan (OZ), n-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP) or phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), and assessed by luminol- and lucigenin-enhanced chemiluminescence (LumCL and LucCL, respectively), was inhibited by ExT in a concentration-dependent manner. ExT was a more effective inhibitor of the PMA-stimulated neutrophil function [IC(50) (in mu g/10(6)cells) = 115.7 +/- 9.7 (LumCL) and 174.5 +/- 25.9 (LucCL)], than the OZ- [IC(50) = 248.5 +/- 23.1 (LumCL) and 324.1 +/- 34.6 (LucCL)] or fMLP-stimulated cells [IC(50) = 178.5 +/- 12.2 (LumCL)]. The ExT also inhibited neutrophil NADPH oxidase activity (evaluated by O(2) consumption), degranulation and elastase activity (evaluated by spectrophotometric methods) at concentrations higher than 200 mu g/10(6) cells, without being toxic to the cells, under the conditions assessed. Together, these results indicate the potential of ExT as a source of compounds that can modulate the neutrophil-mediated inflammatory diseases. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Conselho Nacional de Desen-volvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq), Brazil[130777/2005-6]Conselho Nacional de Desen-volvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq), Brazil[474614/2003-4

    In vitro study of antioxidant and scavenger properties of phenolic compounds from Lychnophora species

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    This paper describes the antioxidant effects of thirteen phenolic compounds isolated from plants of the genus Lychnophora. Two assays were performed to evaluate these effects: a cellular test that measured the luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence produced by neutrophils stimulated with opsonized zymosan and a cell-free test involving horseradish peroxidase-H2O2-luminol. In both assays, the antioxidant activity of the phenolic compounds was dependent on their concentration and chemical structure. Our results suggest that the ability of phenolic compounds from Lychnophora species to scavenge and inhibit the generation of ROS may be a mechanism underlying the anti-inflammatory activity of extracts from Lychnophora spp

    Patients With Systemic Sclerosis Present Increased Dna Damage Differentially Associated With Dna Repair Gene Polymorphisms.

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    Patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) exhibit increased toxicity when exposed to genotoxic agents. In our study, we evaluated DNA damage and polymorphic sites in 2 DNA repair genes (XRCC1 Arg399Gln and XRCC4 Ile401Thr) in patients with SSc. A total of 177 patients were studied for DNA repair gene polymorphisms. Fifty-six of them were also evaluated for DNA damage in peripheral blood cells using the comet assay. Compared to controls, the patients as a whole or stratified into major clinical variants (limited or diffuse skin involvement), irrespective of the underlying treatment schedule, exhibited increased DNA damage. XRCC1 (rs: 25487) and XRCC4 (rs: 28360135) allele and genotype frequencies observed in patients with SSc were not significantly different from those observed in controls; however, the XRCC1 Arg399Gln allele was associated with increased DNA damage only in healthy controls and the XRCC4 Ile401Thr allele was associated with increased DNA damage in both patients and controls. Further, the XRCC1 Arg399Gln allele was associated with the presence of antinuclear antibody and anticentromere antibody. No association was observed between these DNA repair gene polymorphic sites and clinical features of patients with SSc. These results corroborate the presence of genomic instability in SSc peripheral blood cells, as evaluated by increased DNA damage, and show that polymorphic sites of the XRCC1 and XRCC4 DNA repair genes may differentially influence DNA damage and the development of autoantibodies.41458-6