12 research outputs found

    The Keck Low-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer

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    The Low Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (LRIS) for the Cassegrain focus of the Keck 10-m telescope on Mauna Kea is described. It has an imaging mode so it can also be used for taking direct images. The field of view in both spectrographic and imaging modes is 6 by 7.8 arcmin. It can be used with both conventional slits and custom-punched slit masks. The optical quality of the spectrograph is good enough to take full advantage of the excellent imaging properties of the telescope itself. The detector is a cooled back-illuminated Tektronics Inc. 2048 X 2048 CCD which gives a sampling rate of 4.685 pixels per arcsec. In the spectrographic mode the spectrograph has a maximum efficiency at the peak of the grating blaze of 32%-34% for the two lowest resolution gratings and 28% for the 1200 g mm^(-1) grating. This efficiency includes the detector but not the telescope or the atmosphere

    The Keck Low-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer

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    The Low Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (LRIS) for the Cassegrain focus of the Keck 10-m telescope on Mauna Kea is described. It has an imaging mode so it can also be used for taking direct images. The field of view in both spectrographic and imaging modes is 6 by 7.8 arcmin. It can be used with both conventional slits and custom-punched slit masks. The optical quality of the spectrograph is good enough to take full advantage of the excellent imaging properties of the telescope itself. The detector is a cooled back-illuminated Tektronics Inc. 2048 X 2048 CCD which gives a sampling rate of 4.685 pixels per arcsec. In the spectrographic mode the spectrograph has a maximum efficiency at the peak of the grating blaze of 32%-34% for the two lowest resolution gratings and 28% for the 1200 g mm^(-1) grating. This efficiency includes the detector but not the telescope or the atmosphere

    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Technical Summary

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    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) will provide the data to support detailed investigations of the distribution of luminous and non- luminous matter in the Universe: a photometrically and astrometrically calibrated digital imaging survey of pi steradians above about Galactic latitude 30 degrees in five broad optical bands to a depth of g' about 23 magnitudes, and a spectroscopic survey of the approximately one million brightest galaxies and 10^5 brightest quasars found in the photometric object catalog produced by the imaging survey. This paper summarizes the observational parameters and data products of the SDSS, and serves as an introduction to extensive technical on-line documentation.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, AAS Latex. To appear in AJ, Sept 200

    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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    Co-evaluación de competencias en el proyecto final de carrera: aplicación a la titulación de administración y dirección de empresas

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    El presente trabajo muestra una metodología basada en la recolección de información de estudiantes y tutores relacionados con las competencias que se desarrollan en el Proyecto Final de Carrera en la titulación de Administración y Dirección de Empresas de la Facultad de Economía IQS de la Universidad Ramon Llull, España. Se aplicó una encuesta para determinar el nivel de mejora en las competencias, mediante una auto-evaluación por parte de los estudiantes y una evaluación por parte de los tutores. Los resultados permiten afirmar que ambas evaluaciones tienen un componente de similitud. Las futuras líneas de investigación que abren este trabajo se dirigen en la comparación de los resultados de un año al otro para conocer las variaciones existentes e introducir los cambios que sean necesarios para mejorar las competencias de los estudiantes.This paper shows a methodology based on gathering information from students and tutors related with the development of skills in the Final Project of the career Business Administration at the IQS School of Management, Ramon Llull University, Spain. A survey was applied to determine the level of skill improvement through self-assessment tests by students and evaluation by the advisors. The results confirm that both evaluations (students and advisors) are similar. Future research in this area should be aimed to comparing the results from one year to another to become familiar with variations in time, and to introduce the changes that are necessary to improve skills in students

    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Photometric Camera

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    We have constructed a large format mosaic CCD camera for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The camera consists of two arrays, a photometric array which uses 30 2048\Theta2048 SITe/Tektronix CCDs (24 micron pixels) with an effective imaging area of 720 cm 2 , and an astrometric array which uses 24 400\Theta2048 CCDs with the same pixel size which will allow us to tie bright astrometric standard stars to the objects imaged in the photometric camera. The instrument will be used to carry out photometry essentially simultaneously in five color bands spanning the range accessible to silicon detectors on the ground in the time--delay--and--integrate (TDI) scanning mode. The photometric detectors are arrayed in the focal plane in six columns of five chips each such that two scans cover a filled stripe 2.5 degrees wide. This paper presents engineering and technical details of the camera. 1. Introduction The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) is a project undertaking a digitized photometric survey..