15 research outputs found

    Kinematical differences between men and women in jumps on vault in artistic gymnastics

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    Cilj ovoga doktorskog rada bio je utvrditi postojanje razlika u kinematičkim pokazateljima skokova na preskoku naskokom Tsukahara između gimnastičara i gimnastičarki. Uzorak ispitanika činili su skokovi vrhunskih gimnastičara (N=5) i gimnastičarki (N=5), specijalizanata preskoka, sudionika natjecanja kvalifikacija i finala Svjetskog kupa u Osijeku (Hrvatska) - FIG World Challenge Cup 2017 (Croatia). Uzorak varijabli činilo je 35 kinematičkih parametara skokova ulazom na spravu naskokom Tsukahara u gimnastičarki (Tsukahara pružena s okretom za 360°) i gimnastičara (Driggs). Obrada i kinematička 3D analiza podataka provedena je sustavom APAS (Ariel Performance Analysis System, 2016.) Normalnost distribucije podataka utvrđena je Shapiro-Wilk testom. Spolne razlike u kinematičkim varijablama izračunate su univarijantnom analizom varijance (ANOVA) s Bonferronijevom korekcijom na razini statističke značajnosti p<0,05. S obzirom na postavljene hipoteze rezultati su pokazali da nema statistički značajnih razlika između spolova u varijablama: duljina zadnjeg koraka, kutu centra težišta tijela u odnosu na podlogu u trenutku zadnjeg kontakta stopala s odraznom daskom, udaljenosti između dlanova u prvom kontaktu sa spravom, vremenu trajanja odriva, kutovima lijevog i desnog ramena u prvom kontaktu dlanova sa spravom. Statistički značajna razlika dobivena je u kutu lijevog kuka u prvom kontaktu s odraznom daskom, gdje su gimnastičari imali manji kut u odnosu na gimnastičarke. Isto tako statistički značajna razlika dobivena je u kutu centra težišta tijela u odnosu na os sprave u prvom kontaktu dlanova sa spravom gdje gimnastičarke imaju veći kut za razliku od gimnastičara. Kut u zglobu lijevog lakta u prvom kontaktu dlanova sa spravom se pokazao statistički značajnim, te je veći u gimnastičara što znači da su gimnastičarke prvi kontakt sa spravom izvodile pogrčenim lijevim laktom. Iz rezultata drugog leta skokova vidljiva je statistički značajna razlika između gimnastičara i gimnastičarki u visini centra težišta tijela u odnosu na os sprave do maksimalne visine leta. Kut centra težišta tijela u odnosu na podlogu pri prvom kontaktu stopala s podlogom je statistički značajan i razlikuje spolove te je veći u gimnastičara. Također postoji statistički značajna razlika u varijablama kut u zglobu lijevog i desnog koljena pri prvom kontaktu stopala sa strunjačom koji je veći u gimnastičarki te lijevog i desnog kuka pri prvom kontaktu stopala sa strunjačom većim u gimnastičara. Temeljem dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti da su razlike po spolovima izrazito vidljive u drugom letu i fazi odriva sa sprave. Dobivenim spoznajama otkrivene su razlike ali i sličnosti između tehnike izvedbe skokova i smatra se da gimnastičarke imaju prostora za napredak i daljnju nadogradnju skokova.Artistic gymnastics is divided into menʼs and womenʼs gymnastics which basically differ according to the number and type of competition disciplines. Menʼs gymnastics consist of six apparatus (floor, pommel horse, rings, vault, parallel bars, and horizontal bar) and four womenʼs apparatus (vault, uneven bars, beam, and floor) of all-around competition in artistic gymnastics. This research aimed to determine the differences in kinematic parameters of the Tsukahara entry on the vault between gymnasts (menʼs and womenʼs). The sample consisted of elite men (N = 5) and women (N = 5) gymnasts, who performed jumps at the qualifications and finals of the FIG World Challenge Cup 2017 in Osijek, Croatia. The sample of variables consisted of 35 kinematic parameters of Tsukahara entry on vault in women (Tsukahara stretched with 1/1 turn (360°) off) and men (Driggs). Data processing and kinematic 3D analysis were performed by the APAS (Ariel Performance Analysis System, 2016). Normality of distribution was determined by the Shapiro-Wilk test. Gender differences in kinematic variables were calculated by univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Bonferroni correction on p<0.05. Obtained results showed that there were no statistically significant differences between the genders in the variables: the length of the last step, the angle of the center of gravity to the floor at the last touch of the foot with the springboard, the distance between the palms in the first contact with the apparatus. The duration of the take-off from the apparatus was equal in both genders and there are no differences in hip angles (left and right) at the first contact of hands with the apparatus. Statistically, a significant difference was found in the left hip angle at the first contact with a springboard, where the men had a smaller angle than the women. Results of the variable: center of mass to the axis of the apparatus in the first contact of the hands with the apparatus showed a significant difference where the women have a greater angle than the men. The angle of the left elbow in the first contact of the palms with the apparatus proved to be statistically significant and is higher in men, which means that the women had the first contact with the apparatus with a bent left elbow. From the results of the second flight, there is a statistically significant difference between men and women at the center of gravity regarding the axis of the apparatus up to the maximum flight height. The angle of the center of gravity with the floor at the first contact of the foot with the floor is statistically significant and distinguishes the genders and is higher in men. There is also a statistically significant difference in the angle variables: left and right knee joints angle at the first contact of the foot with a mat which is greater in the women and the left and the right hip joint angle at the first contact of the foot with the mat which is higher in the men. Based on the obtained results it can be concluded that gender differences are visible in the second flight phase and take-off from the apparatus. The knowledge gained show us the differences or similarities between the performance techniques of the jumps and it is considered that gymnasts have spaces for improvement and further jumps upgrading

    Kinematical differences between men and women in jumps on vault in artistic gymnastics

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    Cilj ovoga doktorskog rada bio je utvrditi postojanje razlika u kinematičkim pokazateljima skokova na preskoku naskokom Tsukahara između gimnastičara i gimnastičarki. Uzorak ispitanika činili su skokovi vrhunskih gimnastičara (N=5) i gimnastičarki (N=5), specijalizanata preskoka, sudionika natjecanja kvalifikacija i finala Svjetskog kupa u Osijeku (Hrvatska) - FIG World Challenge Cup 2017 (Croatia). Uzorak varijabli činilo je 35 kinematičkih parametara skokova ulazom na spravu naskokom Tsukahara u gimnastičarki (Tsukahara pružena s okretom za 360°) i gimnastičara (Driggs). Obrada i kinematička 3D analiza podataka provedena je sustavom APAS (Ariel Performance Analysis System, 2016.) Normalnost distribucije podataka utvrđena je Shapiro-Wilk testom. Spolne razlike u kinematičkim varijablama izračunate su univarijantnom analizom varijance (ANOVA) s Bonferronijevom korekcijom na razini statističke značajnosti p<0,05. S obzirom na postavljene hipoteze rezultati su pokazali da nema statistički značajnih razlika između spolova u varijablama: duljina zadnjeg koraka, kutu centra težišta tijela u odnosu na podlogu u trenutku zadnjeg kontakta stopala s odraznom daskom, udaljenosti između dlanova u prvom kontaktu sa spravom, vremenu trajanja odriva, kutovima lijevog i desnog ramena u prvom kontaktu dlanova sa spravom. Statistički značajna razlika dobivena je u kutu lijevog kuka u prvom kontaktu s odraznom daskom, gdje su gimnastičari imali manji kut u odnosu na gimnastičarke. Isto tako statistički značajna razlika dobivena je u kutu centra težišta tijela u odnosu na os sprave u prvom kontaktu dlanova sa spravom gdje gimnastičarke imaju veći kut za razliku od gimnastičara. Kut u zglobu lijevog lakta u prvom kontaktu dlanova sa spravom se pokazao statistički značajnim, te je veći u gimnastičara što znači da su gimnastičarke prvi kontakt sa spravom izvodile pogrčenim lijevim laktom. Iz rezultata drugog leta skokova vidljiva je statistički značajna razlika između gimnastičara i gimnastičarki u visini centra težišta tijela u odnosu na os sprave do maksimalne visine leta. Kut centra težišta tijela u odnosu na podlogu pri prvom kontaktu stopala s podlogom je statistički značajan i razlikuje spolove te je veći u gimnastičara. Također postoji statistički značajna razlika u varijablama kut u zglobu lijevog i desnog koljena pri prvom kontaktu stopala sa strunjačom koji je veći u gimnastičarki te lijevog i desnog kuka pri prvom kontaktu stopala sa strunjačom većim u gimnastičara. Temeljem dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti da su razlike po spolovima izrazito vidljive u drugom letu i fazi odriva sa sprave. Dobivenim spoznajama otkrivene su razlike ali i sličnosti između tehnike izvedbe skokova i smatra se da gimnastičarke imaju prostora za napredak i daljnju nadogradnju skokova.Artistic gymnastics is divided into menʼs and womenʼs gymnastics which basically differ according to the number and type of competition disciplines. Menʼs gymnastics consist of six apparatus (floor, pommel horse, rings, vault, parallel bars, and horizontal bar) and four womenʼs apparatus (vault, uneven bars, beam, and floor) of all-around competition in artistic gymnastics. This research aimed to determine the differences in kinematic parameters of the Tsukahara entry on the vault between gymnasts (menʼs and womenʼs). The sample consisted of elite men (N = 5) and women (N = 5) gymnasts, who performed jumps at the qualifications and finals of the FIG World Challenge Cup 2017 in Osijek, Croatia. The sample of variables consisted of 35 kinematic parameters of Tsukahara entry on vault in women (Tsukahara stretched with 1/1 turn (360°) off) and men (Driggs). Data processing and kinematic 3D analysis were performed by the APAS (Ariel Performance Analysis System, 2016). Normality of distribution was determined by the Shapiro-Wilk test. Gender differences in kinematic variables were calculated by univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Bonferroni correction on p<0.05. Obtained results showed that there were no statistically significant differences between the genders in the variables: the length of the last step, the angle of the center of gravity to the floor at the last touch of the foot with the springboard, the distance between the palms in the first contact with the apparatus. The duration of the take-off from the apparatus was equal in both genders and there are no differences in hip angles (left and right) at the first contact of hands with the apparatus. Statistically, a significant difference was found in the left hip angle at the first contact with a springboard, where the men had a smaller angle than the women. Results of the variable: center of mass to the axis of the apparatus in the first contact of the hands with the apparatus showed a significant difference where the women have a greater angle than the men. The angle of the left elbow in the first contact of the palms with the apparatus proved to be statistically significant and is higher in men, which means that the women had the first contact with the apparatus with a bent left elbow. From the results of the second flight, there is a statistically significant difference between men and women at the center of gravity regarding the axis of the apparatus up to the maximum flight height. The angle of the center of gravity with the floor at the first contact of the foot with the floor is statistically significant and distinguishes the genders and is higher in men. There is also a statistically significant difference in the angle variables: left and right knee joints angle at the first contact of the foot with a mat which is greater in the women and the left and the right hip joint angle at the first contact of the foot with the mat which is higher in the men. Based on the obtained results it can be concluded that gender differences are visible in the second flight phase and take-off from the apparatus. The knowledge gained show us the differences or similarities between the performance techniques of the jumps and it is considered that gymnasts have spaces for improvement and further jumps upgrading

    Differences in motor skills of selected and nonselected group of children in artistic gymnastics in the context of their motor development

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    Main purpose of this paper was to find differences in motor skill level between the selected and non-selected group of children in artistic gymnastics. Artistic gymnastics is one of the sports that is frequently put into a negative context because of early specialization of children, while at the same time it is considered to be basic, fundamental sport. Thirty-one children (age 5.59 ± 0.77 years) participated in this study. The data was collected using Test of Gross Motor Development – Second Edition (TGMD-2). One-way ANOVA and Bonferroni post-hoc test was used to determine the differences in motor skills of children. The results show differences in locomotor skills between the selected and the non-selected children gymnasts (p<.05). When comparing boys and girls, results show no gender differences in gross motor quotient, locomotor or manipulative skills. Although, there significant differences exist in gross motor quotient and locomotor skills in selected girls, compared to non-selected girls (p<.05). These results suggest that female competition program in preschool age favorizes development of locomotor but not manipulative motor skills. Regardless of the sport in which preschool children are enrolled, exercise should be multilateral. For this reason, in artistic gymnastic we should encourage multilateral development and inclusion of tests and exercises for manipulative skills which could have effect on child’s future overall (motor, social and psychological) development

    Differences in Height and Weight in Young Female Gymnasts

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    Following the changes in basic anthropological characteristics of the young gymnast can help coaches to recognize how the process of training influence the growth and development of gymnasts. This also can be useful in the specialization of specific apparatus. The aim of this investigation was to find the differences in weight and height between young female gymnasts. The sample consisted of 26 female gymnasts: 10 years old who are competing at different levels – compulsory (16) and free (10) programs. Compulsory program training was three times per week, each lasting two hours. Training in the free program lasted two and a half-hour five times per week. K-S test was used for testing the normality of distribution. Differences between height and weight are calculated by ANOVA at the level of statistical significance of p&lt;0.05. Results show that there is a statistically significant difference in height and weight between categories. Girls from the compulsory program are taller and heavier than girls in free program. The free program is the hardest program and physically more demanding for execution than a compulsory program. It seems that the bigger volume of training influences height and weight. Keywords: artistic gymnastics, anthropological characteristics, childre


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    The sample consisted of 171 elite and 169 non-elite athletes. linear regression analysis was used to test the prognostic role of emotional competence on stress coping strategies, and hierarchical regression analysis was used to test the moderating role of performance in the relationship between emotional competence and coping strategies. The result shows that EI is related to task-oriented strategies and completely unrelated to emotion-oriented strategies. Sport performance moderates the relationship between managing and regulating emotions and using avoidant coping strategies, in a way that non-elite athletes with higher scores on this EI subfactor are more likely to use distraction-oriented coping. Key words: emotional intelligence, coping, moderation, elite and non-elite athletes</p

    Is the handgrip strength influential factor on the competition result in elite male artistic gymnasts?

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    High handgrip strength in men’s artistic gymnastics is crucial, mainly for improving performance and to potentially prevent injuries, as well as for the fact that gymnasts body movements are around immovable apparatuses (pommel horse, rings, parallel bars and high bar) for the extended period of time. Since there are not so many studies that have dealt with this topic and on actual competition, we have aimed to examine the handgrip strength influence on the competition result in elite male artistic gymnasts. The sample of participants were conducted of 37 elite male artistic gymnasts (8–21 years old), from 8 different countries as national team competitors at the International Competition “Laza Krstić and Marica Dželatović” held in Novi Sad, Serbia. Basic anthropometric measurements were included (body height, body weight and Body Mass Index (BMI)), along with training experience and handgrip strength measurement (both dominant and nondominant hand). Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z test (p < 0.05) was used for distribution normality, along with regression analysis with Model 1 (participants age, training experience, body height, body weight and BMI), Model 2 (Model 1 + dominant handgrip strength) and Model 3 (Model 1 + nondominant handgrip strength). SPSS v.20 was used for all statistical analysis. Our study have revealed that there is significant influence of all 3 Models on the parallel bars final result (p = 0.033; p = 0.049; p = 0.031, respectively), in terms of all set of variables, whereas body weight Beta scores (28.6%; 30.3%; 32.7%, respectively) moslty explains the results. Both dominant and nondominant handgrip strength are influential factors only on the parallel bars final result. Since both hands are contributing equally, bilateral training is necessary. In order to expand the knowledge on this topic and completely understand the influential factors, future studies are needed on this sample. Regardless of our main findings, our results should be taken with caution


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    The aim of this study was to compare differences in run-up velocity between Handsprings, Tsukahara and Yurchenko entry on vault. A sample consisted of 48 jumps performed on vault, 19 Handsprings, 17 Tsukahara and 12 Yurchenko entry on vault. Data were collected on a World Cup competition held in Osijek, 2017. Run-up velocity was measured by speed radar gun (Stalker ATS, S PRO II). Descriptive statistic was calculated for all variables and differences in run-up velocity were determined by one-way ANOVA and Bonferroni post-hoc test at the level of statistical significance at p&lt;.05. Average run-up velocity at Handspring entry was 8,06 m/s, Tsukahara, 8,06 m/s and Yurchenko entry on vault table was 7,66 m/s. ANOVA showed that exist statistical significant differences in run-up velocity between handspring and Yurchenko and between Tsukahara and Yurchenko entry. The results of this study indicated that different entry on vault table has different run-up velocity, which will help coaches and scientists to improve the vault technique.Namen študije je bil primerjati razlike v hitrosti zaleta med skoki vrste premet, cukahara in jurčenko. Vzorec je sestavljalo 48 skokov, izvedenih na tekmovanju, od tega je bilo, 19 premetov, 17 cukahar in 12 jurčenkov. Podatki so bili zbrani na tekmovanju svetovnega pokala v Osijeku, 2017. Hitrost zaleta je bila izmerjena s hitrostnim radarjem (Stalker ATS, S PRO II). Opisna statistika je bila izračunana za vse spremenljivke in razlike v hitrosti naraščanja so bile določene z enosmerno ANOVA in Bonferronijevim preverjanjem na ravni pomembnosti pri p &lt;.05. Povprečna hitrost zaleta pri premetu je bila 8,06 m / s, cukahari, 8,06 m / s in jurčenku 7,66 m / s. ANOVA je pokazala, da obstajajo pomembne razlike v hitrosti zaleta med premetom in jurčenkom ter med cukarao in jurčenkom. Rezultati te študije so pokazali, da ima drugačna vrsta skoka drugačno hitrost pri zaletu, kar bo vaditeljem in raziskovalcem pomagalo izboljšati tehniko preskoka


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    This manuscript aimed to show the development of gymnastics in Croatia up until 1903. This article provided a chronological description of the growth of gymnastics in Croatia from 1859 to 1903. In Osijek, Croatia\u27s first gymnastics society was founded in 1865. Gymnastics were introduced into schools in the middle of the 19th century as a result of increased interest in physical education based on by the stronger development of civil society. 1874. was founded Croatian Sokol in Zagreb and gymnastics also became a part of a high school program. In Croatia, numerous gymnastics societies started to be established, including the Varaždin Sokol Gymnastic Society in 1878 and the Zadar Gymnastic Society in 1876. In Dalmatia, central Croatia, and Slavonia, new gymnastics societies have been founded. For example, the Croatian Sokol was founded in Bjelovar in 1884 and Makarska in 1894. Additionally, the gymnastics society took part in open workouts in Prague and Pariz. Women\u27s gymnastics started on in 1891 in Croatian Sokol in Zagreb where exercises were conducted in three divisions, including simple exercises and those on the apparatus.Namen prispevka je bil prikazati razvoj telovadbe na Hrvaškem do leta 1903. Gre za časovni opis razvoja telovadbe na Hrvaškem od leta 1859 do 1903. V Osijeku je bilo leta 1865 ustanovljeno prvo hrvaško telovadno društvo. Telovadbo so uvedli v šole sredi 19. stoletja kot posledica povečanega zanimanja za telesno vzgojo na podlagi močnejšega razvoja civilne družbe. Leta 1874. je bil v Zagrebu ustanovljen Hrvatski sokol in tudi telovadba je postala del srednješolskega programa. Na Hrvaškem so začela nastajati številna telovadna društva, med drugim leta 1878 Varaždinsko telovadno društvo Sokol in leta 1876 Zadarsko telovadno društvo. V Dalmaciji, osrednji Hrvaški in Slavoniji so bila ustanovljena nova telovadna društva. Hrvaški sokol je bil na primer ustanovljen leta 1884 v Bjelovarju in leta 1894 v Makarski. Poleg tega je telovadno društvo sodelovalo na javni telovadbi v Pragi in Parizu. Ženska telovadba se je začela leta 1891 v Hrvaškem sokolu v Zagrebu, kjer so vaje potekale v treh skupinah med drugim v prostih vajah in vajah na orodju


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    The purpose of this article is to examine the current state of scientific production, collaboration, and the effects of research publications on artistic gymnastics, as well as the most active researchers pursuing this area of study. Documents acquired from the Scopus database served as the basis for our investigation. MS Excel as well as VOS viewer were used to carry out the bibliometric analysis and network design. As a result, 430 original articles and scientific reviews in 22 Scopus subject areas were found in 167 journals. Most articles were published in Science of Gymnastics Journal (76). These articles are also most cited (294). There are 28 authors with five to fifteen articles whose citation form most of the citation network. Most of the artistic gymnastics research is published in journals that cover subjects such as medicine, health professions, and social science, with the first receiving the most citations.Namen prispevka je preučiti trenutno stanje znanstvenega udejstvovanja, sodelovanja in vplive raziskovalnih objav na orodno telovadbo ter najdejavnejše raziskovalce, ki se ukvarjajo s tem področjem. Za osnovo naše raziskave so bili članki pridobljeni iz baze Scopus. Za izvedbo bibliometrične razčlenitve in načrtovanja omrežja sta bila uporabljena MS Excel in VOS viewer. Tako je bilo v 167 revijah najdenih 430 izvirnih člankov in znanstvenih ocen z 22 tematskimi področji Scopusa. Največ člankov je bilo objavljenih v Science of Gymnastics Journal (76). Ti članki so tudi največkrat navedeni viri (294). Avtorjev je 28 s pet do petnajstimi članki, katerih navedbe tvorijo večino mreže navajanja virov. Večina raziskav orodne telovadbe je objavljenih v revijah, ki pokrivajo teme, kot so medicina, zdravstveni poklici in družboslovje, pri čemer prva prejme največ navedb