10 research outputs found

    Prevention and treatment of necrotizing enterocolitis in newborns

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    Nekrotizirajući enterokolitis je gangrenozna upala crijeva karakteristična za neonatalnu dob. Jedna je od najzagonetnijih bolesti kojoj patogeneza nije poznata ali je prihvaćeno da je multifaktorska. Nekrotizirajući enterokolitis ima široki spektar kliničkih manifestacija koji može varirati od tipične slike prostriranog novorođenčeta velikog i napetog trbuha s krvavim stolicama i povraćanjem sadržaja obojenog žući, do slike djeteta koje ima samo povremeni nalaz krvi u stolici, ne podnosi hranu ili zadržava hranu u želucu. Bolest se dijagnosticira na temelju kliničke slike upotpunjene sa radiološkim i laboratorijskim nalazima. Liječenje može biti konzervativno u smislu nadoknade tekućine, mehaničke ventilacije, dekompresije gastrointestinalnog trakta nazogastričnom sondom, prekida enteralnog hranjenja uz prelazak na potpuno parenteralno hranjenje te primjene antibiotika. Ako se uz konzervativno liječenje postavi indikacija prelazi se na kirurško liječenje. Ovisno o opsežnosti bolesti i stanju bolesnog djeteta primjenjuju se različiti kirurški postupci: resekcije jasno demarkiranog gangrenoznog crijeva sa enterostomijom, resekcije sa anastomozom, a u slučajevima sa nejasnom vitalnošću crijeva ili multifokalnom bolešću dekompresije proksimalnom stomom ili kombinacije kirurških dekompresijsko-drenažnih operacija. Osobitost skupine nedonoščadi vrlo male porođajne težine s nekrotizirajućim enterokolitisom je i mogućnost liječenja primjenom peritonealne drenaže. Osim liječenja, velika se važnost posvećuje pronalaženju uspješne metode prevencije nekrotizirajućeg enterokolitisa koju se unatoč brojnim istraživanjima danas još uvijek nije pronašlo.Necrotizing enterocolitis is a gangrenous intestinal inflammation characteristic for neonatal age. It is one of the most mysterious diseases with unknown pathogenesis however it is acknowledged as multifactorial. Necrotizing enterocolitis has a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations which may vary from the typical image of a prostrated newborn with a large and taut belly as well as with bloody stools and vomiting content colored bile, or to a picture of a child with a casual finding blood in the stool and that can't stand the food or can't reatin food in the stomach. The disease is diagnosed based on clinical features complemented with radiological and laboratory findings. Treatment can be conservative such as compensation of fluid, mechanical ventilation, decompression of the gastrointestinal tract with nasogastric tube, interruption of enteral feeding with the transition to a fully parenteral nutrition and the application of antibiotics. In addition to conservative treatment, if there is an indication we proceed to the surgical treatment. Depending on the extent of disease and patient characteristics, a number of different surgical options may be undertaken including resection of clearly demarcated gangrenous bowel with enter ostomy, resection with anastomosis and in situations with marginally viable bowel or multifocal disease decompression with proximal enter ostomy or combination of different decompression and drainage surgical techniques. Especially in group of very small birth weight babies with necrotizing enterocolitis the use of peritoneal drainage could be used as treatment option. Great importance is paid to finding effective methods of prevention necrotizing enterocolitis that is still not found despite significant scientific efforts

    Prevention and treatment of necrotizing enterocolitis in newborns

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    Nekrotizirajući enterokolitis je gangrenozna upala crijeva karakteristična za neonatalnu dob. Jedna je od najzagonetnijih bolesti kojoj patogeneza nije poznata ali je prihvaćeno da je multifaktorska. Nekrotizirajući enterokolitis ima široki spektar kliničkih manifestacija koji može varirati od tipične slike prostriranog novorođenčeta velikog i napetog trbuha s krvavim stolicama i povraćanjem sadržaja obojenog žući, do slike djeteta koje ima samo povremeni nalaz krvi u stolici, ne podnosi hranu ili zadržava hranu u želucu. Bolest se dijagnosticira na temelju kliničke slike upotpunjene sa radiološkim i laboratorijskim nalazima. Liječenje može biti konzervativno u smislu nadoknade tekućine, mehaničke ventilacije, dekompresije gastrointestinalnog trakta nazogastričnom sondom, prekida enteralnog hranjenja uz prelazak na potpuno parenteralno hranjenje te primjene antibiotika. Ako se uz konzervativno liječenje postavi indikacija prelazi se na kirurško liječenje. Ovisno o opsežnosti bolesti i stanju bolesnog djeteta primjenjuju se različiti kirurški postupci: resekcije jasno demarkiranog gangrenoznog crijeva sa enterostomijom, resekcije sa anastomozom, a u slučajevima sa nejasnom vitalnošću crijeva ili multifokalnom bolešću dekompresije proksimalnom stomom ili kombinacije kirurških dekompresijsko-drenažnih operacija. Osobitost skupine nedonoščadi vrlo male porođajne težine s nekrotizirajućim enterokolitisom je i mogućnost liječenja primjenom peritonealne drenaže. Osim liječenja, velika se važnost posvećuje pronalaženju uspješne metode prevencije nekrotizirajućeg enterokolitisa koju se unatoč brojnim istraživanjima danas još uvijek nije pronašlo.Necrotizing enterocolitis is a gangrenous intestinal inflammation characteristic for neonatal age. It is one of the most mysterious diseases with unknown pathogenesis however it is acknowledged as multifactorial. Necrotizing enterocolitis has a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations which may vary from the typical image of a prostrated newborn with a large and taut belly as well as with bloody stools and vomiting content colored bile, or to a picture of a child with a casual finding blood in the stool and that can't stand the food or can't reatin food in the stomach. The disease is diagnosed based on clinical features complemented with radiological and laboratory findings. Treatment can be conservative such as compensation of fluid, mechanical ventilation, decompression of the gastrointestinal tract with nasogastric tube, interruption of enteral feeding with the transition to a fully parenteral nutrition and the application of antibiotics. In addition to conservative treatment, if there is an indication we proceed to the surgical treatment. Depending on the extent of disease and patient characteristics, a number of different surgical options may be undertaken including resection of clearly demarcated gangrenous bowel with enter ostomy, resection with anastomosis and in situations with marginally viable bowel or multifocal disease decompression with proximal enter ostomy or combination of different decompression and drainage surgical techniques. Especially in group of very small birth weight babies with necrotizing enterocolitis the use of peritoneal drainage could be used as treatment option. Great importance is paid to finding effective methods of prevention necrotizing enterocolitis that is still not found despite significant scientific efforts


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    Egzotermna reakcija sadre iznimno je važno svojstvo koje treba poznavati s obzirom na komplikacije što mogu nastati zbog povišenja temperature u tijeku sadrenja. Razvoj komplikacija izravno utječe na tijek, duljinu i kvalitetu liječenja. U ovom radu bilježe se temperature površine sadrenih pripravaka veličine 10 × 10 cm, brzovežućim sadrenim zavojem širine 10 cm, triju različitih proizvođača: Safix plus (Hartmann, Njemačka), Cellona (Lohmann & Rauscher, Austrija) i Gipsan (Ivo Lola Ribar d. o. o., Hrvatska). Priređene su tri debljine sadrenih pločica (10, 15 i 30 slojeva). Sadrenje je načinjeno u vodi temperature 22 i 34 °C. Unatoč sličnom obrascu ponašanja svih triju sadrenih zavoja izmjerene su razlike. Sve tri vrste sadrenih zavoja koji se rabe u Hrvatskoj u standardnim uvjetima sadrenja imaju nisku razinu egzotermne reakcije, a prosječne su površne temperature niske te nema potencijalne opasnosti od opeklinskih ozljeda. Ako se sadrenje obavljalo u vodi temperature 34 °C, najviše srednje temperature zabilježene su na pločicama (u 15 slojeva) sadrenog zavoja Gipsan (46,2 °C), zatim Cellone (41,3 °C) i Safixa plus (38,9 °C). Pri istoj temperaturi vode sadrenja najviša srednja temperatura izmjerena je na površini pločice (30 slojeva) sadrenog zavoja Gipsan (48,4 °C), zatim Cellone (45,4 °C), a najniža kod pločica sadrenog zavoja Safix plus (41,7 °C). Kada se rabe u debljini od 15 do 30 slojeva, a sadre se vodom temperature 34 °C, sadrene pločice svih proizvođača razvijaju srednje temperature više od 40 °C, u trajanju od 8 do 12 minuta. Od ispitivanih sadrenih zavoja Gipsan (Ivo Lola Ribar d. o. o., Hrvatska) razvijao je najviše temperature, a neke pločice bile su ugrijane na 50 °C. Razine egzotermnih reakcija ispitivanih sadrenih zavoja međusobno se razlikuju prema svim ispitivanim uvjetima, posebice pri sadrenju vodom temperature 34 °C.Exothermic reaction of plaster is a very important characteristic to understand, especially when it comes to complications which can occur during local temperature change during molding plaster of Paris. And these complications directly influence the speed and quality of treatment. In this paper we measured temperatures of plaster bandage tiles 10×10 cm, from three different manufacturers in Croatian hospitals: Safix plus (Hartmann, Germany), Cellona (Lohmann &Rauscher, Austria) and Gipsan ( Ivo Lola Ribar, Croatia). We made three different plaster tiles 10×10 cm, from 10, 15 and 30 layers of plaster bandages. We immersed plaster tiles in two different water temperatures, one group in water 22 °C, and another in 34 °C. Although all plaster bandages have similar chemical characteristics, we have measured some differences. All three kinds of plaster bandages used in Croatia have low exothermic reaction when plaster molding is done in standard conditions, average local temperature is low and there is no danger of local burns. We immersed a plaster tile with 15 layers in water on 34° C, and highest average temperature was measured at Gipsan (46.2 °C), then Cellona (41.3 °C) and Safix plus (38.9 °C). On the same water immersion temperature, on plaster tile with 30 layers average temperatures were Gipsan (48.4°C), Cellona (45.4 °C), and lowest in Safix plus (41.3 °C). Plaster tiles form all manufacturers, when used 15-30 layers thick, and water immersion temperature is 34°C, develop average temperature over 40°C, in duration from 8-12 minutes. Between three different plaster bandages analyzed, Gipsan (Ivo Lola Ribar, Croatia) developed highest temperature, and some plaster tiles were measured over 50 °C

    Fizikalna svojstva sadrenih zavoja [Physical properties of plaster bandages]

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    The physical properties of plaster bandages are a very important factor in achieving the basic functions of immobilization (maintaining bone fragments in the best possible position), which directly affects the speed and quality of fracture healing. This paper compares the differences between the physical properties of plaster bandages (mass, specific weight, drying rate, elasticity and strength) and records the differences in plaster modeling of fast bonding 10 cm wide plaster bandages, from three different manufacturers: Safix plus (Hartmann, Germany), Cellona (Lohman Rauscher, Austria) and Gipsan (Ivo Lola Ribar ltd., Croatia). Plaster tiles from ten layers of plaster, dimension 10 x 10 cm were made. The total number of tiles from each manufacturer was 48. The water temperature of 22 °C was used for the first 24 tiles and 34 'C was used for the remainder. The average specific weight of the original packaging was: Cellona (0.52 g/cm3), Gipsan (0.50 g/cm3), Safix plus (0.38 g/cm3). Three days after plaster tile modeling an average specific weight of the tiles was: Gipsan (1.15 g/cm3), Safix plus (1.00 g/cm3), Cellona (1.10 g/cm3). The average humidity of 50% for Safix plus and Cellona plaster tiles was recorded 18 hours after modeling, while for the Gipsan plaster tiles, this humidity value was seen after 48 hours. On the third day after plaster modeling the average humidity of the plaster tiles was 30% for Gipsan, 24% for Safix and 16% for Cellona. Cellona plaster tiles made with 34 °C water achieved the highest elasticity (11.75±3.18 MPa), and Gipsan plaster tiles made with 22 °C had the lowest (7.21±0.9 MPa). Cellona plaster tiles made with 34 °C water showed maximum material strength (4390±838 MPa), and Gipsan plaster tiles made with 22 °C water showed the lowest material strength (771±367 MPa). The rigidity and strength of Cellona and Gipsan plaster are higher in tiles made in warmer water, and for Safix plus are higher in tiles made in cooler water. All three types of plaster differentiate in physical properties. The differences in mass and specific weight before and after plaster modeling are minimal. There are greater differences in drying rate, elasticity and strength between the three different plaster materials


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    Fizikalna svojstva sadrenih zavoja bitan su čimbenik u ostvarenju osnovne funkcije sadrenih imobilizacija (zadržavanje ulomaka kosti u dobrom položaju), a time izravno utječu na brzinu i kvalitetu cijeljenja prijeloma. U ovom radu mjere se fizikalna svojstva (masa, specifična težina, brzina sušenja, krutost i čvrstoća) i bilježe razlike sadrenog ­postupka, brzovežućih sadrenih zavoja širine 10 cm triju različitih proizvođača: Safix plus (Hartmann, Njemačka), Cellona (Lohman Rauscher, Austrija) i Gipsan (Ivo Lola Ribar d. o. o., Hrvatska). Sadreno je deset slojeva zavoja u pločice dimenzija 10 × 10 cm. Od svakog proizvoda načinjene su 24 pločice sadrene u vodi temperature 22 °C i isto toliko u vodi temperature 34 °C. Prosječna specifična težina originalnog pakiranja zavoja bila je: Cellona 0,52 g/cm3, Gipsan 0,50 g/cm3, Safix plus 0,38 g/cm3. Tri dana nakon sadrenja prosječna specifična težina pločica bila je: Gipsan 1,15 g/cm3, Safix plus 1,00 g/cm3, Cellona 1,10 g/cm3. Prosječna vlažnost od 50% pločicâ Safix i Cellona trajala je 18 sati, a pločicâ Gipsan 48 sati nakon sadrenja. Treći dan nakon sadrenja prosječna vlažnost pločica Gipsan bila je 30%, Safixa 24%, a Cellone 16%. Najveću krutost imale su pločice sadrenog zavoja Cellona sadrene vodom temperature 34 °C (11,75 ± 3,18 MPa), a najma­nju (7,21 ± 0,9 MPa) pločice sadrenog zavoja Gipsan sadrene vodom temperature 22 °C. Sadreni zavoj Cellona, sadren vodom temperature 34 °C, pokazuje najveću čvrstoću materijala (4390 ± 838 MPa), a najmanju (771 ± 367 MPa) pločice sadrenog zavoja Gipsan sadrene vodom temperature 22 °C. Sadrenjem zavoja Cellona i Gipsan u toplijoj vodi (34 °C) pločice su bile veće krutosti i čvrstoće. Pločice Safix plus nemaju ovo svojstvo. Sve tri vrste sadrenih zavoja razlikuju se prema fizikalnim svojstvima. S obzirom na masu i specifičnu težinu prije i nakon sadrenja razlike su minimalne. Prema brzini sušenja, čvrstoći i krutosti postoje veće razlike.The physical properties of plaster bandages are a very important factor in achieving the basic functions of ­immobilization (maintaining bone fragments in the best possible position), which directly affects the speed and quality of fracture healing. This paper compares the differences between the physical properties of plaster bandages (mass, specific weight, drying rate, elasticity and strength) and records the differences in plaster modeling of fast bonding 10 cm wide plaster bandages, from three different manufacturers: Safix plus (Hartmann, Germany), Cellona (Lohman Rauscher, Austria) and Gipsan (Ivo Lola Ribar ltd., Croatia). Plaster tiles from ten layers of plaster, dimension 10 x 10 cm were made. The total number of tiles from each manufacturer was 48. The water temperature of 22 °C was used for the first 24 tiles and 34 °C was used for the remainder. The average specific weight of the original packaging was: Cellona (0.52 g/cm3), Gipsan (0.50 g/cm3), Safix plus (0.38 g / cm3). Three days after plaster tile modeling an average specific weight of the tiles was: Gipsan (1.15 g/cm3), Safix plus (1.00 g/cm3), Cellona (1.10 g/cm3). The average humidity of 50% for Safix plus and ­Cellona plaster tiles was recorded 18 hours after modeling, while for the Gipsan plaster tiles, this humidity value was seen after 48 hours. On the third day after plaster modeling the average humidity of the plaster tiles was 30% for Gipsan, 24% for Safix and 16% for Cellona. Cellona plaster tiles made with 34 °C water achieved the highest elasticity (11.75±3.18 MPa), and Gipsan plaster tiles made with 22 °C had the lowest (7.21±0.9 MPa). Cellona plaster tiles made with 34 °C water showed maximum material strength (4390±838 MPa), and Gipsan plaster tiles made with 22 °C water showed the lowest material strength (771±367 MPa). The rigidity and strength of Cellona and Gipsan plaster are higher in tiles made in warmer water, and for Safix plus are higher in tiles made in cooler water. All three types of plaster differentiate in physical properties. The differences in mass and specific weight before and after plaster modeling are minimal. There are greater differences in ­drying rate, elasticity and strength between the three different plaster material


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    Fizikalna svojstva sadrenih zavoja bitan su čimbenik u ostvarenju osnovne funkcije sadrenih imobilizacija (zadržavanje ulomaka kosti u dobrom položaju), a time izravno utječu na brzinu i kvalitetu cijeljenja prijeloma. U ovom radu mjere se fizikalna svojstva (masa, specifična težina, brzina sušenja, krutost i čvrstoća) i bilježe razlike sadrenog ­postupka, brzovežućih sadrenih zavoja širine 10 cm triju različitih proizvođača: Safix plus (Hartmann, Njemačka), Cellona (Lohman Rauscher, Austrija) i Gipsan (Ivo Lola Ribar d. o. o., Hrvatska). Sadreno je deset slojeva zavoja u pločice dimenzija 10 × 10 cm. Od svakog proizvoda načinjene su 24 pločice sadrene u vodi temperature 22 °C i isto toliko u vodi temperature 34 °C. Prosječna specifična težina originalnog pakiranja zavoja bila je: Cellona 0,52 g/cm3, Gipsan 0,50 g/cm3, Safix plus 0,38 g/cm3. Tri dana nakon sadrenja prosječna specifična težina pločica bila je: Gipsan 1,15 g/cm3, Safix plus 1,00 g/cm3, Cellona 1,10 g/cm3. Prosječna vlažnost od 50% pločicâ Safix i Cellona trajala je 18 sati, a pločicâ Gipsan 48 sati nakon sadrenja. Treći dan nakon sadrenja prosječna vlažnost pločica Gipsan bila je 30%, Safixa 24%, a Cellone 16%. Najveću krutost imale su pločice sadrenog zavoja Cellona sadrene vodom temperature 34 °C (11,75 ± 3,18 MPa), a najma­nju (7,21 ± 0,9 MPa) pločice sadrenog zavoja Gipsan sadrene vodom temperature 22 °C. Sadreni zavoj Cellona, sadren vodom temperature 34 °C, pokazuje najveću čvrstoću materijala (4390 ± 838 MPa), a najmanju (771 ± 367 MPa) pločice sadrenog zavoja Gipsan sadrene vodom temperature 22 °C. Sadrenjem zavoja Cellona i Gipsan u toplijoj vodi (34 °C) pločice su bile veće krutosti i čvrstoće. Pločice Safix plus nemaju ovo svojstvo. Sve tri vrste sadrenih zavoja razlikuju se prema fizikalnim svojstvima. S obzirom na masu i specifičnu težinu prije i nakon sadrenja razlike su minimalne. Prema brzini sušenja, čvrstoći i krutosti postoje veće razlike.The physical properties of plaster bandages are a very important factor in achieving the basic functions of ­immobilization (maintaining bone fragments in the best possible position), which directly affects the speed and quality of fracture healing. This paper compares the differences between the physical properties of plaster bandages (mass, specific weight, drying rate, elasticity and strength) and records the differences in plaster modeling of fast bonding 10 cm wide plaster bandages, from three different manufacturers: Safix plus (Hartmann, Germany), Cellona (Lohman Rauscher, Austria) and Gipsan (Ivo Lola Ribar ltd., Croatia). Plaster tiles from ten layers of plaster, dimension 10 x 10 cm were made. The total number of tiles from each manufacturer was 48. The water temperature of 22 °C was used for the first 24 tiles and 34 °C was used for the remainder. The average specific weight of the original packaging was: Cellona (0.52 g/cm3), Gipsan (0.50 g/cm3), Safix plus (0.38 g / cm3). Three days after plaster tile modeling an average specific weight of the tiles was: Gipsan (1.15 g/cm3), Safix plus (1.00 g/cm3), Cellona (1.10 g/cm3). The average humidity of 50% for Safix plus and ­Cellona plaster tiles was recorded 18 hours after modeling, while for the Gipsan plaster tiles, this humidity value was seen after 48 hours. On the third day after plaster modeling the average humidity of the plaster tiles was 30% for Gipsan, 24% for Safix and 16% for Cellona. Cellona plaster tiles made with 34 °C water achieved the highest elasticity (11.75±3.18 MPa), and Gipsan plaster tiles made with 22 °C had the lowest (7.21±0.9 MPa). Cellona plaster tiles made with 34 °C water showed maximum material strength (4390±838 MPa), and Gipsan plaster tiles made with 22 °C water showed the lowest material strength (771±367 MPa). The rigidity and strength of Cellona and Gipsan plaster are higher in tiles made in warmer water, and for Safix plus are higher in tiles made in cooler water. All three types of plaster differentiate in physical properties. The differences in mass and specific weight before and after plaster modeling are minimal. There are greater differences in ­drying rate, elasticity and strength between the three different plaster material

    Prevention and treatment of necrotizing enterocolitis in newborns

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    Nekrotizirajući enterokolitis je gangrenozna upala crijeva karakteristična za neonatalnu dob. Jedna je od najzagonetnijih bolesti kojoj patogeneza nije poznata ali je prihvaćeno da je multifaktorska. Nekrotizirajući enterokolitis ima široki spektar kliničkih manifestacija koji može varirati od tipične slike prostriranog novorođenčeta velikog i napetog trbuha s krvavim stolicama i povraćanjem sadržaja obojenog žući, do slike djeteta koje ima samo povremeni nalaz krvi u stolici, ne podnosi hranu ili zadržava hranu u želucu. Bolest se dijagnosticira na temelju kliničke slike upotpunjene sa radiološkim i laboratorijskim nalazima. Liječenje može biti konzervativno u smislu nadoknade tekućine, mehaničke ventilacije, dekompresije gastrointestinalnog trakta nazogastričnom sondom, prekida enteralnog hranjenja uz prelazak na potpuno parenteralno hranjenje te primjene antibiotika. Ako se uz konzervativno liječenje postavi indikacija prelazi se na kirurško liječenje. Ovisno o opsežnosti bolesti i stanju bolesnog djeteta primjenjuju se različiti kirurški postupci: resekcije jasno demarkiranog gangrenoznog crijeva sa enterostomijom, resekcije sa anastomozom, a u slučajevima sa nejasnom vitalnošću crijeva ili multifokalnom bolešću dekompresije proksimalnom stomom ili kombinacije kirurških dekompresijsko-drenažnih operacija. Osobitost skupine nedonoščadi vrlo male porođajne težine s nekrotizirajućim enterokolitisom je i mogućnost liječenja primjenom peritonealne drenaže. Osim liječenja, velika se važnost posvećuje pronalaženju uspješne metode prevencije nekrotizirajućeg enterokolitisa koju se unatoč brojnim istraživanjima danas još uvijek nije pronašlo.Necrotizing enterocolitis is a gangrenous intestinal inflammation characteristic for neonatal age. It is one of the most mysterious diseases with unknown pathogenesis however it is acknowledged as multifactorial. Necrotizing enterocolitis has a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations which may vary from the typical image of a prostrated newborn with a large and taut belly as well as with bloody stools and vomiting content colored bile, or to a picture of a child with a casual finding blood in the stool and that can't stand the food or can't reatin food in the stomach. The disease is diagnosed based on clinical features complemented with radiological and laboratory findings. Treatment can be conservative such as compensation of fluid, mechanical ventilation, decompression of the gastrointestinal tract with nasogastric tube, interruption of enteral feeding with the transition to a fully parenteral nutrition and the application of antibiotics. In addition to conservative treatment, if there is an indication we proceed to the surgical treatment. Depending on the extent of disease and patient characteristics, a number of different surgical options may be undertaken including resection of clearly demarcated gangrenous bowel with enter ostomy, resection with anastomosis and in situations with marginally viable bowel or multifocal disease decompression with proximal enter ostomy or combination of different decompression and drainage surgical techniques. Especially in group of very small birth weight babies with necrotizing enterocolitis the use of peritoneal drainage could be used as treatment option. Great importance is paid to finding effective methods of prevention necrotizing enterocolitis that is still not found despite significant scientific efforts

    8th international scientific conference on kinesiology: 20th anniversary : proceedings

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    We are exceptionally happy that we can greet you once more on this occasion. The Faculty of Kinesiology, as a proud member of the University of Zagreb and a higher education institution that is 57 years old, is organizing The International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology for the 8th time. Identically as three years ago, this is a good opportunity to remember some important anniversaries. First of all, this year we celebrate 160 years since Nicolas Dally published his work in 1857 under the title “Kinesiology – Science of Movement in Relation to Education, Hygiene and Therapy”. This was the first book that introduced Kinesiology as a science of movement. The second important anniversary is 20 years since the establishment of our Conference. In 1997 the first International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology was held in Dubrovnik. Until today a great number of leading experts in the field of contemporary kinesiology were keynote lectures and presenters of the most important scientific breakthroughs in the field. Once again, the Conference will be a great opportunity for broadening of scientific insights into this miraculous, beautiful phenomenon of physical activity and its effects – its perfection when performed by sport artists, as seen at the XXXI Olympic Games, its joyfulness when happy children enjoy being competent to be in motion, or when we see eager people who enjoy life and nature because they have enough energy and they are healthy thanks to an active lifestyle. We are especially proud of the 17th place on the medal list thanks to the ten Olympic medals won by Croatian athletes. All fundamental and applied fields of our science will be discussed within 10 tentative sessions and 3 Satellite symposiums. The ultimate purpose of papers or abstracts published in this Proceedings book is to know and understand human beings and to apply the findings in everyday practice of education, sports, health promotion, recreation, sports management and kinesitherapy. The Proceedings Book contains 249 contributions, which were submitted by the submission deadline, written by 557 authors from 30 countries from all over the world. We expect a number of graduate, doctoral and postdoctoral students from Croatia and abroad for whom the Conference School of Kinesiology for Postgraduate and Doctoral Students will be organised during the Conference. From the very beginning the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts has given its highly respected patronage to the Conference, thus underpinning the recognition of kinesiology in the structure of sciences. Special thanks go to our partner institutions: Beijing Sports University, China and the Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, to our collaboration institutions: the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Lithuania, the Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany and the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. We wish to express much gratitude to all the authors, reviewers, participants, members of the Organisation and Program Committee, Section Editors, technical support staff, and sponsors for their contributions, time and effort inbuilt in the quality of the 8th International Conference on Kinesiology and its Proceedings. We wish success in the conference work to all the participants and a pleasant time in Opatija. Convinced that the Conference will give the expected impetus to further cooperation between scholars and institutions, we are looking forward in advance to meeting you again at the 9th International Conference on Kinesiology in 2020. Organising Committe

    8th international scientific conference on kinesiology: 20th anniversary : proceedings

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    We are exceptionally happy that we can greet you once more on this occasion. The Faculty of Kinesiology, as a proud member of the University of Zagreb and a higher education institution that is 57 years old, is organizing The International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology for the 8th time. Identically as three years ago, this is a good opportunity to remember some important anniversaries. First of all, this year we celebrate 160 years since Nicolas Dally published his work in 1857 under the title “Kinesiology – Science of Movement in Relation to Education, Hygiene and Therapy”. This was the first book that introduced Kinesiology as a science of movement. The second important anniversary is 20 years since the establishment of our Conference. In 1997 the first International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology was held in Dubrovnik. Until today a great number of leading experts in the field of contemporary kinesiology were keynote lectures and presenters of the most important scientific breakthroughs in the field. Once again, the Conference will be a great opportunity for broadening of scientific insights into this miraculous, beautiful phenomenon of physical activity and its effects – its perfection when performed by sport artists, as seen at the XXXI Olympic Games, its joyfulness when happy children enjoy being competent to be in motion, or when we see eager people who enjoy life and nature because they have enough energy and they are healthy thanks to an active lifestyle. We are especially proud of the 17th place on the medal list thanks to the ten Olympic medals won by Croatian athletes. All fundamental and applied fields of our science will be discussed within 10 tentative sessions and 3 Satellite symposiums. The ultimate purpose of papers or abstracts published in this Proceedings book is to know and understand human beings and to apply the findings in everyday practice of education, sports, health promotion, recreation, sports management and kinesitherapy. The Proceedings Book contains 249 contributions, which were submitted by the submission deadline, written by 557 authors from 30 countries from all over the world. We expect a number of graduate, doctoral and postdoctoral students from Croatia and abroad for whom the Conference School of Kinesiology for Postgraduate and Doctoral Students will be organised during the Conference. From the very beginning the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts has given its highly respected patronage to the Conference, thus underpinning the recognition of kinesiology in the structure of sciences. Special thanks go to our partner institutions: Beijing Sports University, China and the Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, to our collaboration institutions: the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Lithuania, the Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany and the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. We wish to express much gratitude to all the authors, reviewers, participants, members of the Organisation and Program Committee, Section Editors, technical support staff, and sponsors for their contributions, time and effort inbuilt in the quality of the 8th International Conference on Kinesiology and its Proceedings. We wish success in the conference work to all the participants and a pleasant time in Opatija. Convinced that the Conference will give the expected impetus to further cooperation between scholars and institutions, we are looking forward in advance to meeting you again at the 9th International Conference on Kinesiology in 2020. Organising Committe