18 research outputs found

    Maxillary lesion presenting as a first sign of multiple myeloma : case report

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    Plasma cell neoplasia is a lymphoid neoplastic proliferation of B cells. This denomination encloses multiple myeloma (MM), solitary bone plasmacytoma and extramedullary plasmacytoma. MM consists of a clonal proliferation of plasma cells based in the bone marrow, with various degrees of differentiation. Neoplastic cells usually produce great amounts of monoclonal light or heavy chains of immunoglobulin that can be detected in serum or urine. The disease is more frequently in men and the average age at diagnosis is about 60 years. The diagnosis is established by blood and urine exams and medullary biopsy. Patients may present renal failure, bone pain, fatigue, recurrent infections and nervous system dysfunction. Oral manifestations may be the first sign of MM, highlighting the importance of the dentist in the early diagnosis of the disease. Treatment involves mainly irradiation and chemotherapy and the prognosis is generally poor. This paper reports a case of a 65 years old black female who had a complaint of a painful mass in the maxilla that prompted a MM diagnosis

    Avaliação das características mamográficas, ultrassonográficas e histopatológicas de uma série de lesões neoplásicas malignas de origem epitelial da mama.

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    Background and Objectives: This study’s objective was to evaluate the correlation between mammographic, ultrasonographic and histopathological exams in order for it’s results to be better applied. Methods: The data was retrieved, in a retrospective way, from patient charts whose patients had histopathological confirmation of mammary carcinoma and received treatment from a private clinic in Teresina from January to December of 2008. Results: A data retrieving chart was created, with the objective of relating age, mammographic, ultrasonographic and histopathological evaluations from patients. Histopathological evaluation showed 92,3% of invasive carcinoma, between carcinoma types, the most frequent was ductal, with 88,46%. In the ultrasonographic analysis, the axillary hollow region was affected in 23,8% and the evaluation of suspect lesions revealed nodule as the dominant morphologic aspect with 90,48% and irregular margins of 60%, the average lesional size was 1,5 cm and the most common BI-RADS classification was category IV with 76,2%. Mammographic evaluation showed 31,82% of linfonodomegalia, the dominant morphologic aspect was nodule with 81,81% and the evaluation of lesions revealed irregular margins in 77,7%, the average lesional size was 1,8 cm. The most common category was classification IV with 72,72%. Analyzing the correlation between the two methods, there was an 86,15% agreement. Conclusion: It can be concluded that greater efforts must be employed in order to enable detection of early lesions, given that more than 90% of patients had a type infiltrative lesions and with an average size greater than 1.5 cm diameter.KEYWORDS: Neoplasm. Mammography. Breast ultrasound.Justificativa e Objetivos: O câncer de mama é um dos cânceres mais comuns em mulheres representa um importante problema de saúde publica, sendo hoje a principal causa de morte. Sua detecção precoce é a chave para o tratamento e a cura dos pacientes. O objetivo do estudo foi descrever as características mamográficas, ultrassonográficas e histopatológicas de carcinomas mamários no diagnóstico, bem como avaliar a correlação da mamografia e ultrassonografia. Métodos: Estudo transversal retrospectivo utilizando-se dados secundários de prontuários de 26 pacientes que tiveram confirmação histopatológica de carcinoma de mama atendidos em uma clínica particular de Teresina-PI no período de Janeiro a Dezembro de 2008. Resultados: A análise histopatológica revelou que 92,3% dos casos diagnosticados foram carcinomas invasivos, entre os tipos o mais freqüente foi ductal, com 88,46%. Na análise ultrassonográfica, o aspecto morfológico predominante de nódulo com 90,48% e margens irregulares em 60%, o tamanho lesional médio foi de 1,5 cm e a classificação BI-RADS mais comum foi a categoria IV com 76,2%. Na análise mamográfica, observou-se aspecto morfológico predominante de nódulo com 81,81% e a avaliação das lesões revelou margens irregulares em 77,7%, o tamanho lesional médio foi de 1,8 cm. A categoria mais comum foi a classificação IV, com 72,72%. Comparando-se os resultados nos 2 métodos, obteve-se concordância geral de 86,15%. Conclusão: Pode-se concluir que, maiores esforços devem ser empregados com o intuito de possibilitar a detecção de lesões precoces, tendo em vista que mais de 90% das pacientes já apresentavam lesões do tipo infiltrativa e com tamanho médio superior a 1,5 cm de diâmetro. DESCRITORES: Neoplasias. Mamografia. Ultrassonografia Mamária

    Analysis of dental needs of the pediatric patients attended at the screen-semiology service of FOP/UNICAMP

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    Orientador: Oswaldo Di Hipolito JuniorDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar as necessidades de tratamento odontológico de pacientes infantis com idade entre 3 e 12 anos, através da análise de 1.000 (mil) fichas clínicas e radiografias panorâmicas, feitas pelo setor de Triagem/Semiologia da Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba, UNICAMP, no período de março de 1997 a abril de 2005. A média de idade dos pacientes atendidos foi de 8,6 anos, 51,5 % eram do gênero feminino e 76,1% tinham cor de pele branca. Os principais motivos que fizeram os pacientes procurarem atendimento foram avaliação ortodôntica em 31,1% dos casos, avaliação de rotina em 21,2%. O motivo dor foi citado em 11,9%. As necessidades odontológicas mais freqüentes entre os pacientes avaliados foram: tratamento restaurador em 65,7%, correções ortodônticas em 38,8% e exodontias em 21,4%. Observou-se que 29% das crianças estavam livres de cárie, não necessitando de qualquer tipo de tratamento curativo. Com a avaliação das radiografias panorâmicas, pudemos observar que os achados mais comuns foram agenesias dentárias em 4,2%, anomalia de forma ou tamanho em 1,5% e presença de supranumerários em 0,9% das radiografias. Conclui-se que os pacientes infantis atendidos na FOP-UNICAMP são, predominantemente, do gênero feminino e de cor branca. A maioria tem necessidades na área de dentística e ortodontia, tendo como achados radiográficos mais freqüentes as alterações de número, forma e tamanho dentaisAbstract: The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the dental care needs of pediatric patients with age ranged from 3 to 12 years. A total of 1.000 clinical charts and panoramic radiographies performed by the Screening/ Semiology Piracicaba Dental School. UNICAMP were reviewed, from March 1997 to April 2005. The mean age of the patients was 8.6 years old, 51.5% were female and 76.1% had white skin color. The main complaints of the patients were orthodontic evaluation (31.5%), check up visit (21.2%) and pain (11.9%). The most frequent dental care needs were restorative procedure (65.7%) followed by orthodontic correction (38.8%) and dental extraction (21.4%). Twenty nine percent of the children were carie free and they did not need any curative care. The panoramic screening examination revealed that the major findings were dental agenesy (4.2%), dental anomaly of shape or size (1.5%) and the presence of supernumerary teeth (0.9%). We conclude that pediatric patients who were attended at FOP-UNICAMP are predominantly female and white. The majority needs restorative and orthodontic care, and the most usual radiographic findings are dental anomalies of number, size or shapeMestradoEstomatologiaMestre em Estomatopatologi

    Correlation among clinical and pathological characterisitics and expressions of FAS and ErbB2 in early recurrent oral squamous cell carcinoma

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    Orientador: Marcio Ajudarte LopesTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: O carcinoma espinocelular (CEC) bucal recorre em cerca de 30% dos casos. O reconhecimento de fatores prognósticos confiáveis pode resultar na predição do comportamento tumoral e prevenção de falhas no tratamento. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a correlação entre as características clínicas, histopatológicas e imunohistoquímicas em casos de CEC bucal com recidiva local precoce. Desta forma, 69 casos de carcinoma bucal sem tratamento prévio para tumores de cabeça e pescoço foram selecionados, sendo que 23 apresentaram recidiva precoce e 46 sem recidiva. Informações clínicas foram obtidas dos prontuários e as características histopatológicas foram avaliadas de acordo com os sistemas de gradação de Anneroth et al. (1987) e Bryne et al. (1992). Reações imunohistoquímicas foram feitas para FAS e ErbB2. Nossos resultados mostraram uma predileção pelo gênero masculino (89,85%) com idade média de 55,5 anos. Apesar de não ser estatisticamente significante, observou-se um risco relativo de 2,62 e 2,89 para que usuários de fumo e o álcool desenvolvam recidiva local, respectivamente. Notou-se relação estatisticamente significante entre o tratamento apenas cirúrgico e o desenvolvimento de recidivas (p = 0,03). A soma dos escores de Anneroth et al. (1987) maior que 15 foi estatisticamente associada à recidiva (p = 0,03). Menor expressão de FAS e maior expressão de ErbB2 citoplasmático foram estatisticamente associadas à recidiva tumoral (p = 0,01). Estiveram associados à pior sobrevida: o uso de álcool (p = 0,0028), e piores escores obtidos nos parâmetros queratinização (p < 0,0001), padrão de invasão (p < 0,0001) e inflamação (p < 0,0001) segundo Anneroth et al. (1987). A maior expressão de FAS esteve também significativamente associada à maior sobrevida global dos pacientes (p = 0,0002). Apesar de não estatisticamente significante, FAS foi correlacionada com a queratinização (p = 0,08) e de forma significante estatisticamente, a queratinização relacionou-se com ErbB2 expresso em membrana (p = 0,0006). De acordo com os nossos resultados, sugerimos a utilização do sistema de Anneroth et al. (1987), bem como o estudo imunohistoquímico com os marcadores FAS e ErbB2 para melhor compreensão do comportamento dos CECs bucaisAbstract: Oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) recurs locally in about 30% of cases. The recognition of reliable factors may result in the tumor behavior prediction and prevent treatment failures. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the correlation among clinical, histopathological and immunohistochemical features in oral SCC with early local recurrence. Sixty-nine cases of oral SCC without previous treatment for head and neck tumors were selected, being: 23 cases with early local recurrence and 46 cases without recurrence. Clinical data were obtained from the medical records and the histopathological features were assessed according Anneroth¿s and Bryne¿s histological grading of malignancy. Immunohistochemical reactions for FAS and ErbB2 were performed. Our results showed a male predilection (89.85%), with a mean age of 55.5 years. Although there were no statistical differences, relative risks of 2.62 and 2.89 were observed for smokers and alcohol drinkers have local recurrence, respectively. Significant differences were observed between surgical treatment and local recurrence (p = 0.03). The sum of the Anneroth¿s histological grading degrees exceeding 15 was statistically associated to local recurrence (p = 0.03). Lower FAS and more cytoplasmic ErbB2 expression were statistically correlated to local recurrence (p = 0.01). An association between overall survival and alcohol use was observed (p = 0.0028). The parameters keratinization (p < 0.0001), mode of invasion (p < 0.0001) and lymphoplasmocytic infiltration (p < 0.0001) according Anneroth¿s histological grading were related to overall survival. More FAS expression was also associated with better overall patients survival (p = 0.0002). Although there was no statistical difference, FAS was related to keratinization (p = 0.08), similar but statistically, keratinization was associated with membrane ErbB2 expression (p = 0.0006). According our results, we suggest the use of Anneroth¿s histological grading system as well as the immunohistochemical markers FAS and ErbB2, for best comprehension of OSCC¿s behaviorDoutoradoEstomatologiaDoutor em Estomatopatologi

    Maxillary Lesion Presenting As A First Sign Of Multiple Myeloma: Case Report.

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    Plasma cell neoplasia is a lymphoid neoplastic proliferation of B cells. This denomination encloses multiple myeloma (MM), solitary bone plasmacytoma and extramedullary plasmacytoma. MM consists of a clonal proliferation of plasma cells based in the bone marrow, with various degrees of differentiation. Neoplastic cells usually produce great amounts of monoclonal light or heavy chains of immunoglobulin that can be detected in serum or urine. The disease is more frequently in men and the average age at diagnosis is about 60 years. The diagnosis is established by blood and urine exams and medullary biopsy. Patients may present renal failure, bone pain, fatigue, recurrent infections and nervous system dysfunction. Oral manifestations may be the first sign of MM, highlighting the importance of the dentist in the early diagnosis of the disease. Treatment involves mainly irradiation and chemotherapy and the prognosis is generally poor. This paper reports a case of a 65 years old black female who had a complaint of a painful mass in the maxilla that prompted a MM diagnosis.12E344-