60 research outputs found

    Minisuperspace dynamics in a generalized uncertainty principle framework

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    The minisuperspace dynamics of the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) and of the Taub Universes in the context of a Generalized Uncertainty Principle is analyzed in detail. In particular, the motion of the wave packets is investigated and, in both the models, the classical singularity appear to be probabilistic suppressed. Moreover, the FRW wave packets approach the Planckian region in a stationary way and no evidences for a Big-Bounce, as predicted in Loop Quantum Cosmology, appear. On the other hand, the Taub wave packets provide the right behavior in predicting an isotropic Universe.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; to appear in the proceedings of the 4th Italian-Sino Workshop on Relativistic Astrophysics, AIP Conference Serie

    Optimization of the KNN Supervised Classification Algorithm as a Support Tool for the Implantation of Deep Brain Stimulators in Patients with Parkinson's Disease

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    Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) of the Subthalamic Nuclei (STN) is the most used surgical treatment to improve motor skills in patients with Parkinson's Disease (PD) who do not adequately respond to pharmacological treatment, or have related side effects. During surgery for the implantation of a DBS system, signals are obtained through microelectrodes recordings (MER) at different depths of the brain. These signals are analyzed by neurophysiologists to detect the entry and exit of the STN region, as well as the optimal depth for electrode implantation. In the present work, a classification model is developed and supervised by the K-nearest neighbour algorithm (KNN), which is automatically trained from the 18 temporal features of MER registers of 14 patients with PD in order to provide a clinical support tool during DBS surgery. We investigate the effect of different standardizations of the generated database, the optimal definition of KNN configuration parameters, and the selection of features that maximize KNN performance. The results indicated that KNN trained with data that was standardized per cerebral hemisphere and per patient presented the best performance, achieving an accuracy of 94.35% (p < 0.001). By using feature selection algorithms, it was possible to achieve 93.5% in accuracy in selecting a subset of six features, improving computation time while processing in real time

    Produção de base ecológica e agroecologia na percepção de estudantes de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)

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    O artigo analisa as percepções de estudantes de graduação do Centro de Ciências Rurais da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) referentes á Agroecologia e técnicas de produção sustentável. Pressupondo que Agroecologia e técnicas correlatas fazem parte de complexo sistema de estudos e práticas, em um novo paradigma científico e produtivo, não há consenso quanto aos conteúdos. Para verificar o nível de entendimento dos temas por parte de estudantes de ensino superior, foi realizado um questionário com amostra da população universitária da UFSM, tratando questões particulares, de entendimento dos temas, e da abordagem em aula. Observa-se alto nível de interesse para com as temáticas. Entretanto, os dados mostram dúvidas em relação aos conteúdos e insatisfação quanto ao modo e frequência como são tratados em aula. O fator ambiental predominou no entendimento do paradigma e a Agroecologia é abordada como conjunto de práticas, não sendo considerada, pela maioria, como ciência.The article analyzes the perceptions of Rural Sciences Center undergraduate students, of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), regarding Agroecology and sustainable production techniques. Assuming Agroecology and related technics as part of complex studies and a practical system in a new scientific and productive paradigm, no consensus was found in contents. To check the understanding level of the issues by undergraduate students, it was done a questionnaire applied to a sample of the UFSM university population addressing personal, understanding of the issues, and approach in class questions. It is observed high level of interest related to the main issue. However, the data showed doubts about the content and no satisfaction regarding the manner and frequency these subjects are handled in class. The environmental aspect prevailed regarding to the paradigm’s understanding and, Agroecology was addressed as practices set, it was not considered for most a science.Eje A5: Sistemas de conocimientoFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Floral dynamics and flower abortion in hybrids of canola and Indian mustard

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a dinâmica floral e determinar o índice de abortamento de flores de híbridos de canola (Brassica napus) e de mostarda castanha (Brassica juncea), bem como determinar suas relações com as condições meteorológicas do Sul do Brasil. Durante a floração, dez híbridos de canola e dois de mostarda foram avaliados a cada três dias quanto ao número de flores abertas, de síliquas e de flores abortadas. O número acumulado e relativo de flores foi usado para avaliação da dinâmica floral. A relação desses números com a soma térmica acumulada durante a floração foi determinada por meio de modelo logístico. A partir dos coeficientes desse modelo, identificaram-se grupos de genótipos com diferentes taxas de emissão de flores. O abortamento de flores entre híbridos variou de 10,53 a 45,96% e correlacionou-se com a temperatura e a demanda evaporativa da atmosfera. Genótipos com maiores tempos térmicos entre o período de máxima emissão de flores e o final da floração geralmente apresentam maiores percentagens de abortamento de flores. O ajuste dos dados de emissão de flores aos de soma térmica do período da floração, por meio de modelo logístico, permite simular a dinâmica floral de híbridos de canola e mostarda castanha.The objective of this work was to evaluate the floral dynamics and to determine the index of flower abortion in canola (Brassica napus) and Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) hybrids, as well as to determine their relation with meteorological conditions of southern Brazil. During flowering, ten hybrids of canola and two of Indian mustard were evaluated every three days as to the number of open flowers, pods, and aborted flowers. The cumulative and the relative number of flowers were used to evaluate floral dynamics. The relation of these numbers with the accumulated thermal sum during flowering was determined with a logistic model. Groups of genotypes with different flowering rates were identified using the model coefficients. Flower abortion among hybrids ranged from 10.53 to 45.96% and was correlated with temperature and hydric demand of the atmosphere. Genotypes with larger thermal times between the peak and the end of flowering generally had higher percentages of flower abortion. The adjustment of data from flower emission to those of the thermal sum of the flowering period, using a logistic model, allows simulating floral dynamics of hybrids of canola and Indian mustard

    Produção de base ecológica e agroecologia na percepção de estudantes de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)

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    O artigo analisa as percepções de estudantes de graduação do Centro de Ciências Rurais da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) referentes á Agroecologia e técnicas de produção sustentável. Pressupondo que Agroecologia e técnicas correlatas fazem parte de complexo sistema de estudos e práticas, em um novo paradigma científico e produtivo, não há consenso quanto aos conteúdos. Para verificar o nível de entendimento dos temas por parte de estudantes de ensino superior, foi realizado um questionário com amostra da população universitária da UFSM, tratando questões particulares, de entendimento dos temas, e da abordagem em aula. Observa-se alto nível de interesse para com as temáticas. Entretanto, os dados mostram dúvidas em relação aos conteúdos e insatisfação quanto ao modo e frequência como são tratados em aula. O fator ambiental predominou no entendimento do paradigma e a Agroecologia é abordada como conjunto de práticas, não sendo considerada, pela maioria, como ciência.The article analyzes the perceptions of Rural Sciences Center undergraduate students, of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), regarding Agroecology and sustainable production techniques. Assuming Agroecology and related technics as part of complex studies and a practical system in a new scientific and productive paradigm, no consensus was found in contents. To check the understanding level of the issues by undergraduate students, it was done a questionnaire applied to a sample of the UFSM university population addressing personal, understanding of the issues, and approach in class questions. It is observed high level of interest related to the main issue. However, the data showed doubts about the content and no satisfaction regarding the manner and frequency these subjects are handled in class. The environmental aspect prevailed regarding to the paradigm’s understanding and, Agroecology was addressed as practices set, it was not considered for most a science.Eje A5: Sistemas de conocimientoFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale


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    Brazilian Solidarity Economy Rural Organizations: Validating Performance Evaluation Criteria Based on Decision Makers’ Perception

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    The majority of the world’s current economic models are destructive and unsustainable. Little progress has been made in recent years to change this, despite significant discussion surrounding the theme. In this context, the solidarity economy presents itself as an alternative that seeks environmental and economic sustainability, as well as social promotion. In Brazil, Solidarity Economy Rural Organizations (SEROs) began in the 1970s. As with organizations from other sectors, they should be evaluated in relation to their ability to achieve social and solidarity objectives. Thus, this study aims to present a theoretical model of performance evaluation indicators for Solidarity Economy Rural Organizations in Southern Brazil based on the perceptions of the organizations’ decision makers. SERO representatives interviewed were asked to rank 36 criteria commonly used in performance evaluations, which were grouped into six dimensions: (1) legal documents and standards; (2) valuing of human work; (3) technology and economy; (4) acknowledgment of women; (5) preservation of and respect for nature; and (6) cooperation and solidarity. The results show that SERO representatives consider that performance evaluations should adhere to the Brazilian Declaration of Solidarity Economy Principles. Additionally, we identified a greater concern with criteria correlated to technical and legal aspects than criteria related to solidarity and humanitarianism. These results are relevant for the maintenance of rural solidarity economy organization as they provide a base for developing processes and tools to be used in SERO performance evaluations; such processes are necessary to maintain sustainable development in low-income economies, and to enable solidarity organizations to reach their objectives

    Crambe seed germination under the influence of temperature and substrate<br>Germinação de sementes de crambe em diferentes temperaturas e substratos

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    Crambe, native from Mediterranean zone, belonging to the Brassicaceae family, is a rustic crop that e merges as a productive alternative, with a potential for the production of feedstock for biodiesel, with emphasis on its oil quality. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of temperature and substrate on seed germination crambe, FMS Brilhante cultivar. The experimental design was completely randomized in a factorial 2 x 7 (temperature x substrate) with 4 replicates of 25 seeds. The seeds were placed on substrates Germitest® paper and clay soil + sand and subjected to temperatures of 9°C, 12°C, 15°C, 20°C, 25°C, 30°C and 35°C. Seed germination percentage and germination speed index were evaluated. The temperature of 25°C is ideal for testing the seed germination of crambe. Temperatures below of 12°C and above of 30°C are detrimental to the germination process. The substrates germitest® paper and sand + clay soil are suitable for testing germination, since observed temperature of execution. The use of paper substrate at temperatures lower than 20°C underestimate the seed germination.<p><p>Pertencente a família das Brassicaceae, nativo da zona Mediterrânea, o crambe é uma planta rústica que surge como mais uma alternativa produtiva, com potencial para a produção de matéria-prima para biodiesel, com destaque na qualidade de seu óleo. O trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos de diferentes temperaturas e substratos na germinação de sementes de crambe, cultivar FMS Brilhante. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado no esquema fatorial 7 x 2 (temperaturas x substratos) com 4 repetições de 25 sementes. As sementes foram colocadas em substratos papel Germitest® e solo argiloso + areia e submetidas ao teste de germinação sob temperaturas de 9°C, 12°C, 15°C, 20°C, 25°C, 30°C e 35°C. Foram avaliados a porcentagem e o índice de velocidade de germinação. A temperatura de 25°C é a ideal para a realização do teste de germinação de sementes de crambe. Temperaturas inferiores aos 12ºC e superiores aos 30°C são prejudiciais ao processo germinativo. Os substratos de papel Germitest® e solo argiloso + areia são adequados para realização do teste de germinação, desde que observado a temperatura de execução. O uso de substrato papel sob temperaturas menores a 20° C subestimam o potencial germinativo das sementes