31 research outputs found
Fígado: vascularização colateral após isquemia induzida por clampeamento da aorta torácica
A visibilização e a identificação dos vasos que irrigam os tecidos é facilitada quando são utilizadas substâncias com poder corante e de distensão vascular ou meios radiopacos. Nesta pesquisa, em 22 cães foi realizada toracotomia lateral intercostal esquerda no 8º espaço intercostal e clampeamento da aorta torácica a ± 1 cm cranial ao diafragma. Em 10 animais, foi perfundida solução de gelatina/anilina e, no restante, injetado contraste vascular positivo e acompanhamento radiográfico. Foram identificadas artérias que vascularizavam o diafragma, mas não o fígado quando é efetuado o clampeamento aórtico no tórax.The visual observation and identification of the vessels that irrigate the corporal tissues is greatly facilitated by using special staining dyes and vessel distenders, or by using a positive vascular contrast solution. In this research, lateral intercostal thoracotomy was performed on the eighth intercostal space in the left side of 22 dogs followed by clamping of thoracic aorta ± 1 cm cranial to the diaphragm. Ten dogs were then injected with the gelatin/aniline mixture, and the other 12 dogs were given a positive vascular contrast solution. In summary, following clamping of the thoracic aorta, arteries that irrigate the diaphragm, but not the liver, were identified
Cortisol plasmático como indicador de estresse em colopexias laparoscópicas com implante de tela de polipropileno en cães
A realização de cirurgias convencionais, mesmo com a utilização recomendada de fármacos analgésicos, geralmente está associada a um período de recuperação longo, além de causar estresse, dor e desconforto nos animais, dependendo do grau de invasão do procedimento. Considerando a crescente busca por métodos que minimizem o estresse cirúrgico em cães, reduzindo o período de recuperação pós-cirúrgico, o presente trabalho foi desenvolvido para avaliar a técnica de colopexia laparoscópica em relação aos níveis de cortisol plasmático, as frequências respiratórias, e as frequências cardíacas nos períodos pré, trans e pós-operatório imediatos. Foram utilizados nove cães, fêmeas adultas, SRD. As coletas sanguíneas para mensuração dos níveis de cortisol, e os parâmetros de frequências respiratórias (FR) e cardíacas (FC) foram efetuadas a partir do préoperatório até o término do procedimento. Após esse período, a tomada de dados foi realizada de três em três horas até completar as primeiras 12 horas pós-operatórias. Os níveis de cortisol foram mensurados com a utilização de Kit ELISA para cortisol. Os resultados foram submetidos à ANOVA e ao teste de Tukey, considerando as diferenças significativas
Avaliação de duas doses de propofol para infusão contínua em pombos domésticos
O uso do propofol em aves tem sido pesquisado e parece ser uma alternativa viável à anestesia inalatória em algumas situações. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar os efeitos de duas doses de propofol para infusão contínua, administrado pela via intra-óssea, em pombos domésticos. Sete animais foram anestesiados em diferentes ocasiões. Inicialmente, a anestesia foi realizada com isofluorano em oxigênio, para introdução de uma agulha intra-óssea (acesso intra-ósseo). Após a recuperação, os animais foram anestesiados com propofol na dose necessária para permitir a intubação endotraqueal. Os pombos foram conectados a um sistema não reinalatório com fluxo de O 2 de 500 mL/min e a anestesia foi mantida com 1mg/kg/min (dose baixa) ou 3mg/kg/min (dose alta) de propofol por 30 minutos. Freqüência cardíaca, freqüência respiratória, pressão arterial sistólica indireta, temperatura cloacal, oximetria de pulso e gases sangüíneos arterial foram mensurados antes da indução da anestesia e aos 15 e 30 minutos do período de manutenção. A dose necessária para indução anestésica foi de 14.49± 2,91 mg/kg. A dose baixa de propofol produziu acidose respiratória e hipotensão. Ocorreram movimentos espontâneos e cinco dos sete animais foram extubados devido a anestesia superficial. A dose alta de propofol resultou em hipotensão, hipotermia e apnéia, necessitando de ventilação artificial. Devido ao uso da ventilação manual, a dose alta de propofol produziu valores mais altos de pH e mais baixos de PaCO2. O tempo de extubação com a dose baixa foi de 16,33±12,42 minutos (n=2) e de 52,33 ± 22,37 minutos (n=7) com a dose alta. Baseado nestes resultados recomenda-se que o propofol seja utilizado com cautela em pombos domésticos
Efeitos do butorfanol e da morfina em pombos domésticos (Columba livia) anestesiados com isofluorano e submetidos à cirurgia ortopédica
A anestesia balanceada é muito utilizada na Medicina Veterinária, porém em aves, muitos animais ainda são anestesiados somente com anestésico inalatório devido às divergências a respeito do uso de opióides. Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos cardiovasculares e respiratórios produzidos por opióides, associados ao isofluorano, em pombos domésticos submetidos à osteotomia e osteossíntese de úmero. Para isso foram utilizados 12 animais clinicamente sadios, submetidos à medicação pré-anestésica com 3mg/kg de butorfanol (B) ou 3mg/kg de morfina (M) e anestesiados com 1,5% de isofluorano. A freqüência cardíaca (FC), a freqüência respiratória (f) e pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) foram mensuradas antes da administração dos opióides (A), durante a divulsão dos tecidos (D), imediatamente após a osteossíntese (O) e na redução do espaço morto (EM). Em A e ao final do procedimento cirúrgico (F) foi mensurada a temperatura clocacal (TC) e foi realizada a colheita de sangue arterial para hemogasometria. No pós-operatório imediato foi avaliado o tempo até a extubação (TE). Pode-se observar que o grupo B apresentou valores inferiores de FC em relação aos basais e ao grupo M, enquanto que a PAS foi inferior somente quando comparada aos valores basais, no grupo B. A SpO 2 aumentou e a TC reduziu no período de manutenção anestésica, sem diferença estatística entre os grupos. Houve leve acidose respiratória no grupo B, identificada pela redução do pH em relação aos valores basais. Não foi observada diferença significativa no TE entre os grupos. Pode-se concluir que a morfina ou o butorfanol associados ao isofluorano podem ser utilizados com segurança em pombos domésticos, por produzirem mínimos efeitos sobre o sistema cardiovascular e respiratório
Avaliação pós-operatória da analgesia promovida pelo uso da dexmedetomidina isolada e associada à morfina em cadelas submetidas à ovariohisterectomia
Objetivou-se avaliar a eficácia analgésica pós-operatória da dexmedetomidina isolada e associada à morfina em pacientes submetidas à anestesia geral inalatória com isoflurano e submetidas à ovariohisterectomia eletiva (OH). Vinte cadelas saudáveis foram selecionadas a partir de exames físico e laboratoriais. Previamente ao estudo, foram submetidas a um período de 24 horas de adaptação ao ambiente e aos observadores. Ato contínuo, foram divididas aleatoriamente em dois grupos: grupo dexmedetomidina, na dose de 10 μg/Kg (GD) e grupo dexmedetomidina (10 μg/Kg) associado com morfina, na dose de 0,3 mg/Kg (GDM), administrados pela via intramuscular (IM). Ato contínuo, as pacientes foram induzidas com propofol e mantidas com isoflurano diluído em oxigênio 100% e administrado através de vaporizador calibrado. Para verificação da analgesia pós-operatória foram realizadas avaliações de dor por meio de escalas de Glasgow Modificada (EGM) e de Melbourne (EM). Para avaliação de sedação, por meio da escala de Dobbins (ED), em diferentes tempos: antes da administração da MPA (T0), e em mais 6 tempos no período pós-operatório, uma (T1), duas (T2), quatro (T3), oito (T4), 12 (T5) e 24 (T6) horas após a extubação orotraqueal. Não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas entre os grupos nas escalas de acordo com o teste de Kruskal-Wallis post-hoc de Dunn; e entre os tempos notou-se diferença estatística pelo teste de Friedman (p<0,05) para EGM e EM, porém não houve necessidade de resgate analgésico. Portanto, conclui-se que a dexmedetomidina isolada e associada a morfina produziu efeito analgésico adequado no período pós-operatório de cadelas submetidas a OH.
Palavras-Chave: cães; α-2-agonista; opioides; dor
Estabilização de fratura de rádio e ulna
Os cuidados sanitários e o tratamento de patologias em animais silvestres têm sido pauta de muitos estudos e ganhado bastante importância em pesquisas e inovações científicas. Este trabalho tem como objetivo relatar o tratamento cirúrgico de uma fratura completa de rádio e ulna de um tamanduá-bandeira, espécie esta ameaçada de extinção, atropelado numa rodovia próxima a matas que sofriam queimadas, no norte do estado de Mato Grosso/Brasil. O animal silvestre foi atendido pelo Serviço de Cirurgia veterinária do Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, apresentando inchaço na região de rádio e ulna esquerda e dificuldade na ambulação. Ao exame radiográfico, foram visualizadas fraturas completas fechadas de rádio e ulna no membro esquerdo, as quais foram tratadas através de uma osteossíntese de rádio, utilizando como método de estabilização fixador esquelético externo tipo II. Observou-se que apesar dessa espécie apresentar metabolismo baixo, isso não interferiu no processo cicatricial e foi constatada excelente consolidação óssea no tempo de 45 dias
Comparison of the Effects of Maropitant, Lidocaine, and Dextroketamine Administered by the Intratesticular Route in Dogs Undergoing Elective Orchiectomy
Background: Balanced anesthesia achieved with combinations of inhaled and injectable drugs administered systemically or in loco-regional anesthetic blocks, is widely used in veterinary medicine. The use of anesthesia and/or local analgesia has already demonstrated benefits in the performance of elective orchiectomy in different species, there is no literature that evaluates the use of the maropitant intratesticular route. The present study evaluated the cardiorespiratory variables and analgesia produced by intratesticular blockade with maropitant, lidocaine, or dextroketamine during the trans-operative period along with the discharge and anesthetic recovery of dogs that underwent elective orchiectomy. Materials, Methods & Results: Used twenty-four dogs from routine elective orchiectomy, considered healthy based on the results of clinical and hematological tests. The animals were randomly divided into three groups and was applied intratesticularly 2% lidocaine at a dose of 1 mg/kg (GL), 5% dextrocetamina at a dose of 2.5 mg/kg (GC), or 1% maropitant at a dose of 1 mg/kg (GM). Anesthesia induction was performed with propofol (to effect), and stabilization of inhalational anesthesia was achieved with 1.7 V% of sevoflurane diluted in 100% oxygen administered through a calibrated vaporizer and appropriate anesthetic system based on the animal's weight, being kept under spontaneous ventilation, After induction, we waited 10 min for stabilization of exhaled anesthetic concentration and then administered one of the treatments intratesticularly. After five min from the local block the surgical procedure was started during up to 15 min. Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), systolic arterial pressure (SAP), diastolic arterial pressure (DAP), mean arterial pressure (MAP), oxygen saturation of hemoglobin (SatO2), end-tidal carbon dioxide partial pressure (EtCO2), end-tidal sevoflurane concentration (EtSevo) in exhaled air, and body temperature (T°C) were measured before intratesticular administration of the agent and at specific time points during surgery, in addition to assessments of analgesia and evaluation of discharge and anesthetic recovery. Statistical analysis was performed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (P > 0.10). The parameters HR, RR, SAP, DAP, MAP, T, EtCO2, and SatO2 were evaluated by analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by the Scott-Knott test (Software R® 3.2.0 - 2013), considering a significance level of P < 0.05. The results did not show inter-drug differences for the evaluated variables.Discussion: It was decided not to use premedication (MPA), so that we could accurately assess the analgesic effect of drugs, lidocaine, dextroketamine and maropitant, on intratesticular block during elective orchiectomy. In this study we demonstrated that these drugs promoted analgesia, because the trans-surgical values were relatively lower compared to baseline and within physiological limits for the species. In addition, it was noted that local analgesia used was efficient since even at the time of ligature and the incision spermatic cord which is described in the literature as the most painful part of the surgical procedure. The post-anesthetic recovery and discharge were quick in the absence of MPA, local analgesia without residual effects and the use of sevoflurane. The sevoflurane has a very low blood gas coefficient solubility, resulting in a recovery fast. Therefore, we can conclude that all of the drugs promoted analgesia and cardiorespiratory stability as well as rapid anesthetic recovery for elective orchiectomy in this species
Hemipelvectomia total em um gato com osteossarcoma osteoblástico
Background: Osteosarcoma (OSA) is a malignant neoplasm of mesenchymal tissue that exhibits various histological features and a differentiated biological clinical behavior. The combination of clinical, radiological, and histopathological features is important for diagnosis. Surgical treatment of neoplasms with pelvic involvement is a challenge. Primary bone tumors are rare in cats and are mostly reported in older animals. The objective of this paper was to report the case of a feline subjected to total hemipelvectomy as primary treatment of pelvic OSA; the surgical technique and histological analysis of the tumor are described. No signs of recurrence were seen during seven months of follow-up.Case: A 4-year-old female mixed breed cat weighing 3 kg was presented with a one year history of increased volume on the hip joint region. Palpation of the increased volume on the hip showed a firm, adhered, and painful mass. Radiographic examination of the pelvis in the dorso ventral projection exhibited a severe osteoblastic bone reaction on the proximal femur, as well as marked periosteal reaction of the hip joint with involvement of the acetabulum. A ventral approach total hemipelvectomy technique was adopted for excision of the tumor. The animal was placed on a lateral position and a circumferential skin incision was performed on the ipsilateral limb of the affected hemipelvis, on the medial portion of the femur, and was extended cranially up to the thoracolumbar region. The pubic symphysis was exposed with a periosteal elevator and a pubic symphysiotomy was performed on the midline using a Liston bone cutter; next, the sacroiliac junction was resected. No drain was used after surgery, only compressive bandages. The patient was hospitalized for post-operative monitoring which included opioids for pain management and a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug and a cephalosporin class antibiotic. The wound was cleaned with saline, rifamycin spray (Rifocina Spray®) was applied, and dressing was changed every 12 h. The excised bone was submitted for pathological analysis. Gross examination revealed a 4.2 cm hardened increase in volume on the area of the femoral head and acetabulum, with irregular surface; cut surface was hard and white with black and red spots. Histology revealed osteoblastic OSA with intense and solid fusiform and stellate cells distributed in a solid pattern with no capsular border, with marked infiltration of the bone tissue, marked osteolysis, moderate proliferation of osteoclasts, and moderate anisocytosis and anisokaryosis.Discussion: Bone tumors in cats are rare and develop spontaneously. They exhibit aggressive behavior and promote local bone destruction. Firm consistency and local swelling usually occur in more advanced cases when there is a delay between the onset of clinical signs and the veterinary consultation. Radiological findings such as bone destruction and bone formation are commonly seen in this type of tumor. Hemipelvectomy is considered an aggressive surgical technique, but necessary in many cases, especially when tumors are located in the pelvis and nearby tissues. In the case presented here, this surgery was the most viable and advised therapeutic option because of tumor location. No incidents (i.e. hemorrhage) occurred during the perioperative period. After surgery, the patient continued to perform all custom functions. The hind limb, which was affected in this case, is commonly reported to be affected in the literature; however, it is unusual to have involvement of both bones (pelvis and femur) since vascularization of these bones are independent. Diagnosis was confirmed by histopathology in which a characteristic malignant mesenchymal tumor of primitive bone cells was present, with production of osteoid of variable shapes and quantity with the presence of osteoclastic giant cells
Evaluation of Cardiorespiratory Effects of Dexmedetomidine Isolated and Associated With Morphine in Bitches Submitted to Elective Ovariossalpingohisterectomy under General Inhalation Anesthesia
Background: Elective ovariossalpingohysterectomy is one of the most accomplished surgeries in veterinary practice, presenting moderate degree of pain. Aiming at balanced anesthesia, α2-agonists have been increasingly used, with dexmedetomidine being characterized by its sympatholytic, sedative, analgesic properties and synergism with opioids, benzodiazepines and other drugs. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of dexmedetomidine alone and associated with morphine under the cardiovascular, respiratory and body temperature variables in the pre and trans-operative periods in bitches submitted to elective ovariossalpingohisterectomy under general inhalation anesthesia.Materials, Methods & Results: Sixteen bitches were used in this study, which were submitted to elective ovariossalpingohisterectomy, all of which were clinically healthy based on clinical and hematological results. The animals were randomized into two groups, in which intramuscular dexmedetomidine alone and 5 µg/kg (DG) and 0.3 mg/kg morphine (GDM). In both groups, anesthesia was induced with propofol administered and maintained with isoflurane diluted in 100% oxygen administered through a calibrated vaporizer and appropriate anesthetic system based on the weight of the animal and kept under spontaneous ventilation. After stabilization of the patient, the surgical procedure started, which lasted 45 minutes. The parameters evaluated were heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (ƒ), systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), mean arterial pressure (MAP), body temperature (TºC), expired isoflurane concentration , partial carbon dioxide gas pressure (ETCO2) and oxygen saturation in hemoglobin (SatO2), which were measured before and after the application of preanesthetic medication and at specific surgical times: 5 and 15 min after anesthetic induction; during the incision of the skin; muscle incision; ligation of the left ovary; ligation of the right ovary; ligation of the uterine body; laparorrafia; suture and at the end of surgery. A significant difference was observed between the groups in respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure, body temperature, partial pressure of carbon dioxide, saturation of oxygen in hemoglobin and pH, only in some times evaluated. GDM bradycardia occurred 30 min after preanesthetic medication; acidemia and mild to moderate hypercapnia in both groups, being more pronounced in GDM, although without statistical difference, and hypothermia. The concentration of isoflurane expired in both groups was higher during the muscle incision until laparorrhaphy compared to the other surgical times.Discussion: The results of this study show that there was adequate analgesia during the elective ovarian resection procedure, considering that the values found during the surgery were relatively lower than the baseline values and within the physiological limits for the species, even during the moments of greater painful stimulation, such as ligation of the ovaries and ligation of the uterine body. In the GDM group, bradycardia occurred after 30 min of pre-anesthetic medication, but its occurrence was transient and without interfering with blood pressure, increasing to the next evaluation time and stabilizing in physiological values for the species. There was also a gradual reduction in respiratory rate in both groups over time, with an increase in PaCO2 in GDM at the end of surgery, indicating respiratory depression, as well as a reduction in pH in both groups at all times
Evaluation of Postoperative Residual Analgesia of Two Solutions Used for Local Anesthesia By Tumescence In Bitches who Underwent a Unilateral Mastectomy
Background: Breast tumors are common and require surgical treatment. A mastectomy causes edema, inflammation, and moderate to severe pain; therefore, analgesics should be used efficiently during the trans- and postoperative periods. Tumescence anesthesia has been studied in veterinary medicine; however, there is limited literature on the comparison of the constituents of the different solutions and the most suitable protocol. The objective of this study was to evaluate the residual postoperative analgesia of two solutions through the Melbourne, Modified Glasgow for dogs (EGM), and Visual Analogue (EVA) scales in bitches who underwent a unilateral mastectomy.Materials, Methods & Results: Twelve bitches, weighing between 5 and 15 kilograms and aged between 5 and 13 years old, were included in the study. To determine if the animals were medically fit to undergo the procedure, they were evaluated by clinical examination, laboratory testing (complete blood count, serum biochemistry [urea, creatinine and alanine aminotransferase/ALT], and imaging (thorax x-ray and abdominal ultrasonography). Patients were randomly divided into two groups. One group received a lidocaine-containing tumescent solution (GTL) that consisted of 210 mL of lactated Ringer's solution (at a temperature between 8 and 12°C), 40 mL of 2% lidocaine hydrochloride without vasoconstrictor, and 0.5 mL of adrenaline (1 mg/mL). The other group received ropivacaine (GTR) with 233.3 mL of lactated Ringer's solution (at the same temperature as the previous group’s), 16.7 mL of ropivacaine (7.5 mg/mL), and 0.5 mL of adrenaline (1 mg/mL). Both groups received a combination of acepromazine (0.04 mg/kg) and meperidine (2 mg/kg) as preanesthetic medication (MPA), followed by induction using propofol (to effect) and maintenance using isoflurane. The solutions were infused subcutaneously (SC) 5 min after stabilization of the anesthetic plane. For the mastectomy, the solutions were distributed throughout the mammary chain to be withdrawn, starting at the thoracic and abdominal regions and ending in the inguinal region. In the postoperative period, the animals were evaluated using three different scales (Melbourne, Glasgow modified for dogs [EGM], and Visual Analogue [EVA] scales), at six time points: one, two, four, eight, 12 and 24 h after extubation, or until the time of analgesic rescue when the animal presented with a score higher than 3.33 on the EGM scale. There were no statistical differences between the groups (P > 0.05) in any of the scales evaluated; however, most of the animals demonstrated analgesic rescue in the first hour of evaluation. GTR showed an additional rescue compared to GTL.Discussion: Analgesic rescue occurred in the first hour of the postoperative period. This differs from other studies that used morphine in MPA and observed higher analgesia. This occurred because meperidine, the drug used in the study, has a shorter duration and is a less potent analgesic than morphine. We opted for this opioid because of its minimal interaction with the drug used in MPA and to better identify the residual effect of the administered solution. In addition, it does not interact with the other drugs used in the anesthetic protocol. It is known that the tumescence technique prolongs the analgesic effect of MPA because of subcutaneous absorption of a portion of the injected solution adjacent to the area being operated on. However, this was not observed as 50% of the animals in each group were rescued during the first hour of the evaluation. From this study, it was concluded that the tumescent solutions used in the trans-operative period should not be expected to have analgesic effects during the postoperative period of mastectomies because of the short duration of action