180 research outputs found

    Platelet signaling--blood's great balancing act

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    The antagonistic balance between CalDAG-GEFI and RASA3 signaling is critical for the fine-tuning of platelet adhesiveness, both in the circulation and at sites of vascular injury

    RAP1-GTPase signaling and platelet function

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    Platelets are critical for hemostasis, i.e. the body's ability to prevent blood loss at sites of vascular injury. They patrol the vasculature in a quiescent, non-adhesive state for approximately 10 days, after which they are removed from circulation by phagocytic cells of the reticulo-endothelial system. At sites of vascular injury, they promptly shift to an activated, adhesive state required for the formation of a hemostatic plug. The small GTPase RAP1 is a critical regulator of platelet adhesiveness. Our recent studies demonstrate that the antagonistic balance between the RAP1 regulators, CalDAG-GEFI and RASA3, is critical for the modulation of platelet adhesiveness, both in circulation and at sites of vascular injury. The RAP1 activator CalDAG-GEFI responds to small changes in the cytoplasmic calcium concentration and thus provides sensitivity and speed to the activation response, essential for efficient platelet adhesion under conditions of hemodynamic shear stress. The RAP1 inhibitor RASA3 ensures that circulating platelets remain quiescent by restraining CalDAG-GEFI-dependent RAP1 activation. Upon cellular stimulation, it is turned off by P2Y12 signaling to enable sustained RAP1 activation, required for the formation of a stable hemostatic plug. This review will summarize important studies that elucidated the signaling pathways that control RAP1 activation in platelets

    Signal transduction in the Sertoli cell: serum modulation of the response to FSH

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    Immature Sertoli cells of the testicular seminiferous tubule maintain the expression of their differentiated phenotype when cultured in unsupplemented medium. In preliminary experiments we observed that foetal bovine serum (FBS) stimulates polyphosphoinositides (PI) hydrolysis in Sertoli cells. We then evaluated the effect of serum on the function of the immature Sertoli cell in culture, in terms of cAMP and estrogen production. Treatment of Sertoli cells for 30 min with 1–10% FBS had no effect on basal cAMP accumulation but abolished the response to FSH. The serum concentration producing half-maximal inhibition of the FSH-dependent cAMP accumulation was 0.5–1%. Comparison of the FSH-dose-response in the absence or presence of serum showed a decreased maximal response when serum was present. Sertoli cells exposed to serum were also less responsive to the β-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol, to cholera toxin, and to forskolin. The serum inhibition was rapidly reversed upon removal of serum or incubating the cells with the phosphodiesterase inhibitor MIX (methyl-isobutyl-xanthine). Similarly to what observed with cAMP, serum affected androgen aromatization stimulated by FSH, isoproterenol, cholera toxin, forskolin and dibutyryl cAMP. These data indicate that factors present in serum can act as modulators of the Sertoli cell function in vitro by rapidly and reversibly inhibiting the cAMP and steroidogenic response of the Sertoli cell to FSH

    Identification of side population cells in mouse primordial germ cells and prenatal testis

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    In mammals, the stem cells of spermatogenesis are derived from an embryonic cell population called primordial germ cells (PGCs). Spermatogonial stem cells displaying the "side population" (SP) phenotype have been identified in the immature and adult mouse testis, but noting is known about the expression of the SP phenotype during prenatal development of germ cells. The SP phenotype, defined as the ability of cells to efflux fluorescent dyes such as Hoechst, is common to several stem/progenitor cell types. In the present study, we analyzed and characterized the Hoechst SP via cytofluorimetric analysis of disaggregated gonads at different time points during embryonic development in mice. To directly test the hypothesis that the SP phenotype is a feature of germ cell lineage, experiments were performed on transgenic animals expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) under the control of the Oct4 promoter, to identify early germ cells up to PGCs. We found that prenatal gonads contain a fraction of SP cells at each stage analyzed, and the percentage of cells in the SP fraction decreases as development proceeds. Surprisingly, more than 50% of the PGCs displayed the SP phenotype at 11.5 dpc (days post coitum). The percentage of germ cells with the SP phenotype decreased steadily with development, to less than 1% at 18.5 dpc. Cytofluorimetric analysis along with immunocytochemistry performed on sorted cells indicated that the SP fraction of prenatal gonads, as in the adult testis, was heterogeneous, being composed of both somatic and germ cells. Both cell types expressed the ABC transporters Abcg2, Abcb1a, Abcb1b and Abcc1. These findings provide evidence that the SP phenotype is a common feature of PGCs and identifies a subpopulation of fetal testis cells including prospermatogonia whose differentiation fate remains to be investigated. © 2011 UBC Press

    Extra virgin olive oil and cardiovascular diseases: benefits for human health

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    The cardioprotective properties of Mediterranean Diet were demonstrated for the first time from the Seven Country Study. In the last few decades, numerous epidemiological studies, as well as intervention trial, confirmed this observation, pointing out the close relationship between the Mediterranean diet and cardiovascular diseases. In this context, extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), the most representative component of this diet, seems to be relevant in lowering the incidence of cardiovascular events, including myocardial infarction and stroke. From a chemical point of view, 98-99% of the total weight of EVOO is represented by fatty acids, especially monounsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid. Tocopherols, polyphenols and other minor constituents represent the remaining 1-2%. All these components may potentially contribute to "health maintenance" with their beneficial effects by EVOOO

    CalDAG-GEFI deficiency protects mice in a novel model of FcγRIIA-mediated thrombosis and thrombocytopenia

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    Platelet activation via Fcγ receptor IIA (FcγRIIA) is a critical event in immune-mediated thrombocytopenia and thrombosis syndromes (ITT). We recently identified signaling by the guanine nucleotide exchange factor CalDAG-GEFI and the adenosine diphosphate receptor P2Y12 as independent pathways leading to Rap1 small GTPase activation and platelet aggregation. Here, we evaluated the contribution of CalDAG-GEFI and P2Y12 signaling to platelet activation in ITT. Mice transgenic for the human FcγRIIA (hFcR) and deficient in CalDAG-GEFI(−/−) (hFcR/CDGI(−/−)) were generated. Compared with controls, aggregation of hFcR/CDGI(−/−) platelets or P2Y12 inhibitor-treated hFcR platelets required more than 5-fold and approximately 2-fold higher concentrations of a FcγRIIA stimulating antibody against CD9, respectively. Aggregation and Rap1 activation were abolished in P2Y12 inhibitor-treated hFcR/CDGI(−/−) platelets. For in vivo studies, a novel model for antibody-induced thrombocytopenia and thrombosis was established. FcγRIIA-dependent platelet thrombosis was induced by infusion of Alexa750-labeled antibodies to glycoprotein IX (CD42a), and pulmonary thrombi were detected by near-infrared imaging technology. Anti-GPIX antibodies dose-dependently caused thrombocytopenia and pulmonary thrombosis in hFcR-transgenic but not wild-type mice. CalDAG-GEFI-deficient but not clopidogrel-treated hFcR-transgenic mice were completely protected from ITT. In summary, we established a novel mouse model for ITT, which was used to identify CalDAG-GEFI as a potential new target in the treatment of ITT

    p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase activation during platelet storage: Consequences for platelet recovery and hemostatic function in vivo

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    Platelets undergo several modifications during storage that reduce their posttransfusion survival and functionality. One important feature of these changes, which are known as platelet storage lesion, is the shedding of the surface glycoproteins GPIb-α and GPV. We recently demonstrated that tumor necrosis factor-α converting enzyme (TACE/ADAM17) mediates mitochondrial injury-induced shedding of adhesion receptors and that TACE activity correlates with reduced posttransfusion survival of these cells. We now confirm that TACE mediates receptor shedding and clearance of platelets stored for 16 hours at 37°C or 22°C. We further demonstrate that both storage and mitochondrial injury lead to the phosphorylation of p38 mitogen-activated kinase (MAPK) in platelets and that TACE-mediated receptor shedding from mouse and human platelets requires p38 MAP kinase signaling. Protein kinase C, extracellular regulated-signal kinase MAPK, and caspases were not involved in TACE activation. Both inhibition of p38 MAPK and inactivation of TACE during platelet storage led to a markedly improved posttransfusion recovery and hemostatic function of platelets in mice. p38 MAPK inhibitors had only minor effects on the aggregation of fresh platelets under static or flow conditions in vitro. In summary, our data suggest that inhibition of p38 MAPK or TACE during storage may significantly improve the quality of stored platelets

    A talin mutant that impairs talin-integrin binding in platelets decelerates αIIbβ3 activation without pathological bleeding

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    Tight regulation of integrin affinity is critical for hemostasis. A final step of integrin activation is talin binding to 2 sites within the integrin β cytoplasmic domain. Binding of talin to a membrane-distal NPxY sequence facilitates a second, weaker interaction of talin with an integrin membrane-proximal region (MPR) that is critical for integrin activation. To test the functional significance of these distinct interactions on platelet function in vivo, we generated knock-in mice expressing talin1 mutants with impaired capacity to interact with the β3 integrin MPR (L325R) or NPLY sequence (W359A). Both talin1(L325R) and talin1(W359A) mice were protected from experimental thrombosis. Talin1(L325R) mice, but not talin(W359A) mice, exhibited a severe bleeding phenotype. Activation of αIIbβ3 was completely blocked in talin1(L325R) platelets, whereas activation was reduced by approximately 50% in talin1(W359A) platelets. Quantitative biochemical measurements detected talin1(W359A) binding to β3 integrin, albeit with a 2.9-fold lower affinity than wild-type talin1. The rate of αIIbβ3 activation was slower in talin1(W359A) platelets, which consequently delayed aggregation under static conditions and reduced thrombus formation under physiological flow conditions. Together our data indicate that reduction of talin-β3 integrin binding affinity results in decelerated αIIbβ3 integrin activation and protection from arterial thrombosis without pathological bleeding

    Perfil de crescimento de crianças matriculadas em programa de suplementação alimentar

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    The growth profile of 1,511 children attending a supplementary feeding program was studied over the year after admission. The children, aged 6 to 72 month and from five cities of the Greater S. Paulo region (Brazil), were attending the official Brazilian supplementary "Nutrition and Health Program" (PNS). Weight and height for age were used as indicators, and were expressed as centile values of the anthropometric reference standard (NCHS). At admission, the profile for weight and for height was deviated to the left, showing a great concentration of children in the lower deciles and few in the higher ones, thus characterizing a malnourished population. One year later, the growing profile of the children showed an improvement of the nutritional status, as there had been a noteworthy decrease in the number of children in the first decile for all ages in both weight and height. The height of the children age 12 to 24 month showed a great improvement as 49% of them had been in the first decile at admission, but this percentage diminished to 18% after just one year on the program.Com o objetivo de conhecer o perfil de crescimento de beneficiários de um programa de suplementação alimentar, estudou-se 1511 crianças de 6 a 72 meses de idade, de cinco municípios da Grande São Paulo, Brasil que freqüentaram o Programa de Nutrição em Saúde (PNS), pelo período de um ano. Foram utilizados indicadores peso e altura para a idade, expressos em valores de percentís correspondentes ao padrão antropométrico de referência NCHS. Esse perfil foi traçado no momento da matrícula e após um ano de programa, segundo grupos etários, momento em que o perfil encontrado estava desviado para a esquerda, tanto para as distribuições de peso como de altura, concentrando maior freqüência de crianças nos primeiros decis e escassez no últimos, caracterizando uma população desnutrida. O perfil correspondente aos dois indicadores, após um ano de programa, evidenciou melhora do estado nutricional, uma vez que houve acentuada diminuição da freqüência das crianças no primeiro decil (P10) em todas as faixas etárias, tanto para peso como para altura, destacando-se a faixa de 12 a 24 meses, cuja freqüência no primeiro decil de altura passou de 49%, na matrícula, para 18%, após 12 meses de suplementação alimentar
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