210 research outputs found

    Numerical Abilities in Nonhumans: The Perspective of Comparative Studies

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    The history of the study of animal numerical cognition is characterized by an unfortunate start: the Clever Hans story, which caused a widespread skepticism across the scientific community. In the last decades, a growing body of evidence demonstrates numerical skills in nonhumans; nonetheless, studies have focused on adult subjects. Here, it will be discussed numerical comprehension in day-old chicks, a model species that allows an insight on the early development of cognitive abilities. Newborn chicks discriminate between diverse numbers, solve arithmetic calculations, and use ordinal information. This animal model allowed to also unveil another peculiar aspect of numbers: their association with space. This ordered representation of numbers in space is known in humans as the mental number line (MNL) and refers to an ascending mapping of numbers from left to right. Chicks associate smaller numbers with the left and larger numbers with the right space. The paradigm used to test spatial numerical association (SNA) in chicks has been proficiently used to also assess this association in human newborns, providing a suggestive example of animal research inspiring developmental studies. Overall findings from 1- or few-day-old chicks, virtually na\uefve or reared under strictly controlled conditions, constitute a strong case for the claim that numbers are a primitive and inherent information processed by animals

    Approach direction and accuracy, but not response times, show spatial-numerical association in chicks

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    open2noChicks trained to identify a target item in a sagittally-oriented series of identical items show a higher accuracy for the target on the left, rather than that on the right, at test when the series was rotated by 90˚. Such bias seems to be due to a right hemispheric dominance in visuospatial tasks. Up to now, the bias was highlighted by looking at accuracy, the measure mostly used in non-human studies to detect spatial numerical association, SNA. In the present study, processing by each hemisphere was assessed by scoring three variables: accuracy, response times and direction of approach. Domestic chicks were tested under monocular vision conditions, as in the avian brain input to each eye is mostly processed by the contralateral hemisphere. Four-day-old chicks learnt to peck at the 4th element in a sagittal series of 10 identical elements. At test, when facing a series oriented fronto-parallel, birds confined their responses to the visible hemifield, with high accuracy for the 4th element. The first element in the series was also highly selected, suggesting an anchoring strategy to start the proto-counting at one end of the series. In the left monocular condition, chicks approached the series starting from the left, and in the right monocular condition, they started from the right. Both hemispheres appear to exploit the same strategy, scanning the series from the most lateral element in the clear hemifield. Remarkably, there was no effect in the response times: equal latency was scored for correct or incorrect and for left vs. right responses. Overall, these data indicate that the measures implying a direction of choice, accuracy and direction of approach, and not velocity, i.e., response times, can highlight SNA in this paradigm. We discuss the relevance of the selected measures to unveil SNA.openRugani, Rosa; Regolin, LuciaRugani, Rosa; Regolin, Luci

    Summation of Large Numerousness by Newborn Chicks

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    Newly hatched domestic chicks, reared with identical objects, when presented with sets of 3 vs. 2 objects disappearing one-by-one behind separate screens, spontaneously inspected the screen occluding the larger set; even when the continuous variables (area or perimeter) were controlled for (Rugani et al., 2009). Here, using a similar paradigm, we investigated the ability of chicks to perform addition on larger sets of objects. Chicks imprinted on five identical objects, were presented at test with 6 vs. 9 objects which disappeared one-by-one (Exp. 1). In Exp. 2, the same overall number of objects (15) was used, but employing an increased ratio, i.e., 5 vs. 10. In both experiments, when continuous variables were not made equal, chicks spontaneously inspected the screen occluding the larger set. However, when the size of the objects was adjusted so as to make the total surface area or perimeter equal for the two sets, chicks did not exhibit any preference. Lack of choice in the control conditions could be due to a combination of preferences; to rejoin the larger numerousness as well as the bigger objects (Rugani et al., 2010a). In Exp. 3, chicks were familiarized, during imprinting, with objects of various dimensions, in an attempt to reduce or suppress their tendency to approach objects larger than the familiar ones. Again chicks failed to choose at test between 5 vs. 10 objects when continuous variables were made equal. Results showed that chicks, after a one-by-one presentation of a large number of objects, rejoined the larger set. In order to choose the larger set, chicks estimated the objects in the two sets and then compared the outcomes. However, differently to what has been described for small numerousness, chicks succeeded only if non-numerical cues as well as numerical cues were available. This study suggests that continuous variables are computed by chicks for sets of objects that are not present at the same time and that are no longer visible at the time of choice

    Study Replication: Shape Discrimination in a Conditioning Procedure on the Jumping Spider Phidippus regius

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    Simple Summary Seemingly disconnected elements of the environment, like the two visible halves of an animal behind a tree, can be correctly interpreted as part of the same object. This process is referred to as "amodal completion" and seems to take place across profoundly different animal species. In a previous experiment, we tested the ability of jumping spiders to associate geometric shapes with sucrose rewards and then generalize the learned association to the shapes' hidden versions. In that experiment, the spiders learned the association but failed the generalization task, leaving open the question of whether they are capable of amodally completing shapes. Here, we replicated the experiment, increasing the number of subjects and employing a deep neural network based scoring procedure. The results closely match those observed in the previous experiment, but without rising to significance. We stress the importance of employing hands-off approaches to scoring procedures, maximizing objectivity and efficiency. Spiders possess a unique visual system, split into eight different eyes and divided into two fully independent visual pathways. This peculiar organization begs the question of how visual information is processed, and whether the classically recognized Gestalt rules of perception hold true. In a previous experiment, we tested the ability of jumping spiders to associate a geometrical shape with a reward (sucrose solution), and then to generalize the learned association to a partially occluded version of the shape. The occluded shape was presented together with a broken version of the same shape. The former should be perceived as a whole shape only in the case the animals, like humans, are able to amodally complete an object partly hidden by an occluder; otherwise, the two shapes would be perceived as identical. There, the spiders learned the association but failed to generalize. Here, we present a replication of the experiment, with an increased number of subjects, a DeepLabCut-based scoring procedure, and an improved statistical analysis. The results of the experiment follow closely the direction of the effects observed in the previous work but fail to rise to significance. We discuss the importance of study replication, and we especially highlight the use of automated scoring procedures to maximize objectivity in behavioral studies

    Is it only humans that count from left to right?

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    We report that adult nutcrackers (Nucifraga columbiana) and newborn domestic chicks (Gallus gallus) show a leftward bias when required to locate an object in a series of identical ones on the basis of its ordinal position. Birds were trained to peck at either the fourth or sixth element in a series of 16 identical and aligned positions. These were placed in front of the bird, sagittally with respect to its starting position. When, at test, the series was rotated by 90° lying frontoparallel to the bird's starting position, both species showed a bias for identifying selectively the correct position from the left but not from the right end. The similarity with the well-known phenomenon of the left-to-right spatially oriented number line in humans is considered

    Cerebral and Behavioural Asymmetries in Animal Social Recognition

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    Evidence is here summarized that animal species belonging to distant taxa show forms of social recognition, a sophisticated cognitive ability adaptive in most social interactions. The paper then proceeds to review evidence of functional lateralization for this cognitive ability. The main focus of this review is evidence obtained in domestic chickens, the animal model employed in the authors' laboratories, but we also discuss comparisons with data from species ranging from fishes, amphib ians and reptiles, to other birds and mammals. A consistent pattern emerges, pointing toward a right hemisphere dominance, in particular for discrimination of social companions and individual (or familiarity-based) recognition, whereas the left hemisphere could be specialized for "category-based" distinctions (e.g., conspecifics versus heterospecifics). This pattern of results is discussed in relation to a more general specialization and processing styles of the two sides of the brain, with the right hemisphere predisposed for developing a detailed, global and contextual representation of objects, and the left hemisphere predisposed for rapid assignment of a stimulus to a category, for processing releaser stimuli and for control of responses

    Visually Inexperienced Chicks Exhibit Spontaneous Preference for Biological Motion Patterns

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    When only a small number of points of light attached to the torso and limbs of a moving organism are visible, the animation correctly conveys the animal's activity. Here we report that newly hatched chicks, reared and hatched in darkness, at their first exposure to point-light animation sequences, exhibit a spontaneous preference to approach biological motion patterns. Intriguingly, this predisposition is not specific for the motion of a hen, but extends to the pattern of motion of other vertebrates, even to that of a potential predator such as a cat. The predisposition seems to reflect the existence of a mechanism in the brain aimed at orienting the young animal towards objects that move semi-rigidly (as vertebrate animals do), thus facilitating learning, i.e., through imprinting, about their more specific features of motion

    The Evolution of Social Orienting: Evidence from Chicks (Gallus gallus) and Human Newborns

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    Converging evidence from different species indicates that some newborn vertebrates, including humans, have visual predispositions to attend to the head region of animate creatures. It has been claimed that newborn preferences for faces are domain-relevant and similar in different species. One of the most common criticisms of the work supporting domain-relevant face biases in human newborns is that in most studies they already have several hours of visual experience when tested. This issue can be addressed by testing newly hatched face-na\uefve chicks (Gallus gallus) whose preferences can be assessed prior to any other visual experience with faces