442 research outputs found

    ‘They are not empowered enough to speak English’: Multilingual communication between Kenyan NGOs and local communities

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    Contemporary development NGOs aim to promote community participation and ownership rather than impose solutions that lack local relevance and support. Participatory development approaches consequently attribute high value to the direct interaction between NGOs and beneficiaries, and to an NGO’s ability to hear and understand the concerns of local communities. However, given the diversity of actors involved, these interactions are far from straightforward, and many, in particular in Sub-Saharan Africa, involve one or multiple language barriers. Surprisingly, the multilingual nature of the contact zone between NGOs and their beneficiaries is rarely acknowledged explicitly in the discourse on participatory development emanating from NGOs and other institutions in the aid chain. Furthermore, NGOs seem to lack a systematic approach to multilingual communication in these encounters. This lack of engagement with multilingualism in development discourse, however, is not matched by a commensurate gap in development practice. Indeed, both translation and interpreting are common in development encounters, and aid workers in the Global South are highly resourceful in overcoming language barriers. The findings presented in this paper provide an overview of the multilingual practices deployed by Kenyan development NGOs to communicate with beneficiaries and deepen our understanding of how language constrains and shapes participation in development. In shedding light on these practices, the author hopes to contribute to enhancing the visibility of languages in development discourse


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    Moderne optische Methoden erlauben es, ultrakurze Lichtimpulse mit einer Dauer von wenigen Feitosekunden (10"1 S s) herzustellen. Mit diesen Lichtimpulsen, die nur aus wergen Schwingungsperioden des elektromagnetischen Feldes bestehen, können sftnellste VorgĂ€nge in Physik, Chemie und Biologie direkt zeit aufgelöst beobaciet werden. In diesem Artikel werden die Grundlagen der Ultrakurzzeitspektoskopie erarbeitet und als Beispiel ihrer Anwendung Ergebnisse ĂŒber die PimĂ€rreaktion der Photosynthese von Bakteriorhodopsin vorgestellt

    Contextualizing Interpreter Training in Africa: Two Case Studies from Kenya

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    This article explores the potential and limitations of interpreter training in Africa. It considers relevant features of the context, namely, the kind of multilingualism that characterizes postcolonial societies (with a coexistence of official, national, regional and vehicular languages within the same geographic space), and the social and geographic distribution of these languages within and across countries. My argument is based on two different interpreter training initiatives implemented in Kenya between 2010 and 2015: a Master’s degree program in conference interpreting for Kenyan and international students with English, French and/or Swahili; and a Certificate program in community interpreting for refugees from Somalia and members of the Kenyan Somali community. The limitations of the programs illustrate the need for a nuanced, contextualized and diversified approach to interpreter training in Africa, and the risks of a one-size-fits-all understanding of interpreting

    Translation studies in Africa: quo vadis?

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    We can understand if you feel somewhat let down by the topic of this editorial. You would be correct in asking whether one should not have figured out the direction of a field of study before starting a new journal on an undecided agenda. “Don’t you know what you want to publish?” you might rightfully ask. Well, yes and no

    Langzeittherapie mit Bosentan bei Patienten mit Eisenmenger-Syndrom

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    Einleitung: In der vorliegenden Studie wird die Überlebenszeit und die Zeit der klinischen StabilitĂ€t sowie deren Einflussfaktoren unter einer Langzeittherapie mit Bosentan von bis zu zehn Jahren bei Patienten mit Eisenmenger-Syndrom (ES) untersucht. Außerdem wird die langfristige Wirkung der Bosentantherapie auf Belastbarkeit, Zyanose und Rechtsherzbelastung untersucht. Methoden: Grundlage dieser Arbeit ist die prospektive Studie HP 3.2, die unter der Koordination des Kompetenznetzes fĂŒr angeborene Herzfehler die Wirksamkeit einer sechsmonatigen Therapie mit Bosentan bei Patienten mit ES untersuchte. In dieser Arbeit werden die Daten der Studie HP 3.2 sowie der retrospektiv erhobenen Langzeitdaten derselben Patienten statistisch analysiert. Ergebnisse: Das mittlere Alter der 55 ES-Patienten (29 Frauen und 26 MĂ€nner) der Studie HP 3.2 betrug 31,73 +/- 10,2 Jahre. Nach einer medianen Beobachtungszeit von 5,44 Jahren (Interquartilsabstand (IQR): 2,32-7,81 Jahre) und einer medianen Behandlungszeit mit Bosentan von 4,92 Jahren (IQR: 1,27-6,91 Jahre) lebten noch 60 % der Patienten. Die mediane Zeit bis zum Tod betrug 6,69 Jahre (IQR: 4,44-7,88 Jahre), jene bis zur ersten klinischen Zustandsverschlechterung 4,68 Jahre (IQR: 2,22-7,10 Jahre). Eine Verbesserung der maximalen Sauerstoffaufname (VO2max) wĂ€hrend den ersten sechs Monaten einer Bosentantherapie hatte einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Überlebenszeit (p = 0,02) ebenso wie die Höhe des Pro-BNP bei Studienstart (p = 0,01). Die LĂ€nge der Zeit bis zu einer klinischen Zustandsverschlechterung wurde durch den Pro-BNP-Wert (p = 0,01) bei Studienstart signifikant beeinflusst. WĂ€hrend einer Behandlungszeit mit Bosentan von sechs Monaten verbesserten sich die mediane 6-MGS von 390 m auf 440 m (p < 0,001), die NYHA-Klasse um ein Stadium (p < 0,01) und das Pro-BNP von 395 pg/ml auf 301 pg/ml (p = 0,045). Die transkutane SatO2 in Ruhe und der Abfall derselben wĂ€hrend 6-Minuten-Gehtest verĂ€nderten sich nicht signifikant. WĂ€hrend den ersten drei Jahren der Langzeittherapie zeigte sich stets eine statistisch signifikant lĂ€ngere mediane 6-MGS im Vergleich zu den Ausgangswerten (von 390 m bis zu 437,5 m im Median). Im weiteren zeitlichen Verlauf von bis zu zehn Jahren glich sich die 6-MGS wieder den Ausgangswerten an. Schlußfolgerung: Über eine außergewöhnlich lange Beobachtungszeit konnten die Höhe des Pro-BNP-Wertes vor Beginn der Bosentantherapie sowie die Verbesserung des VO2max-Wertes in den ersten Monaten einer spezifischen Therapie als PrĂ€diktoren fĂŒr die Überlebenszeit bei ES-Patienten bestimmt werden. Die Höhe des Pro-BNP-Wertes sowie die 6-MGS vor Beginn der Therapie stellten außerdem EinflussgrĂ¶ĂŸen fĂŒr die Zeit bis zu einer klinischen Zustandsverschlechterung dar. Eine signifikant bessere Belastbarkeit unter Bosentantherapie konnte ĂŒber die ersten drei Behandlungsjahre nachgewiesen werden.Introduction: The objective of this study is to examine the long-term effect of a therapy with Bosentan on clinical stability and mortality and its predictors in patients with Eisenmenger’s syndrome over a period up to ten years. Additionally, exercise capacity, cyanosis and right-heart failure are analyzed over the time. Methods: This work is based on the prospective study HP 3.2 under the coordination of the Kompetenznetz fĂŒr angeborene Herzfehler examing the efficacy of a Bosentan therapy over six months in patients with ES. In the present study data from the study HP 3.2 and retrospective acquired long-term data from the same patients are analysed. Results: The 55 patients with ES (29 women and 26 men) from the study HP 3.2 were 31,73 +/- 10,2 years old. The median follow-up was 5,44 years (interquartile range (IQR): 2,32-7,82 years), the median time of therapy with Bosentan was 4,92 years (IQR: 1,27-6,91 years). 60 % of ES patients survived during the follow-up period. The median follow-up time until death was 6,69 years (IQR: 4,44-7,88 years), the median follow-up until the first deterioration of clinical status was 4,68 years (IQR: 2,22-7,1 years). An improvement of the maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) during the first six months of therapy (p = 0,02) and the pro-BNP at baseline (p = 0,01) had a significant influence on the survival time. Additionally, the pro-BNP (p = 0,01) at baseline were predictors for the time to clinical worsening. During the first six months, the 6-MWD increased from 390 m to 440 m (p < 0,001), the functional class improved about one stadium (p < 0,01) and the pro-BNP increased from 395 pg/ml to 301 pg/ml (p = 0,045). The transcutaneous SatO2 during 6-MWD testing and at rest remained stable. For the first three years of long-term follow-up, the median 6-MWD remained significantly higher than baseline values (from 390 m up to 437,5 m) , after that seemed to return to baseline levels. Discussion: For the patients examined in this study during the extraordinary long period of follow-up, therapy with Bosentan was supportive for a long-term stability of clinical status, exercise capacity and right-heart failure. Nevertheless, mortality remained high with 40% during the study period. To have a concluding appraisal, studies with similar follow-up and higher case numbers should be performed

    Value Propositions in the Internet of Things: A Taxonomy of B2B Smart Services

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    Connected and smart products give rise to smart services that leverage their advanced capabilities and promise profitable business models. However, many companies in the Internet of Things domain are still struggling to incorporate smart services into their portfolios, and more research is needed to facilitate service innovation and adoption. We, therefore, identify common characteristics of the value propositions of B2B smart services and summarize them in a taxonomy. The taxonomy development follows established methods and is based on a systematic literature review and the study of 100 empirical objects. To confirm the validity of our findings, we conduct two ex-post evaluations. Our research provides descriptive knowledge about B2B smart services that can serve as a foundation for further research on smart service innovation
