21 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this article is to point out the main aspects regarding the use of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) to discover and locate the source of information, but also to create a data base with the information gathered this period. The user can not only access the files, but he can also use other types of Internet services at the same time. The applications refer to multiplex system, but a low cost solution will diminish the trust of the decision-makers in implementing and using these innovative solutions

    Qualitative features of organic tomatoes

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    In recent years, the organic sector has put significant efforts in the development of clear definitions for gentle and quality oriented processing of plant based foodstuffs to supplement existing regulations. Concrete quality standards for different types of processing are under development in several CoreOrganic Plus projects. However, there is still a significant need for development of a Code of Practice. Quality of a product and sustainability of production depend on the cumulative impacts of each processing step in the food chain, as well as the quality of the raw material. With increasing demands by the consumers who expect high quality foods produced sustainably and preferably regionally (SusOrganic consumer survey), pressure on the producers is growing as this requires skilled and qualified agri-food practitioners, professionals and manufacturers to be able to deliver the best quality at affordable prices and the lowest environmental impact possible

    Starea sistemului de peroxidare a lipidelor după utilizarea haloterapiei în tratamentul complex al bolnavilor cu bronşită acută, cu evoluţii trenantă şi recidivantă

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    Summary. Lipids peroxidation and antioxidation protection state after halotherapy use in complex treatment of patients with protracting and relapsing acute bronchitis. Lipids peroxidation and antioxidation protection state after halotherapy use in complex treatment of patients with protracting and relapsing acute bronchitis. The method of halotherapy was applied in comprehensive rehabilitatiion program of 14 lingering and recurrence acute bronchitis patients (1st basic group), other 14 patients with the same clinical data and diagnosis (2nd control group) were treated only by pharmacological therapy. After AIBPU (number 4) are obtained: reduction of inflammatory activity, improvement of parameters of biogenous substances in the volume of exhaled air condensate, and also anti-oxidant protection activity were revealed in the 1st group. At the same time, these parameters were not changed at all in the 2nd group, or insignificant tendency towards standardization of them were detected (p<0,05 compared to 1st group).Резюме. Cостояние системы перекисного окисления липидов-антиоксидантов при комплексном лечении галотерапией больных c затяжным и рецидивирующим бронхитом. Галотерапия была включена в программу комплексного лечения 14 больных острым бронхитом с затяжным и рецидивирующим течением (1 группа). Контрольная (2) группа состояла из идентичных больных, которые получали только общепринятое медикаментозное лечение. Ис- ходные исследования показали нарушения метаболической функции легких с повышением концентрации биоактивных веществ в конденсате объема выдыхаемого воздуха, активацию процессов пероксидации липидов и снижение антиоксидантной активности. После курса галотерапии в 1 группе были достигнуты: уменьшение воспалительной активности (p<0,05), нормализация показателей концентрации биоактивных веществ в конденсате объема выдыхаемого воздуха (p<0,05) и нормализация процессов пероксидации липидов и антиоксидантной активности (p<0,01, сравнительно с исходными данными). В то же время, у больных 2 группы первоначальные нарушения оставались на прежнем уровне или отмечалась незначительная тенденция к нормализации показателей (p<0,05 в сравнении с результатами полученными в 1 группе)

    Evaluation of phenolic compounds in white wines treated with enzymes

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    Wine's quality is influenced both by the grape characteristics and winemaking protocols. Awareness of the significant role of enzymes preparations in beverages technologies contributes to the optimization of the manufacturing process, for improving the chemical composition of the resulting wine and its organoleptic properties. This paper focuses on monitoring the impact of different commercial enzymes (pectinases and β-glycosides) on the main phenolic compounds content of Sauvignon blanc wines. For this experiment, ten phenolic compounds were quantified using a liquid-chromatography (LC) system coupled with ion trap mass spectrometer. The results indicated a significant influence of enzymes on wine’s phenolic fraction. Experimental samples presented high content in protocatechuic acid (9.99 - 13.75 μg/mL) and caftaric acid (2.69 - 9.80 μg/mL). The use of pectinases lead to an increase of phenolic compound’s concentration compared to the control

    Effects of Marine Residue-Derived Fertilizers on Strawberry Growth, Nutrient Content, Fruit Yield and Quality

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    An outdoor experiment was performed for six months to evaluate the effects of organic fertilizers obtained from marine residual materials on strawberry plants. Three types of organic fertilizers were used, i.e., cod (Gadus morhua) bone powder, common ling (Molva molva) bone powder, and pellets obtained by mixing small cod bone powder and rockweed (Ascophyllum nodosum) residues. A tabletop system for strawberry cultivation was designed, in which two bare-root strawberry plants of cultivar ‘Albion’ were planted in a peat substrate in each pot. Five treatments were applied, i.e., cod bone powder (F1), common ling bone powder (F2), small cod bone powder and rockweed residue pellets (FA), chemical fertilizer (E), and a control (C). The number of leaves and their nutrient content, fruit yield and quality characteristics of the strawberries grown using the organic fertilizers were similar or better than those corresponding to treatments E and C. Organic fertilizers derived from the residues of fish and macroalgae could be a promising alternative to chemical fertilizers in strawberry production

    Ejecución de la pena y valoración del riesgo de reincidencia

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    Treball final de Grau en Criminologia i Seguretat. Codi: CS1044. Curs academic 2015-2016En el derecho penal español, la peligrosidad criminal se consagra como un elemento para la valoración del riesgo de reincidencia, y como un factor a tener en cuenta por jueces o tribunales a la hora de aplicar una determinada pena, medidas de seguridad o decidir sobre la suspensión de la ejecución de las penas privativas de libertad. Dicha peligrosidad criminal, es analizada, valorada y determinada a partir del estudio del delito cometido por un sujeto, de sus antecedentes o sus factores personales, sociales, familiares o motivacionales, entre otros. Aunque, una vez dentro de prisión, la peligrosidad criminal del interno y su riesgo de reincidencia siguen siendo fundamentales a la hora de clasificar al sujeto en un determinado grado penitenciario o a la hora de elaborarle un programa individualizado de tratamiento, ya que, de acuerdo con el fin constitucional y primordial de la Administración Penitenciaria de resocializar y reinsertar al interno en la sociedad, todos los objetivos propuestos irán encaminados hacia tal fin. Por lo tanto, es de vital importancia, para el cumplimiento y posterior consecución de los objetivos planteados, y de la disminución de la peligrosidad criminal y riesgo de reincidencia, el papel de los órganos penitenciarios y extra-penitenciarios que intervendrán en la ejecución de la pena de prisión de un determinado sujeto.In Criminal Spanish Law, the criminal dangerousness is a feature to measure the evaluation of recidivism risk and also a factor used by judges or courts to apply a specific penalty, security measures or to decide about the suspension of execution of sentences of imprisonment. That criminal dangerousness is analyzed, evaluated and determined from a committed offence by an offender, his criminal recorder or his personal, social and familiar factors. Even though, in prison, the prisoner’s criminal dangerousness and his recidivism risk are still both essential to classify the prisoner to a specific prison grade or to elaborate a specific treatment program, because, according to the constitutional and essential prison administration’s purpose, in order to reincorporate the prisoner into society, all the proposed goals will be routed to the same purpose. Therefore, is really important, for the compliance and subsequent of the proposed goals, and for reducing criminal dangerousness and recidivism risk, the prison and extra-prison organs role, which will take part into the prisoner execution of sentence of imprisonment

    Oxigenarea hiperbarică în tratamentul bronşitei cronice obstructive la persoanele participante la lichidarea consecinţelor avariei de la CAE de la Cernobâl

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    Summary. Zyperbaric oxygenation in the complex treatment in obstructive chronic bronchitis of patients parties to the consequences of the Chernobyl accident. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy it has been used in the program of complex treatment at 30 patients with a chronic obstructive bronchitis. The rate hyperbaric oxygen therapy has consisted of 8-10-12 sessions, depending on weight of disease and a condition of the patient. As a result of treatment with use hyperbaric oxygen therapy, fast improvement is reached clinical condition, positive dynamics of a gas condition of arterial blood and improvement of functional parameters of pulmonary ventilation and central hemodynamics of patients and also anti-oxidant protection activity were revealed in the basic group.Резюме. Гипербарическая оксигенация в комплексном лечении хронического обструктивного бронхита у пациентов-участников ликвидации последствий аварии на Чернобыльской АЭС. Гипербарическая оксигенация была использована в комплексной программе лечения и реабилитации 30 больных с хроническим обструктивным бронхитом. Курс галотерапии состоял из 8-10-12 процедур, в зависимости от состояния больного. В результате лечения были достигнуты быстрое улучшение клинического состояния, положительная динамики газового состава в артериальной крови, улучшение показателей легочной вентиляции и центральной гемодинамики больных, а также нормализация антиоксидантной защиты в основной группе

    Evolving Hypernetwork Models of Binary Time Series for Forecasting Price Movements on Stock Markets

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    Abstract — The paper proposes a hypernetwork-based method for stock market prediction through a binary time series problem. Hypernetworks are a random hypergraph structure of higher-order probabilistic relations of data. The problem we tackle concerns the prediction of price movements (up/down) on stock markets. Compared to previous approaches, the proposed method discovers a large population of variable subpatterns, i.e. local and global patterns, using a novel evolutionary hypernetwork. An output is obtained from combining these patterns. In the paper, we describe two methods for assessing the prediction quality of the hypernetwork approach. Applied to the Dow Jones Industrial Average Index and the Korea Composite Stock Price Index data, the experimental results show that the proposed method effectively learns and predicts the time series information. In particular, the hypernetwork approach outperforms other machine learning methods such as support vector machines, naive Bayes, multilayer perceptrons, and k-nearest neighbors. I