2,229 research outputs found

    Performance and ruminal development of dairy calves fed starter concentrate with different physical forms

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito da forma física do concentrado no desempenho e no desenvolvimento ruminal de bezerros leiteiros. Foram utilizados 22 bezerros Holandeses com peso corporal inicial médio de 43,2 kg, alojados individualmente e alimentados com dieta líquida (4 L/d) e concentrado inicial de duas formas físicas (peletizada ou farelada). O consumo de concentrado inicial foi monitorado diariamente e os animais pesados semanalmente, sempre após o fornecimento da dieta líquida, pela manhã. Após dez semanas, quatro bezerros de cada tratamento foram abatidos para coleta de amostras de fluido ruminal para determinação do pH e das concentrações de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta (AGCC) e de N-NH3 ruminal. Também foram realizadas medidas morfométricas do trato digestório superior. Não houve efeito da forma física no consumo de concentrado inicial, no peso corporal ou no ganho de peso diário dos animais. A forma física do concentrado inicial também não afetou o pH, as concentrações de AGCC ou de N-NH3 ruminal, assim como as medidas morfométricas do trato digestório superior, à exceção da capacidade do rúmen e do peso do abomaso, que foram maiores nos animais alimentados com concentrado peletizado. O fornecimento de concentrado farelado pode ser uma alternativa para a redução de custo de produção, uma vez que a forma física do concentrado não afeta o desempenho ou o desenvolvimento do trato digestório superior de bezerros leiteiros.The physical form of concentrate on the performance and rumen development on dairy calves was evaluated in this experiment. Twenty-two Holstein male calves, with 42.3 kg initial body weight, were individually housed, fed 4 L/d of liquid diet and starter concentrate in two physical forms (pelleted or coarsely ground). Starter concentrate intake was monitored daily and calves were weighted weekly, always after the morning liquid diet feeding. After 10 weeks, four calves from each treatment were slaughtered and rumen samples were taken for pH, rumen short chain fatty acids (SCFA) and N-NH3 concentration. Morphometric measurement of the forestomach was also evaluated. There was no effect of the physical form on starter concentrate intake, body weight, and daily gain. The physical form of the concentrate also had no effects on pH, SCFA or N-NH3 rumen concentration, nor on the morphometric measurements of the forestomach, except for rumen capacity and abomasum weight, which were higher for animals fed pelleted starter concentrate. Coarsely ground starter concentrate may be an alternative to reduced production costs since the physical form of the concentrate had no effect on performance or in the development of forestomach of dairy calves

    Effect of inclusion of sodium butyrate, calcium propionate or sodium monensin in the starter feed on ruminal parameters and forestomach development in dairy calves

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    O objetivo neste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da inclusão de butirato de sódio, monensina sódica ou propionato de cálcio no concentrado inicial sobre parâmetros ruminais e de desenvolvimento do trato digestório superior de bezerros leiteiros. Quinze bezerros holandeses recém-nascidos foram fistulados no rúmen e alojados em baias individuais até a décima semana de vida, com livre acesso a água, alimentados com leite (4 L/dia), em duas refeições, e concentrado à vontade contendo butirato de sódio (0,15%), monensina sódica (30 ppm) ou propionato de cálcio (0,15%). A partir da quarta semana de vida dos animais, antes e 2 horas após a alimentação da manhã, foram realizadas colheitas semanais de fluido ruminal para determinação do pH, da concentração de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta (AGCC) e N-amoniacal. Ao completar 10 semanas, os animais foram abatidos para avaliação do crescimento do trato digestório superior. O pH ruminal apresentou diferenças, tanto entre horários quanto entre os aditivos utilizados no concentrado inicial. As concentrações de AGCC totais, bem como de cada ácido graxo, não foram afetadas pelos aditivos. Entretanto, o horário de colheita teve efeito sobre todos os parâmetros, exceto a concentração molar de ácido acético. O peso total do trato digestório superior, assim como o peso médio de cada compartimento e a capacidade máxima do retículo-rúmen, não foram afetados pelos aditivos fornecidos no concentrado. Também não foram observados efeitos dos aditivos sobre a altura, a largura e o número de papilas do epitélio ruminal. A inclusão desses aditivos no concentrado inicial não afeta os parâmetros ruminais ou de desenvolvimento do trato digestório de bezerros em aleitamento.The objective of this study was the evaluation of the inclusion of calcium propionate, sodium butyrate and sodium monensin in the starter concentrate on ruminal parameters and forestomach development in dairy calves. Fifteen newborn Holstein calves were rumen cannulated and housed in individual stalls until ten weeks old, with free access to water, fed 4 liters of milk per day, split in two meals, and starter concentrate ad libitum containing sodium butyrate (0.15%), sodium monensin (30 ppm) or calcium propionate (0.15%). Starting at the fourth week of life, before and 2 hours after the morning feeding, ruminal fluid samples were taken weekly to determine the pH, short-chain fatty acids and ammonia-N. After 10 weeks, the animals were slaughtered to assess the forestomach growth. The rumen pH was affected by sampling time and the additives used in the starter concentrate. The total short-chain fatty acids concentration and each fatty acid concentration, were was not affected by the additives. However, except for molar concentration of acetic acid, all rumen fermentation parameters were affected by sampling time. The total forestomach weight and the average weight of each compartment and the maximum reticulum-rumen capacity were not affected by additives supplied in the starter concentrate. No significant effects of the additives were observed on the height, width and number of papillae of the ruminal epithelium. The inclusion of these additives in starter concentrate had no effect on most of the ruminal parameters and forestomach development in suckling calves.FAPES

    The “Hypertension Approaches in the Elderly: a Lifestyle study” multicenter, randomized trial (HAEL Study): rationale and methodological protocol

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    Background: Hypertension is a clinical condition highly prevalent in the elderly, imposing great risks to cardiovascular diseases and loss of quality of life. Current guidelines emphasize the importance of nonpharmacological strategies as a first-line approach to lower blood pressure. Exercise is an efficient lifestyle tool that can benefit a myriad of health-related outcomes, including blood pressure control, in older adults. We herein report the protocol of the HAEL Study, which aims to evaluate the efficacy of a pragmatic combined exercise training compared with a health education program on ambulatory blood pressure and other health-related outcomes in older individuals. Methods: Randomized, single-blinded, multicenter, two-arm, parallel, superiority trial. A total of 184 subjects (92/center), ≥60 years of age, with no recent history of cardiovascular events, will be randomized on a 1:1 ratio to 12-week interventions consisting either of a combined exercise (aerobic and strength) training, three times per week, or an active-control group receiving health education intervention, once a week. Ambulatory (primary outcome) and office blood pressures, cardiorespiratory fitness and endothelial function, together with quality of life, functional fitness and autonomic control will be measured in before and after intervention. Discussion: Our conceptual hypothesis is that combined training intervention will reduce ambulatory blood pressure in comparison with health education group. Using a superiority framework, analysis plan prespecifies an intention-to-treat approach, per protocol criteria, subgroups analysis, and handling of missing data. The trial is recruiting since September 2017. Finally, this study was designed to adhere to data sharing practices. Trial registration: NCT03264443. Registered on 29 August, 2017

    Evaluation of mannan-oligosaccharides offered in milk replacers or calf starters and their effect on performance and rumen development of dairy calves

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the route of administration of mannan-oligosaccharides in the diet of dairy calves and their effects on performance and plasma parameters indicative of rumen development. Following birth, twenty-four male Holstein calves were used in a completely randomized design and assigned to the following treatments: Control; 4 g/d Bio-Mos (R) (Alltech Biotech.) added to starter concentrate; and 4 g/d Bio-Mos (R) mixed into milk replacer. Animals were housed in individual hutches with free access to water, and fed 4L/d of milk replacer until weaning at six weeks. Calves also received 23g/kg crude protein of starter concentrate ad libitum. Fecal scores were evaluated daily. Body weights, growth measurements and blood samples for glucose, urea-N and beta-hidroxibutyrate analyses were taken weekly until 8 weeks of age. There were no significant effects of treatment or treatment x age interactions for mean starter concentrate intake, weight gain or body growth. However, there was a significant age effect for all parameters. Fecal scores were not affected by treatments. Also, plasma concentration of glucose, urea-N or beta-hidroxibutyrate were not affected by treatment or the treatment x age interaction. However, urea-N and beta-hidroxibutyrate concentrations significantly increased with age, suggesting adequate rumen development. Under the conditions of this study, there were no calf performance benefits when mannan-oligosaccharides were incorporated into milk replacer or calf starter concentrate.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq


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    Dossiê As pesquisas sobre Gênero, Sexualidade e Relações Étnico-raciais: perspectivas, reverberações e desafios de uma História do Presente (e do passado

    Guided Endodontics in Nonsurgical Retreatment of a Mandibular First Molar: A New Approach and Case Report

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    This case report describes the use of the guided endodontics for a non-surgical endodontic retreatment of the mandibular molar. A 38-year-old female reported apical swelling and localized pain on the tooth #30, exacerbated when chewing hard food. Periapical radiographic examination showed pulp canal obliteration in the apical third associated with extensive radiolucent area. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images were requested to support the diagnosis and enable preparation of a surgical guide, used to direct access to the canals that were obliterated and incompletely filled. The follow-up at 24 months radiographically showed completely healed apical area in the involved tooth. This non-surgical technique demonstrated efficacy in case resolution.Keywords: Cone-beam Computed Tomography; Endodontic; Guided Endodontic


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    A necessidade de produção e comercialização de grande volume de alimentos teve como consequência o aumento dos processos agropecuários em escala industrial, fluxos de resíduos, sistemas agrícolas, acidentes diversos com diferentes poluentes, contaminando os solos e as águas. Esses compostos denominados como xenobióticos, ou seja, compostos constituídos por moléculas estranhas ao ambiente natural, ou em concentrações maiores que as encontradas em solos não contaminados, quando aplicados diretamente no solo, podem permanecer no ambiente sem sofrer qualquer alteração. Uma das alternativas para minimizar os problemas causados pela contaminação dessas moléculas é o uso da técnica de biorremdiação. O presente estudo teve como objetivo posicionar o Brasil em relação aos recentes resultados sobre biorremediação e seus impactos na agricultura


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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes níveis de irrigação, sobre o cultivo de forração paisagística erica (Cuphea gracilis). O experimento foi realizado em ambiente protegido na área experimental da Faculdade Assis Gurgacz, Cascavel, PR, utilizando erica no estágio inicial de formação, com cultivo em vasos. Foi utilizado delineamento inteiramente casualizados com 5 tratamentos (0,5; 1,00; 1,5; 2,00; 2,5 vezes, em função da evaporação do mini-tanque evaporímetro) e 4 repetições. A colheita foi realizada com 45 dias de idade das plantas e as variáveis fenométricas avaliadas foram: número de ramos florais (NRF), número de flores (NF), número de folhas (NFL), altura de planta (AP), massa fresca de planta (MFP), massa seca de planta (MSP), e eficiência do uso de água (EUA). Os resultados permitem concluir que NRF, NF, NFL, AP, MFP e MSP mostraram resposta quadrática e crescente ao alcance dos níveis de manejo de irrigação estudados, indicando decréscimo de produção em função dos níveis de irrigação apenas para MFP e MSP quando o manejo de irrigação foi superior a duas vezes ao valor da evaporação. Os dados relativos à EUA revelaram resposta linear decrescente

    Optimization of Results for Cracked Teeth Using CAD-CAM System: A Case Series

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    Different restorative techniques have been proposed for the treatment of posterior teeth affected by cracked tooth syndrome (CTS). However, the literature is scarce in protocols of how to solve CTS using ceramic restorations made by computer aided design–computer aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM) system. CAD-CAM provides a fast and efficient restorative treatment usually in a single visit, reducing the risk of contamination and micro-infiltration of the cracked line. The objective of this work was to describe 3 clinical cases of cracked teeth, which presented vertical fracture lines in different directions and extension through the pulp, restored by CAD-CAM system, with 5-year follow-up. Patients with short-term spontaneous masticatory pain, cold sensibility and restored teeth without cuspal coverage were selected. Digital radiographs (DR) were taken to confirm the pulp and periapical status. Periodontal probing depth, sensitivity, percussion, and occlusion tests were performed. The fracture lines with their direction and extension were identified under dental optical microscope (DOM). The treatment plan was performed in two stages: immediate treatment to stabilize the tooth and minimize pain, and final restorative treatment by CAD-CAM system to stabilize the crack. Patients were between the ages of 37 and 45 years. Most of the studied teeth presented extensive restorations without cuspal coverage. The presence of occlusal interference, in lateral movement, was a constant finding. Endodontic treatment was performed in cases of irreversible pulpitis or pulpal necrosis. In all three cases, cavity preparation was performed for full coverage restorations, as the fracture lines extended in several directions, requiring a re-enforcement of the cervical region of the teeth in question. The survival rate of the reported cases was 100% with 5-year clinical and radiographic follow-up, suggesting that CAD-CAM system may be a promising alternative treatment in the management of CTS, improving tooth longevity.Keywords: CAD-CAM; Cracked Teeth; Cracked Tooth Syndrome; Incomplete Fracture; Prognosi

    Interferência do extrato vegetal de mangueira na cultura do crambe

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    O conceito de alelopatia refere-se às interações que ocorrem entre as plantas quehabitam determinando meio, resultando em influências estimulantes, inibitórias ou neutras.Diante disso, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo de analisar o potencial alelopático defolhas de manga (Mangifera indica) sob o desenvolvimento inicial da cultura do crambe. Oexperimento foi conduzindo em bandeja e realizado no campus da UNIOESTE de Cascavel -PR. Foram utilizados 5 tratamentos (100%, 75%, 50%, 25% e 0% de extrato) com 6repetições cada em delineamento em blocos casualizados (DBC). Foram analisados osseguintes parâmetros: Índice vegetal de germinação IVG, percentagem de germinação (G),alturas de plantas (aP), comprimento de raízes (CR) e massa fresca e seca de raízes e da parteárea. Os resultados obtidos permitem observar que o extrato aquoso das folhas de manga (M.indica) pode exercer tanto influências neutras quanto inibitórias a depender da concentraçãode extrato aplicad