3,506 research outputs found

    System identification from closed-loop data with known output feedback dynamics

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    This paper presents a procedure to identify the open loop systems when it is operating under closed loop conditions. First, closed loop excitation data are used to compute the system open loop and closed loop Markov parameters. The Markov parameters, which are the pulse response samples, are then used to compute a state space representation of the open loop system. Two closed loop configurations are considered in this paper. The closed loop system can have either a linear output feedback controller or a dynamic output feedback controller. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the proposed closed loop identification method

    Identification of linear systems by an asymptotically stable observer

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    A formulation is presented for the identification of a linear multivariable system from single or multiple sets of input-output data. The system input-output relationship is expressed in terms of an observer, which is made asymptotically stable by an embedded eigenvalue assignment procedure. The prescribed eigenvalues for the observer may be real, complex, mixed real and complex, or zero. In this formulation, the Markov parameters of the observer are identified from input-output data. The Markov parameters of the actual system are then recovered from those of the observer and used to obtain a state space model of the system by standard realization techniques. The basic mathematical formulation is derived, and extensive numerical examples using simulated noise-free data are presented to illustrate the proposed method

    Tetrazolium salts and formazan products in cell biology: viability assessment, fluorescence imaging, and labeling perspectives

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    For many years various tetrazolium salts and their formazan products have been employed in histochemistry and for assessing cell viability. For the latter application, the most widely used are 3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide (MTT), and 5-cyano-2,3-di-(p-tolyl)-tetrazolium chloride (CTC) for viability assays of eukaryotic cells and bacteria, respectively. In these cases, the nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide (NAD(P)H) coenzyme and dehydrogenases from metabolically active cells reduce tetrazolium salts to strongly colored and lipophilic formazan products, which are then quantified by absorbance (MTT) or fluorescence (CTC). More recently, certain sulfonated tetrazolium, which give rise to water-soluble formazans, have also proved useful for cytotoxicity assays. We describe several aspects of the application of tetrazolium salts and formazans in biomedical cell biology research, mainly regarding formazan-based colorimetric assays, cellular reduction of MTT, and localization and fluorescence of the MTT formazan in lipidic cell structures. In addition, some pharmacological and labeling perspectives of these compounds are also described

    HI intensity mapping with FAST

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    We discuss the detectability of large-scale HI intensity fluctuations using the FAST telescope. We present forecasts for the accuracy of measuring the Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations and constraining the properties of dark energy. The FAST 1919-beam L-band receivers (1.051.05--1.451.45 GHz) can provide constraints on the matter power spectrum and dark energy equation of state parameters (w0,waw_{0},w_{a}) that are comparable to the BINGO and CHIME experiments. For one year of integration time we find that the optimal survey area is 6000 deg26000\,{\rm deg}^2. However, observing with larger frequency coverage at higher redshift (0.950.95--1.351.35 GHz) improves the projected errorbars on the HI power spectrum by more than 2 σ2~\sigma confidence level. The combined constraints from FAST, CHIME, BINGO and Planck CMB observations can provide reliable, stringent constraints on the dark energy equation of state.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, submitted to "Frontiers in Radio Astronomy and FAST Early Sciences Symposium 2015" conference proceedin

    Frequent grazing by sheep reduced caucasian clover cover and rhizome mass in ryegrass pasture

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    The responses of hexaploid caucasian clover (Trifolium ambiguum) to four contrasting grazing regimes were compared with those of white clover (T. repens) in an endophytic (Neotyphodium lolii) hybrid ryegrass pasture on a fertile lowland site. After 2 years, frequent grazing (set stocking) by sheep reduced caucasian clover cover to 10% compared with 25.5% in infrequent grazing (rotational grazing) treatments (mean spelling time 25 days). Similarly, frequent grazing reduced caucasian clover rhizome plus root dry weight (780 kg DM/ha when sampled to 100 mm depth in frequently grazed plots, compared with 3220 kg DM/ha for infrequent). Under frequent grazing treatments, mean white clover cover was 21%, under infrequent hard grazing it was 26% and under lax infrequent grazing it was 14%. The reduction in ryegrass tiller population from 5720/m² in the infrequently and laxly grazed treatments to 4150/ m² in the frequently hard grazed pastures indicated the severity of that hard grazed treatment. These results show that in lowland ryegrass pastures on high fertility sites, the stoloniferous growth form of white clover may be superior to the rhizomatous strategy of caucasian clover when grazing by sheep is frequent throughout spring, summer and autumn

    Exposure to NO2, CO, and PM2.5 is linked to regional DNA methylation differences in asthma.

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    Background:DNA methylation of CpG sites on genetic loci has been linked to increased risk of asthma in children exposed to elevated ambient air pollutants (AAPs). Further identification of specific CpG sites and the pollutants that are associated with methylation of these CpG sites in immune cells could impact our understanding of asthma pathophysiology. In this study, we sought to identify some CpG sites in specific genes that could be associated with asthma regulation (Foxp3 and IL10) and to identify the different AAPs for which exposure prior to the blood draw is linked to methylation levels at these sites. We recruited subjects from Fresno, California, an area known for high levels of AAPs. Blood samples and responses to questionnaires were obtained (n = 188), and in a subset of subjects (n = 33), repeat samples were collected 2 years later. Average measures of AAPs were obtained for 1, 15, 30, 90, 180, and 365 days prior to each blood draw to estimate the short-term vs. long-term effects of the AAP exposures. Results:Asthma was significantly associated with higher differentially methylated regions (DMRs) of the Foxp3 promoter region (p = 0.030) and the IL10 intronic region (p = 0.026). Additionally, at the 90-day time period (90 days prior to the blood draw), Foxp3 methylation was positively associated with NO2, CO, and PM2.5 exposures (p = 0.001, p = 0.001, and p = 0.012, respectively). In the subset of subjects retested 2 years later (n = 33), a positive association between AAP exposure and methylation was sustained. There was also a negative correlation between the average Foxp3 methylation of the promoter region and activated Treg levels (p = 0.039) and a positive correlation between the average IL10 methylation of region 3 of intron 4 and IL10 cytokine expression (p = 0.030). Conclusions:Short-term and long-term exposures to high levels of CO, NO2, and PM2.5 were associated with alterations in differentially methylated regions of Foxp3. IL10 methylation showed a similar trend. For any given individual, these changes tend to be sustained over time. In addition, asthma was associated with higher differentially methylated regions of Foxp3 and IL10

    Preoperative Immunonutrition and Elective Colorectal Resection Outcomes.

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    BACKGROUND: Randomized controlled trials demonstrate the efficacy of arginine-enriched nutritional supplements (immunonutrition) in reducing complications after surgery. The effectiveness of preoperative immunonutrition has not been evaluated in a community setting. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to determine whether immunonutrition before elective colorectal surgery improves outcomes in the community at large. DESIGN: This is a prospective cohort study with a propensity score-matched comparative effectiveness evaluation. SETTINGS: This study was conducted in Washington State hospitals in the Surgical Care Outcomes Assessment Program from 2012 to 2015. PATIENTS: Adults undergoing elective colorectal surgery were selected. INTERVENTIONS: Surgeons used a preoperative checklist that recommended that patients take oral immunonutrition (237 mL, 3 times daily) for 5 days before elective colorectal resection. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Serious adverse events (infection, anastomotic leak, reoperation, and death) and prolonged length of stay were the primary outcomes measured. RESULTS: Three thousand three hundred seventy-five patients (mean age 59.9 ± 15.2 years, 56% female) underwent elective colorectal surgery. Patients receiving immunonutrition more commonly were in a higher ASA class (III-V, 44% vs 38%; p = 0.01) or required an ostomy (18% vs 14%; p = 0.02). The rate of serious adverse events was 6.8% vs 8.3% (p = 0.25) and the rate of prolonged length of stay was 13.8% vs 17.3% (p = 0.04) in those who did and did not receive immunonutrition. After propensity score matching, covariates were similar among 960 patients. Although differences in serious adverse events were nonsignificant (relative risk, 0.76; 95% CI, 0.49-1.16), prolonged length of stay (relative risk, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.58-1.01 p = 0.05) was lower in those receiving immunonutrition. LIMITATIONS: Patient compliance with the intervention was not measured. Residual confounding, including surgeon-level heterogeneity, may influence estimates of the effect of immunonutrition. CONCLUSIONS: Reductions in prolonged length of stay, likely related to fewer complications, support the use of immunonutrition in quality improvement initiatives related to elective colorectal surgery. This population-based study supports previous trials of immunonutrition, but shows a lower magnitude of benefit, perhaps related to compliance or a lower rate of adverse events, highlighting the value of community-based assessments of comparative effectiveness
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