123 research outputs found

    Gli accordi sulla giurisdizione tra parti e terzi, II, Profili soggettivi

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    L\u2019opera attiene ai profili soggettivi degli accordi di scelta del foro,riconosciuti nel diritto processuale civile internazionale italiano ed europeo. Tema questo, non solo di sicuro rilievo teorico, ma di grande importanza nella pratica della transnational litigation, ove tali patti hanno una sempre maggiore diffusione, rispondendo al bisogno di certezza giuridica dei litiganti. Il volume concerne, pi\uf9 in particolare, la individuazione di chi sia parte degli accordi sulla giurisdizione, la capacit\ue0 di concludere un valido patto e, infine, la determinazione dell\u2019ambito soggettivo di efficacia della electio fori


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    Terrestrial Laser Scanners (TLSs) permit to capture three dimensional models of outcrops in the form of point clouds. Each point of a point cloud is the result of a sampling operation on the outcrop’s surface, made trough a laser beam. This operation records the 3D coordinates of the point and the backscattered laser energy as an intensity value. Potentially, the intensity can be converted into a reflectance and used to discriminate different materials. When series composed of limestone and marl alternations are considered, TLS intensity can be used as a proxy for the lithology and converted into intensity-logs which were demonstrated to be a promising source of time series for cyclostratigraphic analysis. This thesis started from that result and had the main goal of exploiting that method to produce long time series, which are essential to the study of long period (> 1 Myr) Milankovitch cycles in sediments. In this perspective the following themes were investigated: a) The effect exerted on measured intensities by shales and chert. Limestone, clay (shales) and chert make most of many deep water sedimentary successions. b) The identification of a simple method to normalize the intensities, to minimize the effects of distance from the outcrop and of the incidence angle of the laser beam. c) The creation of a software package, composed by a C++ library and a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for simplifying the user interaction with the data that is needed for generating the time series. Three case studies from the Central-Italy Apennines have been considered: I) The Smirra section (Scaglia Rossa Fm. and Scaglia Variegata Fm. ), composed of pelagic calcareous homogenites was the playgroud to compare TLS intensities to calcimetric analyses carried out on samples taken from the outcrop. Results demonstrate that TLS can be used as a proxy for CaCO 3 content even in series characterized by minimal lithological variations. II) The Mulini section (Maiolica Fm.). TLS sensitivity to chert was investigated by comparing laboratory-measured reflectance spectra to TLS intensity. It is shown that the low-reflectance of chert can be exploited to distinguish it from limestone. A method based on a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier was thus implemented to recognize chert semi-automatically on TLS point clouds. III) The Vispi Quarry (Maiolica Fm., Marne a Fucoidi Fm., Scaglia Bianca Fm.). In this outcrop an almost continuous 200m-thick stratigraphic succession is exposed spanning from the upper Maiolica Fm. to the Bonarelli level, and representing ca. 20 Myrs. This outcrop was ideal to tackle the problem of retrieving long time series for cyclostratigraphic analysis. An original method and dedicated software were developed to achieve this task. With these original tools, it was possible to produce a 150m-long time series with resolution down to the centimeter, starting from ∼ 30 point clouds. The methods and algorithms introduced to cope with the long time series creation from point clouds have been implemented in a C++ library, names SPC . Easy access to the data structures and methods defined in SPC is instead provided by a GUI, in the form of a toolbar for the CloudCompare software. The proposed toolkit is available over the internet at https://github.com/ luca-penasa

    Structural analysis of grabens, Pit Chains and rifting in Noctis Labyrinthus (Mars) based on data derived from HRSC and MOLA.

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    ResearchAims: 1. Study the tectonic features and the stress field in NoctisLabyrinthus. 2. Scrutinize the PitChainsmorohologyand evolution. 3. Reveal the processes responsible for the complex ramify rift systems and troug

    Analysis of layering-related linear features on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

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    We analysed layering-related linear features on the surface of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P) to determine the internal configuration of the layerings within the nucleus. We used high-resolution images from the OSIRIS Narrow Angle Camera onboard the Rosetta spacecraft, projected onto the SHAP7 shape model of the nucleus, to map 171 layering-related linear features which we believe to represent terrace margins and strata heads. From these curved lineaments, extending laterally to up to 1925 m, we extrapolated the subsurface layering planes and their normals. We furthermore fitted the lineaments with concentric ellipsoidal shells, which we compared to the established shell model based on planar terrace features. Our analysis confirms that the layerings on the comet's two lobes are independent from each other. Our data is not compatible with 67P's lobes representing fragments of a much larger layered body. The geometry we determined for the layerings on both lobes supports a concentrically layered, `onion-shell' inner structure of the nucleus. For the big lobe, our results are in close agreement with the established model of a largely undisturbed, regular, concentric inner structure following a generally ellipsoidal configuration. For the small lobe, the parameters of our ellipsoidal shells differ significantly from the established model, suggesting that the internal structure of the small lobe cannot be unambiguously modelled by regular, concentric ellipsoids and could have suffered deformational or evolutional influences. A more complex model is required to represent the actual geometry of the layerings in the small lobe

    Grazing affects metabolic pattern of individual cow milk

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    Effective traceability tools able to characterize milk from pasture are important to safeguard low-input farming systems, niche dairy products, and local traditions. The aims of the present study were to investigate the ability of proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy to discriminate between milk produced from cows before and after the beginning of the grazing season, and to assess the effects of grazing on milk metabolites. The research trial involved a single alpine holding with 72 lactating cows. Individual milks were repeatedly sampled from the same animals before (i.e., d −3 and −1) and after (i.e., d 2, 3, 7, 10, and 14) the onset of the grazing period. One-dimensional 1H NMR spectra of milk extracts were collected through a Bruker spectrometer. Random forest discriminant analysis was applied to 1H NMR spectra to predict the period of collection for each sample. Data concerning the relative abundance of milk metabolites were analyzed through a linear mixed model, which included the fixed effects of period of sampling, cow breed, stage of lactation, and parity, and the random effect of cow nested within breed. The random forest model exhibited great accuracy (93.1%) in discriminating between samples collected on d −3, −1, 2, and 3 and those collected on d 7, 10, and 14. Univariate analysis performed on the 40 detected metabolites highlighted that milk samples from pasture had lower levels of 14 compounds (with fumarate being the most depressed metabolite) and greater levels of 15 compounds (with methanol and hippurate being the most elevated metabolites). Results indicate that milk 1H NMR spectra are promising to identify milk produced in different conditions. Also, our study highlights that grazing is associated with significant changes of milk metabolic profile, suggesting the potential use of several metabolites as indicators of farm management

    An EU comparative analysis of the regulation of clinical trials supervisory bodies in the aftermath of Regulation 536/2014

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    The new EU regulation on clinical trials is intended to promote a greater level of harmonization of European Union rules in this area. However, it does not elaborate a common normative framework regarding the functioning of research ethics committees, leaving this responsibility to the Member States. This article offers a comparative analysis of the resulting regulatory situation. It demonstrates that this scenario is defined by considerable variability in the regulation of ethics monitoring between the EU Member States. We argue that this disparity should not necessarily be a negative factor for the optimization of the trial supervision regime in the EU. Moreover, we consider that it may be a stimulus for the achievement of excellence in the performance of this monitoring task. On the other hand, we also highlight risks for the rights of participants if an adequate monitoring framework is not ensured. Under these circumstances, we observe how the EU faces a dilemma. On the one hand, it may promote a rigid uniformity between the regulation of ethics committees between Member States, but this might diminish the quality of their performance. On the other hand, it may opt for maintaining the current situation, but this might increase differences in the performance of the ethics committees between Member States, including the number trials performed by country. A third option would be to allow the competitive framework to remain for a set period of time, in order to learn from the best practices reached in individual Member States before finally harmonizing national legislative provisions on this basis.This work was supported by Eusko Jaurlaritza [grant number Ayudas a grupos de investigación IT-1066-16]; H2020 Science with and for Society [grant number GRANT AGREEMENT NUMBER — 788039 — PANELFIT]


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    Terrestrial Laser Scanners (TLSs) permit to capture three dimensional models of outcrops in the form of point clouds. Each point of a point cloud is the result of a sampling operation on the outcrop’s surface, made trough a laser beam. This operation records the 3D coordinates of the point and the backscattered laser energy as an intensity value. Potentially, the intensity can be converted into a reflectance and used to discriminate different materials. When series composed of limestone and marl alternations are considered, TLS intensity can be used as a proxy for the lithology and converted into intensity-logs which were demonstrated to be a promising source of time series for cyclostratigraphic analysis. This thesis started from that result and had the main goal of exploiting that method to produce long time series, which are essential to the study of long period (> 1 Myr) Milankovitch cycles in sediments. In this perspective the following themes were investigated: a) The effect exerted on measured intensities by shales and chert. Limestone, clay (shales) and chert make most of many deep water sedimentary successions. b) The identification of a simple method to normalize the intensities, to minimize the effects of distance from the outcrop and of the incidence angle of the laser beam. c) The creation of a software package, composed by a C++ library and a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for simplifying the user interaction with the data that is needed for generating the time series. Three case studies from the Central-Italy Apennines have been considered: I) The Smirra section (Scaglia Rossa Fm. and Scaglia Variegata Fm. ), composed of pelagic calcareous homogenites was the playgroud to compare TLS intensities to calcimetric analyses carried out on samples taken from the outcrop. Results demonstrate that TLS can be used as a proxy for CaCO 3 content even in series characterized by minimal lithological variations. II) The Mulini section (Maiolica Fm.). TLS sensitivity to chert was investigated by comparing laboratory-measured reflectance spectra to TLS intensity. It is shown that the low-reflectance of chert can be exploited to distinguish it from limestone. A method based on a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier was thus implemented to recognize chert semi-automatically on TLS point clouds. III) The Vispi Quarry (Maiolica Fm., Marne a Fucoidi Fm., Scaglia Bianca Fm.). In this outcrop an almost continuous 200m-thick stratigraphic succession is exposed spanning from the upper Maiolica Fm. to the Bonarelli level, and representing ca. 20 Myrs. This outcrop was ideal to tackle the problem of retrieving long time series for cyclostratigraphic analysis. An original method and dedicated software were developed to achieve this task. With these original tools, it was possible to produce a 150m-long time series with resolution down to the centimeter, starting from ∼ 30 point clouds. The methods and algorithms introduced to cope with the long time series creation from point clouds have been implemented in a C++ library, names SPC . Easy access to the data structures and methods defined in SPC is instead provided by a GUI, in the form of a toolbar for the CloudCompare software. The proposed toolkit is available over the internet at https://github.com/ luca-penasa .I Terrestrial Laser Scanners (TLSs) permettono di creare modelli tridimensionali di affioramenti, nella forma di nuvole di punti. Ogni punto di una nuvola di punti è il risultato di un’operazione di campionamento sulla superficie dell’affioramento, fatta usando un raggio laser. Questa operazione registra le coordinate 3D del punto e l’energia retroriflessa del laser, detta intensità. Potenzialmente, l’intensità può essere convertita in una riflettanza ed essere usata per discriminare matteriali differenti. Quando si considera una serie composta da alternanze di calcari e marne, l’intensità può essere usata come proxy per la litologia e venir convertita in log di intensità, questi si sono dimostrate essere promettenti serie temporali per l’analisi ciclostratigrafica. Questa tesi prende il via da questo risultato, ed ha avuto l’obiettivo principale di esplorare i metodi necessari a produrre serie temporali lunghe, che sono essenziali per studiare cicli Milankoviani di lungo periodo (> 1 Myr) nei sedimenti. In questa prospettiva le seguenti tematiche sono state sviluppate: a) L’effetto di argilliti e selci sull’intensità misurata. Calcare, argilla e selce formano infatti la maggior parte dei sedimenti nelle successioni di acqua pro- fonda. b) L’identificazione di un metodo semplificato per la normalizzazione delle intensità, per minimizzare gli effetti della distanza dall’affioramento e dell’angolo di incidenza del raggio laser. c) La creazione di un pacchetto soft- ware, composto da una libreria C++ e da una Graphical User Interface (GUI) per semplificare l’interazione dell’utente con i dati, che è necessaria per generare le serie temporali. Tre casi studio dagli Appennini dell’Italia Centrale sono stati considerati: I) La sezione di Smirra (Scaglia Rossa Fm. e Scaglia Variegata Fm. ), composta da una omogenite calcarea pelagica, questo caso è stato usato per comparare le intensità del TLS a calcimetrie ottenute da campioni dell’affioramento. I risultati dimostrano che il TLS puó essere usato come proxy per il contenuto in CaCO 3 , anche quando la serie è caratterizzata da variazioni litologiche minime. II) La sezioni dei Mulini (Maiolica Fm.). La sensitività alla selce è stata in- vestigata, comparando misure di riflettanza ottenute in laboratorio con l’intensità del TLS. Si dimostra che la bassa riflettanza della selce può essere impiegata per distiguerla dal calcare. Un metodo basato su un classificatore Support Vector Machine (SVM) è stato implementato per permettere il riconoscimento semi automatico della selce sulle nuvole di punti da TLS. III) La Cava Vispi (Maiolica Fm., Marne a Fucoidi Fm., Scaglia Bianca Fm.). In questo affiormanento è esposta una sezione stratigrafica continua di quasi 200m in spessore, che va dalla parte superiore della Maiolica Fm. fino al Livello Bonarelli, e rappresenta ca. 20 Myrs. Questo affioramento ha fornito il caso ideale per affrontare il problema di ottenere serie temporali lunghe per le analisi ciclostratigrafiche. Una metodologia originale e un software dedicato sono stati sviluppati per questo compito. Con questi strumenti è stato possibile produrre una serie di 150m a risoluzione centimetrica, partendo da ∼ 30 nuvole di punti. I metodi e gli algoritmi introdotti per l’estrazione di serie temporali da nuvole di punti sono stati implementati in una libreria C++ , detta SPC . Un accesso facilitato alle strutture dati e ai metodi definiti in SPC viene invece fornito da una GUI, sottoforma di una toolbar per il software CloudCompare. Il toolkit proposto è disponibile in internet all’indirizzo https://github.com/luca-penasa

    Gli accordi sulla giurisdizione tra parti e terzi, II, Profili soggettivi

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    L\u2019opera attiene ai profili soggettivi degli accordi di scelta del foro,riconosciuti nel diritto processuale civile internazionale italiano ed europeo. Tema questo, non solo di sicuro rilievo teorico, ma di grande importanza nella pratica della transnational litigation, ove tali patti hanno una sempre maggiore diffusione, rispondendo al bisogno di certezza giuridica dei litiganti. Il volume concerne, pi\uf9 in particolare, la individuazione di chi sia parte degli accordi sulla giurisdizione, la capacit\ue0 di concludere un valido patto e, infine, la determinazione dell\u2019ambito soggettivo di efficacia della electio fori

    Contributo allo studio delle sentenze condizionali, Fondamenti sistematici

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    Lo studio riguarda le decisioni civili contenenti una statuizione che ne subordina l’efficacia a un evento futuro e incerto. Esso si propone anzitutto di pervenire a una loro adeguata configurazione e qualificazione giuridica, sulla base di una rivisitazione critica della categoria della sentenza condizionale, categoria entro la quale tali pronunce sono usualmente ricondotte, in ragione delle affinità che presentano coi contratti cui accede una condizione sospensiva. Una simile opera classificatoria non costituisce peraltro l’unico obiettivo dell’indagine, che è volta altresì a stabilire se, ed entro quali limiti, le decisioni esaminate abbiano effettivamente cittadinanza nell’ordinamento, nonché a comprendere se la loro definizione come sentenze condizionali (proprie o improprie, a seconda dei casi) abbia un valore soltanto descrittivo o anche prescrittivo, comportando l’applicazione analogica della disciplina dettata in ordine alla condizione nel contratto
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