428 research outputs found

    Da Carcere Segregativo a Luogo di Rieducazione, il Silenzio degli Ultimi: tra Utopia e RealtĂ 

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    Prisons, in the constitutional ideal, are the last answer that a law of a statecan give against a violation. A point that is not an end but a beginning fromwhich we can and must start again. The prison concept has profoundlychanged in the last seventy years, embracing a logic of re-socialization. Often,however, only in words: then not provided with specific financial allocations,public opinion's attention and often emergencies of emergency cycles.It seems to still be in its infancy, yet much has been done: seeminglyirreconcilable performance evolutions such as physical activity, taking careof body, movement and sport find a social and re-educational value, inclusivepossibilities for health protection and well-being to give back to societyan empowered and conscious person, capable in turn of restoring positivity.Le carceri, nell’ideale costituzionale sono l’ultima risposta che uno Stato didiritto può dare nei confronti di una violazione. Un punto non di fine bensìinizio cui poter e dover ripartire. La concezione carceraria è profondamentemutata negli ultimi settant’anni abbracciando una logica di risocializzazione.Spesso, però, soltanto a parole: poi non suffragata da appositi stanziamentifinanziari, attenzione della pubblica opinione e spesso ad emergenzedi cicli emergenziali. Sembra di essere sempre al punto di partenzama molto è stato fatto: anche evoluzioni performative apparentemente inconciliabilicome l’attività fisica, prendersi cura del proprio corpo, il movimentoe lo sport trovano un plus-valore sociale, rieducativo, possibilità inclusiveper la tutela della salute e del benessere per riconsegnare alla societàuna persona responsabilizzata e cosciente, capace a sua volta di restituirepositività

    Educazione motoria e ambientale: legislazione e sviluppi nella Scuola

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    In this work, motor activity in the natural environment is taken into consideration, its effectiveness for a correct lifestyle; training and education, for a sustainable development of the human being. The common thread is represented by the holistic and multi-systemic vision, which connects man to the environment with coordinated interdisciplinary content and paths. An environmental education that sees the school as a protagonist through the movement in the acquisition of values, attitudes, experiences with awareness and attention to the environment. An active school with educational purposes where movement in its various forms is pre-eminent, integrated with interdisciplinary activities of research, observation, study, exploration and discovery of natural phenomena. In order to understand its evolution in Italy, it was useful to frame the problem in a wide historical and legislative space by attempting an epistemological approach and connection in order to seek a correct methodological and didactic sequence of this interesting binomial not only culturally but as an authentic lifestyle.In questo lavoro si prende in considerazione l’attività motoria in ambientale naturale, la sua efficacia per un corretto stile di vita; formazione e educazione, per uno sviluppo sostenibile dell’essere umano. Il filo conduttore è rappresentato dalla visione olistica e plurisistemica, che collega l’uomo al- l’ambiente con contenuti e percorsi interdisciplinari coordinati tra loro. Un’educazione ambientale che vede la scuola protagonista attraverso il movimento nell’acquisizione di valori, attitudini, esperienze con consapevolezza ed attenzione verso l’ambiente. Una scuola attiva con fini educativi ove è preminente il movimento nelle sue diverse forme, integrato con attività interdisciplinari di ricerca, osservazione, studio, esplorazione e scoperta dei fenomeni naturali. Al fine di comprenderne l’evoluzione in Italia, è stato utile inquadrare il problema in un ampio spazio storico e legislativo tentando un approccio e collegamento epistemologico onde ricercare una giusta sequenza metodologica e didattica di questo interessante binomio non solo culturalmente ma come autentico stile di vita

    VLT spectroscopy of globular clusters in the Sombrero galaxy

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    We have obtained intermediate-resolution VLT spectroscopy of 75 globular cluster candidates around the Sa galaxy M104 (NGC4594). Fifty-seven candidates out to ~ 40 kpc in the halo of the galaxy were confirmed to be bona-fide globular clusters, 27 of which are new. A first analysis of the velocities provides only marginal evidence for rotation of the cluster system. From Hbeta line strengths, almost all of the clusters in our sample have ages that are consistent, within the errors, with Milky Way globular clusters. Only a few clusters may be 1-2 Gyr old, and bulge and halo clusters appear coeval. The absorption line indices follow the correlations established for the Milky Way clusters. Metallicities are derived based upon new empirical calibrations with Galactic globular clusters taking into account the non-linear behavior of some indices (e.g., Mg2). Our sample of globular clusters in NGC4594 spans a metallicity range of -2.13 < [Fe/H] < +0.26 dex, and the median metallicity of the system is [Fe/H] = -0.85. Thus, our data provide evidence that some of the clusters have super-solar metallicity. Overall, the abundance distribution of the cluster system is consistent with a bimodal distribution with peaks at [Fe/H] ~- 1.7 and -0.7. However, the radial change in the metallicity distribution of clusters may not be straightforwardly explained by a varying mixture of two sub-populations of red and blue clusters.Comment: 6 pages (incl. 4 figures) to appear in the proceedings of the ESO workshop "Extragalactic Globular Cluster Systems", ESO Astrophysics Symp., Garching bei Muenchen (Germany), ed. Kissler-Patig M., Springer-Verlag: Heidelber


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    Questa tesi è il risultato della collaborazione tra la facoltà di “Scienze Politiche” dell’Università di Pisa e il Centro Ricerche ENEA (Ente per le Nuove tecnologie, l’Energia e l’Ambiente) “Ezio Clementel” di Bologna. Nell’ambito di uno stage formativo, svolto sotto la supervisione dell’ing. Paolo Neri in un quadro di spin-off tra l’ENEA e la società LCA-lab, si è utilizzata l’analisi del ciclo di vita (Life Cycle Assessment) per analizzare gli impatti ambientali del sistema-paese Senegal. Obiettivo della tesi è presentare il metodo LCA come strumento in grado di analizzare il sistema produttivo di uno Stato, nello specifico il Senegal, valutandone l’impatto ambientale e il benessere prodotto. Attraverso il confronto con un modello ipotizzato, si cerca di evidenziare quali aspetti del sistema siano inadatti ad uno sviluppo sostenibile perché ecologicamente nocivi e socialmente inefficaci; allo stesso tempo, si propongono dei miglioramenti che, rispettando i criteri dell’eco-sostenibilità, permettano il conseguimento di un benessere diffuso. La tesi propone dunque un confronto tra due concezioni diverse dello sviluppo: quella del modello attuale che persegue la crescita economica e quella del modello proposto che ipotizza un cambiamento, in un arco temporale di venticinque anni, verso pratiche che mirano a trovare una sintesi ottimale tra tutela ambientale e benessere sociale. L’analisi è stata svolta attraverso l’uso della metodologia Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), che ci ha permesso di quantificare gli effetti ambientali – riferiti all’intero ciclo di vita (produzione, utilizzo e smaltimento) – delle produzioni e di confrontarli con la diffusione del benessere all’interno della società. Il lavoro si apre con l’illustrazione della problematica ecologica generata dal modello di sviluppo volto alla crescita economica, attualmente egemonico a livello globale. In seguito si analizza il principale rimedio a cui si fa riferimento per limitare gli impatti ambientali delle produzioni, ovvero la monetarizzazione dell’ambiente. Di questa metodologia se ne spiega il funzionamento e se ne rilevano i difetti ed i vizi sostanziali, dovuti all’insostenibilità essenziale del modello di sviluppo attuale. Al fine di fornire una soluzione definitiva alla problematica ambientale, si propone un’alternativa di sviluppo basata sull’uso del metodo LCA come strumento di analisi e di pianificazione del sistema produttivo. Si mostra quindi, in via esemplificativa, un caso pratico di utilizzo della metodologia analizzando la situazione attuale del Senegal a confronto con un’ipotesi di sviluppo pianificata attraverso l’analisi LCA

    A New Contact Mat Wireless System for Estimating Vertical Jump Height

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    Abstract Among the different devices available for the assessment of the vertical jump height based on the flight time measurement, the contact mats are surely one of the simplest and portable systems and, for this reason, they are more widely used. This paper deals with the comparative evaluation of the performances of a new contact mat system with respect to a force platform. Some tests have been performed and the relative comparative results will be presented. The study shows a significant concurrent validity of Wi-JumpLe system for the flight and ground contact time measurements. In conclusion, the new contact mat structure together with the electronic measurement system is legitimate to assess vertical jump height and leg extensors muscle power

    The effect of physical activity on the perception of body image and well-being during aging

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    Problem Statement: Physical activity levels have been positively associated with mental and physical wellbeing. Nevertheless, associations between physical activity levels, which decrease with aging, and body image perception and indices of psycho-physical well-being have never been studied in adult and elderly subjects as a function of aging. Approach: This observational study was carried out in several provinces and regions of Italy. Information was collected from 192 men and 260 women between 50 and 98 years using a questionnaire on place of residence, physical activity level, perceived well-being and body image. Purpose: This study aimed to assess the influence of the level of physical activity on perceptions of body image and well-being in adult and elderly subjects. Results: Physical activity levels were positively associated with body image perception. Interactions between physical activity levels and the other investigated variables showed no significant effect on body image. Hence, the main effect of physical activity on body image does not vary according to the subject’s age, place of residence (rural or urban), kind of job (active or sedentary) or educational level. The well-being index was not significantly associated with either physical activity levels or the other variables investigated in this study. Conclusions: Physical activity levels are positively correlated with the body image perception, and high levels of physical activity are associated with more accurate perceptions of body image. The effect of physical activity is not influenced by different individual characteristics; hence, increasing levels of physical activity could improve body image perception across a broad range of subjects. On the other hand, the well-being index was not influenced by either physical activity levels or the other characteristics examined in this investigation. Additional experimental studies are needed to develop a specific intervention to improve the well-being and body image perception in adults and elderly subjects

    Genetic algorithms for hyperparameter optimization in predictive business process monitoring

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    Predictive business process monitoring exploits event logs to predict how ongoing (uncompleted) traces will unfold up to their completion. A predictive process monitoring framework collects a range of techniques that allow users to get accurate predictions about the achievement of a goal for a given ongoing trace. These techniques can be combined and their parameters configured in different framework instances. Unfortunately, a unique framework instance that is general enough to outperform others for every dataset, goal or type of prediction is elusive. Thus, the selection and configuration of a framework instance needs to be done for a given dataset. This paper presents a predictive process monitoring framework armed with a hyperparameter optimization method to select a suitable framework instance for a given dataset

    Surgical and orthodontic rapid palatal expansion in adults using a modified palatal partial osteotomy technique (ppot) : technique description and clinical experience

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    Transversal hypoplasia of the upper maxilla is a frequent condition between malocclusions. The rapid maxillary expansion (RME) is an already consolidated technique for these types of defects. This case report analyzes the outcome of a novel surgical technique that we named TOPP (Partial Palatal osteotomy technique) aiming to provide scientifically proven data over the percentage of relapse and the long-term stability of this type of surgical assisted palatal expansion. A 24 year old male patient with a hyperdivergent class III, presenting the absence of 1.1 due to a teenage trauma and a transversal contraction of the upper arch was selected for the surgery. The mucoperiosteal flap was performed at a palatal level with a paramarginal arch shape (from region 1.4 to 2.4) due to preserve the nasal-incisal vascular bundle and the mucoperiosteum was detached from the floor of the nose. A horizontal osteotomy was performed at 4-5 mm above the roots apexes; a sagittal osteotomy in a posterior direction was done at the level of the midline to divide the mesiopalatine suture and separate the maxilla in two halves. The only bony attachment that remained was represented by the perpendicular lamina of the palatal bone. The TOPP technique showed that it is possible to have a better control of both the intercanine and intermolar expansion, that is more difficult in the case of a conventional SARME. Other goals were a greater view and access to the site and the reduction of the risk of damaging the palatine fibromucosa. The incision of the archform paramarginal flap improves certainly the conditions of the palatal fibromucosa in the post operative and allows the reduction of the soft tissues? elastic return
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