315 research outputs found

    Representation Growth of Linear Groups

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    Let Γ\Gamma be a group and rn(Γ)r_n(\Gamma) the number of its nn-dimensional irreducible complex representations. We define and study the associated representation zeta function \calz_\Gamma(s) = \suml^\infty_{n=1} r_n(\Gamma)n^{-s}. When Γ\Gamma is an arithmetic group satisfying the congruence subgroup property then \calz_\Gamma(s) has an ``Euler factorization". The "factor at infinity" is sometimes called the "Witten zeta function" counting the rational representations of an algebraic group. For these we determine precisely the abscissa of convergence. The local factor at a finite place counts the finite representations of suitable open subgroups UU of the associated simple group GG over the associated local field KK. Here we show a surprising dichotomy: if G(K)G(K) is compact (i.e. GG anisotropic over KK) the abscissa of convergence goes to 0 when dimG\dim G goes to infinity, but for isotropic groups it is bounded away from 0. As a consequence, there is an unconditional positive lower bound for the abscissa for arbitrary finitely generated linear groups. We end with some observations and conjectures regarding the global abscissa

    Subgroup growth of lattices in semisimple Lie groups

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    We give very precise bounds for the congruence subgroup growth of arithmetic groups. This allows us to determine the subgroup growth of irreducible lattices of semisimple Lie groups. In the most general case our results depend on the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis for number fields but we can state the following unconditional theorem: Let GG be a simple Lie group of real rank at least 2, different than D_4(\bbc), and let Γ\Gamma be any non-uniform lattice of GG. Let sn(Γ)s_n(\Gamma) denote the number of subgroups of index at most nn in Γ\Gamma. Then the limit limnlogsn(Γ)(logn)2/loglogn\lim\limits_{n\to \infty} \frac{\log s_n(\Gamma)}{(\log n)^2/ \log \log n} exists and equals a constant γ(G)\gamma(G) which depends only on the Lie type of GG and can be easily computed from its root system.Comment: 34 page

    Dimension expanders

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    We show that there exists k \in \bbn and 0 < \e \in\bbr such that for every field FF of characteristic zero and for every n \in \bbn, there exists explicitly given linear transformations T1,...,Tk:FnFnT_1,..., T_k: F^n \to F^n satisfying the following: For every subspace WW of FnF^n of dimension less or equal n2\frac n2, \dim(W+\suml^k_{i=1} T_iW) \ge (1+\e) \dim W. This answers a question of Avi Wigderson [W]. The case of fields of positive characteristic (and in particular finite fields) is left open

    Proalgebraic crossed modules of quasirational presentations

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    We introduce the concept of quasirational relation modules for discrete and pro-pp presentations of discrete and pro-pp groups and show that aspherical presentations and their subpresentations are quasirational. In the pro-pp-case quasirationality of pro-pp-groups with a single defining relation holds. For every quasirational (pro-pp)relation module we construct the so called pp-adic rationalization, which is a pro-fd-module R^Qp=limR/[R,RMn]Qp\overline{R}\widehat{\otimes}\mathbb{Q}_p= \varprojlim R/[R,R\mathcal{M}_n]\otimes\mathbb{Q}_p. We provide the isomorphisms Rw(Qp)=R^Qp\overline{R^{\wedge}_w}(\mathbb{Q}_p)=\overline{R}\widehat{\otimes}\mathbb{Q}_p and Ru(Qp)=O(Gu)\overline{R_u}(\mathbb{Q}_p)=\mathcal{O}(G_u)^*, where RwR^{\wedge}_w and RuR^{\wedge}_u stands for continuous prounipotent completions and corresponding prounipotent presentations correspondingly. We show how Rw\overline{R^{\wedge}_{w}} embeds into a sequence of abelian prounipotent groups. This sequence arises naturally from a certain prounipotent crossed module, the latter bring concrete examples of proalgebraic homotopy types. The old-standing open problem of Serre, slightly corrected by Gildenhuys, in its modern form states that pro-pp-groups with a single defining relation are aspherical. Our results give a positive feedback to the question of Serre.Comment: This is a corrected version of the paper which appeared in the Extended Abstracts Spring 2015, Interactions between Representation Theory, Algebraic Topology and Commutative Algebra, Research Perspectives CRM Barcelona, Vol.5, 201

    Invariable generation and the chebotarev invariant of a finite group

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    A subset S of a finite group G invariably generates G if G = <hsg(s) j s 2 Si > for each choice of g(s) 2 G; s 2 S. We give a tight upper bound on the minimal size of an invariable generating set for an arbitrary finite group G. In response to a question in [KZ] we also bound the size of a randomly chosen set of elements of G that is likely to generate G invariably. Along the way we prove that every finite simple group is invariably generated by two elements.Comment: Improved versio

    Presentations: from Kac-Moody groups to profinite and back

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    We go back and forth between, on the one hand, presentations of arithmetic and Kac-Moody groups and, on the other hand, presentations of profinite groups, deducing along the way new results on both

    Planar Induced Subgraphs of Sparse Graphs

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    We show that every graph has an induced pseudoforest of at least nm/4.5n-m/4.5 vertices, an induced partial 2-tree of at least nm/5n-m/5 vertices, and an induced planar subgraph of at least nm/5.2174n-m/5.2174 vertices. These results are constructive, implying linear-time algorithms to find the respective induced subgraphs. We also show that the size of the largest KhK_h-minor-free graph in a given graph can sometimes be at most nm/6+o(m)n-m/6+o(m).Comment: Accepted by Graph Drawing 2014. To appear in Journal of Graph Algorithms and Application