432 research outputs found

    Matching neural paths: transfer from recognition to correspondence search

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    Many machine learning tasks require finding per-part correspondences between objects. In this work we focus on low-level correspondences - a highly ambiguous matching problem. We propose to use a hierarchical semantic representation of the objects, coming from a convolutional neural network, to solve this ambiguity. Training it for low-level correspondence prediction directly might not be an option in some domains where the ground-truth correspondences are hard to obtain. We show how transfer from recognition can be used to avoid such training. Our idea is to mark parts as "matching" if their features are close to each other at all the levels of convolutional feature hierarchy (neural paths). Although the overall number of such paths is exponential in the number of layers, we propose a polynomial algorithm for aggregating all of them in a single backward pass. The empirical validation is done on the task of stereo correspondence and demonstrates that we achieve competitive results among the methods which do not use labeled target domain data.Comment: Accepted at NIPS 201


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    New social risks are key factors for social cohesion of local community and society. Currently new social risks which are caused by changes in a society appears more frequently than efore. While previously the groups of underprivileged were counted in endangered groups, now middle class can be affected as well. This report shows a spatial distribution of these risks. How to obtain this result is shown on a concrete example of the city of Ostrava. This report seeks to establish future influence of industrial city cohesion. Mainly processes of industrialization and desindustrialization are examined in a detail especially their effect to demo-social structure of the city. Results are based on the research of the project named „Industrial society in postindustrial city“ under which were large sociological research of Ostrava and long term monitoring of statistical indicators realised. All the social problems lead to disability to keep housing. Social risk distribution is surveyed in a context of large area, specifically in the Moravian-Silesian Region, where a centre of the agglomeration is just city of Ostrava.

    Zinc coatings

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    Cílem této práce je popis koroze jako hlavního děje při znehodnocování materiálu a dále základních typů koroze. Poté je popsána možnost ochrany materiálu proti korozi použitím vhodné volby povrchové úpravy materiálu. Z této široké oblasti protikorozní ochrany byl následně důraz kladen na slitinové povlaky na bázi zinku, které jsou v současnosti předmětem zájmu výzkumných pracovišťThe aim of this work is a description of corrosion as a major phenomenon in the degradation of the material and the description basic types of corrosion. Then the material protection possibilities are described using a suitable choice of surface treatment. From the wide field of coating systems, electrodeposited zinc based alloys coatings were emphasized. theirs subsequent increase of corrosion resistance by applying powder coatings. Alloy coatings that are in the focus of recent research were discussed.

    Chapter Classical Tradition in Czech Renaissance and Baroque Literature

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    The study deals with the influence of the classical tradition on Czech literature of the Early Modern Period (Renaissance, Baroque). The article demonstrates this influence through examples of the use of selected motifs from ancient history in all of the main genres of the literature of that era: homily, legend, school drama, poetry and educational literature. The study also analyses the educational background of the authors and readers of the era and their attitude to ancient history; the ways of mediation and making use of ancient motifs in the literature; and the influence of ancient historiography on Renaissance and Baroque culture and interpretation of history

    Dynamical model for the formation of patterned deposits at receding contact lines

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    We describe the formation of deposition patterns that are observed in many different experiments where a three-phase contact line of a volatile nanoparticle suspension or polymer solution recedes. A dynamical model based on a long-wave approximation predicts the deposition of irregular and regular line patterns due to self-organised pinning-depinning cycles corresponding to a stick-slip motion of the contact line. We analyze how the line pattern properties depend on the evaporation rate and solute concentration

    Economic Crisis in EU: Impact on Greek and Irish Enterprises According its Size and Sector

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    AbstractEuropean corporate have been strongly influenced by the recent economic crisis. Financial statements of businesses provide clear evidence of economic downturn's impact on corporate finance. The objective of this article is to explore similarities/dissimilarities among development of Greek and Irish corporates’ finance in different industries using cluster analysis and subjective mapping based on microeconomic data from Amadeus database. Authors selected Greek and Ireland, because they represent countries from EU periphery, which has been strongly negatively influenced by economic crisis. However author believes that the structural differences will lead over the time in faster recovery of Irish businesses in contrast to the Greek one.The database Amadeus of Bureau van Dijk was used as the primal source of harmonized corporate financial statements. The dataset consists of more than 3,500 businesses, which were identified as those with either 3 year continuous increase or decrease of their total employed capital's profitability. Such a development authors consider as a sorting criterion of financially well/badly performing companies. For the purpose of analysis authors analyse the data series three years of crisis (2008, 2009 and 2010). There is another important supplementary criterion's; these are NACE revision 2 categorization of economic activities and economic size of company, measured by its turnover, amount of assets and number of employees. In the study we use the cluster analysis to detect some basic patterns and trends in business sector in terms of homogeneity within dataset. The single correspondence analysis method was employed for the purpose of the subjective mapping. Based on the results of conducted analysis authors provide explanatory outlook over similarities/dissimilarities among sectors

    Calculation of mechanism motion using discrete time approach

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    This article describes a simple and easy to implement method for numerical computing of movement of general multibody mechanism. The method is suitable for two or three-dimensional space, rigid bodies and all types of kinematic joints. The main advantage of this method lies in the possibility of using very low discretization time step but with high computing performance due effective implementation. This approach has a positive effect to numerical stability, speed and resistance to discontinuous parameter changes. The usability of described method is verified through an experimental multibody system