266 research outputs found

    Quality of life in patients with psoriasis

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    Background: Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease. It is characterized by the occurrence of periods of exacerbation and remission. Symptoms appear in the second or third decade of life. There are many types of psoriasis, such as plaque, inverse, erythroderma psoriasis and specific parts of the body. Another form of pustular psoriasis is. There is also psoriatic arthritis, which is manifested by inflammation of the articular tissues. Various methods of treatment that are dependent form of the disease and location of lesions. Additionally, to relieve lesions uses physical procedures. Psoriasis as a chronic disease can affect quality of life. Aim of study: The aim of the study was to analyze the impact of psoriasis on quality of life and overall spheres such as psychology, physical fitness and meeting the social roles of patients. Materials and methods: The study included 466 people with psoriasis including 370 women and 96 men. The sample was classified by adults, regardless of place of residence and time since diagnosis. 70% of respondents were in the group of 18-40 years. Anonymous diagnostic survey conducted over the internet using a questionnaire SKINDEX-29. Results: Patients assessed their quality of life as good. Variables such as gender, age, BMI or the time of diagnosis does not differentiate the assessment of quality of life. Patients assessed their worst quality of life in the psychological aspect. During the analysis did not show any statistical significance in the comparison of the data obtained. Conclusions: Psoriasis does not reduce the overall quality of life of patients and has no significant impact on the various aspects: psychological, physical, psychosocial functioning. There is no relationship between gender, age, BMI, duration of the disease and the overall quality of life. Used a questionnaire is not a reliable method for testing the quality of life of patients with psoriasis

    The correlation between sports results in swimming and general and special muscle strength

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    Introduction. Swimming as a sport encompasses various styles and distances (from 50 up to 1,500 meters). The correlation between sports results and general/special muscle strength seems unquestionable. Aim. The purpose of this paper is to answer the question related to maintaining the proportion between muscle strength development (which depends mainly on land-based trainings) and endurance trainings in water. Material and methods. The study covered 14 leading swimmers from MKP Szczecin who specialized mainly in short and medium distances; they were members of the national senior and junior teams in the 2013/14 training year. The general strength tests were conducted at the beginning and at the end of the winter and summer preparatory periods. The following tests were performed: bench-pressing, pull-ups and bar dips. At the end of the main research period, a thrust test was conducted on land (on a swim bench), as well as a thrust test in the water. Results. All participants demonstrated progress in results between the summer season and the winter season. The range of training loads was higher in the summer due to the length of preparation (by about 100%). The individual progress was, however, very varied. Conclusions. The level of sports progress achieved by individual swimmers was greatly diversified. The relatively high level of general and special strength in the tested swimmers was linked to their need to display these motor skills while swimming. Subjects who showed the greatest progress in the general and special strength trials, displayed the biggest improvement in their swimming performance during the competition season. Swimmers with a fairly high level of strength, but a moderate sports level should analyze and improve their swimming technique. Subjects whose progress in general and special strength tests was the least significant, should try and achieve progress by developing other technical and coordination skills

    Effect of vitamin D supplementation on bone mineral density in people with low risk of osteoporosis

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    Introduction. With the increasing number of reports of vitamin D3 deficiency, public awareness of this vitamin is increasing. Therefore, more and more people are choosing to supplement it. One of the main results expected is increase of bone strength. Vitamin D3 intake and its effect on bone mineral density are well studied in groups at increased risk for osteoporosis, but there is insufficient data on the effect of vitamin D3 supplementation on bone mineral density in people at low risk of osteoporosis. Aim of study. The aim of the study was to examine the effect of vitamin D3 supplementation on bone mineral density in people with low risk of developing osteoporosis. Material and methods. The study involved 76 people (39 women and 37 men) aged 20-43. To examine bone composition and mineral density dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry method has been used (Hologic Inc., USA). Respondents received also surveys regarding the presence of osteoporosis risk factors and vitamin D3 supplementation. Results. In the study group, 46.1% regularly supplements vitamin D3, of which 40% are women and 60% are men. There were no statistically significant differences (p = 0.1753) between bone mineral density values in people regularly supplementing vitamin D3 compared to people not taking vitamin D3. Conclusions. Vitamin D3 supplementation may not have a significant effect on bone mineral density in people who have a low risk of osteoporosis. Vitamin D3 supplementation is one of the most common supplements also among people with low risk of osteoporosis

    Laser Tracker - a handy device that verify proprioception of neck and head

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    Introduction:Cervical spine has the greatest mobility of the remaining part thereof. High mobility and relatively low load which is subject neck (own weight, the weight of the head, tension arising from the work of the shoulder girdle) make, it becomes vulnerable to injuries and overload resulting from adverse external conditions. Neck pain are a common problem of modern society, the sources of their formation can be many. According to many researchers, long-lasting neck pain interferes with afferent nerve conduction perpetuating abnormal muscle tension within the back of the head, neck and shoulder girdle, which adversely affects the feeling of proprioceptive cervical spine. Stability disorders may appear years before the onset of clinical symptoms, such as wypukliny or radiologically confirmed signs of degeneration of the intervertebral disc, significantly hindering the functioning of the patient and potentially reducing the maximum capabilities of the athlete. Aim: The aim of this paper is to present the possibility of using Laser Tracker, a simple, compact device intended for research and training in the deep sensation of the head and neck.Summary:In the light of the role that fully cervical posture for the entire body, and the fact that proper proprioception is the main pillar of prevention of injuries and overload control determines the correct neuromuscular therapy should help with visual feedback, which gives the opportunity to the Laser Tracker. In practice, the office seems to have a therapeutic effect on the invaluable role and unlimited possibilities of further use

    Early outcomes and periprocedural complications of transarterial embolization of brain arteriovenous malformations with Onyx®

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    Background Brain arteriovenous malformation (BAVM) is a rare pathology diagnosed mostly in young adults. However, due to its hemorrhagic complications, it constitutes an important clinical problem. Treatment modalities available include endovascular, surgery and radiosurgery. The aim of the study was to assess the efficacy and safety of endovascular treatment of BAVM with Onyx® by reporting one-center experience. Material and methods Between 2006 and 2013, 54 patients with BAVM were embolized with Onyx. The group consisted of 24 males and 30 females, aged 10 to 65 years (mean 42.6±15.4). Clinical manifestations of BAVMs were: hemorrhage in 27 (50.0%), headaches in 12 (22.2%), seizures in 7 (13.0%) and focal neurologic deficits in 2 (3.7%) patients. Six (11.1%) patients were asymptomatic. A majority of BAVMs were of II and III grade in Spetzler-Martin scale (19 and 22 cases respectively). Results A total number of 108 endovascular procedures were performed (mean 2.00±0.98 sessions/patient). Complete obliteration of malformation was achieved in 25 (46.3%) patients, mostly with grade II and III BAVMs. In 29 (53.7%) patients, embolization led to a decrease in size of BAVM that made it feasible for other treatment modality. Morbidity and mortality rates were 5.6% and 1.8% respectively. The rate of hemorrhagic complications was 9.3%. Conclusion Embolization of BAVM with Onyx® is an effective and safe method of treatment. However, regarding type and consequences of complications, the technique needs further improvement

    Gluten and gluten-dependent diseases

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    Gluten to mieszanina wielu pojedynczych, powiązanych białek, które tworzą materiał magazynowy w pszenicy. Są to głównie gliadyny monomeryczne i gluteniny polimeryczne tworzące ze sobą kompleksy, stabilizowane mostkami dwusiarczkowymi, dlatego też tworząca je cysteina odgrywa bardzo ważną rolę w budowie i funkcjonalności glutenu. W artykule porównano cechy wybranych zbóż, takie jak zawartość poszczególnych składników pokarmowych, wymagania glebowo-klimatyczne oraz właściwości stosowane w produkcji żywności. Obecność glutenu w żywności jest problemem z punktu widzenia jej wpływu na organizm człowieka. Oczekuje się, że skupienie badań na modyfikacji genomu pszenicy doprowadzi do otrzymania odmiany pszenicy o nietoksycznych właściwościach dla osób cierpiących na celiakię i różne formy nietolerancji białka glutenu. Specyficzne sekwencje znalezione w białkach pszenicy wiążą się z przeciwciałami IgE, powodując różnorodne objawy chorobowe. W artykule omówiono kryteria diagnostyczne celiakii i alergii na pszenicę oraz wpływ odstawienia glutenu na kliniczne objawy celiakii

    Diagnostics and physiotherapy in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Reumatoidalne zapalenie stawów (RZS) jest jedną z najczęstszych chorób autoimmunologicznych tkanki łącznej. Pierwsze objawy choroby pojawiają się zwykle między 30 a 50 rokiem życia i obejmują przewlekły proces zapalny, który powoduje postępujące niszczenie układu kostno-stawowego i zmiany narządowe. Etiologia RZS nie jest dotychczas dostatecznie poznana, a zarówno czynniki genetyczne, jak i środowiskowe odgrywają rolę w patogenezie RZS. Rozpoznanie opiera się na kryteriach American Collegium of Reumathology (ACR) oraz European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) z 2010 roku. Wśród metod fizykoterapii stosowanych w leczeniu RZS szczególną rolę odgrywa krioterapia (kriostymulacja). Zgodnie z wytycznymi Panelu Ottawa kinezyterapia czynnościowa powinna odgrywać szczególną rolę u chorych na RZS, który ma na celu przywrócenie wzorców ruchowych najbardziej zbliżonych do fizjologii. Stosując kinezyterapię u chorych na RZS, należy monitorować przebieg procesów kompensacyjnych. Brak nadzoru lekarza i fizjoterapeuty nad powyższym procesem prowadzi do przeciążenia, a następnie deformacji układu mięśniowo-szkieletowego