14 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Social Media for Social Movements of Environmental Conservation

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    Media sosial telah menjadi salah satu media untuk kampanye gerakan sosial pelestarian lingkungan. Organisasi KeSeMaT sebagai organisasi pelestarian mangrove yang mengajak masyarakat untuk berpartisipasi melalui aktivitas online dengan menggunakan @KeSEMaTdan aktivitas offline. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keterlibatan followers akun @KeSEMaT dalam media sosial dan analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya, untuk mendeskripsikan efektivitas akun @KeSEMaT dalam menyebabkan Perubahan perilaku followers dan analisis hubungannya dengan keterlibatan dalam media sosial, dan menganalisis keterlibatan followers akun @KeSEMaT dalam kegiatan offline dan analisis hubungannya dengan Perubahan perilaku. Fokus penelitian ini adalah follower akun @KeSEMaT. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif yang didukung dengan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tingginya keterlibatan dalam media sosial dapat mempengaruhi partisipasi dalam kegiatan KeSEMaT

    Social Network Analysis in Farmers Group (Gapoktan) of Tani Berkah

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    Penelitian ini menyajikan analisis jaringan sosial dalam kelompok tani. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) Menganalisis struktur komunikasi dalam jaringan sosial gapoktan. (2) Mengidentifikasi jaringan komunikasi interpersonal dalam kelompok tani, dan (3) Menganalisis hubungan karakteristik individu dengan jaringan komunikasi interpersonal. Berdasarkan hasil uji korelasi dengan karakteristik individu dan jaringan komunikasi interpersonal, menunjukkan bahwa: (1) variabel karakteristik sumberdaya individu yang berhubungan secara nyata dengan derajat sentralitas meliputi umur, skala USAha dan tingkat kepemilikan media massa. Sementara itu, tingkat pendidikan formal, status bekerja dan lama USAha tidak berhubungan secara nyata dengan derajat sentalitas. (2) Varibel karakteristik sumberdaya individu yang berhubungan nyata dengan tingkat kedekatan, meliputi umur dan tingkat kepemilikan media massa. (3) Variabel karakteristik sumberdaya individu yang berhubungan nyata dengan tingkat kebersamaan antara lain, umur, tingkat pendidikan formal dan tingkat kepemilikan media massa

    Volunteers Perception and Motivation on Implementation of Community Empowerment National Program-Autonomous Urban

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    Indonesia is a developing country which has focused on development. The development and acceleration of economic growth that occurred in Indonesia has not been evenly distributed in every province. This gives rise to a phenomenon of population movement (migration) occurring in rural communities who migrate to urban areas which eventually give rise to a phenomenon of urban poverty. The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of poor communities urban areas and to identify social representations about the city in poor communities in urban areas. The characteristics of poor communities are generally aged between under 25 to more than 54 years old, the majority of respondents are women, and generally work in the informal sector. The level of education of respondents are elementary school level (SD) or equivalent to high school level (high school) or equivalent. The income that can be obtained by poor communities were Rp. 100.000.00 up to Rp.1.500.000.00 per month. Overall poor communities did rural-urban migration between 1970 until 2010. The reason was to find a job, looking for experience, come to join her parents and husband, and generally they spent a time in a location was between 1 to 30 years. The frequency of returning home is zero to more than 4 times in the past year. Most of them do not choose the location as the first residence in the city. There are 4 kinds of type of social representations about the city and the poor. The dominant type of social representations about city is type a place to earn money. Beside that, the dominant type of social representations about the poor is underprivileged person

    Keterdedahan dan Pemanfaatan Informasi oleh Petani Sayuran

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    Agricultural development growns toward modern agriculture along with the development in science and technology in the field of agricultural technology and management, supported by fast development of communication technology. In current agricultural communities, information has become a significant part of their farming activities, because information actually plays a crucial role in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the farming process, supporting decision-making process, and triggering innovation. The objectives of this study were (1) to describe vegetable farmers' exposure to sources of information; (2) to analyze the relationship between the characteristics of farmers and exposure to information sources; and (3) to learn the relationship between exposure to information sources and the utilization of information. The study was designed as a descriptive-correlational survey research and it was conducted in Tugu Selatan village, Cisarua subdistrict, Bogor regency. The data was collected by means of simple random sampling and the data analysis used Spearman rank. The research result showed that the farmers got the most varied materials from extension officers and farmer groups. Meanwhile, the highest use of information was enlightening. There was a significant correlation between variables of age, experience, land area, and types of vegetables and several other variables such as exposure to information sources. Some variables of exposure to information sources were significantly correlated with the use of information

    Internet Ussage and Agricultural Information Utilization by Agricultural Extension Staff in Bogor District

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    The vast development of communication technology produces so many communication media that can be used to disseminate information. One of the communication media that can be used is cyberspace communication or internet media. Agricultural extension workers as those who act as diseminator supposedly able to utilize agricultural information communication technology development in carrying out their duties and functions. This study aims to description of internet USAge by agricultural extension, analyze the factors affecting the level of internet USAge, as well as analysis of the utilization of information and its relevance to the level of use by agricultural extension. The level of internet USAge by respondents measured the frequency and duration of use is still low. Respondents use the internet less than three times a week and duration of less than three hours a day. Factors significantly correlated with the use of the Internet by agricultural extension is extension characteristics (age and availability of technology) and information needs of extension (information processing technology, marketing and climate). Utilization by agricultural extension information is stored for consumption in the form of private, shared with a fellow instructor for discussion, and distributed to farmers as extension material. More than half of the respondents utilize the information to be discussed to fellow instructor, the next disseminated to farmers and stored for personal

    Participatory Communication Patterns on the Rural Agribusiness Development Program in Regency Bogor

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    PUAP is a program of business funding provision in the form of a revolving fund for farmers by paying directly into the account of a Farmers Group Unity (Gapoktan) which is assisted by the extension agent and the supervisor of Mitra Tani. This study resulted in the description of participatory communication pattern, analysis of the relation of members\u27 individual characteristics, extension agent credibility and Mitra Tani Supervisor to participatory communication pattern in PUAP as well as the analysis of the PUAP success and its relation to participatory communication pattern. The research was carried in the District of Ciampea using correlational descriptive survey method. The total of respondents was 71. Data were analyzed by Spearman\u27s rank test. The results showed that the participatory communication pattern of the extension agent and Mitra Tani Supervisor in PUAP was vertical. It is identified from the one way direction communication, misunderstanding content, and low frequency of communication found in the study. Credibility of extension agent in PUAP was high in the honesty aspect, moderate in expertise (quite expert), but low in attractiveness and familiarity. Credibility of Mitra Tani Supervisor was relatively low. The results of the study suggest that the improvement of communication skills of extension agent and Mitra Tani Supervisor was needed. Besides, the increasing of communication frequency with Gapoktan as well as recepients farmers of PUAP was needed to succeed the program

    Hubungan Jaringan Komunikasi dan Dinamika Kelompok dengan Kapasitas Petani dalam Agribisnis Padi Organik di Jawa Barat

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    Kapasitas petani dalam agribisnis padi organik adalah kemampuan petani untuk menerapkan budidaya padi organik sesuai dengan standar sertifikasi oleh Institute of Marcetology (IMO) Swiss. Jaringan komunikasi dan dinamika kelompok menentukan kapasitas petani dalam agribisnis padi organik. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Tasikmalaya pada kelompok tani Jembar II, Sundamekar, Mekar Karya dan Serbaguna II; sedangkan di Karawang dilakukan pada kelompok tani Dewi Sri, Wargi Mukti, Benong II dan Mindi Lamping. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara cluster random sampling. Metode yang digunakan adalah survey, data didapatkan melalui wawancara dengan kuesioner. Analisa data menggunakan korelasi Pearson. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan jaringan komunikasi dan tingkat dinamika kelompok pada kapasitas petani dalam agribisnis padi organik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jaringan komunikasi di Tasikmalaya dan Karawang, baik produksi dan pemasaran tidak berhubungan dengan kapasitas petani dalam agribisnis padi organik. Kapasitas petani di Tasikmalaya dalam mengidentifikasi kapasitas potensi agribisnis dan mempertahankan padi organik lebih banyak dipengaruhi oleh dinamika kelompok terutama oleh kejelasan tujuan, fungsi kelompok, dan suasana kondusif dalam kelompok. Demikian pula di Karawang, kapasitas petani untuk mengatasi masalah agribisnis lebih ditentukan oleh dinamika kelompok terutama oleh fungsi kelompok, kohesifitas kelompok, dan tekanan kelompok yang terarah

    Multi Stakeholder Engagement in Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil Governance

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    Natural resource management generally involves parties with conflicting interests and roles. The emergence of a negative issue on palm oil development in Indonesia heralded by NGOs and vegetable oil competitor countries, for some groups, is considered merely a trade war. The rapid development of Indonesia's oil palm has made this commodity a source of global vegetable oil as well as risen a controversy over its sustainability aspects covering environmental, socio-economic and health issues. The significant increase of palm oil research led to the need to enrich the study's discussion on the sustainability aspect and involved the participation of the related stakeholders. This study is an early stage of a research based on the environmental communication theory to identify the problems and analyze the stakeholders involved in palm oil governance in Indonesia by using stakeholder analysis tools. The methods of data collection in this study included literature review, text analysis, in-depth interviews as well as direct observations. The study finding shows that the Ministry of Agriculture as the main actor in palm oil governance in Indonesia is required to share its authority. This indicates that palm oil sustainability issue is not the responsibility of a particular ministry but has become a national issue that requires the participation and collaboration of all relevant stakeholders

    Komunikasi Stakeholder dalam Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan (Musrenbang)

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    Stakeholders are the main actors of development that determine process, result, implementation and evaluation of Development Planning Forum (Musrenbang). This study was aimed to analyze the characteristics of stakeholder relations, aspirations and access to information media with the intensity of stakeholders communication in Musrenbang at the village and urban village level. The study used the sequential mixed methods, that were descriptive analysis, for qualitative method, and explanative quantitative survey methods by employing Pearson corelational analysis. Quantitative data were collected through questionnaires with cluster sampling, Solvin formula, and then stratified sampling. While the qualitative data were collected through literature review, direct observation, analysis of documents, and also interviews. The research took place in Balokang Village, Rejasari Village, Mekarsari Urban village, and Muktisari Urban village in Banjar, West Java.The results showed:the characteristic of stakeholders, aspirations, and access to information media have significant correlation with the intensity of stakeholders' communication in Musrenbang at the village and urban village level