49 research outputs found

    Cervical spine surgery for tandem spinal stenosis: The impact on low back pain

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    Objective Tandem spinal stenosis (TSS) can present similarly to cervical myelopathy, but often has a worse prognosis. Few studies have investigated outcomes and compared treatment approaches for patients with TSS. We sought to determine the impact of cervical spine surgery on cervical and lumbar spine symptoms in patients with symptomatic tandem spinal stenosis. Patients Methods 84 patients with TSS were identified over 5 years. 48 underwent cervical spine surgery alone, 20 underwent both cervical and lumbar spine surgery, and 16 received conservative treatment alone (conservative cohort). Quality of life (QOL) measures included the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for arm, neck, and back pain, and EuroQOL-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D). QOL data were acquired at baseline (pre-operative) and 1 year postoperatively via an institutional prospectively collected database. Results Both surgical cohorts showed significant (p < 0.01) pre- to postoperative improvement for VAS neck and arm scores at 1-year post-op and significantly (p < 0.01) greater improvements than the conservative cohort. In addition, the cohort undergoing cervical spine surgery alone experienced significant improvement in the EQ-5D score whereas those undergoing both cervical and lumbar spine surgery did not. Conclusions Cervical spine surgery with or without follow-up lumbar spine surgery significantly improves neck pain in patients with TSS. In contrast, cervical spine surgery in these patients does not improve lumbar symptoms. Lumbar surgery also did not improve low back pain or quality of life. Future prospective studies are necessary to examine the impact of lumbar decompression alone on cervical spine symptoms in patients with TSS

    Variability in Surgical Treatment of Spondylolisthesis Among Spine Surgeons

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    Background There are a multitude of treatments for low-grade lumbar spondylolisthesis. There are no clear guidelines for the optimal approach. Objective To identify the surgical treatment patterns for spondylolisthesis among United States spine surgeons. Methods 445 spine surgeons in the United States completed a survey of clinical/radiographic case scenarios on patients with lumbar spondylolisthesis with neurogenic claudication with (S+BP) or without (S−BP) associated mechanical back pain. Treatment options included decompression, laminectomy with posterolateral fusion, posterior lumbar interbody fusion, or none of the above. The primary outcome measure was the probability of 2 randomly chosen surgeons disagreeing on the treatment method. Results There was 64% disagreement (36% agreement) among surgeons for treatment of spondylolisthesis with mechanical back pain (S+BP) and 71% disagreement (29% agreement) for spondylolisthesis without mechanical back pain (S−BP). For S+BP, disagreement was 52% for those practicing 5 to 10 years versus 70% among those practicing more than 20 years. Orthopedic surgeons had greater disagreement than did neurosurgeons (76% vs. 56%) for S+BP. Greater clinical equipoise was seen for S−BP than for S+BP regardless of surgeon characteristics. For spondylolisthesis without mechanical back pain, neurosurgeons were significantly more likely to select decompression-only than were orthopedic surgeons, who more commonly selected fusion. Conclusions Clinical equipoise exists for the treatment of spondylolisthesis. Differences are greater when the patient presents without associated back pain. Surgeon case volume, practice duration, and specialty training influence operative decisions for a given pathologic condition. Recognizing this practice variation will hopefully lead to better evidence and practice guidelines for the optimal and most cost-effective treatment paradigms

    Quality of life changes after lumbar decompression in patients with tandem spinal stenosis

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    Objective Tandem spinal stenosis (TSS) is a degenerative spinal condition characterized by spinal canal narrowing at 2 or more distinct spinal levels. It is an aging-related condition that is likely to increase as the population ages, but which remains poorly described in the literature. Here we sought to determine the impact of primary lumbar decompression on quality-of-life (QOL) outcomes in patients with symptomatic TSS. Patients and methods We retrospectively reviewed 803 patients with clinical and radiographic evidence of TSS treated between 2008 and 2014 with a minimum 2-year follow-up. The records of patients with clinical and radiographic evidence of concurrent cervical and lumbar stenosis were reviewed. Prospectively gathered QOL data, including the Pain Disability Questionnaire (PDQ), Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), EuroQOL-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D), and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for low back pain, were assessed at the 6-month, 1-year, and 2-year follow-ups. Results Of 803 identified patients (mean age 66.2 years; 46.9% male), 19.6% underwent lumbar decompression only, 14.1% underwent cervical + lumbar decompression, and 66.4% underwent conservative management only. Baseline VAS scores were similar across all groups, but patients undergoing conservative management had better baseline QOL scores on all other measures. Both surgical cohorts experienced significant improvements in the VAS, PDQ, and EQ-5D at all time points; patients in the cervical + lumbar cohort also had significant improvement in the PHQ-9. Conservatively managed patients showed no significant improvement in QOL scores at any follow-up interval. Conclusion Lumbar decompression with or without cervical decompression improves low back pain and QOL outcomes in patients with TSS. The decision to prioritize lumbar decompression is therefore unlikely to adversely affect long-term quality-of-life improvements

    C5 Palsy After Cervical Spine Surgery: A Multicenter Retrospective Review of 59 Cases.

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    STUDY DESIGN: A multicenter, retrospective review of C5 palsy after cervical spine surgery. OBJECTIVE: Postoperative C5 palsy is a known complication of cervical decompressive spinal surgery. The goal of this study was to review the incidence, patient characteristics, and outcome of C5 palsy in patients undergoing cervical spine surgery. METHODS: We conducted a multicenter, retrospective review of 13 946 patients across 21 centers who received cervical spine surgery (levels C2 to C7) between January 1, 2005, and December 31, 2011, inclusive. P values were calculated using 2-sample t test for continuous variables and χ(2) tests or Fisher exact tests for categorical variables. RESULTS: Of the 13 946 cases reviewed, 59 patients experienced a postoperative C5 palsy. The incidence rate across the 21 sites ranged from 0% to 2.5%. At most recent follow-up, 32 patients reported complete resolution of symptoms (54.2%), 15 had symptoms resolve with residual effects (25.4%), 10 patients did not recover (17.0%), and 2 were lost to follow-up (3.4%). CONCLUSION: C5 palsy occurred in all surgical approaches and across a variety of diagnoses. The majority of patients had full recovery or recovery with residual effects. This study represents the largest series of North American patients reviewed to date

    Polska i społeczeństwo w XXI wieku. Państwo i prawo w XXI wieku - szanse i zagrożenia

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    Słowo wstępne: "Kolejna, czwarta już międzynarodowa konferencja zorganizowana przez Krakowską Szkolę Wyższą im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego poświęcona została problematyce nowych wyzwań w różnych dziedzinach życia społecznego w perspektywie XXI wieku. Tematem sekcji Wydziału Prawa i Administracji stała się próba odpowiedzi na pytanie o szanse i zagrożenia dla państwa i prawa XXI wieku. Wydaje się, że u progu tego stulecia nie sposób przewidzieć, czego będzie więcej - szans czy zagrożeń. Trudno wyrokować, czy nadchodzące dekady przyniosą nadzieje na pozytywne rozwiązanie problemów, czy też ich eskalacja, a zwłaszcza nowe i trudne do przewidzenia warianty, sprawią, że świat znajdzie się na krawędzi. Nie ma odpowiedzi na te pytania. Jedno jest pewne - jak powiedział Stanisław Lem -płyniemy z nurtem wielkiej rzeki ku nieznanemu oceanowi i znajdujemy się dopiero na początku podróży. Nie ma wątpliwości, że w ostatnim czasie odczuwamy raczej zagrożenie, tym bardziej, że prowadzona walka z terroryzmem nie przynosi oczekiwanych rezultatów. Jednak pesymizmem napawa nie tylko stan międzynarodowego bezpieczeństwa. Również w innych sferach życia dostrzegamy wiele niepokojących zjawisk świadczących o erozji takich fundamentalnych instytucji jak państwo i prawo."(...

    Is Decompressive Surgery for Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy Effective in Patients Suffering from Concomitant Multiple Sclerosis or Parkinson’s Disease?

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    A subset of patients with a demyelinating disease suffer from concurrent cervical spondylotic myelopathy, both of which evince similar symptomatology. Differentiating the cause of these symptoms is challenging, and little research has been done on patients with coexisting diseases. This review explores the current literature on the appropriate surgical management of patients with concurrent multiple sclerosis (MS) and cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM), and those with both Parkinson’s disease (PD) and CSM. MS and CSM patients may benefit from surgery to reduce pain and radiculopathy. Surgical management in PD and CSM patients has shown minimal quality-of-life improvement. Future studies are needed to better characterize demyelinating disease patients with concurrent disease and to determine ideal medical or surgical treatment

    Molecular Pathways and Genomic Landscape of Glioblastoma Stem Cells: Opportunities for Targeted Therapy.

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    Glioblastoma (GBM) is an aggressive tumor of the central nervous system categorized by the World Health Organization as a Grade 4 astrocytoma. Despite treatment with surgical resection, adjuvant chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, outcomes remain poor, with a median survival of only 14-16 months. Although tumor regression is often observed initially after treatment, long-term recurrence or progression invariably occurs. Tumor growth, invasion, and recurrence is mediated by a unique population of glioblastoma stem cells (GSCs). Their high mutation rate and dysregulated transcriptional landscape augment their resistance to conventional chemotherapy and radiation therapy, explaining the poor outcomes observed in patients. Consequently, GSCs have emerged as targets of interest in new treatment paradigms. Here, we review the unique properties of GSCs, including their interactions with the hypoxic microenvironment that drives their proliferation. We discuss vital signaling pathways in GSCs that mediate stemness, self-renewal, proliferation, and invasion, including the Notch, epidermal growth factor receptor, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt, sonic hedgehog, transforming growth factor beta, Wnt, signal transducer and activator of transcription 3, and inhibitors of differentiation pathways. We also review epigenomic changes in GSCs that influence their transcriptional state, including DNA methylation, histone methylation and acetylation, and miRNA expression. The constituent molecular components of the signaling pathways and epigenomic regulators represent potential sites for targeted therapy, and representative examples of inhibitory molecules and pharmaceuticals are discussed. Continued investigation into the molecular pathways of GSCs and candidate therapeutics is needed to discover new effective treatments for GBM and improve survival

    P2Y12 hyporesponse (PRU&gt;200) is not associated with increased thromboembolic complications in anterior circulation Pipeline.

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    IntroductionRecent reports suggest that thromboembolic complications are associated with Pipeline embolization device (PED) placement cluster in P2Y12 hyporesponders.ObjectiveTo evaluate the role of P2Y12 hyporesponse in PED placement by retrospectively reviewing a single-center series of patients.MethodsWe retrospectively reviewed an institutional review board-approved database of patients with an aneurysm at a single institution and identified all patients with a measured P2Y12 reaction unit (PRU)&gt;200 who had undergone anterior circulation PED placement. Events such as transient ischemic attack, stroke, and hemorrhage were identified as well as demographic and procedural details.ResultsFifty-two patients with a PRU &gt;200 had undergone anterior circulation PED placement. Four patients had prior subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) (8%) and 11 aneurysms (21%) had been previously treated. The average aneurysm size was 7.6 mm (±6.2). PED thrombosis occurred intraprocedurally in three patients, none of whom developed neurological deficits after abciximab administration. Treatment of all patients was successful and 48 procedures (92%) had no complications. One patient had a major stroke (2%) with permanent hemiparesis. There were three minor complications (6%): one minor stroke with a visual field cut, one 10 cc intracranial hemorrhage with transient left lower extremity weakness, and one transient neurological deficit not verified by imaging. No deaths or cases of SAH occurred.ConclusionsP2Y12 hyporesponse (PRU&gt;200) is not associated with increased periprocedural complications in a contemporary series of patients undergoing anterior circulation PED placement. Titration of antiplatelet medications to P2Y12 &gt;200 remains unindicated and may increase the risk of hemorrhagic complications