23 research outputs found

    Bayesian Geostatistical Analysis and Ecoclimatic Determinants of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis Infection among Horses

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    Citation: Boysen, C., Davis, E. G., Beard, L. A., Lubbers, B. V., & Raghavan, R. K. (2015). Bayesian Geostatistical Analysis and Ecoclimatic Determinants of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis Infection among Horses. Plos One, 10(10), 15. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0140666Kansas witnessed an unprecedented outbreak in Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection among horses, a disease commonly referred to as pigeon fever during fall 2012. Bayesian geostatistical models were developed to identify key environmental and climatic risk factors associated with C. pseudotuberculosis infection in horses. Positive infection status among horses (cases) was determined by positive test results for characteristic abscess formation, positive bacterial culture on purulent material obtained from a lanced abscess (n = 82), or positive serologic evidence of exposure to organism (>= 1:512)(n = 11). Horses negative for these tests (n = 172)(controls) were considered free of infection. Information pertaining to horse demographics and stabled location were obtained through review of medical records and/or contact with horse owners via telephone. Covariate information for environmental and climatic determinants were obtained from USDA (soil attributes), USGS (land use/land cover), and NASA MODIS and NASA Prediction of Worldwide Renewable Resources (climate). Candidate covariates were screened using univariate regression models followed by Bayesian geostatistical models with and without covariates. The best performing model indicated a protective effect for higher soil moisture content (OR = 0.53, 95% CrI = 0.25, 0.71), and detrimental effects for higher land surface temperature (>= 35 degrees C) (OR = 2.81, 95% CrI = 2.21, 3.85) and habitat fragmentation (OR = 1.31, 95% CrI = 1.27, 2.22) for C. pseudotuberculosis infection status in horses, while age, gender and breed had no effect. Preventative and ecoclimatic significance of these findings are discussed

    Using telehealth clinical case vignettes to enhance clinical confidence and competence in veterinary students

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    Veterinarians contribute substantially to the health of their patients and enhance the communities in which they live. Delivery of veterinary curricula continues to evolve to ensure that veterinary graduates are prepared to meet their professional obligations on Day One of their careers. In this study, veterinary practitioners were recruited to deliver telehealth case rounds to veterinary students at Kansas State University and Texas A&M University. Case discussions were hosted virtually once per month in the 2020–2021 and 2021–2022 academic years for a total of 16 sessions. Each presenting practitioner was instructed to develop a brief presentation for a case routinely seen in their practice, and to discuss important clinical decision points in diagnosis, treatment and management. Cases could also highlight important ethical or communication issues encountered in veterinary medicine. The overall goals of this project were to increase the quantity and diversity of clinical cases to which veterinary students were exposed during their professional training and to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of telehealth technology as a teaching strategy. Student participants were surveyed to determine the effectiveness of telehealth sessions in increasing overall confidence and competence in case management, and veterinary presenters were surveyed to determine motivations for participating in the project and perceived value of the telehealth sessions. More than 95% of students indicated that participation in telehealth sessions increased their clinical confidence and competence. Presenting practitioners unanimously indicated that they would participate in similar instruction in the future. Recommendations are provided to improve the educational experience for future adopters of telehealth teaching sessions

    Antimicrobial use in 20 U.S. beef feedyards: 2018–2019

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    The objective of this study was to report antimicrobial use in a convenience sample of U.S. beef feedyards for the years 2018 and 2019. In addition to antimicrobial use metrics, also reported are the indications for antimicrobial use and outcomes related to these indications. Antimicrobial use is characterized at the study and feedyard levels for a total of 1,141,846 head of cattle in 20 U.S. feedyards. Antimicrobial use is reported as milligrams of active antimicrobial ingredient per kilogram of liveweight sold (mg/kg-LW) and regimens of antimicrobials per animal year (Reg/AY). Regimens are described by antimicrobial class within use category as characterized by mg of active antimicrobial product per regimen (mg/Reg) and calendar days of administration per regimen (CDoA/Reg). A total of 1,128,515 regimens of medically important antimicrobials were captured from records. The number of regimens/100 head-in (Reg/100 head-in) are described in a subset of 10 feedyards with adequate data granularity to directly determine indications for antimicrobial administration. For the indications of bovine respiratory disease (BRD), Lameness (Lame), Liver Abscess Control (LAC), and Other (e.g., central nervous system disease, cellulitis) the Reg/100 head-in study-level values are 37.1, 0.8, 98.4, and 0.7, respectively, for 2018, with similar values for 2019. The regimens for BRD are further categorized in these 10 feedyards by the use categories in-feed, control of BRD, and individual animal therapy, yielding study level values of 4.6, 19.6, and 12.9 Reg/100 head-in, respectively, for 2018, with similar values for 2019. Outcomes of therapy for individual animal treatment of BRD, Lame, and Other are reported as treatment success, retreatment, or mortality by 30 days after the initial therapy of an animal for a disease. Treatment success rates (no treatment or mortality in the next 30 days) for 2018 in the 10 feedyards with sufficient data granularity are 76.5, 86.5, and 83.0% for BRD, Lame, and Other, respectively. The comparison of these results with other reports of antimicrobial use in North American feedyards highlights how differing approaches in calculating metric values may result in substantially different conclusions regarding antimicrobial use, especially in relation to long-duration uses

    Detection of bovine inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α with a multiplex electrochemiluminescent assay platform

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    Commercially available bovine-specific assays are limited in number, and multiplex assays for this species are rare. Our objective was to develop a multiplex assay for the bovine inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, and TNFα using the Meso Scale Discovery U-PLEX platform. Do-It-Yourself ELISA kits that contained polyclonal antibodies, both unlabeled and biotinylated, and the specific recombinant bovine cytokine standard, were purchased for each of these three cytokines. The biotinylated antibodies were coupled to linkers that bind to specific locations within each well of the U-PLEX plate. Unique linkers were used for each of the cytokines. The unlabeled antibodies were conjugated with electrochemiluminescent labels to serve as detection antibodies. Each cytokine assay was optimized individually prior to performing an optimization on the multiplex assay containing reagents for all three cytokines. To calculate cytokine concentrations, standard curves were developed using the recombinant cytokines and were run concurrently on each plate. Standard curves for IL-1β and TNF-α were run at concentrations ranging from 0 to 50,000 pg/mL, and for IL-6 from 0 to 10,000 pg/mL. The average lowest level of detection concentration measured by the standard curves were 5.3 pg/mL, 0.92 pg/mL, and 22.34 pg/mL for IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α respectively, as determined by data from seven plates containing bovine plasma samples from a combination of healthy and diseased cattle. The U-PLEX platform was a viable means to develop custom analyte- and species-specific multiplex assays using privately developed or purchased sets of commercially available reagents

    Large genomic differences between Moraxella bovoculi isolates acquired from the eyes of cattle with infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis versus the deep nasopharynx of asymptomatic cattle

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    Citation: Dickey, A. M., Loy, J. D., Bono, J. L., Smith, T. P. L., Apley, M. D., Lubbers, B. V., . . . Clawson, M. L. (2016). Large genomic differences between Moraxella bovoculi isolates acquired from the eyes of cattle with infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis versus the deep nasopharynx of asymptomatic cattle. Veterinary Research, 47, 11. doi:10.1186/s13567-016-0316-2Moraxella bovoculi is a recently described bacterium that is associated with infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK) or "pinkeye" in cattle. In this study, closed circularized genomes were generated for seven M. bovoculi isolates: three that originated from the eyes of clinical IBK bovine cases and four from the deep nasopharynx of asymptomatic cattle. Isolates that originated from the eyes of IBK cases profoundly differed from those that originated from the nasopharynx of asymptomatic cattle in genome structure, gene content and polymorphism diversity and consequently placed into two distinct phylogenetic groups. These results suggest that there are genetically distinct strains of M. bovoculi that may not associate with IBK

    Antimicrobial multi drug resistance and co-resistance patterns of Mannheimia haemolytica isolated from bovine respiratory disease cases – a three year (2009-2011) retrospective analysis

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    Bovine respiratory disease continues to be the most important ailment of feedyard cattle. While the disease is multifactorial in nature, therapy continues to target the primary bacterial pathogens, Mannheimia haemolytica, Pasteurella multocida and Histophilus somni. A survey of records from a single diagnostic laboratory was conducted to evaluate the percentage of Mannheimia haemolytica isolates that were resistant to multiple antimicrobials and if co-resistance patterns could be detected. All susceptibility test results for Mannheimia haemolytica recovered from lung tissues of cattle were eligible for inclusion in the survey. There were no isolates over the course of the analysis that were resistant to all 6 antimicrobials, primarily due to a lack of resistance to ceftiofur. In 2009, just over 5% of isolates were resistant to 5 or more antimicrobials (pan-resistant). In 2011, over 35% of the Mannheimia haemolytica isolates were characterized as pan-resistant. Significant antimicrobial co-resistance patterns were only seen with oxytetracycline and tilmicosin; bacterial isolates that were resistant to either oxytetracycline or tilmicosin were more likely to be resistant to at least one other antimicrobial. The mechanisms by which Mannheimia haemolytica is developing multi drug resistance warrant investigation if antimicrobial utility in the therapy of bovine respiratory disease is to be preserved

    Variation in fluoroquinolone pharmacodynamic parameter values among isolates of two bacterial pathogens of bovine respiratory disease

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    To design an antimicrobial treatment regimen for a bacterial disease, data on the drug pharmacodynamics (PD) against selected drug-susceptible strains of the pathogen are used. The regimen is applied across such strains in the field, assuming the PD parameter values remain the same. We used time-kill experiments and PD modeling to investigate the fluoroquinolone enrofloxacin PD against different isolates of two bovine respiratory disease pathogens: four Mannheimia haemolytica and three Pasteurella multocida isolates. The models were fitted as mixed-effects non-linear regression; the fixed-effects PD parameter values were estimated after accounting for random variation among experimental replicates. There was both inter- and intra- bacterial species variability in the PD parameters Hill-coefficient and Emax (maximal decline of bacterial growth rate), with more variable PD responses among M. haemolytica than among P. multocida isolates. Moreover, the Hill-coefficient was correlated to the isolate's maximal population growth rate in the absence of antimicrobial exposure (a.k.a. specific growth rate; Spearman's ρ = 0.98, p-value = 0.003, n = 6 isolates excluding one outlier). Thus, the strain's properties such as growth potential may impact its PD responses. This variability can have clinical implications. Modifying the treatment regimen depending on phenotypic properties of the pathogen strain causing disease may be a precision medicine approach

    Data_Sheet_1_The association of multiple metrics for evaluating antimicrobial use in U.S. beef feedyards.pdf

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    In order to accurately portray antimicrobial use in food animals, the need for standardized metrics, and an understanding of the characteristics of different metrics, has long been recognized. Fourteen U.S. feedyards were used to evaluate the effects of using centralized constants such as defined daily dose (DDD) and defined course dose (DCD) applied to the weight of medically important antimicrobials by class (mg) as opposed to using electronic individual animal treatment records and lot level in-feed antimicrobial records obtained from the same population. Three numerators were calculated directly from recorded data for each drug product: the number of antimicrobial regimens associated with indication (Reg), milligrams of drug administered per regimen (mg), and calendar days of administration for each regimen (CDoA). There were four use indications to which numerators were assigned: liver abscess control (LAC), bovine respiratory disease (BRD), lameness (lame), or all other indications combined (other). Three denominators were also calculated directly from the data, these being the number of days animals were present (head days), number of cattle received (head in), and kilograms of live weight sold (kg-LW). Numerators and denominators were calculated at the lot level. The use of DDD or DCD was explored to determine how their use would affect interpretation of comparisons between lots or feedyards. At the lot level across both study years, the lot estimate of nDDD differed from the CDoA value by >25% in 49.2% of the lots. The number of Defined Course Doses (nDCD) was then compared to the number of Regimens (Reg). Comparing nDCD to Reg at the lot level across both study years, the lot estimate of nDCD differed from the Reg value by >25% in 46.4% of lots. Both year and metric were also shown to affect numerical feedyard ranking by antimicrobial use according to seven different metrics. The analysis reported here adds to the body of literature reporting substantial effects of metric choice on the conclusions drawn from comparing antimicrobial use across multiple production sites.</p