6 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Visual Merchandising terhadap Impulse Buying melalui Positive Emotion pada toko Miniso Mall City Point Malang

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    مستخلص البحث شهدت تنمية تجارة التجزئة في اندونيسيا زيادة كبيرة. هذا يجعل اندونيسيا حصة سوقية محتملة لشركات البيع بالتجزئة. يوضح اتجاه الشراء الحالي في إندونيسيا أن 65٪ من قرار الشراء داخل المتجر غير مخطط أو متهور. أحد العوامل الرئيسية التي تؤثر على حدوث مثل هذه المشتريات العاجزة هو التحفيز القوي في المتجر وقوة المشاعر الإيجابية التي تنشأ عند التسوق في المتاجر. وكان الغرض من هذه الدراسة هو تحديد دور العاطفة الإيجابية على تأثير الترويج البصري على شراء الدافع. من هذه الخلفية ، تم إجراء هذا البحث بعنوان "دور الوساطة العاطفية الإيجابية في تأثير الترويج البصري على الشراء الدافع في متجر MINISO Mall City Point Malang تستخدم هذه الدراسة مقاربة كمية للبحث التوضيحي. بلغت العينة المستخدمة في هذه الدراسة 100 فرد. تم جمع البيانات عن طريق الاستبيانات والمقابلات. استخدم تحليل المعطيات فيهذه الدراسة منهج Partial Least Square (PLS) من نتائج الدراسة أظهرت أن المتغير البصري الترويج شهد تأثير إيجابي ولكن ليس كبيرا على شراء الدافع. بينما يكون لمتغير الترويج المرئي تأثير إيجابي وهام على المشاعر الإيجابية وكذلك العاطفة الإيجابية التي تلعب دورًا إيجابيًا كوسيط لتأثير الترويج المرئي على شراء المستهلكين الدافع في متاجر MINISO Mall City Point Malang ABSTRACT The development of the retail business in Indonesia has experienced a substantial increase. This makes Indonesia a potential market share for retail businesses. The current purchasing trend in Indonesia shows that 65% of an in-store purchasing decision is unplanned or impulsive. One of the main factors that influence the occurrence of such impotent purchases is the strong stimulus in the store and the power of positive emotions that arise when shopping in stores. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of positive emotion on the influence of visual merchandising on impulse buying. From this background, this research was conducted with the title "The Positive Emotion Mediation Role on the Effect of Visual Merchadising on Impulse Buying at the MINISO Mall City Point Malang shop" This study uses a quantitative approach to explanatory research. The sample used in this study amounted to 100 respondents. Data was collected by questionnaires and interviews. Data analysis in this study used the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. From the results of the study showed that the visual merchandising variable experienced a positive but not significant effect on impulse buying. While the visual merchandising variable has a positive and significant effect on positive emotion as well as positive emotion which plays a positive role as a mediator of the influence of visual merchandising on consumers' impulse buying at MINISO Mall City Point Malang stores. ABSTRAK Perkembangan bisnis ritel di Indonesia megalami peningkatan yang cukup besar. Hal ini menjadikan Indonesia menjadi pangsa pasar yang cukup potensial bagi para pebisnis ritel. Adapun tren pembelian di Indonesia saat ini menunjukkan bahwa 65% sebuah keputusan pembelian dalam toko adalah bersifat tidak terencana atau impulsif. Salah satu faktor utama yang mempengaruhi terjadinya pembelian impusif tersebut adalah kuatnya stimulus yang ada dalam toko serta kekuatan emosi positif yang muncul saat berbelanja dalam toko. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peran dari positive emotion pada pengaruh visual merchandising terhadap impulse buying. Dari latar belakang itulah sehingga penelitian ini dilakukan dengan judul “Peran mediasi Positive Emotion Pada Pengaruh Visual Merchadising Terhadap Impulse Buying pada toko MINISO Mall City Point Malang” Penelitian ini memakai pendekatan kuantitatif jenis explanatory research. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 100 responden. Data dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner serta wawancara. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Partial Least Square (PLS). Dari hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa variabel visual merchandising mengalami pengaruh yang positif namun tidak signifikan terhadap impulse buying. Sedangkan variabel visual merchandising memiliki pengaruh yang positif serta signifikan terhadap positive emotion begitupun positive emotion yang berperan positif sebagai mediator dari adanya pengaruh visual merchandising terhadap impulse buying konsumen toko MINISO Mall City Point Malan

    Leveraging experience quality to increase loyalty of digital wallet user in Indonesia

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    This study examines the effect of experience quality on loyalty to digital wallet users. The financial sector plays a role as a driving force for growth in the real sector, which can be done through capital accumulation and technological innovation. The novelty in this research is the addition of brand image and satisfaction variables as a mediation that has not been studied before. There are still inconsistencies in the results of previous studies regarding the direct effect of experience quality on loyalty. This study uses explanatory research with a quantitative approach. The sample size is 120 respondents to digital wallet users in Malang City. The purposive sampling method is the sampling technique in this study. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling partial least square (SEM-PLS). The results of this study indicate that experience quality can directly improve brand image and satisfaction. Interestingly, this study found that experience quality directly did not have a significant effect on loyalty. The need to pay attention to service is the main key to customer satisfaction and brand image so that they can be loyal to digital wallet products

    Leveraging experience quality to increase loyalty of digital wallet user in Indonesia

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    This study examines the effect of experience quality on loyalty to digital wallet users. The financial sector plays a role as a driving force for growth in the real sector, which can be done through capital accumulation and technological innovation. The novelty in this research is the addition of brand image and satisfaction variables as a mediation that has not been studied before. There are still inconsistencies in the results of previous studies regarding the direct effect of experience quality on loyalty. This study uses explanatory research with a quantitative approach. The sample size is 120 respondents to digital wallet users in Malang City. The purposive sampling method is the sampling technique in this study. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling partial least square (SEM-PLS). The results of this study indicate that experience quality can directly improve brand image and satisfaction. Interestingly, this study found that experience quality directly did not have a significant effect on loyalty. The need to pay attention to service is the main key to customer satisfaction and brand image so that they can be loyal to digital wallet products

    Peran Citra Merek Dan Kepuasan Pelanggan Dalam Memediasi Pengaruh Kualitas Pengalaman Terhadap Loyalitas Pengguna Dompet Digital Di Kota Malang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran citra merek dan kepuasan pelanggan dalam memediasi pengaruh kualitas pengalaman terhadap loyalitas pengguna dompet digital di Kota Malang. Kuesioner digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dari para pengguna dompet digital sebanyak 120 responden. Analisis data menggunakan menggunakan permodelan persamaan struktural partial least square (SEM-PLS) dengan aplikasi Smart-PLS 3.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas pengalaman dan citra merek tidak berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa bahwa citra merek tidak dapat memediasi pengaruh dari kualitas pengalaman terhadap loyalitas, namun kepuasan pelanggan berhasil memediasi pengaruh dari kualitas pengalaman terhadap loyalitas pelanggan. Secara praktis penelitian ini menyarankan agar perusahaan dompet digital terus berinovasi agar kepuasan yang dirasakan para pengguna dompet digital meningkat, sehingga dengan demikian kepuasan pelanggan akan semakin baik, dan loyalitas akan terbentu

    Global Prevalence and Potential Influencing Factors of COVID-19 Vaccination Hesitancy : A Meta-Analysis

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    Countries worldwide have deployed mass COVID-19 vaccination drives, but there are people who are hesitant to receive the vaccine. Studies assessing the factors associated with COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy are inconclusive. This study aimed to assess the global prevalence of COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy and determine the potential factors associated with such hesitancy. We performed an organized search for relevant articles in PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. Extraction of the required information was performed for each study. A single-arm meta-analysis was performed to determine the global prevalence of COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy; the potential factors related to vaccine hesitancy were analyzed using a Z-test. A total of 56 articles were included in our analysis. We found that the global prevalence of COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy was 25%. Being a woman, being a 50-year-old or younger, being single, being unemployed, living in a household with five or more individuals, having an educational attainment lower than an undergraduate degree, having a non-healthcare-related job and considering COVID-19 vaccines to be unsafe were associated with a higher risk of vaccination hesitancy. In contrast, living with children at home, maintaining physical distancing norms, having ever tested for COVID-19, and having a history of influenza vaccination in the past few years were associated with a lower risk of hesitancy to COVID-19 vaccination. Our study provides valuable information on COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy, and we recommend special interventions in the sub-populations with increased risk to reduce COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy