7 research outputs found


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    Brazil has a vast diversity of natural resources, which are important in the economic and social context of many families, identified through non-wood forest products (NWFP), among them chestnuts, in the north, and pine nut, in the south of the country. Thus, the objective of the work was to analyze the productive chain of the Brazilian chestnuts in order to establish and identify potentialities existing in its productive chain that can be used to promote the pine nut productive chain in the social, economic and environmental spheres. The study was carried out through the application of an open questionnaire, having as target audience representatives linked to the commercialization and research of both forest products. As a main result, it is evident that the pine nut has an incomplete production chain, presenting itself as a product with secondary representation in the formation of farmers' income, which contributes to the structure of pine nut commercialization being incipient. In addition, the lack of social organization for extractivism is responsible for the non-consolidation of the chain, coupled with the incipient process of industrialization and processing of the pine nut. which limits the added value of the product. There is a need for greater interest and attention on the part of the government with actions involving entities that can assist in the most different spheres, as well as providing technical assistance, research, and financial support.

    Relation between energy efficiency and GHG emissions in drying units using forest biomass

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    ABSTRACT: The impacts of climate change are inevitable and driven by increased levels of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere, requiring mitigation and re-adaptation measures. In this context, this article critically analyzes the influence of drying technology type, forest biomass, and GHG emissions resulting from the energy required for drying agricultural crops, by presenting a case study of tobacco drying. In this study, the influence of increasing the technological level of drying unit (curing units CUs), using E. saligna and E. dunnii firewood and Pinus sp. pellets, was evaluated; considering consumption efficiency, energy efficiency, and concentration of gas emissions (CO, CO2, CXHY and NOX), as well as emission factors in tCO₂-eq. The results showed that when increasing the technological level of the CUs, there is a decrease in fuel consumption and emissions. The reduction can reach 60.28% for the amount of biomass consumed and 67.06% in emissions in tCO₂-eq; for the scenario of a production crop, using a CU with a continuous load (Chongololo) and firewood from E. dunnii. The use of pellets proved to be efficient, with the lowest consumption of biomass and emissions with more technological CUs

    Implementação de uma economia de baixo carbono na secagem do tabaco por meio do uso de biomassa florestal

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    The tobacco sector is responsible for several environmental damages originated from the plantation to the drying of the tobacco leaf. Faced with this situation, in Brazil, in order to promote tobacco farming in order to reduce such damage, strategies can be devised in order to minimize this impact, such as the use of more energy efficient forest biomass. Given this opportunity, the present research had as general objective to analyze the implementation of a strategy for a low carbon economy taking into account the efficiency of the use of pellets in the curing units used in the drying of tobacco leaves. For this, an experimental research was used through the methodology of scenario analysis, using firewood as base biomass and pellets as a sensitivity scenario. Biomass consumption and gas emissions were quantified in tCO2-eq during the entire tobacco drying cycle. The results showed that the use of pellets was more viable from an environmental and sustainable point of view in relation to the use of firewood in the energy generation process, reducing CO2-eq emissions by 61.58% and biomass consumption by 61.14%. Through the use of pellets, a possible strategy for reducing the emission of polluting gases in the tobacco curing process was demonstrated.O setor fumageiro é responsabilizado por diversos danos ambientais originados desde a plantação até a secagem da folha do tabaco. Frente a esta situação, no Brasil para fins de fomentar a fumicultura de forma a reduzir tais danos, estratégias podem ser pensadas com o intuito de minimizar esse impacto, a exemplo do uso da biomassa florestal, energeticamente mais eficiente. Diante deste ensejo, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo geral analisar a implementação de uma estratégia para uma economia de baixo carbono levando em consideração a eficiência do uso de pellets nas unidades de cura utilizadas na secagem das folhas do tabaco. Para tal, utilizou-se de uma pesquisa experimental por meio da metodologia de análise de cenários, utilizando a lenha como biomassa base e os pellets como cenário de sensibilidade. Quantificou-se o consumo de biomassa e as emissões de gases em tCO2-eq durante todo o ciclo de secagem do tabaco. Os resultados demonstraram que o uso de pellets se apresentou mais viável pelo viés ambiental e sustentável em relação ao uso de lenha no processo de geração de energia, reduzindo 61,58% as emissões de CO2-eq e 61,14% o consumo de biomassa. Por meio do uso de pellets demonstrou-se, portanto uma possível estratégia para a redução de emissão de gases poluentes no processo de cura do tabaco.


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    A madeira é um recurso natural renovável que possui vantagens quando comparada a outros materiais utilizados pela indústria, o conhecimento das propriedades anatômicas do gênero Eucalyptus, tais como dimensões dos vasos e das fibras, desempenham papel fundamental em processos fisiológicos e de sustentação, e garantem o melhor aproveitamento da espécie.  O objetivo do estudo foi caracterizar as madeiras de seis clones comerciais de Eucalyptus spp., sob o ponto de vista da anatomia de fibras e da densidade básica, considerando o seu aproveitamento na indústria de celulose. Os materiais de seis clones provieram de plantios comerciais com espaçamento de 2 x 3 metros, com 7 anos de idade. Para tanto, foram confeccionados, a partir de seis árvores de cada clone, corpos de prova para a verificação da massa específica e anatomia de fibras a partir de discos retirados na altura do peito (DAP), transformados em corpos de prova para estudos anatômicos qualitativos e quantitativos. A confecção das lâminas de macerados seguiu o método Ácido Nítrico-Acético. Para o estudo anatômico das fibras, foi observado valores do índice de Runkel menores que 1, estes são indicados para produção de papéis e considerados muito bons e bons, porém, para uma recomendação segura para esse fim, é importante que seja realizada uma análise química da sua madeira


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    The objective of this study was to analyze forest productivity, comparing the financial viability of a silvopastoral system versus a conventional forest plantation, both using the clone of the hybrid of Eucalyptus urograndis. For the survey of the volume data, nineteen plots of 40.0 x 15.0 m (600 m²) were installed in conventional planting and fifteen plots of 25.0 x 32.0 m (800 m²) in silvopastoral planting. All tree diameters and heights of each plot were measured. The hypsometric relationship models were obtained using the Stepwise method and the trees were cubed using the Smalian method. The volumes were separated into assortments, according to the sales options for the local market. The financial analysis considered cash flows from the year of implementation until the cutting age (7 years), considering the costs spent for the formation and maintenance of the forest throughout the cycle, discounted at an interest rate of 6.75% per year and the volume sold at market value, considering standing wood, at the end of the cycle. The following were evaluated: net present value, equivalent annual value, internal rate of return, expected value of land and average cost of production. The two production systems were considered economically viable for the suggested 7-year rotation, however the silvopastoral system showed results that demonstrate greater financial viability caused mainly by the lower cost of implementation and maintenance, and to the greater volume of the assortments with greater added value (S1 and S2)

    Uso e ocupação das áreas de preservação permanente da Microbacia Hidrográfica Arroio Cinamomo em Roque Gonzales - RS

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the situation of use and occupancy of permanent preservation areas of the watershed Arroyo Cinamomo in the municipality of Roque Gonzales in the year 2009. It was generated georererenced database of the country. The watershed was delineated from the SRTM sensor data, which was also used as the basis for the generation of the digital terrain model and the hydrographic network of the area. This study determined the Permanent Preservation Areas (7.51% of the watershed area) and land uses and occupations are classified. It was observed that 56.37% of the APP are invaded by other uses and the therefore they arent in a position consistent with Brazilian law, and 43.63% have to be adequate. Among the irregular areas were found 50.08% of the field (90,30 ha), 43.79% for agricultural use (78,96 ha), 5.37% of exposed soil (9,68 ha), 0.53% from in urban areas (0,96 ha) and 0,22% in roads (0,40 ha). The results show the need to plan for recovery in many areas pertaining to this watershed, and they can be used for planning of the management and the proper occupation of these lands.Pages: 6456-646

    Mapeamento automático de áreas de preservação permanente em topos de morros no município de Santa Maria - RS

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    The uncontrolled advance of the urban and agricultural areas on Permanent Preservation Areas - PPAs has spurred laws as the Brazilian Forest Code, which aims to prevent the overthrow of the native vegetation of these places, thus preserving the ecosystems in general. The demarcation of PPAs in hilltops is a process considered complex, making it difficult the monitoring these regions by environmental agencies. To assist this procedure, are used geoprocessing techniques with the help of satellite images. This method consists in to map the APPs on hilltops automatically, through the generation of Hydrologically Consistent Digital Elevation Models and of algebra functions of maps, saving time and labor. This study aimed to map the PPAs in hilltops in Santa Maria-RS through the use of Geografic Information System - GIS and of LANDSAT 5 sattelite image. In Spring 5.0.6 GIS, was made a thematic classification of the image. The delimitation of PPAs, and the land use conflict map was made in the ArcGIS 9.3 software. It was found that Santa Maria has 57,28 Km² of PPAs on hilltops, and of this total, 21.68% are in the area of conflict with the law. Finally, it is emphasized that the mapping obtained good results because ensured the effectiveness of the methodology developed for the scale of work.Pages: 4123-412