5,519 research outputs found

    Importance of interlinguistic similarity and stable bilingualism when two languages compete

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    In order to analyze the dynamics of two languages in competition, one approach is to fit historical data on their numbers of speakers with a mathematical model in which the parameters are interpreted as the similarity between those languages and their relative status. Within this approach, we show here, on the basis of a detailed analysis and extensive calculations, the outcomes that can emerge for given values of these parameters. Contrary to previous results, it is possible that in the long term both languages coexist and survive. This happens only when there is a stable bilingual group, and this is possible only if the competing languages are sufficiently similar, in which case its occurrence is favoured by both similarity and status symmetry.Comment: to appear in New Journal of Physic


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    Early colonization of crop roots by arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) is considered beneficial but its importance likely depends on the possible stresses faced by the host plant. Manganese toxicity is one such stress that AM can alleviate. Colonization initiated by extraradical mycelium (ERM) is faster than other sources of inoculum. No-till creates the possibility of encouraging inoculation via this source. At seeding time the ERM available for colonizing plants under no-till would have developed in association with previous crops or those weeds that germinated after the first autumn rain. However, the long, hot and dry summer under Mediterranean conditions might reduce the effectiveness of the ERM to colonize the new crop. The hypothesis that an intact ERM developed by weeds can affect the earlier AM colonization of wheat and alleviate Mn toxicity was tested in a pot experiment. Two mycotrophic (Ornithopus compressus L., Lolium rigidum Gaudin), and one non-mycotrophic (Silene galica L) weed species were grown for 7 weeks before being controlled with Glyphosate (the ERM remaining intact) or by mechanical disturbance (which also disrupted the ERM). Wheat was then planted and allowed to grow for 21 days. AM colonization, plant dry weight and shoot nutrient content were evaluated for both weeds and wheat. When an intact mycelium was present at the seeding of wheat (treatments with Ornithopus compressus and Lolium rigidum controlled by Glyphosate) there was a threefold increase in the AM colonization rate and growth of the crop compared with results for all the other treatments. The enhanced growth of wheat was associated with an alleviation of Mn toxicity, consistent with the hypothesis. However, there was a significant difference of the wheat growth after Ornithopus and Lolium (1.9 times), suggesting functional diversity within mycotrophic weeds and crops

    Of the significance of business relationships

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    The Industrial Network Theory aims to describe and explain the business relationships and networks in which the focal firm is deeply embedded. One of its major propositions is that business relationships somehow influence, to different extents and over time, the focal firm’s survival. This pertains to the diverse and time-varying significance of business relationships for the focal firm. It has often been implicitly sustained that such significance is strongly related to the role played by business relationships and consequently the relationship outcomes accruing to the focal firm. The logic underlying the relationship significance proposition is outwardly oriented, somewhat overlooking the focal firm’s inside and in particular the conspicuous influence of business relationships on what the focal firm does competently both within and across its vertical boundaries. Arguably, the (predominantly ‘functional’) network-based arguments currently advanced represent a necessary but not sufficient condition for relationship significance. This conceptual paper tentatively suggests that there may be missing a supplementary (essentially internal) explanation supported by Competence-based Theories of the Firm.Industrial Network Theory; relationship significance proposition

    How is the relationship significance brought about? A critical realist approach

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    The markets-as-networks theorists contend, at least tacitly, the significance of business relationships for the focal firm – that is, business relationships contribute somewhat to the focal firm’s survival and growth. We do not deny the existence of significant business relationships but sustain, in contrast to the consensus within the Markets-as-Networks Theory, that relationship significance should not be a self-evident assumption. Significance cannot be a taken-for-granted property of each and every one of the focal firm’s business relationships. We adopt explicitly a critical realist position in this conceptual paper and claim that the relationship significance is an event of the business world, whose causes remain yet largely unidentified. Where the powers and liabilities of business relationships (i.e., their functions and dysfunctions) are put to work, inevitably under certain contingencies (namely the surrounding networks and markets), effects result for the focal firm (often benefits in excess of sacrifices, i.e., relationship value) and as a result the relationship significance is likely to be brought about. In addition, the relationship significance can result from the dual influence that business relationships have on a great part of the structure and powers and liabilities of the focal firm, i.e., its nature and scope respectively.Markets-as-Networks Theory, relationship significance, business relationships, focal firm, resources, competences, activities

    Relationship significance: is it sufficiently explained?

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    The Industrial Networks Theory (cf. Axelsson and Easton, 1992, Hakansson and Snehota, 1995) sets out to describe and explain the business relationships and markets in which the focal firm is deeply embedded. One of its major propositions pertains to the (time-varying) significance of business relationships for the focal firm (Gadde et al., 2003), i.e., business relationships influence to some extent the focal firm’s survival. Such significance seems strongly related to the role played by business relationships and consequently the relationship outcomes accruing to the focal firm. The theoretical justification underlying this proposition is outwardly oriented, somewhat overlooking the inside of the focal firm - in particular the influence of business relationships on what the focal firm does competently within and across its boundaries. Arguably, the creation and appropriation of relationship value by the focal firm is a necessary but not sufficient condition for relationship significance. A supplementary (internal) explanation supported by Knowledge-based Theories of the Firm (e.g., see Kogut and Zander, 1992), we suggest, may be missing. Our aim here has been to intuitively pinpoint a theoretical flaw, further suggesting a feasible path for its solution.Industrial Networks Theory; relationship significance proposition; relationship functions, dysfunctions, benefits, sacrifices, and value

    Assessment of Lactobacillus crispatusÂŽ role in vaginal infections: friend or foe?

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    Lactobacillus spp. are the most prevalent microorganisms in the vaginal milleu. Several probiotic mechanisms have been associated with Lactobacillus, but the most relevant one is lactate production – resulting in a low pH value, typical of the healthy vagina. However, its pathogenic state is still unknown. We aim to elucidate the role of a commensal vaginal microorganism, Lactobacillus crispatus, in vaginal infections. Twenty-four vaginal washes have been collected from women attending a gynaecology consultation of a private clinic. The samples were categorized according with clinical diagnosis at the time of sampling. The distribution of bacterial species, and their prevalence was assessed by Next-Generation Sequencing of the 16S rRNA V4 region. In addition, L- and D-lactate concentration, and LDH enzymatic activity was quantified in all washes by a commercial kit. Detection of Candida spp. was performed by PCR. L. crispatus was dominant (>70%) in 11 out of 24 samples – diagnosed for vaginal atrophy (VA, 3), cytolytic vaginosis (CV, 2) and lactobacillosis (LB, 2). Lactate was increased in CV, LB and VA cases only. The remaining samples, diagnosed for vulvovaginal candidosis in its majority, had lower prevalence of L. crispatus; and lower to moderate lactate metabolite. There was not a direct relationship between LDH enzymatic activity and clinical diagnosis. L. crispatus dominance, associated with increased lactate production, was observed in CV, LB and VA cases. These results indicate that this microorganism might have a role in dysbiosis of the vagina associated with these specific pathologies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Role of Lactobacillus crispatus in vaginal infections: insights from metagenomics and metabolomics studies

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    Objective: Lactobacillus spp. constitute the most prevalent bacterial microorganism in the vaginal milleu. Several probiotic mechanisms have been associated with Lactobacillus, but the most relevant one is lactate production – resulting in a low pH value, typical of the healthy vagina. We aim to elucidate the role of a native vaginal microorganism, Lactobacillus crispatus, in vaginal infections. Methods: Twenty-four vaginal washes have been collected from women (mean 38±14 years of age) attending a gynecology consultation of a private clinic. The samples were categorized according with clinical diagnosis at the time of sampling. The distribution of bacterial species, and their prevalence was assessed by next-generation sequencing of the 16S V4 region. In addition, lactate was quantified in all washes by a commercial kit. Results: L. crispatus was dominant (>70%) in 11 out of 24 samples – diagnosed for vaginal atrophy (VA, 3), cytolytic vaginosis (CV, 2), lactobacillosis (LB, 2) and vulvovaginal candidosis (VVC, 1). For three samples, diagnostic was inconclusive. Lactate was increased in CV, LB and VA cases only. One sample, diagnosed with VVC had 23% dominance of L. crispatus; and lower lactate metabolite. L. crispatus was not detected in the remaining 12 cases (6 VVC, 4 VA, 1 healthy and 1 inconclusive). Of these, only 5 samples had moderate lactate metabolite. Conclusions: L. crispatus dominance, associated with increased lactate production, was observed in CV, LB and VA cases. These results indicate that this microorganism might have a role in dysbiosis of the vagina associated with these specific pathologies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
