425 research outputs found

    GME versus OLS - Which is the best to estimate utility functions?

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    This paper estimates von Neumann andMorgenstern utility functions comparing the generalized maximum entropy (GME) with OLS, using data obtained by utility elicitation methods. Thus, it provides a comparison of the performance of the two estimators in a real data small sample setup. The results confirm the ones obtained for small samples through Monte Carlo simulations. The difference between the two estimators is small and it decreases as the width of the parameter support vector increases. Moreover the GME estimator is more precise than the OLS one. Overall the results suggest that GME is an interesting alternative to OLS in the estimation of utility functions when data is generated by utility elicitation methods.Generalized maximum entropy; Maximum entropy principle; von Neumann and Morgenstern utility; Utility elicitation.

    Orientações para o desenho instrucional de um Mooc : estudo de caso

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    Neste artigo pretendemos demonstrar como as diversas tentativas de construção de uma máquina de aprendizagem podem ser equacionadas no surgimento dos Massive Open Online Courses. Desde o início do século XX se almejou a criação de uma máquina que servisse os propósitos da educação. Com os Massive Open Online Courses, a tentativa permanece dado o seu carácter gratuito, massivo e online. Estas características permitiram a sua rápida disseminação e adesão por parte da comunidade científica do Ensino Superior. Neste contexto abordaremos a questão da relação da criação destes cursos com as Universidades, tendo como ponto de partida, os cenários delineados, em 2008, pela Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development para os primeiros 30 anos do século XXI. Para melhor perceber as exigências na criação de um Massive Open Online Course será apresentado um estudo de caso - desenvolvido pelo Centro de Investigação para Tecnologias Interativas, unidade de investigação da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Este centro de investigação acompanhou a disseminação e multiplicação das iniciativas Massive Open Online Courses, tendo desde logo percebido as potencialidades desta nova modalidade. Uma das potencialidades que iremos analisar, mais detalhadamente, é o vídeo, devido ao seu carácter envolvente e de proximidade neste tipo de cursos.This paper aims to demonstrate how the various attempts to build a learning machine can be equated in the emergence of the Massive Open Online Courses. Since the beginning of 2 the twentieth century everyone longed to create a machine that would serve the purposes of education. With the Massive Open Online Courses, the attempt remains, given its free massive and online nature. These characteristics allowed its rapid spread and support by the scientific community of the Higher Education. In this context we will address the question of the relation of the creation of these courses with universities, having as a starting point, the scenarios outlined in 2008 by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development for the first 30 years of the twenty-first century. To better understand the requirements in creating a Massive Open Online Course will be presented a case study - developed by the Research Center for Interactive Technologies, a research unit of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, New University of Lisbon. This research center have accompanied the spread and multiplication of Massive Open Online Courses initiatives, and immediately realized the potential of this new modality. One of the potential that we will examine in more detail is the video, due to its proximity and surrounding nature in this type of course.Universidade Aberta; Pavilhão do Conhecimento; LEA

    Estimating utility functions using generalized maximum entropy

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    This paper estimates von Neumann and Morgenstern utility functions using the generalized maximum entropy (GME), applied to data obtained by utility elicitation methods. Given the statistical advantages of this approach, we provide a comparison of the performance of the GME estimator with ordinary least square (OLS) in a real data small sample setup. The results confirm the ones obtained for small samples through Monte Carlo simulations. The difference between the two estimators is small and it decreases as the width of the parameter support vector increases. Moreover, the GME estimator is more precise than the OLS one. Overall, the results suggest that GME is an interesting alternative to OLS in the estimation of utility functions when data are generated by utility elicitation methods

    Uma análise sobre as conceções e experiências profissionais de educadores e professores

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    O presente estudo foi realizado no âmbito do Mestrado de Qualificação para a Docência em Educação Pré-escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Os educadores de infância e professores do 1.º Ciclo alegam, frequentemente, falta de tempo e de meios humanos e materiais para a realização de atividades experimentais. Através deste estudo pretendeu-se compreender as conceções de um grupo de docentes da educação Pré-Escolar e do 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico acerca da integração curricular a partir de atividades experimentais e as dificuldades sentidas nesta prática e os possíveis modos de as ultrapassar. Participaram no estudo um grupo de oito docentes, educadoras de infância e professoras do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, que exercem as suas funções de docência em instituições da rede pública e privada. Foi adotada uma metodologia qualitativa e os dados foram recolhidos através de questionários de resposta aberta. Com a realização da presente investigação foi possível verificar que parte dos participantes no estudo evidenciaram dificuldade em distinguir os termos experiência e atividade experimental. Por sua vez, embora seja reconhecida a importância deste tipo de atividades, as docentes de educação pré-escolar e como os do 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico admitiram que apenas são realizadas de modo pontual, sendo a aposta na formação, uma estratégia fulcral para colmatar esta lacuna.This final report was carried out within the scope of the Master's Degree in Qualification for Teaching in Pre-School Education and Teaching in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education. Kindergarten teachers and 1st cycle teachers often allege lack of time and human and material resources to carry out experimental activities. Through this study, it was intended to understand the conceptions of a group of teachers from Pre-School education and the 1st cycle of Basic Education about curricular integration based on experimental activities and the difficulties felt in this practice and the possible ways to overcome them. A group of eight teachers, kindergarten teachers and teachers of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education participated in the study, who exercise their teaching duties in public and private institutions. A qualitative methodology was adopted and data were collected through openended questionnaires. With the accomplishment of the present investigation, it was possible to verify that part of the participants in the study showed difficulty in distinguishing the terms experience and experimental activity. In turn, although the importance of this type of activities is recognized, pre-school education teachers and those in the 1st cycle of Basic Education admitted that they are only carried out in a punctual way, with the focus on training being a key strategy to overcome this problem gap