1,888 research outputs found

    Numerical simulation of a wave-guide mixing layer on a Cray C-90

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    The development of a three-dimensional spatially evolving compressible mixing layer is investigated numerically using a parallel implementation of Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) on a Cray C-90. The parallel implementation allowed the flow to be highly resolved while significantly reducing the wall-clock runtime. A sustained computation rate of 5.3 Gigaflops including I/O was obtained for a typical production run on a 16 processor machine. A novel mixing layer configuration is investigated where a pressure mismatch is maintained between the two inlet streams. In addition, the sonic character of the two streams is sufficiently different so that the pressure relief wave is trapped in the high speed stream. The trapped wave forces the mixing layer to form a characteristic cellular pattern. The cellular structure introduces curvature into the mixing layer that excites centrifugal instabilities characterized by large-scale counter-rotating vortical pairs embedded within the mixing layer. These are the dominant feature of the flow. Visualizations of these structures in cross-section show the pumping action which lifts dense fluid up into light gas. This effect has a strong impact on mixing enhancement as monitored by a conserved scalar formulation. Once the large-scale structures axe well established in the flow and undergo intensification from favorable velocity gradients, the time-averaged integrated product shows almost a four-fold increase. A spectral analysis of the flow-field over the cellular structures, as part of a full space-time analysis, shows these structures to be zero-frequency modes that develop from low level essentially broad-banded noise. This characterization of the vortical structures and their appearance is consistent with a recent linear stability analysis, of a mixing layer over a curved wall that predicts the most unstable modes to be zero frequency streamwise vortices

    Assessment of the disinfection capacity and eco-toxicological impact of atmospheric cold plasma for treatment of food industry effluents

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    Generation of wastewater is one of the main environmental sustainability issues across food sector industries. The constituents of food process effluents are often complex and require high energy and processing for regulatory compliance. Wastewater streams are the subject of microbiological and chemical criteria, and can have a significant eco-toxicological impact on the aquatic life. Thus, innovative treatment approaches are required to mitigate environmental impact in an energy efficient manner. Here, dielectric barrier discharge atmospheric cold plasma (ACP) was evaluated for control of key microbial indicators encountered in food industry effluent. This study also investigated the eco-toxicological impact of cold plasma treatment of the effluents using a range of aquatic bioassays. Continuous ACP treatment was applied to synthetic dairy and meat effluents. Microbial inactivation showed treatment time dependence with significant reduction in microbial populations within 120 s, and to undetectable levels after 300 s. Post treatment retention time emerged as critical control parameter which promoted ACP bacterial inactivation efficiency. Moreover, ACP treatment for 20 min achieved significant reduction (≥2 Log10) in Bacillus megaterium endospores in wastewater effluent. Acute aquatic toxicity was assessed using two fish cell lines (PLHC-1 and RTG-2) and a crustacean model (Daphnia magna). Untreated effluents were toxic to the aquatic models, however, plasma treatment limited the toxic effects. Differing sensitivities were observed to ACP treated effluents across the different test bio-assays in the following order: PLHC-1 \u3e RTG-2 ≥ D. magna; with greater sensitivity retained to plasma treated meat effluent than dairy effluent. The toxic effects were dependent on concentration and treatment time of the ACP treated effluent; with 30% cytotoxicity in D. magna and fish cells observed after 24 h of exposure to ACP treated effluent for concentrations up to 5%. The findings suggest the need to employ wider variety of aquatic organisms for better understanding and complete toxicity evaluation of long-term effects. The study demonstrates the potential to tailor ACP system parameters to control pertinent microbial targets (mono/poly-microbial, vegetative or spore form) found in complex and nutritious wastewater effluents whilst maintaining a safe eco-toxicity profile for aquatic species

    On Four-Point Functions of Half-BPS Operators in General Dimensions

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    We study four-point correlation functions of half-BPS operators of arbitrary weight for all dimensions d=3,4,5,6 where superconformal theories exist. Using harmonic superspace techniques, we derive the superconformal Ward identities for these correlators and present them in a universal form. We then solve these identities, employing Jack polynomial expansions. We show that the general solution is parameterized by a set of arbitrary two-variable functions, with the exception of the case d=4, where in addition functions of a single variable appear. We also discuss the operator product expansion using recent results on conformal partial wave amplitudes in arbitrary dimension.Comment: The discussion of the case d=6 expanded; references added/correcte

    Measuring the orbital angular momentum spectrum of an electron beam

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    Electron waves that carry orbital angular momentum (OAM) are characterized by a quantized and unbounded magnetic dipole moment parallel to their propagation direction. When interacting with magnetic materials, the wavefunctions of such electrons are inherently modified. Such variations therefore motivate the need to analyse electron wavefunctions, especially their wavefronts, to obtain information regarding the material’s structure. Here, we propose, design and demonstrate the performance of a device based on nanoscale holograms for measuring an electron’s OAM components by spatially separating them. We sort pure and superposed OAM states of electrons with OAM values of between −10 and 10. We employ the device to analyse the OAM spectrum of electrons that have been affected by a micron-scale magnetic dipole, thus establishing that our sorter can be an instrument for nanoscale magnetic spectroscopy

    Molecular dynamics simulation of the order-disorder phase transition in solid NaNO2_2

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    We present molecular dynamics simulations of solid NaNO2_2 using pair potentials with the rigid-ion model. The crystal potential surface is calculated by using an \emph{a priori} method which integrates the \emph{ab initio} calculations with the Gordon-Kim electron gas theory. This approach is carefully examined by using different population analysis methods and comparing the intermolecular interactions resulting from this approach with those from the \emph{ab initio} Hartree-Fock calculations. Our numerics shows that the ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition in solid NaNO2_2 is triggered by rotation of the nitrite ions around the crystallographical c axis, in agreement with recent X-ray experiments [Gohda \textit{et al.}, Phys. Rev. B \textbf{63}, 14101 (2000)]. The crystal-field effects on the nitrite ion are also addressed. Remarkable internal charge-transfer effect is found.Comment: RevTeX 4.0, 11 figure

    Effect of soil particle size on the electrochemical corrosion behavior of pipeline steel in saline solution

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    In this study, by using a standard quartz replace of sandy soil particles, the effect of soil particle size (0.1…0.25 mm, 0.6…1.0 mm) on the electrochemical corrosion behavior of X70 pipeline steel in sandy soil corrosive environment simulated by 3.5 wt.% sodium chloride (NaCl) was investigated through polarization curve and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) technology. The results indicated that the polarization resistance of X70 steel decreased with a decreasing particle size. For all polarization curves the right shift of cathodic branch with a decreasing particle size is observed. The corrosion of X70 steel is controlled by the cathode process diffusion and oxygen reduction at the metalenvironment interface, the intensity of which increases with the decreasing particle size.З допомогою методів потенціодинамічних поляризаційних кривих та електрохімічної імпедансної спектроскопії (EIS) досліджено корозійну поведінку трубопровідної сталі Х70 у ґрунтовому середовищі, яке змодельовано розчином 3,5 wt.% NaCl з частинками кварцового піску різного розміру (0,1…0,25 і 0,6…1,0 mm). Встановлено, що швидкість корозії сталі зростає зі зменшенням розміру частинок ґрунту, про що свідчить зниження її поляризаційного опору, а також зсув катодних гілок поляризаційних кривих вправо. Зроблено висновок, що в цьому випадку корозію сталі контролює катодний процес відновлення кисню на межі поділу метал–середовище, інтенсивність якого зростає зі зменшенням розміру частинок ґрунту.С помощью методов потенциодинамических поляризационных кривых и электрохимической импедансной спектроскопии (EIS) исследовано коррозионное поведение трубопроводной стали Х70 в почвенной среде, которую моделировали раствором 3,5 wt.% NaCl с частицами кварцевого песка разного размера (0,1…0,25 и 0,6...1,0 mm). Установлено, что скорость коррозии стали растет с уменьшением размера частиц почвы, о чем свидетельствует снижение ее поляризационного сопротивления, а также сдвиг катодных ветвей поляризационных кривых вправо. Сделан вывод, что в данном случае коррозию стали контролирует катодный процесс возобновления кислорода на грани деления металл–среда, нитенсивность которого растет с уменьшением размера частиц почвы

    The influence of the preparation methods on the inclusion of model drugs in a β-cyclodextrin cavity

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    NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 2009 Feb;71(2):377-386. Epub 2008 Oct 17.The work aims to prove the complexation of two model drugs (ibuprofen, IB and indomethacin, IN) by bcyclodextrin (bCD), and the effect of water in such a process, and makes a comparison of their complexation yields. Two methods were considered: kneading of a binary mixture of the drug, bCD, and inclusion of either IB or IN in aqueous solutions of bCD. In the latter method water was removed by air stream, spray-drying and freeze-drying. To prove the formation of complexes in final products, optical microscopy, UV spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy, DSC, X-ray and NMR were considered. Each powder was added to an acidic solution (pH = 2) to quantify the concentration of the drug inside bCD cavity. Other media (pH = 5 and 7) were used to prove the existence of drug not complexed in each powder, as the drugs solubility increases with the pH. It was observed that complexation occurred in all powders, and that the fraction of drug inside the bCD did not depend neither on the method of complexation nor on the processes of drying considered

    Azimuthal asymmetries at CLAS: Extraction of e^a(x) and prediction of A_{UL}

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    First information on the chirally odd twist-3 proton distribution function e(x) is extracted from the azimuthal asymmetry, A_{LU}, in the electro-production of pions from deeply inelastic scattering of longitudinally polarized electrons off unpolarized protons, which has been recently measured by CLAS collaboration. Furthermore parameter-free predictions are made for azimuthal asymmetries, A_{UL}, from scattering of an unpolarized beam on a polarized proton target for CLAS kinematics.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, late

    Contact Interactions and Resonance-Like Physics at Present and Future Colliders from Unparticles

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    High scale conformal physics can lead to unusual unparticle stuff at our low energies. In this paper we discuss how the exchange of unparticles between Standard Model fields can lead to new contact interaction physics as well as a pseudoresonance-like structure, an unresonance, that might be observable at the Tevatron or LHC in, e.g., the Drell-Yan channel. The specific signatures of this scenario are quite unique and can be used to easily identify this new physics given sufficient integrated luminosity.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figs; minor text changes, ref added; typos correcte

    Electromigration-Induced Flow of Islands and Voids on the Cu(001) Surface

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    Electromigration-induced flow of islands and voids on the Cu(001) surface is studied at the atomic scale. The basic drift mechanisms are identified using a complete set of energy barriers for adatom hopping on the Cu(001) surface, combined with kinetic Monte Carlo simulations. The energy barriers are calculated by the embedded atom method, and parameterized using a simple model. The dependence of the flow on the temperature, the size of the clusters, and the strength of the applied field is obtained. For both islands and voids it is found that edge diffusion is the dominant mass-transport mechanism. The rate limiting steps are identified. For both islands and voids they involve detachment of atoms from corners into the adjacent edge. The energy barriers for these moves are found to be in good agreement with the activation energy for island/void drift obtained from Arrhenius analysis of the simulation results. The relevance of the results to other FCC(001) metal surfaces and their experimental implications are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 13 ps figure