1,307 research outputs found

    A nondiagrammatic calculation of the Rho parameter from heavy fermions

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    A simple nondiagrammatic evaluation of the nondecoupling effect of heavy fermions on the Veltman's Rho parameter is presented in detail. This calculation is based on the path integral approach, the electroweak chiral Lagrangian formalism, and the Schwinger proper time method.Comment: 11 page

    Two dimensional scaling of resistance in flux flow region in Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8Tl_2Ba_2CaCu_2O_8 thin films

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    The resistance of Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8Tl_2Ba_2CaCu_2O_8 thin films has been measured when the angle between the applied fields and abab-plane of the film is changed continuously at various temperatures. Under various magnetic fields, the resistance can be well scaled in terms of the c-axis component of the applied fields at the same temperature in the whole angle range. Meanwhile, we show that the measurement of resistance in this way is a complementary method to determine the growth orientation of the anisotropic high-TcT_c superconductors.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures. Have been published in Physica

    Light-Cone Quantization of Gauge Fields

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    Light-cone quantization of gauge field theory is considered. With a careful treatment of the relevant degrees of freedom and where they must be initialized, the results obtained in equal-time quantization are recovered, in particular the Mandelstam-Leibbrandt form of the gauge field propagator. Some aspects of the ``discretized'' light-cone quantization of gauge fields are discussed.Comment: SMUHEP/93-20, 17 pages (one figure available separately from the authors). Plain TeX, all macros include


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    With the world population estimated to be nine billion by 2050, the need to exploit plant genetic diversity in order to increase and diversify global food supply, and minimise the over-reliance for food on a few staple crops is of the utmost importance. Bambara groundnut ( Vigna subterranea (L) Verdc.), is underutilised legume indigenous to Africa, rich in carbohydrates, with reasonable amounts of protein. It is known to be drought tolerant, able to grow on marginal lands where other major crops cannot with minimal rainfall (<700 mm) and chemical inputs. Crop improvement for abiotic stress tolerance and increasing/stabilising yield have been difficult to achieve due to the complex nature of these stresses, and the genotype x environment interaction (GxE). This review paper highlights how a number of recent technologies and approaches used for major crop research, can be translated into use in research of minor crops, using bambara groundnut as an exemplar species. Using drought tolerance as a trait of interest in this crop, we will demonstrate how limitations can affect genomic approaches for understanding traits in bambara groundnut, and, how genomic and transcriptomic methodologies developed for major crops can be applied to underutilised crops for better understanding of the genetics governing important agronomic traits. Furthermore, such approaches will allow for cross species comparison between major and minor crops, exemplified by bambara groundnut leading to improved research in such crops. This will lead to a better understanding of the role of stress-responsive genes and drought adaptation in this underutilised legume.Avec la population mondiale estim\ue9e \ue0 neuf milliards de personnes \ue0 \ue9ch\ue9ance 2050, il est imp\ue9rieux d\u2019exploiter la diversit\ue9 g\ue9n\ue9tique des plantes afin d\u2019accro\ueetre et diversifier la production globale en aliments, mais aussi r\ue9duire la d\ue9pendance \ue0 outrance de peu d\u2019 aliments de base pour l\u2019alimentation humaine. Le vouandzou ( Vigna subterranea (L) Verdc.), est une l\ue9gumineuse indig\ue8ne sous utilis\ue9e enAfrique, mais qui est riche en amidon, avec une quantit\ue9 raisonnable de proteine. Il reconnu comme \ue9tant resistant \ue0 la s\ue9cheresse, il est capable de pousser et de r\ue9aliser un cycle v\ue9g\ue9tatif et reproducteur parfait dans les zones marginales de basse pluiviom\ue9trie (<700 mm) o\uf9 d\u2019autres cultures majeures ne peuvent survivre. L\u2019am\ue9lioration des cultures pour la tol\ue9rance face aux stress abiotiques et l\u2019accroissement et la stabilization des rendements ont \ue9t\ue9 difficiles \ue0 r\ue9aliser en raison de nature complexe de ces stress et l\u2019influence de l\u2019interaction genotype-environment (GxE). Cette revue de literature montre comment les nombreuses technologies et approaches r\ue9centes utilis\ue9es par la recherche sur les cultures majeures peuvent adapt\ue9es et utilis\ue9es dans la recherhe sur les cultures mineures, en se servant du bambara groundnut comme esp\ue8ce mod\ue8le. En prenant la tolerance \ue0 la s\ue9cheresse comme caract\ue8re d\ue9sir\ue9 pour cette culture, nous allons d\ue9montrer commnents les insuffisances des approches de g\ue9nomique peuvent emp\ueacher la ma\ueetrise des caract\ue8res d\ue9sir\ue9s chez le vouandzou et comment les techniques de g\ue9nomique et de transcriptomique d\ue9velopp\ue9es pour les cultures majeures peuvent \ueatre appliqu\ue9es aux cultures sous utilis\ue9es afin de mieux comprendre les d\ue9terminants g\ue9n\ue9tiques gouvernant les caract\ue8res agronomiques. De plus, de telles approaches permettra de comparer les cultures majeures et mineures, avec ici l\u2019exemple du vouandzou qui permettra d\u2019am\ue9liorer le niveau de recherche chez de telles cultures. Cela permettra de mieux comprendre le r\uf4le des genes r\ue9pondant au stress hydrique et l\u2019adaptation \ue0 la s\ue9cheresse chez cette l\ue9gumineuse sous utilis\ue9e

    On pancultural self-enhancement: well-adjusted Taiwanese self-enhance on personally valued traits

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    Taiwanese participants made better-than-average judgments on collectivistic and individualistic traits, evaluated the personal importance of those traits, and completed measures of psychological adjustment (depression, perceived stress, subjective well-being, and satisfaction with life). Replicating findings from other East Asian samples, participants self-enhanced (i.e., regarded the self as superior to peers) more on collectivistic than individualistic attributes and assigned higher personal importance to the former than the latter. Moreover, better adjusted participants manifested a stronger tendency to self-enhance on personally important attributes. These data are consistent with the view that self-enhancement is a universal human motive that is expressed tactically and at odds with the assertion that self-enhancement is a uniquely Western phenomenon. <br/

    The energy spectrum of all-particle cosmic rays around the knee region observed with the Tibet-III air-shower array

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    We have already reported the first result on the all-particle spectrum around the knee region based on data from 2000 November to 2001 October observed by the Tibet-III air-shower array. In this paper, we present an updated result using data set collected in the period from 2000 November through 2004 October in a wide range over 3 decades between 101410^{14} eV and 101710^{17} eV, in which the position of the knee is clearly seen at around 4 PeV. The spectral index is -2.68 ±\pm 0.02(stat.) below 1PeV, while it is -3.12 ±\pm 0.01(stat.) above 4 PeV in the case of QGSJET+HD model, and various systematic errors are under study now.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Advances in space researc

    Time-Dependent Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior of Two Solid-Solution-Strengthened Ni-Based Superalloys—INCONEL 617 and HAYNES 230

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    The fatigue crack propagation (FCP) as well as the sustained loading crack growth (SLCG) behavior of two solid-solution-strengthened Ni-based superalloys, INCONEL 617 (Special Metals Corporation Family of Companies) and HAYNES 230 (Haynes International, Inc., Kokomo, IN), were studied at increased temperatures in laboratory air under a constant stress-intensity- factor (K) condition. The crack propagation tests were conducted using a baseline cyclic triangular waveform with a frequency of 1 3 Hz. Various hold times were imposed at the maximum load of a fatigue cycle to study the hold time effect. The results show that a linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) parameter, stress intensity factor (K), is sufficient to describe the FCP and SLCG behavior at the testing temperatures ranging from 873 K to 1073 K (600 C to 800 C). As observed in the precipitation-strengthened superalloys, both INCONEL 617 and HAYNES 230 exhibited the time-dependent FCP, steady SLCG behavior, and existence of a damage zone ahead of crack tip. A thermodynamic equation was adapted to correlate the SLCG rates to determine thermal activation energy. The fracture modes associated with crack propagation behavior were discussed, and the mechanism of time-dependent FCP as well as SLCG was identified. Compared with INCONEL 617, the lower crack propagation rates of HAYNES 230 under the time-dependent condition were ascribed to the different fracture mode and the presence of numerous W-rich M6C-type and Cr-rich M23C6-type carbides. Toward the end, a phenomenological model was employed to correlate the FCP rates at cycle/time-dependent FCP domain. All the results suggest that an environmental factor, the stress assisted grain boundary oxygen embrittlement (SAGBOE) mechanism, is mainly responsible for the accelerated time dependent FCP rates of INCONEL 617 and HAYNES 230

    Study of J/psi decays to Lambda Lambdabar and Sigma0 Sigma0bar

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    The branching ratios and Angular distributions for J/psi decays to Lambda Lambdabar and Sigma0 Sigma0bar are measured using BESII 58 million J/psi.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Roles of insulin-like growth factor II in cardiomyoblast apoptosis and in hypertensive rat heart with abdominal aorta ligation

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    Although IGF-II activating the IGF-II receptor signaling pathway has been found to stimulate cardiomyocyte hypertrophy, the role of IGF-II in cardiac cell apoptosis remains unclear. This study aimed to identify the roles of IGF-II and/or IGF-II receptors (IGF-II/IIR) in cardiomyoblast apoptosis and in hypertensive rat hearts with abdominal aorta ligation. Cultured rat heart-derived H9c2 cardiomyoblasts and excised hearts from Sprague-Dawley rats with 0- to 20-day complete abdominal aorta ligation, a model of ANG II elevation and hypertension, were used. IGF-II/IIR expression, caspase activity, DNA fragmentation, and apoptotic cells were measured by RT-PCR, Western blot, agarose gel electrophoresis, and TUNEL assay following various combinations of ANG II, IGF-II/IIR antibody, CsA (calcineurin inhibitor), SP-600125 (JNK inhibitor), SB-203580 (p38 inhibitor), U-0126 (MEK inhibitor), or Staurosporine (PKC inhibitor) in H9c2 cells. ANG II-induced DNA fragmentation and TUNEL-positive cells were blocked by IGF-II/IIR antibodies and antisense IGF-II, but not by IGF-II sense. IGF-II-induced apoptosis was blocked by IGF-IIR antibody and CsA. The increased gene expressions of IGF-II and -IIR induced by ANG II were reversed by U-0126 and Sp600125, respectively. Caspase 8 activities induced by ANG II were attenuated by U-0126, SP-600125, and CsA. DNA fragmentation induced by ANG II was totally blocked by SP-600125, and CsA and was attenuated by U-0126. In rats with 0- to 20-day complete abdominal aorta ligation, the increases in IGF-II/IIR levels in the left ventricle were accompanied by hypertension as well as increases in caspase 9 activities and TUNEL-positive cardiac myocytes. ANG II-induced apoptosis was reversed by IGF-II/IIR blockade and coexisted with increased transactivation of IGF-II and -IIR, which are mediated by ERK and JNK pathways, respectively, both of which further contributed to cardiomyoblast apoptosis via calcineurin signaling. The increased cardiac IGF-II, IGF-IIR, caspase 9, and cellular apoptosis were also found in hypertensive rats with abdominal aorta ligation
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