15 research outputs found

    Evaluation of selected soft winter wheat lines for main ear grain weight

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    Received: February 28th, 2021 ; Accepted: May 8th, 2021 ; Published: May 12th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] to assess the breeding samples of soft winter wheat by weight of grain from the main ear anddetermine the indicators of adaptability were conducted at the Bila Tserkva Research and Selection Station (BTRSS) in 2011–2013. The study revealed significant differences in breeding lines in the range of variability of grain mass from the main ear and identified small, medium and significantcoefficients of variation, which indicates their excellent response to environmental conditions. It was due to genotype, year conditions and their interaction. Line 42 KS had significantly higher than the standard grain weight of the main ear (0.14 g) and the lowest value of the coefficient of variation (8.7%). According to the indicators of adaptability(GAC, σ²(GxE)gi, σ²SACi, σSACi, etc.) the lines 42 KS, 24 KS and 44 KS were distinguished. There was asignificant correlation between the weight of grain from the ear and the weight of 1,000 grains (0.603–0.674) and the direct influence of the weight of grain from the main ear on the weight of grain from the plantand grain yield (0.805–0.942). Selected lines as a result of research (2015–2020) from these populations of soft winter wheat are competitively tested in the conditions of Bila Tserkva Research and Selection Station, forming high grain yields (7.39–8.12 t ha-1 ) and will be transferred to 2021 for the State variety test for inclusion in the Register of plant varieties suitable for distribution in Ukraine

    ЮНЕСКО и ИСЕСКО — международные платформы межцивилизационного диалога

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    The article is devoted to the main aspects of the activities of UNESCO and ICESCO— two international organizations dedicated to science, education and culture, which are involved in the implementation of projects on intercultural, interfaith, and, in general, intercivilisational dialogue. The paper studies the specific features of their activities and the common work on the implementation of the ideas of non-violence, cultural and historical diversity of the ways of development of different countries and nations. Emphasis is placed on the fact that in today’s controversial world, ‘fractures’ do not go along areligious line only, but also along awhole range of value orientations that today make up certain ideologies: ultra- liberal and moderate conservative, both at the global and local levels. The conclusion states: it is namely international educational platforms that today can become akind of laboratory for the search for moral, ethical and legal norms common to the whole mankind.Статья посвящена основным аспектам деятельности ЮНЕСКО и ИСЕСКО — двум международным организациям по вопросам науки, образования и культуры, которые вовлечены в реализацию проектов по межкультурному, межконфессиональному и в целом межцивилизационному диалогу. Отмечены специфические черты их деятельности и общая работа по претворению идей ненасилия, культурно- исторического разнообразия путей развития разных стран и народов. Сделан акцент на том, что в современном противоречивом мире «разломы» идут не по религиозной линии, а по целому комплексу ценностных ориентиров, составляющих сегодня определенные идеологии: ультра либеральную и умеренно консервативную, как на глобальном, так и на локальном уровнях. Сделан вывод о том, что именно международные образовательные площадки способны сегодня стать своеобразной лабораторией по поиску общих для всего человечества духовно нравственных, этических и правовых норм

    Corruptive Psychological Tendencies in Political and Corporate Culture of Ukraine and Poland Citizens

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    The theoretical basis and the results of the empirical research of corruptive tendencies in political and corporate culture of Ukrainian and Polish societies are presented. It is reported that 200 respondents from Ukraine (the survey was conducted during the period from January till April 2013) and 100 respondents from the Republic of Poland (the survey was conducted in December 2013) took part in the survey. The characteristics that dominate under conditions of the authoritarian culture are defined: radicalism, acceptance of immorality in business and others. The study made it possible to find out the differences between Polish and Ukrainian respondents in assessing the corporate and political culture features. For Ukrainian sample the authoritarian, bureaucratic corporate culture and the personality type psychologically detached from the public interests are more common. The result of the negative corporate circumstances influence is that Polish and Ukrainian respondents relate differently to the immoral practices: complicity in corruption crimes. It is found that the personal level of social optimism in the Ukraine rises paradoxically (in contrast to the results of the Polish sample) with increasing radicalism and acceptance of immoral behavior in businessПредставлены теоретические основы и результаты эмпирического исследования коррупционных тенденций в политической и корпоративной культуре украинского и польского обществ. Сообщается, что в анкетировании приняло участие 200 респондентов из Украины (анкетирование проведено в течение января - апреля 2013 года) и 100 респондентов из Республики Польша (опрос проведен в течение декабря 2013 года). Определены характеристики, которые доминируют в условиях авторитарной культуры: моральная усталость (цинизм), самототалитаризм, радикализм, принятие безнравственности в деловой сфере и др. Проведенное исследование позволило установить различия между польскими и украинскими респондентами в оценке особенностей корпоративной и политической культуры. Для украинской выборки более распространенной является авторитарная, забюрократизированная корпоративная культура и психологически отстраненный от интересов общества тип личности. Следствием влияния негативных корпоративных обстоятельств является то, что респонденты польской и украинской выборок по-разному относятся к аморальным практикам: соучастию в коррупционных преступлениях. Выяснено, что уровень социального оптимизма личности на Украине парадоксальным образом увеличивается (в противоположность результатам польской выборки) с усилением радикализма, принятия безнравственного поведения в деловой сфер

    Sulfur segregation to grain boundaries in Ni \u3c inf\u3e 3 Al and Ni \u3c inf\u3e 3 (AI,Ti) alloys

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    The segregation of S to grain boundaries in Ni3Al and Ni3(Al, Ti) has been studied using Auger electron spectroscopy. The S concentration at the grain boundaries decreases more slowly with increasing temperature than would be predicted by segregation models based on a single solute binding energy to the grain boundaries. This behavior, which can be interpreted as an increase in the effective solute binding energy for a grain boundary as a function of temperature, is consistent with predictions of a model based on the existence of a spectrum of solute binding energies for grain boundaries