1,413 research outputs found

    An Approach for Constraint Based Heuristic Method of Generating Houses and Building Blueprints for Real-time Applications

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    Most city-generation computer graphic algorithmsare focused on creating exteriors by extruding some randomshapes. The problem with this approach is that the interiors areignored. This paper presents a series of algorithms and heuristicsto generate building blueprints of single or multi-floor houses.The type and cost of the building establish the lot space availablefor it. In the case of a single floor, rooms with their correspondingdoors and windows will be placed on the space randomly byfollowing a set of conditions that dictate where the rooms canbe placed with respect to each other. In the case of multiplefloors, the first floor contains public rooms only; the upper floorscontain private rooms. The algorithm’s output consists of a twodimensionaldrawing of the floor plans and a three-dimensionalmodel of the generated house. The experiments show that thisalgorithm can generate a large number of houses in a shortperiod of time

    In Vivo Tissue-Specific Chromatin Profiling in Drosophila Melanogaster Using GFP-Tagged Nuclei

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    The chromatin landscape defines cellular identity in multicellular organisms with unique patterns of DNA accessibility and histone marks decorating the genome of each cell type. Thus, profiling the chromatin state of different cell types in an intact organism under disease or physiological conditions can provide insight into how chromatin regulates cell homeostasis in vivo. To overcome the many challenges associated with characterizing chromatin state in specific cell types, we developed an improved approach to isolate Drosophila melanogaster nuclei tagged with a GFPKASH protein. The perinuclear space-localized KASH domain anchors GFP to the outer nuclear membrane, and expression of UAS-GFPKASH can be controlled by tissue-specific Gal4 drivers. Using this protocol, we profiled chromatin accessibility using an improved version of Assay for Transposable Accessible Chromatin followed by sequencing (ATAC-seq), called Omni-ATAC. In addition, we examined the distribution of histone marks using Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing (ChIP-seq) and Cleavage Under Targets and Tagmentation (CUT&Tag) in adult photoreceptor neurons. We show that the chromatin landscape of photoreceptors reflects the transcriptional state of these cells, demonstrating the quality and reproducibility of our approach for profiling the transcriptome and epigenome of specific cell types in Drosophila

    Microplastic fibres affect soil fungal communities depending on drought conditions with consequences for ecosystem functions

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    Microplastics affect soil functions depending on drought conditions. However, how their combined effect influences soil fungi and their linkages with ecosystem functions is still unknown. To address this, we used rhizosphere soil from a previous experiment in which we employed microplastic fibres addition and drought in a factorial design, and evaluated their effects on soil fungal communities. Microplastics decreased soil fungal richness under well-watered conditions, likely linked to microplastics leaching toxic substances into the soil, and microplastic effects on root fineness. Under drought, by contrast, microplastics increased pathogen and total fungal richness, likely related to microplastic positive effects on soil properties, such as water holding capacity, porosity or aggregation. Soil fungal richness was the attribute most affected by microplastics and drought. Microplastics altered the relationships between soil fungi and ecosystem functions to the point that many of them flipped from positive to negative or disappeared. The combined effect of microplastics and drought on fungal richness mitigated their individual negative effect (antagonism), suggesting that changes in soil water conditions may alter the action mode of microplastics in soil. Microplastic leaching of harmful substances can be mitigated under drought, while the improvement of soil properties by microplastics may alleviate such drought conditions

    Railway Traction

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    Capabilities for a cosmopolitan citizenship in higher education The experience of the Technical University of Valencia

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    AbstractThe capability approach (CA) has focused on how universities can enhance cosmopolitan students’ capabilities in order to contribute to a fairer and more inclusive human development model (Nussbaum, 1997). The aim of this paper is to analyze two different initiatives developed at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) in Spain, which have contributed to the creation and expansion of those capabilities amongst the student community. The first one is a formal space in which, since 1997, a cosmopolitan citizenship curriculum has been implemented (Boni, 2007). The second experience refers to an informal space called Mueve created by UPV students. Based on the analysis of 12 in-depth interviews we will provide some insights into the differences, similarities and synergies amongst those two spaces

    Role of UEV-1A, a homologue of the tumor suppressor protein TSG101, in protection from DNA damage

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    AbstractThe open reading frame YGL087c in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome encodes a polypeptide highly similar to the human UEV (ubiquitin-conjugating E2 enzyme variant) proteins, which have been proposed to belong to a family of putative dominant negative ubiquitin regulators. Deletion of the YGL087c open reading frame yields viable cells which are sensitive to UV irradiation or methyl methanesulfonate, but not to hydroxyurea. This phenotype is reminiscent of that of rad mutants and suggests that the YGL087c-encoded protein functions in a process related to tolerance to DNA damage. We also show that the mutant phenotype is fully complemented by expression of the human UEV-1A cDNA and we propose that UEV-1 proteins could also have a role in protecting higher eukaryotic cells from DNA damaging agents

    Decomposition Analysis of the Aggregate Carbon Intensity (ACI) of the Power Sector in Colombia—A Multi-Temporal Analysis

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    This paper presents the application of the Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index Decomposition Analysis (LMDI) to the aggregate carbon intensity (ACI) of the power sector in Colombia in the period 1990–2020, with the aim of identifying the main drivers influencing the ACI change. The analysis performed identifies the main drivers among: carbon intensity, generation efficiency, and contribution of fossil generation at the specific and total level of electricity production. The analysis is performed at the aggregate and disaggregated level of fossil fuels. Due to the highly variable behavior of the ACI, a multi-temporal decomposition is performed in the eight presidential administrations in the period of analysis. For each period, the main drivers are identified and the energy policy implications and their effects on the operation and management of the power sector are analyzed. The results show that the main driver is the fossil share of total energy production. Important effects on thermal generation efficiency and fossil energy mix were also identified in some analysis periods. The need for effective long-term policies and regulation in relation to the factors influencing the ACI was identified. It is recommended to accelerate the diversification of the energy mix of the power sector and the permanent monitoring of the behavior of the drivers

    Speeds of sound for (CH4 + He) mixtures from p = (0.5 to 20) MPa at T = (273.16 to 375) K

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    Acknowledgements The authors want to thank for the support to Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad project ENE2017-88474-R and Junta de Castilla y León project VA280P18.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Automatic detection of falls and fainting

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    Healthcare environments have always been considered an important scenario in which to apply new technologies to improve residents and employees conditions, solve problems and facilitate the performance of tasks. In this way, the use of sensors based on user movement interaction allows solving complicated situations that should be immediately addressed, such as controlling falls and fainting spells in residential care homes. However, ensuring that all the residents are always visually controlled by at least one employee is quite complicated. In this paper, we present a ubiquitous and context-aware system focused on geriatrics and residential care homes, but it could be applied to any other healthcare centre. This system has been designed to automatically detect falls and fainting spells, alerting the most appropriate employees to address the emergency. To that end, the system is based on movement interaction through a set of Kinect devices that allows the identification of the position of a person. These devices imply some development problems that authors have had to deal with, including camera location, the detection of head movements and people in horizontal position. The proposed system allows controlling each resident posture through a notification and warning procedure. When an anomalous situation is detected, the system analyses the resident posture and, if necessary, the most adequate employee will be warned to react urgently. Ubiquity and context-awareness are essential features since the proposed system has to be able to know where any employee is and what they are doing at any time. Finally, we present the outcomes of an evaluation based on the ISO 9126-4 about the usability of the system.We would like to acknowledge the project CICYT TIN2011-27767-C02-01 from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and the Regional Goverment: Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha PPII10-0300-4174 and PII2C09-0185-1030 projects for partially funding this work