192 research outputs found

    Pronominal deficits at the interface: new data from the CEDEL2 corpus

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    Recent studies reveal that learners of L2 Spanish are sensitive to the formal syntactic mechanisms licensing overt and null pronominal subjects from early stages of acquisition, but they show residual deficits when their distribution is constrained by topic and focus at the syntax-discourse interface, even at advanced levels of proficiency. Importantly, previous research has assumed that all phi-features of the pronominal paradigm are equally vulnerable, but the current paper presents data from CEDEL2 showing that deficits are selective as they affect 3rd person animate features only.Ministerio de Educación y Cienci

    The interpretation of overt and null pronouns in non-native Spanish

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    Online volume 8 for Durham Working Papers in Linguistics: http://www.ncl.ac.uk/linguistics/research/workingpapers/volume8.htmAt advanced levels of proficiency L2 learners can achieve native-like competence (e.g., Kanno, 1997; Pérez-Leroux & Glass, 1997, 1999). However, other studies report that learners only achieve near-native competence and show representational deficits despite long immersion in the L2 (Hawkins, 2000; Sorace, 1993). Interestingly, these claims derive from different types of property within Universal Grammar (UG). The former studies focus on universal principles, whereas the latter investigate properties which UG allows to vary (within limits) and attribute lack of native-like competence to L1 influence on the L2. An interesting question is whether this is the expected pattern in SLA: that advanced L2 speakers will always show native-like competence where principles are involved, but persistently fossilise on language-specific differences. In this study a principle and a language-specific property in the acquisition of non-native Spanish are considered. In particular, I investigate two pronominal constraints: the Overt Pronoun Constraint (OPC) (Montalbetti, 1984, 1986) and the Contrastive Focus Constraint (CFC). An experiment was designed to compare sensitivity to both constructions in advanced learners of Spanish (Greek natives and English natives). Results suggest that both non-native groups’ behaviour towards OPC constructions is not different from Spanish native speakers, whereas only English natives differ from Spanish natives in CFC constructions. If the OPC is a principle of UG, as has been claimed, this supports the prediction that advanced learners can achieve native-like competence on properties which differ from the L1 but derive from universal principles of grammar design. By contrast, the problems which English, but not Greek, speakers have with the CFC support the claim that language-specific properties are potential targets for fossilisation.Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), U

    CEDEL2: Design, compilation and web interface of an online corpus for L2 Spanish acquisition research

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    The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/ or publication of this article: CEDEL2 has been publicly funded over the past 15 years by several research project grants from the Spanish Government, which we gratefully acknowledge: FFI2016- 75106-P (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad); FFI2012-30755 (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad); FFI2008-01584/FILO (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación); HUM2005-01728/ FILO (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia).This article presents and reviews a new methodological resource for research in second language acquisition (SLA), CEDEL2 (Corpus Escrito del Español L2 ‘L2 Spanish Written Corpus’), and its free online search-engine interface (cedel2.learnercorpora.com). CEDEL2 is a multi-first-language corpus (Spanish, English, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Italian, French, Greek, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, and Arabic) of L2 Spanish learners at all proficiency levels. It additionally contains several native control subcorpora (English, Portuguese, Greek, Japanese, and Arabic). Its latest release (version 2) holds material from around 4,400 speakers, which amounts to over 1,100,000 words. CEDEL2 follows strict corpus-design criteria (Sinclair, 2005) and L2 corpus-design recommendations (Tracy-Ventura and Paquot, 2021), and all subcorpora are equally designed to be fully contrastable, as recommended by Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis (Granger, 2015). Thanks to its design and web interface, CEDEL2 allows for complex searches which can be further narrowed down according to its SLA-motivated variables, e.g. first language (L1), proficiency level, self-reported proficiency level, age of onset to the L2, length of exposure to the L2, length of residence in a Spanish-speaking country, knowledge of other foreign languages, type of task, etc. These CEDEL2 features allow L2 researchers to address SLA questions and hypotheses.FFI2016- 75106-P (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad)FFI2012-30755 (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad)FFI2008-01584/FILO (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación)HUM2005-01728/ FILO (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia

    Postverbal subjects at the interfaces in Spanish and Italian learners of L2 English: a corpus analysis

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    The purpose of this article is to characterise the production of postverbal subjects in two ICLE subcorpora (Italian and Spanish). The question has been dealt with before in the literature with emphasis on the production of ungrammatical inversion structures in L2 English of speakers from a variety of L1s, but in quite a scattered, unsystematic and rather intuitive fashion. Our approach seeks to identify the conditions under which learners produce inverted subjects. Based on previous research findings and our review of the theoretical literature, we hypothesise that for Spanish and Italian learners of L2 English, there is a tendency for subject inversion to occur when: the verb is unaccusative (H1), the subject is long or “heavy” (H2), and the subject is new (or relatively new) information or “focus” (H3). While H1 has found confirmation in the L2 literature, H2 and H3 have, to our knowledge, been untested and the facts they describe gone unnoticed in previous research. Our results show that the three conditions are met in the writing of Spanish and Italian L2 speakers of English, despite errors in the syntactic encoding of the structures concerned. Thus, a full account of the production of inverted subjects in L2 English must look at properties which operate at (i) the lexicon-syntax interface, (ii) the syntax-phonology interface, and (iii) the syntax-discourse interface.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (HUM2005-01278/FILO

    the L1 Portuguese – L2 Spanish subcorpus of CEDEL2

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    UIDB/03213/2020 UIDP/03213/2020This paper presents the L1 Portuguese – L2 Spanish subcorpus of Corpus Escrito del Español L2 (CEDEL2), a new methodological resource for second language acquisition (SLA) research, which is freely searchable and downloadable (http://cedel2.learnercorpora.com). CEDEL2 is a large-scale, multi-L1 learner corpus of L2 Spanish which contains written productions from learners at all proficiency levels as well as 6 native control subcorpora (total size: over 1,100,000 words from over 4,000 participants). CEDEL2 follows strict corpus design criteria (Sinclair, 2005) and learner corpus design recommendations (Tracy-Ventura & Paquot, 2021a). In its current version (CEDEL2 v. 2), its Portuguese component includes an L1 Portuguese – L2 Spanish subcorpus, with 21,662 words written by 164 participants, and an L1 Portuguese native subcorpus, with 3,500 words from 16 L1 speakers of European Portuguese. Thanks to their design features (e.g., same design across subcorpora, inclusion of metadata about SLA-relevant variables, dual native control subcorpora) and freely available web interface, CEDEL2 and its Portuguese subcorpora allow researchers to investigate a wide range of topics in SLA.publishersversionpublishe

    CEDEL2: Corpus Escrito del Español L2

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    Debido al auge de estudios formales de adquisición del español L2 en los últimos años, CEDEL2 surge para dar respuesta a esta creciente necesidad investigadora y así proporcionar una gran cantidad de datos en español L2. CEDEL es parte del proyecto Word Order in Second Language Acquisition Corpora (WOSLAC), cuyo objetivo principal es determinar las propiedades que operan en las interfaces (léxico-sintaxis y sintaxis-discurso) y que restringen el orden de palabras en español L2.Due to the increasing interest in L2 Spanish research, CEDEL2 is welcome as a new source of large-scale data for researchers of L2 Spanish. CEDEL2 is part of the project Word Order in Second Language Acquisition Corpora (WOSLAC) whose aim is to determine the properties at the interfaces (lexicon-syntax and synatx-discourse) that constrain word order in L2 Spanish.Ministerio de Educación y Cienci

    ¿Déficits de representación o de procesamiento en una segunda lengua? Evidencia de un estudio de resolución de anáfora con griegos adultos aprendices de español

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    Según recientes estudios psicolingüísticos, los aprendices adultos de una segunda lengua (L2) muestran déficits de procesamiento (incluso en etapas de desarrollo muy avanzadas) ya que sus mecanismos para procesar el material lingüístico son ineficientes. Esta novedosa propuesta contrasta con estudios previos donde se arguye que tales déficits son el resultado de una pobre representación mental del material lingüístico. En este estudio presentamos datos de la adquisición del español L2 por nativos de griego en el contexto de los mecanismos responsables de la resolución de anáfora. Los resultados demuestran que los déficits observados en los aprendices (incluso en niveles de competencia muy avanzada) se deben a un pobre procesamiento del material lingüístico en la interfaz entre el sistema computacional (sintaxis) y otros módulos de la mente (discurso), es decir, en la interfaz sintaxis-discurso, y no a una pobre representación de los rasgos lingüísticos que operan en tal interfaz.Current psycholinguistic studies reveal that adult L2 learners show processing deficits (even at end-states of development) due to shallow processing mechanisms. This new proposal differs from early studies, which argue that such deficits stem from poor mental representations. In this study we present data from anaphora resolution in the acquisition of L2 Spanish by Greek natives. Results show that the observed deficits in our learners (even at end-states) derive from shallow processing mechanism at the interface between the computational system (syntax) and other modules of the mind (discourse), rather than from poor representations at such interface.ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council, UK

    Parte primera de David perseguido y alivio de lastimados : historia sagrada, parrafraseada con exemplos y varias historias humanas y divinas

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    Añadida por su author y corregida en esta edicionMención de edición precede a mención de responsabilidadMarca tip. en portSign.: [calderón]4, A-Z8, 2a6H RA/0251(1

    Tercera parte del grande hijo de Dauid Christo Señor nuestro : historia euangelica, y sagrada... escriuiola en parte ... Christoual Lozano ... y la prosigue ... Gaspar Lozano...

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    Port. con grab. cal.Apostillas marginalesPerg

    Comedias sueltas del Museo Nacional del Teatro

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 2009Precede al tit.:"Núm.105"La obra original es de Cristóbal Lozano y fue concluida por Gaspar Lozano MontesinoPie de imprenta tomado del colofónSign.:A-D4Texto a dos col.Reclamo