23 research outputs found

    Diseño factorial fraccionado 2k-p aplicado a la determinación del valor de conservación de inmuebles de interés cultural.

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    Este artículo presenta un caso particular del diseño de experimentos usado para determinar el valor de conservación de los inmuebles de interés cultural en el municipio de Apia (Risaralda - Colombia), permitiendo comprobar que las variables con mayor incidencia en la determinación del valor de conservación son: valor de construcción, área del terreno, valor del terreno y una variable generadora. El uso del diseño de experimento factorial 2k-p permitió evidenciar que en la determinación del valor de los inmuebles de interés cultural, es posible reducir el número de variables si estas aportan mayor significancia para el cálculo del valor de conservación de los inmuebles

    Análisis factorial con componentes principales para interpretacion de imágenes satelitales “landsat tm 7” aplicado en una ventana del departamento de risaralda

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    En este artículo se presenta una de las múltiples ventajas que trae consigo el análisis multivariante de datos, mostrando como a partir de la técnica de análisis factorial con componentes principales como método de extracción se pueden mejorar las imagen satelitales utilizadas en la exploración de áreas geográficas con el objetivo de identificar claramente la ubicación específica de ciertos materiales naturales como carbón y otros minerales

    Medical geography in the study of hepatitis A, in the Coffee-triangle region, Colombia, 2007-2011

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    Objectives: There are few studies of geographical characterization of viral hepatitis. For this reason, we after estimating the incidence rates for Hepatitis A (HAV), we developed epidemiological GIS-based maps for this viral disease, within a well-defined geographic region (the coffee triangle) in Colombia. Study design: A retrospective cross-sectional analysis of surveillance data and GIS-based developing of epidemiological maps. Methods: Surveillance cases data (2007-2011) were used to estimate annual incidence rates using reference population data, on hepatitis, to develop the first maps of HAV in the 53 municipalities of the coffee-triangle region of Colombia (departments Caldas, Quindio, Risaralda). GIS used was Kosmo® 3.1. To summarize and compare the data among municipalities and departments (as units of analysis) we generate indicators such as accumulated incidence rates (AIR) and incidence rates ratios. Results: 1518 HAV cases were reported, 47% from Quindío, 30% Caldas and 22% Risaralda. Quindio presented with the highest AIR (131.54) among all the administrative units under study (Caldas, AIR: 46.39; Risaralda, AIR: 37.62). Interestingly, the highest rates in Quindio, during the period, could be related to the increased number of cases reported in two municipalities from 2008 (Quimbaya, AIR ratio: 4.0 and Montenegro: 3.61). The causes that underlie this augmentation will be subject to further research. Conclusions: Incidence rates for HAV is still high in the region. Showing epidemiological data, particularly in maps would allow planning actions oriented to interventions at the different forms of transmission that this disease has, which is highly important for decisions in public health policies

    Snakebites mapping in municipalities of the Coffee Triangle Region in Colombia using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

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    Objective: We sought to develop epidemiological maps using geographical information systems (GIS) for the incidence of reported venomous snakebites in the Coffee-Triangle region of Colombia, between 2007 and 2011. Methods: Surveillance cases data (2007-2011) were used to estimate annual incidence rates of snakebites (cases/100,000 pop) to develop the first maps in the 53 municipalities of this region (departments Caldas, Quindío, Risaralda). The GIS software used was Kosmo Desktop 3.0RC1®. Thirty thematic maps were developed according to municipalities and years. Results: A total of 617 cases were reported (56.08% from Caldas, 32.58% from Risaralda and 11.35% from Quindío), for a cumulated regional rate of 25. 25 cases/100,000 pop (35.43 for Caldas, 21.86 for Risaralda and 12.81% for Quindío). The highest cumulated rate was reported in the less developed and more rural municipality of one department (Pueblo Rico, Risaralda) with 265.64 cases/100,000 pop. Between 2007 and 2011, a considerable increase was seen in the rates. At Pueblo Rico, Risaralda, there was a change from 41.04 cases/100,000pop in 2007 up to 63.11 cases/100,000pop in 2011 (1.54 times higher). From Caldas, Samaná showed a high variation from 19.47 to 77.7 (3.99 times higher). Conclusions: Morbidity of snakebites is highly concentrated in one department (Caldas). Use of GIS-based epidemiological maps allows guiding decisions-taking for prevention and control of public health problems that still represents a significant issue in the region and the country, such as snakebites

    Snakebites mapping in municipalities of the Coffee Triangle Region in Colombia using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

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    Objective: We sought to develop epidemiological maps using geographical information systems (GIS) for the incidence of reported venomous snakebites in the Coffee-Triangle region of Colombia, between 2007 and 2011. Methods: Surveillance cases data (2007-2011) were used to estimate annual incidence rates of snakebites (cases/100,000 pop) to develop the first maps in the 53 municipalities of this region (departments Caldas, Quindío, Risaralda). The GIS software used was Kosmo Desktop 3.0RC1®. Thirty thematic maps were developed according to municipalities and years. Results: A total of 617 cases were reported (56.08% from Caldas, 32.58% from Risaralda and 11.35% from Quindío), for a cumulated regional rate of 25. 25 cases/100,000 pop (35.43 for Caldas, 21.86 for Risaralda and 12.81% for Quindío). The highest cumulated rate was reported in the less developed and more rural municipality of one department (Pueblo Rico, Risaralda) with 265.64 cases/100,000 pop. Between 2007 and 2011, a considerable increase was seen in the rates. At Pueblo Rico, Risaralda, there was a change from 41.04 cases/100,000pop in 2007 up to 63.11 cases/100,000pop in 2011 (1.54 times higher). From Caldas, Samaná showed a high variation from 19.47 to 77.7 (3.99 times higher). Conclusions: Morbidity of snakebites is highly concentrated in one department (Caldas). Use of GIS-based epidemiological maps allows guiding decisions-taking for prevention and control of public health problems that still represents a significant issue in the region and the country, such as snakebites

    Estimación y mapeo de dengue y chicungunya en Honduras 2015 utilizando sistemas de información geográfica

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    Como parte del control y el riesgo para el dengue y chikungunya se trabaja en conjunto para analizar las implicaciones epidemiológicas de estas enfermedades a una escala regional y nacional. El objetivo fue estimar las tasas de incidencia de dengue y chikungunya en 2015 para Honduras y sus departamentos y desarrollar mapas epidemiológicos basados en SIG. Se realizó un estudio observacional retrospectivo tomando casos de dengue y chikungunya confirmados por clí­nica y laboratorio del sistema de vigilancia nacional para el año 2015 de 298 municipios, para estimaciones de tasas de incidencia anuales. Se utilizó el software de Microsoft Access® y Kosmo 3.0. Se reportaron 19,289 casos de dengue y 85,386 de chikungunya en Honduras. La mayorí­a de casos se registraron en las semanas epidemiológicas 25 y 27 respectivamente. Los mapas basados en SIG muestran que la incidencia del dengue es mayor en el sur, y chikungunya mayor en el centro-norte. Valle tiene la tasa más alta de incidencia de dengue (634 casos/100,000 habitantes); Francisco Morazán tiene 38.4% del total de chikungunya (2,111 caso/100,000 habitantes). En los últimos dos años, las enfermedades por arbovirus han aumentado globalmente, especialmente en América Latina. Herramientas de salud pública para los análisis detallados, como el uso de mapas epidemiológicos basados en GIS permiten integrar las estrategias preventivas, así­ como polí­ticas en salud pública, para el control conjunto de estas enfermedades transmitidas por vectores en Honduras

    Diseño factorial fraccionado 2k-p aplicado a la determinación del valor de conservación de inmuebles de interés cultural.

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    This article presents a particular case design experiments used to determine the value of conservation of structures of cultural interest in the town of Apia (Risaralda - Colombia), allowing verify that the variables with the highest incidence in determining the value of conservation are: Value of construction, land areas, value of the land and a generating variable. The use of factorial design experiment 2k-p allowed evidence that in determining the value of structures of cultural interest, its possible to reduce the number of variables if this provides greater significance in the conservation value.Este artículo presenta un caso particular del diseño de experimentos usado para determinar el valor de conservación de los inmuebles de interés cultural en el municipio de Apia (Risaralda - Colombia), permitiendo comprobar que las variables con mayor incidencia en la determinación del valor de conservación son: valor de construcción, área del terreno, valor del terreno y una variable generadora. El uso del diseño de experimento factorial 2k-p permitió evidenciar que en la determinación del valor de los inmuebles de interés cultural, es posible reducir el número de variables si estas aportan mayor significancia para el cálculo del valor de conservación de los inmuebles