144 research outputs found


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    A six-year  study  comprising  ultramafic  plains from a livestock center in Minas municipality, Camagüey province, Cuba, was carried out. The aim of this study was a proposal to incorporate native  legumes,  fruit-bearing  trees,  and  others trees planted  for a wide range of purposes  into grasslands from dairy farming systems. The out- look of this proposal was performed, and botani- cal composition, available biomass, bromatologic composition,  nodulation,  and  seed  rate  on  soil were  determined.  Results  from three  productive variants were simulated through a procedure se- quence including feeding balance and sensitivity analysis. Finally, the proposal incorporating Gliricidia sepium as live fences and Anacardium occidentale diversification to restore native grass- lands was validated by a case study. Findings evi- denced the presence of 29 legume species, 6 of them endemic to Cuba. Centrosema virginianum, Stylosanthes viscosa, Stylosanthes hamata, and Ateleia cubensis were the most abundant, avail- able, and resistant, and the best in quality. The ex- ante appraisal of the simulated proposals showed the possibility of obtaining 4,86 kg milk/cow/day and net change improfits  over 300 000,00 pesos (national currency) by implementing the third productive variant, while the case study resulted in 5,42 kg milk/cow/day and a milk cost decrease from 0,96 pesos to 0,32 pesos.Se estudiaron las áreas de sabanas ultramáficas de la empresa pecuaria Minas, en Camagüey, Cu- ba, durante seis años para proponer la integración de leguminosas nativas, árboles frutales y multi- propósitos a los pastizales de los sistemas de pro- ducción lechera vacuna. Se realizó la prospección, se halló la composición botánica, biomasa dispo- nible, composición bromatológica y finalmente la nodulación y carga de semillas en el suelo. Se si- mularon los resultados de tres variantes producti- vas, con una secuencia de procedimientos como el balance alimentario,  análisis de sensibilidad.  Fi- nalmente se validó, a través de un estudio de caso, la  propuesta  que  integra  la recuperación  de los pastizales nativos con el empleo de cercas vivas de Gliricidia sepium y la diversificación con Ana- cardium occidentale. Los resultados indican la existencia de 29 especies de leguminosas, seis de ellas endémicas de Cuba. Centrosema virginia- num, Stylosanthes viscosa, Stylosanthes hamata y Ateleia cubensis destacan por su abundancia, dis- ponibilidad, calidad y persistencia. La evaluación ex-antes de las propuestas simuladas mostró la posibilidad de obtener 4,86 kg de leche/vaca/día y cambios netos de utilidades (CNU) superiores a 300 000,00 CUP (pesos cubanos) en el caso de la variante tres, mientras que el estudio de caso vali- da estos resultados con 5,42 kg de leche/vaca/día y  una  disminución  del  costo  de  la  leche  de 0,96 CUP a 0,32 CUP

    Bioeconomic Indicators of Ateleia cubensis (DC) Dietr for Production with Ruminants in Camaguey, Cuba.

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    Assessment of bioeconomic indicators of Ateleia cubensis (DC) Dietr. for production with ruminants was made, on ferromagnesium brown-red fersialitic soils of ultramafic savannahs in Camaguey, Cuba. The bioeconomic effect was simulated with a dual-purpose production system oriented to milk sales as the main product, on land covering 35 ha. The creation of a  protein bank is  recommended  in the area, using  A. cubensis  (DC) Dietr, on 15% of the total farm area. To simulate milk production response, feed balances were performed, all based on likely grass consumption and feeds used, according to their nutritional quality. The budget was portioned for analysis to determine  plant suitability for protein banks. Feasibility of the plant as a local source of protein for cattle was demonstrated through a bioeconomic perspectiv

    Contextos funerarios del formativo tardío en Coyungo : arquitectura y ajuar funerario en el Valle Bajo de Río Grande, Ica

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    El presente trabajo exhibe los resultados del estudio de un conjunto de variables y/o elementos que forman parte de los hallazgos identificados en el sitio BRIG3117, y que fueron considerados con miras al desarrollo y presentación de un trabajo totalmente incluyente. Esto último, ha sido considerado un factor muy importante para el estudio, y hasta cierto punto necesario; ya que estaría relacionado a un segundo aspecto muy importante: La característica más resaltante que presenta el área funeraria BRIG3117 es el alto grado de alteración y destrucción que ha sufrido el sitio producto del saqueo o“huaqueo” durante varias décadas. Pese a ello, los diferentes elementos de estudio utilizados y el diferente grado de contribución que cada uno provee permiten inferir algunas nociones, partiendo desde una hipótesis central, la cual señala que la cantidad, la variedad y la complejidad de los diferentes componentes de los contextos funerarios del sitio (individuos y asociaciones) guardan una relación directa y proporcional con la ubicación geografica, dimensiones y caracteristicas específicas de las estructuras funerarias identificadas. Permitiendo además, observar la manera en que puede ser manejada y utilizada la información proveniente de sitios y contextos altamente disturbados.Tesi

    Plan estratégico de recursos humanos para la mejora de las relaciones laborales en Camposol S.A.

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    El presente estudio tiene por objetivo principal dotar a Camposol S.A. de un plan de acción, con estrategias definidas que le permitan mejorar las relaciones laborales, previniendo conflictos, con el objetivo final de lograr la sostenibilidad del negocio a través del fortalecimiento de su marca empleador. Para cumplir con el objetivo referido, se realizó un diagnóstico de las relaciones laborales en Camposol S.A., siendo que, ante la falta de marco teórico que desarrolle procedimientos de diagnótico de relaciones laborales colectivas, en el presente estudio se desarrolló un intrumento de diagnóstico propio sobre la base de nuestra experiencia en dicho campo, el mismo que parte de la premisa consistente en que las relaciones laborales se sustentan en seis (6) pilares o dimensiones a ser examinadas: beneficios y condiciones de trabajo, comunicación, respeto, políticas, confianza y liderazgo

    Animal Response and Economic Impact of Tree Inclusion in a Livestock System

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    A study was conducted at the Roberto Rodríguez CCS (Credit and Services Cooperative), in the municipality of Sierra de Cubitas, province of Camagüey, Cuba, to evaluate the animal response and economic impact of the inclusion of trees in a livestock system under the local edaphoclimatic conditions. The productive performance of animals and the forest system were evaluated, and their economic impact was determined. The mean and SE was determined as well. The results were compared using a T-student test for P < 0.05, in order to evaluate animal response in the two systems. The results indicated the superiority of the forest grazing system over the traditional system. It was concluded that the forest-grazing system increased animal productivity and contributed with additional benefits in terms of forestry. The forest-grazing system had a greater economic impact than the traditional system

    Forage production and bromatological composition of Gliricidia sepium (Jacq) Kunth ex Walp

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    Forage production and bromatologic composition of Gliricidia sepium (Jacq) Kunth ex Walp were evaluated on cattle raising serpentine soils from the Livestock Center Noel Fernández in Camagüey, Cuba. Data were processed by the statistical package SPSS, and mean and standard deviation were determined. G. sepium foliage levels were significant (3,68 kg/a/cut for green matter and 1,33 kg/a/cut for dry matter) and raw protein levels were satisfactory (13,2 %)

    Evaluation of dead leaf and soil creatures associated to Gliricidia sepium (Jacq) Kunth ex Walp, used as live fences in savannahs

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    The contribution of decayed dry leaves and edaphic fauna to soil by using Gliricidia sepium (Jacq) Kunth ex Walp as living fences on savannas  with a predominant  serpentine  stratum was determined  in Camagüey  municipality, Cuba. Results showed G. sepium beneficial environmental impact due to its high contribution of decayed dry leaves to soil, i.e., 332 kg/ha per month equivalent of 3,98 t/ha per year. Development of edaphic fauna earthworms and beetles mostly was enhanced, showing the benefits of this ecosystem environment, as well

    Agroproductive Evaluation of Moringa oleifera Lamin Hedges, under Edafo-climatic Conditions.

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    Agroproductive behavior of Moringa oleifera Lam was evaluated in edafo climatic conditions in Camagüey, Cuba, in a year-old hedge on typical gray-brown soil. This species contributes with 6.2 kg/year of green matter (MV) and 2.52 kg/year of dry matter (MS), with annual trimming, and 41.09 % of MS; 105 fruits per plant with 19.4 average of seeds per fruit, and approximately 2 037 seeds per plant. Wood production accounts for 0.029 m3 /plant and 19.34 m3 /km of hedges. M. oleiferaLam produces significant volumes of forrage and firewood, which valorize hedges in agriforestry systems

    Native Pasture Quality in Cattle Raising Areas on Ultramafic Groundmass.

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    The quality of native pasture in cattle raising areas on ultramafic groundmass, in the municipality of Minas, Cama-güey, Cuba,  was assessed. The area studied has brown Fersialitic, ferromagnesial soil (Inceptisol-Cambisol). The climate is tropical humid. Dry matter, calcium, phosphorous and raw protein were estimated for compound samples of the predominant pastures, using an AOAC  methodology at the Provincial Soil Management, in Camagüey. De-scriptive statistics for the bromatological composition (mean and standard error) were determined, considering every species, season and group. Group comparison was made by the Kruskal-Wallis test. Legume quality in both seasons had protein levels above 7 % in all the cases; whereas graminaceae quality had values under that percent. In all the cases, the contents of P are insufficient to meet the minimum needs, and the protein and calcium values   are near the required limits for cattle

    Grass Availability in Ultramafic Cattle Areas.

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    Availability of grass in ultramafic cattle areas in Camaguey, Cuba, was determined. The research comprised the 2004-2013 period  in the rainy and dry seasons.  The area has  Brown Fersialitic Ferromagnesial Soil (Inceptisol-Cambisol). Total and individual  species’ availabilities  were tested using the practical variant of the Haydock and Shaw visual method for production areas.  Sampling was made at the beginning of each rotation (five in the rainy season and three in the dry season) at a rate of 100 observations/ha.  Forage balance was determined for the rainy and dry seasons, and the botanical composition was assessed using the steps method, and dry matter yields were determined in situ.  SPSS 15.0.1 was used to make the statistical analysis. Descriptive statistical analysis for Mean and Standard deviation were determined  for availability of each species.  Grass availability in the ecosystems is 5.15 t MS/ha, distributed in 2.83 t MS/ha in the rainy season; and 2.31 t MS/ha in the dry season. The forage balance showed a deficiency in feedstuffs in the two seasons, affecting milk production and the reproduction indicators