Native Pasture Quality in Cattle Raising Areas on Ultramafic Groundmass.


The quality of native pasture in cattle raising areas on ultramafic groundmass, in the municipality of Minas, Cama-güey, Cuba,  was assessed. The area studied has brown Fersialitic, ferromagnesial soil (Inceptisol-Cambisol). The climate is tropical humid. Dry matter, calcium, phosphorous and raw protein were estimated for compound samples of the predominant pastures, using an AOAC  methodology at the Provincial Soil Management, in Camagüey. De-scriptive statistics for the bromatological composition (mean and standard error) were determined, considering every species, season and group. Group comparison was made by the Kruskal-Wallis test. Legume quality in both seasons had protein levels above 7 % in all the cases; whereas graminaceae quality had values under that percent. In all the cases, the contents of P are insufficient to meet the minimum needs, and the protein and calcium values   are near the required limits for cattle

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