941 research outputs found

    Soft X-ray detection with the Fairchild 100 by 100 CCD

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    The soft X-ray sensitivity of the Fairchild 100 x 100 element CCD is studied for possible use as a detector in plasma physics research. The experimental setup and laboratory results are reported including data on slow scan operation of the CCD and performance when cooled. Results from digital computer processing of the data to correct for element-to-element nonuniformities are also discussed

    Recent developments and applications of the SEC vidicon for astronomy

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    The engineering development of the SEC vidicon as an astronomical sensor has continued in parallel with its operational use. One scientific application was the six hour exposure of the quasar PHL-957 at the Coude spectrograph of the 200-inch Hale telescope. The developmental effort includes both the enhancement of the basic attributes that make the SEC an appropriate sensor, namely, high quantum efficiency, low threshold, and long integration; as well as work to broaden its scientific usefulness, such as the development of a MgF2 photocathode window for vacuum ultraviolet sensitivity, and a permanent magnet focus design for thermal compatibility with proposed large space telescopes. Additional details on the characteristics of the SEC tube are discussed, as well as plans to make a larger and higher resolution version

    Development of television tubes for the large space telescope

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    Princeton Observatory has been working for several years under NASA sponsorship to develop television type sensors to use in place of photographic film for space astronomy. The performance of an SEC-vidicon with a 25 mm x 25 mm active area, MgF2 window, and bi-alkali photocathode is discussed. Results from ground based use on the Coude spectrograph of the 200-inch Hale telescope are included. The intended use of this tube in an echelle spectrograph sounding rocket payload and on Stratoscope 2 for direct high resolution imagery is also discussed. The paper also discusses the large space telescope image sensor requirements and the development of a larger television tube for this mission

    Study of Permanent Magnet Focusing for Astronomical Camera Tubes

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    A design is developed of a permanent magnet assembly (PMA) useful as the magnetic focusing unit for the 35 and 70 mm (diagonal) format SEC tubes. Detailed PMA designs for both tubes are given, and all data on their magnetic configuration, size, weight, and structure of magnetic shields adequate to screen the camera tube from the earth's magnetic field are presented. A digital computer is used for the PMA design simulations, and the expected operational performance of the PMA is ascertained through the calculation of a series of photoelectron trajectories. A large volume where the magnetic field uniformity is greater than 0.5% appears obtainable, and the point spread function (PSF) and modulation transfer function(MTF) indicate nearly ideal performance. The MTF at 20 cycles per mm exceeds 90%. The weight and volume appear tractable for the large space telescope and ground based application

    An adaptable fuzzy-based model for predicting link quality in robot networks.

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    It is often essential for robots to maintain wireless connectivity with other systems so that commands, sensor data, and other situational information can be exchanged. Unfortunately, maintaining sufficient connection quality between these systems can be problematic. Robot mobility, combined with the attenuation and rapid dynamics associated with radio wave propagation, can cause frequent link quality (LQ) issues such as degraded throughput, temporary disconnects, or even link failure. In order to proactively mitigate such problems, robots must possess the capability, at the application layer, to gauge the quality of their wireless connections. However, many of the existing approaches lack adaptability or the framework necessary to rapidly build and sustain an accurate LQ prediction model. The primary contribution of this dissertation is the introduction of a novel way of blending machine learning with fuzzy logic so that an adaptable, yet intuitive LQ prediction model can be formed. Another significant contribution includes the evaluation of a unique active and incremental learning framework for quickly constructing and maintaining prediction models in robot networks with minimal sampling overhead

    Not Alone: Tracing the Origins of Very Low Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs Through Multiplicity Studies

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    The properties of multiple stellar systems have long provided important empirical constraints for star formation theories, enabling (along with several other lines of evidence) a concrete, qualitative picture of the birth and early evolution of normal stars. At very low masses (VLM; M <~ 0.1 M_sun), down to and below the hydrogen burning minimum mass, our understanding of formation processes is not as clear, with several competing theories now under consideration. One means of testing these theories is through the empirical characterization of VLM multiple systems. Here, we review the results of various VLM multiplicity studies to date. These systems can be generally characterized as closely separated (93% have projected separations Delta < 20 AU) and near equal-mass (77% have M_2/M_1 >= 0.8) occurring infrequently (perhaps 10-30%). Both the frequency and maximum separation of stellar and brown dwarf binaries steadily decrease for lower system masses, suggesting that VLM binary formation and/or evolution may be a mass-dependent process. There is evidence for a fairly rapid decline in the number of loosely-bound systems below ~0.3 M_sun, corresponding to a factor of 10-20 increase in the minimum binding energy of VLM binaries as compared to more massive stellar binaries. This wide-separation ``desert'' is present among both field (~1-5 Gyr) and older (> 100 Myr) cluster systems, while the youngest (<~10 Myr) VLM binaries, particularly those in nearby, low-density star forming regions, appear to have somewhat different systemic properties. We compare these empirical trends to predictions laid out by current formation theories, and outline future observational studies needed to probe the full parameter space of the lowest mass multiple systems.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, contributed chapter for Planets and Protostars V meeting (October 2005); full table of VLM binaries can be obtained at http://paperclip.as.arizona.edu/~nsiegler/VLM_binarie

    X-ray emission from the remarkable A-type star HR 8799

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    We present a Chandra observation of the exceptional planet bearing A5V star HR 8799, more precisely classified as a kA5hF0mA5 star and search for intrinsic X-ray emission. We clearly detect HR 8799 at soft X-ray energies with the ACIS-S detector in a 10 ks exposure; minor X-ray brightness variability is present during the observation. The coronal plasma is described well by a model with a temperature of around 3 MK and an X-ray luminosity of about Lx = 1.3 x 10^28 erg/s in the 0.2-2.0 keV band, corresponding to an activity level of log Lx/Lbol ~ -6.2. Altogether, these findings point to a rather weakly active and given a RASS detection, long-term stable X-ray emitting star. The X-ray emission from HR 8799 resembles those of a late A/early F-type stars, in agreement with its classification from hydrogen lines and effective temperature determination and thus resolving the apparent discrepancy with the standard picture of magnetic activity that predicts mid A-type stars to be virtually X-ray dark.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted by A&

    Color television study Final report, Nov. 1965 - Mar. 1966

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    Color television camera for transmission from lunar and earth orbits and lunar surfac