364 research outputs found

    Quality of education : global development goals and local strategies

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    Learning for sustainability through community involvement in protected area governance

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    U ovom radu se razmatra uključivanje zajednice u upravljanje zaštićenim područjima kao moguća prilika za učenje, razmenu znanja i mogućnost donošenja odluka, kao i zarad unapređenja održivost, počev od lokalnog, preko regionalnog i nacionalnog, pa sve do globalnog nivoa. Osim kratkog pregleda teoretskih pristupa i pristupa politika relevantnih za učenje sa ciljem unapređenja održivosti lokalne zajednice, ovaj rad obuhvata i sekundarnu analizu rezultata empirijskog istraživanja uključenosti zajednice u upravljanje zaštićenim područjima. Ovo istraživanje je obavljeno u okviru projekta 'Za- štićena područja za prirodu i ljude' (Protected Areas for Nature and People), koji je sprovela organizacija WWF Adria. Korišćena metodologija obuhvata kombinovani kvalitativni i kvantitativni pristup. Rezultati istraživanja jasno ukazuju na to da postoji raskorak u proceni između predstavnika zaštićenih područja i predstavnika zajednice, kao i nedvosmislena potreba za poboljšanjima u međusobnoj komunikaciji i saradnji. Potrebe i prilike za učenje u tom procesu razmatraju se na osnovu tih saznanja u okviru lokalnog konteksta i globalnih razvojnih trendova.The paper explores community involvement (CI) in protected area (PA) governance as an opportunity to learn, share knowledge and decision making power and contribute to sustainability starting from a local level, through regional and national and up to a global level. In addition to a brief review of the relevant theoretical and policy approaches to learning for sustainability in the context of the local community, this paper comprises a secondary analysis of the results of an empirical research on community involvement in PA governance. The research was carried out under the framework of the project Protected Areas for Nature and People (PA4NP), launched by the WWF Adria. The methodology uses a combination of a qualitative and a quantitative approach. The results of the research clearly indicate that there is an overall gap in assessment between protected areas and community representatives, and that there is an obvious need for improvement in their mutual communication and collaboration. Based on these findings, the needs and opportunities for learning in that process are discussed within the local context and global development trends

    Displacement and climate change: improving planning policy and increasing community resilience

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    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to present the major gaps in the field of planning policy and its implementation regarding climate change and disaster risk reduction (DRR), with special reference to the displacement of people, together with the knowledge needed to increase community resilience. The researched relations are illustrated by the example of Serbia. The Republic of Serbia has been faced with increasingly visible impacts of climate change in recent years-floods, heat waves, droughts and others. During the floods that hit Serbia in 2014, over 30,000 people experienced displacement. These events have triggered numerous efforts, both to repair the incurred damage and to analyze opportunities for prevention. Design/methodology/approach - This research has used document analysis to investigate contemporary approaches defined by policies, programs and research reports regarding climate change and DRR, with special reference to the displacement of people. An analytical framework has been used to evaluate to what extent the planning policy framework in Serbia addresses these issues in the context of achieving resilient development. Secondary analysis of research data has been used to recognize the gaps and identify needs for increasing community resilience. Findings-Based on the growing trends in projections of climate change as a result of induced natural disasters for the region in the future and international trends in coping with these issues, this paper argues that it is necessary to improve the implementation of the planning policy framework and the capacities of professionals and citizens, to reduce future displacement and increase community resilience to climate change. The key weaknesses found within DRR and the emergency management system in Serbia were the lack of an appropriate information base of the cadastre of risk zones and the lack of information and coordination of actors on the local to the national level. During the "pre-disaster" period, findings stress a weak partnership and capacity development practice at the local level, as well as between local responsible bodies and regional/national entities in charge of emergency management and DRR. The paper singles out the main preconditions for achieving effective resilient planning, so that such a plan can move "people away from marginal areas" and provide living conditions that are resilient. Originality/value - This paper provides a comprehensive insight analysis of the relations between climate change and DRR, with special reference to the planning policy. Using the lessons learned from the recent climate-induced disaster with its implications on displacement, the paper identifies needs for strengthening capacities to establish more resilient communities in Serbia. The gaps and needs identified, as well as the recommendations provided, may be of value for neighboring countries as well, who face similar challenges in climate change adaptation and who need to increase disaster risk resilience

    Tourism development in Serbia: On the way to sustainability and European integration

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    The aim of the paper is to contribute to improvement of tourism policy and practice in Serbia towards defining and implementing sustainability principles and meeting European integration requirements. It encompasses short review of international implications on Serbian tourism policy and legislation. Current policy and its sustainability are analyzed using two indicators: application of integrated (cross sector) and local community approach, with particular focus on tourism, environmental and planning documents. There is general orientation towards sustainability and involvement of local community into the planning and implementation of projects in the field. Precisely defined mechanisms for public participation and integrated approach, first of all mainstreaming of environmental issues into tourism strategic document, are preconditions for reaching country’s sustainability goals and EU integration orientation. Points that should be improved are suggested and the need for mutual cooperation and capacity development of stakeholders at all levels, including further international support, strongly advocated

    Reflections on the learning objectives for sustainable development in the higher education curricula – three cases from the University of Belgrade

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    Purpose This purpose of this study is to explore the integration of the sustainable development concept and goals into the curriculum of higher education studies using the example of three faculties of the University of Belgrade. Design/methodology/approach A qualitative content analysis has been applied on two levels: the evaluation of the sustainability of courses starting from the criteria defined using the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (ASHE, 2017), and the analysis of the outcomes defined in the curricula of subjects within the three faculties using the UNESCO learning objectives related to selected sustainable development goals (SDGs) as a criteria. Findings While the largest number of courses were analyzed from the Faculty of Architecture, the highest proportion of sustainability courses was found in the Faculty of Security Studies. Both study areas reflect a stronger interdisciplinary orientation, although it should be strengthened in the case of the Andragogy study program. Based on the experience of the Faculty of Architecture, the courses implemented by linking theory and practice may significantly contribute to achieving the LOs and to implementing the education for sustainable development. At the University of Belgrade, strategic documents are missing that would encourage and oblige the faculties to apply the concept of sustainability. Originality/value This is the first study to apply this type of curricula analysis at the University of Belgrade. It is performed by teachers from the university, coming from different disciplinary fields but oriented towards an interdisciplinary perspective. Although performed in three specific study areas within a single university, the identified gaps and trends may be useful for planning interventions toward accelerating the implementation of SDGs in the higher education curricula

    Somatostatin acts by inhibiting pituitary TSH cells in female rats

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    The effects of intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) administered synthetic somatostatins (SRIH-14 and SRIH-28) on pituitary TSH cells of adult female rats were studied. The animals were i.c.v. injected with three 1.0 μg (5 μ1) doses of SRIH-14 or SRIH-28 every second day and sacrificed five days after the last dose. The controls received an equivalent volume of saline in the same manner according to the same schedule. The pituitary glands were excised and used for immunohistochemical and morphometric evaluation. The results obtained demonstrated a somatostatin-related decrease in relative pituitary weight. The morphometric analyzes showed decreased volumetric density of TSH-immunoreactive cells in SRIH-treated groups, but this difference was more expressed in SRIH-14- treated animals than in those receiving SRIH-28. On the basis of these results it can be concluded that centrally administered somatostatins inhibit TSH cells.Ispitivani su efekti intracerebroventrikularno (i.c.v.) injiciranih sintetičkih somatostatina (SRIH-14 i SRIH-28) na hipofizne TSH ćelije adultnih ženki pacova. Životinje su i.c.v. injicirane satri doze od po 1 μg SRIH-14 ili -28 rastvorenog u 5 pi fiziološkog rastvora svaki drugi dan, a žrtvovane 5 dana posle poslednje injekcije. Kontrole su tretirane odgovarajućom dozom fiziološkog rastvora. Hipofize su izolovane i pripremljene za imunocitohemijska i morfometrijska ispitivanja. Oba somatostatina izazivaju smanjenje relativne težine hipofize. Morfometrijska analiza pokazuje da je u obe tretirane grupe životinja volumenska gustina TSH-imunoreaktivnih ćelija smanjena te razlike su značajnije izražene u grupi životinja tretiranih sa SRIH-14 u odnosu na one tretirane sa SRIH-28. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata možemo zaključiti da centralno aplikovani somatostatini inhibiraju TSH ćelije hipofize.nul

    Environmental education and education for sustainable development: Conceptual solutions and dilemmas

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    Fokus na obrazovanje za održivi razvoj u globalnoj politici i u literaturi otvara spektar različitih pogleda na relacije s obrazovanjem za životnu sredinu. Dok jedan broj autora jasno razdvaja ova dva koncepta, drugi smatraju da je obrazovanje za održivi razvoj (OOR) zapravo zauzelo mesto obrazovanja za životnu sredinu (OŽS). Različita viđenja ova dva koncepta imaju implikacije na njihovo integrisanje u obrazovanje na svim nivoima. Rad sadrži komparativnu analizu trendova i pravaca u definisanju ovih koncepata kako u dokumentima globalne politike tako i u literaturi u ovoj oblasti, u nameri da se ponudi još jedna slika njihovog odnosa i mogućnosti implementacije u praksi. Osvrt na sličnosti i razlike u njihovoj konceptualizaciji služi za još jedno promišljanje dilema u pogledu potrebe da postoje oba koncepta i mogućnosti da se integrišu u obrazovanje, koje bi trebalo da ima ključnu ulogu u dostizanju ideala održivosti.Akcent na obrazovanii v celâh ustojčivogo razvitiâ v global'noj politike i v literature otkryvaet spektr različnyh vzglâdov na otnošeniâ s èkologičeskim obrazovaniem. V to vremâ kak râd avtorov četko razdelâût èti dve koncepcii, drugie sčitaût, čto obrazovanie v interesah ustojčivogo razvitiâ (OUR) faktičeski zamenilo èkologičeskoe obrazovanie (ÈO). Različnye vzglâdy na èti dve koncepcii ukazyvaût na vozmožnost' ih integracii na vseh urovnâh obrazovaniâ. V dannoj stat'e soderžitsâ sravnitel'nyj analiz tendencij i napravlenij v opredelenii ètih dvuh koncepcij, kak v dokumentah global'noj politiki, tak i v literature v dannoj oblasti, a zatem predlagaetsâ eŝe odna kartina ih vzaimosvâzi i vozmožnosti realizacii na praktike. Obzor shodstv i različij v ih konceptualizacii služit dlâ pereosmysleniâ dilemm, kasaûŝihsâ neobhodimosti integracii koncepcij i vozmožnostej v obrazovanie, kotoroe dolžno sygrat' klûčevuû rol' v dostiženii idealov ustojčivosti.The focus on education for sustainable development in global policy and literature opens up a range of different views on its relationship with environmental education. While a number of authors make a clear distinction between the two concepts, others believe that education for sustainable development (ESD) has actually displaced environmental education (EE). Different perceptions of these two concepts have implications for their integration into education at all levels. This paper offers a comparative analysis of trends and directions in defining these concepts both in global policy documents and in the literature in this field, with the aim of offering another perspective on their relationship and on the possibility of implementation in practice. The overview of the similarities and differences in their coneptualization has prompted a reconsideration of the dilemmas regarding the need for the existence of both concepts and the possibility of integrating them into education, which should play a key role in the achievement of the ideal of sustainabilit