877 research outputs found

    Renewable energy and energy security : Alternative pathway to fossil energy imports consumption in Finland

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    Renewable energy sources (RES) have an essential role in substituting traditional fossil fuels, oil, natural gas, and coal. Besides being considered a desirable target from the environmental conservation point of view, renewable energy deployment can additionally offer an effective tool for improving energy security. Many countries, including Finland, import fossil energy from concentrated energy sources. Therefore, the deployment of renewable energy can diversify the energy supply and reduce the dependence on fossil energy imports. Even though the subject is widely acknowledged, empirical analysis of the effects is not so far broadly available, especially in the case of Finland. This master’s thesis discusses the role of RES in the energy security of Finland from the perspective of import dependence. The study empirically assesses the effects of renewable energy consumption on fossil energy imports consumption in the country between 2000–2020. The literature review covers an overview of energy supply and demand in Finland, as well as a recent development and future views of domestic renewable energy sources. Furthermore, the concept of energy security and the complexity of determining the issue, along with the energy security views of the country, are addressed. The literature review concludes with the theoretical framework on the relationship between renewable energy deployment and energy security. The empirical analysis utilizes time series regarding energy consumption in the country in 20 years period, sourced from the Official Statistics of Finland database. Multiple linear regression analysis is then applied to assess the effects of renewable energy sources' consumption on fossil energy imports consumption in the period. A series of regression diagnostic tests along with stability testing supports the correctness of the empirical models employed for the investigation. Key findings first discover that RES consumption shows a declining effect on coal and oil consumption, but the development of natural gas import consumption is not explained by RES with the model used. The conclusion is drawn that renewable energy has been successfully utilized to decrease coal and oil imports consumption rather than natural gas imports. Further, findings underline, besides hydropower, decreasing effect of marginal RES alternatives combined (wind energy, solar power, liquid biofuels, and heat pumps) on coal and oil consumption in the country between 2000–2020. In addition, the role of direct electricity imports in compensating for fossil energy consumption reflects in the results. The findings of the study are largely parallel to previous literature in Europe and contribute to the evidence of RES enabling improvements in energy security.Uusiutuvalla energialla on keskeinen rooli perinteisten fossiilisten polttoaineiden, öljyn, maakaasun ja hiilen korvaamisessa. Sen lisäksi, että uusiutuvan energian käyttöä pidetään ympäristön kannalta vähemmän haitallisena vaihtoehtona, se voi olla keino energiaturvallisuuden parantamiseen. Monet Euroopan maat kuten Suomi, tuovat fossiilisia polttoaineita keskittyneistä energialähteistä. Uusiutuvan energian käyttöönotto voi hajauttaa energian tarjontaa ja vähentää riippuvuutta fossiilisesta tuontienergiasta. Asia on laajasti tunnistettu tutkimuskirjallisuudessa mutta empiiristä analyysia vaikutuksista etenkään Suomessa ei vielä ole kattavasti saatavilla. Tämä taloustieteen pro gradu -tutkielma käsittelee uusiutuvan energian roolia Suomen energiaturvallisuudessa, fossiilisen tuontienergian ja tuontiriippuvuuden näkökulmasta. Tutkielman tavoitteena on empiirisesti analysoida uusiutuvan energian kulutuksen vaikutuksia fossiilisten polttoaineiden kulutukseen Suomessa vuosina 2000–2020. Kirjallisuuskatsaus esittelee energian tarjonnan ja kysynnän keskeiset piirteet sekä uusiutuvan energian käytön maassa. Lisäksi käsitellään energiaturvallisuuden määrittelyä sekä Suomen energiaturvallisuuden näkymiä. Näin muodostuu teoreettinen viitekehys uusiutuvan energian mahdollisista vaikutuksista energiaturvallisuuteen. Tutkielman empiirisessä analyysissä hyödynnetään Tilastokeskuksen tietokannasta kerättyjä aikasarja-aineistoja energiankulutuksesta 20 vuoden ajanjaksolta Suomessa. Lineaarista regressioanalyysia soveltamalla arvioidaan eri uusiutuvien energialähteiden vaikutuksia fossiilisten polttoaineiden tuonnin kulutukseen vuosina 2000–2020. Regressioanalyysin tulokset varmistetaan sarjalla diagnostisia testejä. Empiiriset havainnot osoittavat uusiutuvan energian vähentävän vaikutuksen hiilen ja öljyn tuonnin kulutuksessa. Maakaasun tuonnin kulutuksen kehitystä ei kuitenkaan voida selittää käytetyssä mallissa uusiutuvan energian kulutuksella. Tulos viittaa siihen, että uusiutuvaa energiaa on onnistuneesti hyödynnetty vähentämään hiilen ja öljyn tuonnin kulutusta maakaasun kulutuksen sijaan. Muiden keskeisten havaintojen mukaan hiilen ja öljyn kulutukseen vuosina 2000–2020 on vaikuttanut vähentävästi vesivoiman lisäksi muut osuuksiltaan pienemmät uusiutuvat energialähteet yhdessä: tuulivoima, aurinkovoima, nestemäiset biopolttoaineet ja lämpöpumput. Uusiutuvan energian lisäksi tuontisähkön merkitys fossiilisen tuontienergian korvaamisessa näkyy tuloksissa. Löydökset ovat pitkälti samankaltaisia aiempien eurooppalaisten tutkimustulosten kanssa ja antavat osaltaan näyttöä uusiutuvan energian mahdollisista energiaturvallisuutta parantavista vaikutuksista

    Correspondence - P. L. Elliott and Clyde R. Hoey

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    Correspondence from Phillip Loven Elliott to Clyde Roark Hoey accepting him as the speaker for the Gardner Memorial Building dedication, including a letter written by Holt McPherson addressed to the late J. Melville Broughton containing suggested lines which impressed him as appropriatehttps://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/gardner-webb-buildings-and-grounds-o-max-gardner-building/1014/thumbnail.jp

    Correspondence - P. L. Elliott and Ralph Gardner

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    Correspondence from Phillip Loven Elliott to Ralph Gardner informing him about the loss of letters in the mail and assuring him not to worry about Senator Broughton\u27s lack of response [regarding his appearance at the Gardner celebration.]https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/gardner-webb-buildings-and-grounds-o-max-gardner-building/1018/thumbnail.jp

    Correspondence - P. L. Elliott and Ralph Gardner

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    Correspondence from Phillip Loven Elliott to Ralph Gardner commending the keeping of essential letters, reflecting on his appraisal requested by the Charlotte Observer, as well as the progress on the institution [of Gardner-Webb College].https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/gardner-webb-buildings-and-grounds-o-max-gardner-building/1017/thumbnail.jp

    Correspondence - 1953, March 5 - P. L. Elliott

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    Condolences concerning the passing of Madge Webb Riley from the office of the president of Gardner-Webb College, signed by President Phillip Lovin Elliott.https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/fay-webb-gardner-madge-webb-riley/1011/thumbnail.jp

    Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder at Home and School: Effective Intervention Strategies and Barriers to Services

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    Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most frequently diagnosed and thoroughly researched disorders of childhood, however, little is known about ADHD in the school setting. This research study explored effective intervention strategies and barriers to services for children with ADHD at home and school. The research design utilized a self-administered survey questionnaire distributed to school social workers, parents, and special education teachers and general education teachers. Of the 63 returned surveys, 37 met criteria for inclusion in the research. Findings from quantitative and qualitative data indicate that school social workers are critical team members to the comprehensive approach of educating a child with ADHD. The roles of the school social worker range from the individual case level to the system level. Implications for school social work practice and research about interventions with children with ADHD are presented

    Correspondence - P. L. Elliott and Clyde R. Hoey

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    Selection factors related to satisfaction, persistence, and job performance for technical writers at the Iowa State University Child Welfare Project

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    The Bureau of Collections, Iowa Department of Human Services, is the designated agency to provide child support recovery services in the state of Iowa. This agency has received federal funding to expand and upgrade its computer system to support federal regulations for child support recovery programs. To enable the agency to meet federal standards, the Bureau (BOC) contracted with Iowa State University, through its Child Welfare Project, to secure technical writers who could play a major role in the development of policy and system enhancements. The position involved working as part of a team to develop and implement child support policy. Duties of the position include conducting research, writing, and developing administrative rules, employee manual, and policy and procedures in accordance with federal and state laws. This person also writes computer system requirements, tests applications, and monitors computer system changes to ensure they meet federal system certification standards;This study explored the relationship between hiring procedures (several pre-employment factors, interview scores, writing exercise scores, reference ratings, and orientation practices) and employee persistence, satisfaction, and job performance. The methods of investigation involved analysis of application materials and interview and writing exercise results. Data were statistically analyzed to determine the strength of the relationships. Technical writers were surveyed to determine their self-rankings of significant factors in the hiring process. Several writers were interviewed face to face to contribute a naturalistic aspect to the study;The investigator analyzed data on a comparison group of 18 State employees, surveyed them to determine their self-rankings of selection factors, and interviewed several to gather qualitative aspects of the state positions;Variables studied included college major, technical writing background, teamwork experience, computer knowledge, problem-solving ability, child support or human services experience, organizational skills, resume, application letter, writing exercise score, and summary completion score;Results indicated a significant difference between persistence and performance between the two groups. BOC employees\u27 persistence and performance scores were significantly higher. Interview scores, the writing exercise scores, the application scores, and reference scores were significantly related to persistence. Child support experience had a high negative correlation with satisfaction and application scores, reference scores, and education had a high correlation with performance;The results of this study have implications for higher education as well as government and business, since making good hiring decisions reduces costs and increases productivity. These results show a connection between organizational fit for students as well as for employees

    What are the adverse effects of prolonged opioid use in patients with chronic pain?

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    Constipation, nausea, and dyspepsia are the most common long-term adverse effects of chronic opioid use (strength of recommendation [SOR]: B, systematic review of low-quality studies). Men may experience depression, fatigue, and sexual dysfunction (SOR: B, 2 observational studies). Prolonged use of opioids also may increase sensitivity to pain (SOR: C, review of case reports and case series). (This review does not address drug seeking or drug escalating.) Patients on long-term methadone are at risk for cardiac arrhythmias caused by prolonged QT intervals and torsades de pointes (SOR: C, case reports). Patients taking buprenorphine for opioid dependence may experience acute hepatitis (SOR: C, 1 case report)

    Do inhaled steroids increase the risk of osteoporosis?

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    The use of inhaled corticosteroids at conventional doses for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) does not appear to be associated with significant bone loss at 2 to 3 years of follow-up (strength of recommendation [SOR]: A, systematic reviews and randomized controlled trials [RCTs]). However, higher doses of inhaled corticosteroids may be associated with negative bone density changes at up to 4 years of follow-up (SOR: C, RCTs without change in fracture rates). No evidence exists to evaluate whether nasal steroids increase the risks of bone loss. Longer-term effects of prolonged use of inhaled steroids on BMD or fracture risk are undetermined with current evidence
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