16,560 research outputs found

    Meter accurately measures flow of low-conductivity fluids

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    An electromagnetic flowmeter has been adjusted to minimize the errors inherent in measuring the flow of low conductivity fluids. This is done through use of a direct-coupled, differential cathode follower, whose grid potential is adjustable with respect to ground levels


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    The author discusses trends in fast food development and compares site location factors for fast food outlets with those for Supermarkets.Agribusiness,

    Nuclear halo structure from quasielastic charge-exchange reactions

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    Neutron and proton densities in the nuclear periphery are investigated within (p,n) charge-exchange isobar transitions. For this purpose we have developed parameter-free optical potentials with a detailed treatment of the in-medium tτt_{\tau} part of the effective interaction. Non local coupled-channel Lane equations are solved to obtain the scattering observables. The use of conventional proton and neutron densities significantly underestimates Fermi (forward-angle) cross-sections in agreement with findings by various other groups. However, we have found model-independent densities which provide a remarkable improvement in the description of the quasielastic scattering data.The densities obtained are consistent with recent measurements at CERN in studies of the neutron-to-proton halo factor f(r)=Zρn/Nρp\rho_n/N\rho_p with antiprotons. These findings provide an alternative way to investigate the nuclear periphery, and may also help to solve the long-standing puzzle of the underestimated Fermi cross section in (p,n) charge-exchange phenomena.Comment: 5 pages and 2 figs. Presented at the Baryons-04 Conference (Palaiseau, France, Oct 2004). To appear in Nucl. Phys.

    An in-medium full-folding model approach to quasielastic (p,n) charge-exchange reactions

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    A microscopic description of the quasielastic (p,n) charge-exchange reaction (here, charge-exchange scattering between analogue states) is presented and discussed. Emphasis is focused on the spin-isospin structure of the projectile-target coupling. The model is a coupled-channel extension of the full-folding optical model approach (OMP) developed for nucleon elastic scattering, where emphasis is placed on retaining the genuine off-shell behavior of realistic effective interactions in the nuclear medium. The resulting non-local optical potentials are applied to the calculation of (p,n) differential cross sections, with particular emphasis on small-angle Fermi (ΔS=0\Delta S=0) cross-sections to isobaric analog states. These parameter-free results provide a reasonable description of the 14^{14}C(p,n)-data at proton energies above \sim100 MeV, but deteriorate for heavier targets. These shortcomings are analyzed and possible ways to correct them are discussed.Comment: 20 pages plus 10 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Dark Matter Constraints in Heterotic M-Theory with Five-Brane Dominance

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    The phenomenological implications of the M-theory limit in which supersymmetry is broken by the auxiliary fields of five-brane moduli is investigated. Assuming that the lightest neutralino provides the dark matter in the universe, constraints on the sparticle spectrum are obtained. Direct detection rates for dark matter are estimated.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX file plus 8 EPS figure

    Spin structure of spin-1/2 baryon and spinless meson production amplitudes in photo and hadronic reactions

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    The most general spin structures of the spin-1/2 baryon and spinless meson production operator for both photon and nucleon induced reactions are derived from the partial-wave expansions of these reaction amplitudes. The present method provides the coefficients multiplying each spin operator in terms of the partial-wave matrix elements. The result should be useful in studies of these reactions based on partial-wave analyses, especially, when spin observables are considered.Comment: RevTex 34 pages, revised versio

    Emission lines in the long period Cepheid l Carinae

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    For the Cepheid (l) Carinae with a pulsation period of 35.5 days we have studied the emission line fluxes as a function of pulsational phase in order to find out whether we see chromosphere and transition layer emission or whether we see emission due to an outward moving shock. All emission lines show a steep increase in flux shortly before maximum light suggestive of a shock moving through the surface layers. The large ratio of the C IV to C II line fluxes shows that these are not transition layer lines. During maximum light the large ratio of the C IV to C II line fluxes also suggests that we see emission from a shock with velocities greater than 100 km/sec such that C IV emission can be excited. With such velocities mass outflow appears possible. The variations seen in the Mg II line profiles show that there is an internal absorption over a broad velocity band independent of the pulsational phase. We attribute this absorption to a circumstellar 'shell'. This 'shell' appears to be seen also as spatially extended emission in the O I line at 1300 angstrom, which is probably excited by resonance with Ly beta

    Shock temperatures in calcite (CaCO3): Implication for shock induced decomposition

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    The temperatures induced in crystalline calcite upon planar shock compression (95–160 GPa) are reported from two-stage light gas-gun experiments. The temperatures are obtained fitting 6-channel optical pyrometer radiances in the 450 to 900 nm range, to a Planck radiation law temperature varied from 3300 to 5400 K. Calculations demonstrate that the temperatures are some 400 to 1350 K lower than if either shock-induced melting and/or disproportionation of calcite behind the shock front was not occurring. Here calcite is modeled as disproportionating into a molecular liquid, or a solid CaO plus CO2 gas. For temperature calculations, specific heat at constant volume for one mole of CO2 is taken to be 6.7R as compared to 9R in the solid state; whereas calcite and CaO have their solid state values (15R and 6R). Calculations also suggest that the onset of decomposition in calcite to CaO and CO2 during loading occurs at ~75±10 GPa, along the Hugoniot whereas decomposition begins upon unloading from 18 GPa. The 18 GPa value is based on comparison of VISAR measurements of particle velocity profiles induced upon isentropic expansion with one-dimensional numerical simulation