69 research outputs found

    Prologue: Exploring the Potential of the Sea

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    The role of municipal ecological structure in landscape preservation

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    The Portuguese legal system includes in the municipal urban planning instruments an institute designed to link the use and occupation of space with environmental protection. Through the municipal ecological structure, municipal master plans contribute to the integration of green infrastructures into planning. The municipal ecological structure thus favors the maintenance of ecological balance and the protection, conservation and enhancement of the environment, landscape, and natural heritage in rural and urban areas. The content of municipal ecological structures differs according to geographical location, population density, and economic activities. Regardless of these natural variations, the main objective remains the same: to contribute to the achievement of SDGs, with specific emphasis on the goal of ensuring more sustainable and resilient cities considering the pernicious effects of climate change.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio


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    Fenómenos de cheias em territórios urbanos são uma realidade um pouco por todo o globo. Contudo, quer os processos de planeamento urbaní­stico, quer os estudos hidráulicos, maioritariamente, não são elaborados, tendo em consideração, a multidisciplinaridade e complexidade da temática, resultando em aglomerações urbanas – com tendência à ocorrência desta tipologia de evento – que apresentam lacunas de um correto planeamento urbano articulado, não estando capacitadas para fazer face a este tipo de fenómeno natural. Nesse sentido, a articulação de estudos multivariados, como são o caso do planeamento urbano, e hidráulicos, são vistos como essências para o sucesso territorial sustentado das regiões afetadas por esta tipologia de fenómenos. Assim, através de ferramentas exploratórias e de análise, como disso são exemplo: o cálculo coeficientes de rugosidade em canais de escoamento artificiais, análise de escoamentos superficiais, modelos computorizados, avaliação e análise do design e polí­ticas de ordenamento territorial em áreas urbanas, e a sua aplicação a um caso prático – o caso das ribeiras da cidade do Funchal, Madeira, Portugal – são apenas alguns exemplos de análise que o estudo leva a cabo, desde uma perspectiva multidisciplinar, a fim de definir bases e medidas para poder prevenir e minimizar os impactos negativos de tais eventos, assim como aumentar a segurança das populações residentes

    Return migration and tourism sustainability in Portugal: extracting opportunities for sustainable common planning in southern Europe

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    This study contributes to the knowledge of decision-makers on how tourism, small and medium-sized enterprises, return migration, and cooperation strategies can contribute to growth and sustainable development in rural areas. More specifically, it uses the Portuguese case to answer the following question: can the expectations and perceptions of emigrants provide directions for sustainabletourismdevelopmentandcommonplanninginordertocontributetoruraldevelopment? The results obtained in a study developed in Portugal, through the application of a questionnaire survey of 5157 Portuguese emigrants, confirm the validity of this question. It is concluded that there are the emigrants at an active age (29–39 years old) and with a house in a rural area that have a greater propensity of returning, investing, and gaining employment in the area of tourism in Portugal, and they also have more training and professional experience in this area. Similarly, considering the experiences and migratory characteristics of these emigrants, it is argued that there is a strong probability that the return of emigrants from Southern European countries will contribute to the development of tourism in the rural areas of these countries. Besides, the study enablestheidentificationofrecommendationsanddirectionsforsustainablecommonplanninginthe political–strategic, financial–economic, resource sustainability, and sociocultural fields.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hydraulic Planning in Insular Urban Territories: The Case of Madeira Island—São João Stream, Funchal, Portugal

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    his study’s primary goal was to conduct an analysis regarding the flood susceptibility of the main watercourse of the São João (Funchal) drainage basin. In addition, if proven necessary, we also aimed to suggest mitigation measures, such as sizing a detention basin and promoting adjustments of the riverbed’s roughness coefficient. This study also resorted to geomorphological data—obtained during the watershed characterization process—that were then utilized in the SIG ArcGIS software, in order to estimate the expected peak flow rate, considering a return period of 100 years using the Gumbel distribution. Finally, the Manning–Strickler equation was utilized to determine the river discharge point’s drainage capacity; the reason for that was to verify whether its drainage capacity was sufficient to drain the entire volume of rainwater associated with an extreme flood event. In summary, the results obtained by this study indicate that the drainage capacity of the river discharge point of the São João watershed (Funchal) is insufficient when considering an extreme flood event, for a return period of 100 years. Hence, it became necessary to explore the two aforementioned mitigation measures: first, regarding the detention basin, its sizing was calculated through both the Dutch method and the simplified triangular hydrograph method; second, aiming to increase the drainage capacity of the river discharge point, it is suggested that the roughness coefficient should also be modified.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hydraulic Planning in Insular Urban Territories: The Case of Madeira Island—Ribeira Brava, Tabua

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    This study’s primary goal was to conduct an analysis of the flood propensity of the Tabua (Ribeira Brava) drainage basin’s main watercourse. In addition to that, this study also recommends two different methodologies in order to mitigate flood impacts, namely by dimensioning a detention basin and adjusting the riverbed roughness coefficient. Regarding the study on the flood propensity, it was necessary to resort to geomorphological data, which were obtained when characterizing the watershed; these data were crucial to determining the expected peak flow rate, according to the Gumbel distribution methodology and considering a 100-year return period, and to perform necessary tasks in the SIG ArcGIS 10.5 software. Lastly, the drainage capacity of this drainage basin’s river mouth was also analyzed in order to conclude whether it would have the capacity to drain the total volume of rainwater if an extreme flood event were to happen. Indeed, the main results show that this watershed’s river mouth does not have the necessary drainage capacity to cope with an extreme event for the return period that was considered. As a consequence, the two aforementioned mitigation measures were developed considering the Tabua (Ribeira Brava) drainage basin’s specific features. The size of the detention basin was estimated through the Dutch method and the simplified triangular hydrograph method, while the adjustment of the roughness coefficient was considered a valid solution to enhance the drainage capacity of this river mouth.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    I Congresso Internacional em Planeamento Sustentável e Ordenamento Territorial: resumos do Congresso

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    A Influência do Coeficiente de Rugosidade nos Fenómenos de Cheias – Bacia Hidrográfica da Ribeira de Machico, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal

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    Acentuados pelas alterações climáticas regionais e globais, os fenómenos das cheias são eventos cada vez mais recorrentes e devastadores. Casos extremos como os que ocorreram em 2010 e 2013 na Ilha da Madeira corroboram com este indicativo, sendo as regiões mais afetadas as que possuíam maior índice urbanístico e maior impermeabilização do solo, como o concelho de Machico. Portanto, com base no histórico recente de cheias no concelho de Machico e o auxílio de ferramentas de georreferenciação como o ArcGIS, procedeu-se à análise geomorfológica e hidrológica da bacia hidrográfica da ribeira de Machico, de forma a verificar o caudal expectável para um período de recorrência de 100 anos, de acordo com a distribuição probabilística de Gumbel. Posteriormente analisou-se a capacidade de escoamento da foz por meio da equação de Manning Strickler, onde será avaliado o coeficiente de rugosidade mínimo necessário para permitir o escoamento do caudal de ponta de cheia expectável. Por fim, os resultados sugerem que a foz não possui a capacidade de escoar o caudal precipitado, necessitando de alterações no coeficiente de rugosidade do leito.Flood phenomena, intensified by regional and global climate change, are increasingly recurrent and devastating events. Extreme cases such as those in 2010 and 2013 on the island of Madeira corroborate this indicator. The regions most affected are those with the highest urban index and the most significant soil waterproofing, such as Machico. Therefore, based on the recent history of floods in the city of Machico and the aid of georeferencing tools such as ArcGIS, the geomorphological and hydrological analysis of the hydrographic basin of the Machico stream was carried out in order to verify the expected flow rate for a recurrence period of 100 years, through the Gumbel Probabilistic Distribution. Subsequently, the river mouth's flow capacity was analyzed using the Manning-Strickler equation, where the minimum roughness coefficient necessary to allow the flow of the expected high peak flow will be evaluated. Finally, the results suggest that the river’s mouth does not have the capacity to drain the precipitated flow, requiring changes in the bed roughness coefficient.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impactes das áreas de rega e da barragem do Alqueva nas temperaturas regionais : evidências no Sul da Península Ibérica

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    Tese de doutoramento em Engenharia Civil (área de especialização em Hidraúlica)A presente tese de doutoramento tem como objectivo verificar se as temperaturas regionais de uma determinada área de estudo podem ser afectadas pela construção de uma barragem (Alqueva), bem como analisar a relação dessas temperaturas com as áreas de rega. Este estudo incide sobre a região Sul da Península Ibérica (Portugal e Espanha), nomeadamente Alqueva (Portel) e os concelhos de Beja e Évora, em Portugal e os concelhos de Almería, Badajoz, Córdoba, Granada, Huelva, Málaga, Múrcia e Sevilha em Espanha. Os indicadores utilizados são: temperatura mínima, média e máxima diária ao longo do tempo e diferença entre o mesmo tipo de temperatura entre o município em análise e o de referência (dT). Para se proceder a uma análise comparativa dos diferentes concelhos analisados, decidiu-se dividir a análise das temperaturas até final do ano 2001, e entre 2002 até 2007 (meses de Junho, Julho e Agosto meses onde a temperatura será supostamente superior), pois a barragem do Alqueva viu as suas comportas de fundo e de meio serem encerradas a 8 de Fevereiro do ano de 2002. Daí a opção por dividir os dados obtidos nas datas supra referidas. Então, até ao final do ano de 2001 foram analisados os concelhos supra referidos, tendo sido tomado como municípios de referência os concelhos de Beja e Múrcia. Entre 2002 e 2007, optou-se por uma comparação de temperaturas dos diferentes anos relativas aos meses de Junho, Julho e Agosto entre a referência neste caso Beja (ou qualquer uma das outras estações seguidamente mencionadas) e Alqueva e os municípios de Beja e Évora (referentes a Portugal) e Badajoz, Córdoba, Sevilha (referentes a Espanha). Na análise efectuada aplicaram-se diferentes Métodos Determinísticos, Paramétricos t, Não Paramétricos e Estatística Descritiva, para permitir uma pesquisa e recolha de dados adequados bem como um tratamento e organização dos mesmos. Os resultados demonstram que o aumento da área de rega provoca um aumento na maior parte dos indicadores analisados, nomeadamente aqueles que se referem às temperaturas dos meses quentes do ano. Por sua vez, o aparecimento da barragem do Alqueva revela uma diminuição na maior parte dos referidos indicadores. Contudo este resultado não pode ser considerado definitivo, pois será preciso verificar se a barragem do Alqueva influencia as temperaturas regionais pontualmente ou irá contribuir para a ampliação do aquecimento global.This doctoral thesis aims to establish whether the regional temperatures in a region under study, may be affected by the construction of a dam (Alqueva) and analyze its relationship with the areas of irrigation. This study focuses on the South of the Iberian Peninsula (Portugal and Spain), particularly in Portugal, Alqueva (Portel) and the municipalities of Beja and Évora, and Spain in the municipalities of Almería, Badajoz, Cordova, Granada, Huelva, Malaga, Murcia and Seville. The indicators used are: minimum temperature, average and maximum daily over time and the difference between the same type of temperature between the municipality in question and the reference (dT). For a comparative analysis of different counties analyzed, it was decided to divide the analysis of temperatures by the end of 2001, and from 2002 to 2007 (June, July and August months where the temperature is supposedly better) because Alqueva saw the dam’s floodgates of their background and environment are closed on 8 February of 2002. Hence the option of splitting the data obtained on the dates mentioned above. So by the end of 2001, we analyzed the above mentioned counties, was used as local reference for the municipalities of Beja and Murcia. Between 2002 and 2007, it was decided by a comparison of temperatures of different years for the months of June, July and August between the reference case Beja (or any of the other stations mentioned below) and Alqueva and the municipalities of Beja and Évora (referring to Portugal), and, Badajoz, Cordoba and Seville (referring to Spain). In the analysis we applied different Deterministic Methods, Parametric t, No Parametric and Descriptive Statistics to allow a search and retrieval of data and appropriate treatment and organize them. The results show that increasing the area of irrigation causes an increase in most indicators analyzed, including those that refer to temperatures warmer months. In turn the appearance of the Alqueva dam shows a decrease in most of these indicators. However, this result can not be considered definitive, for checking to see if the Alqueva dam influence regional temperatures on time or will contribute to the expansion of global warming

    Introductory Chapter: Underwater Ordeals

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