24 research outputs found

    Práticas alimentares na infância, crescimento infantil e obesidade na vida adulta

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    A saúde infantil é amplamente afetada pelo estado nutricional. Há um interesse crescente acerca da possibilidade do estado nutricional apresentado pela criança e das práticas alimentares na primeira infância estarem relacionados à obesidade em indivíduos adultos, aumentando os riscos para complicações metabólicas. Sabe-se que estudos prospectivos possibilitam a investigação e a avaliação apropriadas de determinantes do desenvolvimento infantil. Consequentemente, o presente artigo objetivou revisar as principais evidências disponíveis a partir de estudos longitudinais sobre associações entre práticas alimentares na primeira infância, padrões de crescimento infantil e estado nutricional verificados durante a vida adultaChild health is widely affected by nutritional status, and there is growing interest surrounding the possibility that child nutritional status and infant feeding practices may be linked to obesity in adulthood, increasing risks of metabolic complications. Prospective studies enable appropriate investigation and evaluation of the determinants of childhood development. The present paper therefore aimed to provide a review of the main evidence to date from longitudinal studies concerning the associations of infant feeding practices, patterns of childhood growth and nutritional status exhibited in adult lifeFAPESP n. 08/57796-3, e CNPq n. 300167/97-

    Exclusive breastfeeding frequency at 30 days of life: review of longitudinal studies

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    A nutrição adequada no início da vida pode afetar o desenvolvimento e a sobrevivência infantil, por isso a adesão às práticas de aleitamento materno e o seu monitoramento regular tornam-se essenciais. Este artigo objetiva realizar uma revisão integrativa da literatura sobre a frequência do aleitamento materno exclusivo (AME) aos 30 dias de vida, divulgada em estudos longitudinais. Para isso, foram identificados artigos nas bases de dados PubMed e LILACS. A combinação dos termos de pesquisa foi “estudo prospectivo” e “aleitamento materno”. A busca limitou-se aos artigos em inglês, espanhol e português, e compreendeu as publicações entre os anos 2015 e 2020. Foram selecionados 17 estudos originais. Apesar das diferenças metodológicas entre eles, em relação ao tipo e tamanho de amostra, a definição do AME e método de mensuração, os resultados indicam alta taxa de início da amamentação (≥86%) e ampla variação da ocorrência de AME aos 30 dias (4,5%-86%), com declínio substancial (<60%) em 63% dos locais investigados. Esses resultados distam do cumprimento da recomendação da Organização Mundial da Saúde de AME até o sexto mês, e indicam a necessidade de investigações, com metodologia padronizada, para comparação dentro dos e entre os países, visando ao planejamento de ações para incentivo da amamentação.Early life feeding can affect children’s development and survival. Adherence to breastfeeding practices and regular monitoring is essential. This study aims an integrative review of longitudinal studies on the frequency of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) at 30 days of life. Articles were retrieved from the PubMed and LILACS databases. The combination of descriptors used was: “prospective study” and “breast feeding.” The search was limited to articles published between 2015 and 2020 in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. We selected 17 original studies. Despite their methodological differences regarding sample size and type, follow-up period, and EBF definition and measurement method, results indicated a high rate of breastfeeding initiation (≥86%) and a wide variation in the occurrence of EBF at 30 days (4.5% - 86%) with substantial decline (<60%) in 63% of the investigated areas. These results are far from complying with the recommendation from the World Health Organization of maintaining EBF up to the sixth month of children’s life and point to the need for further investigations with a standardized methodology for comparisons within and between countries, aiming at planning actions which support breastfeeding

    Marcadores do consumo alimentar do Sisvan: estrutura e invariância de mensuração no Brasil

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    OBJETIVO: Caracterizar a estrutura interna do formulário de marcadores do consumo alimentar do Sistema de Vigilância Alimentar e Nutricional (Sisvan) para indivíduos maiores de 2 anos de idade e analisar evidências de invariância de mensuração entre macrorregiões brasileiras, fases do curso da vida e ao longo do tempo. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se análise paralela com estimação de fatores complementada com análise fatorial exploratória a partir de todos os registros de primeiro acompanhamento do Sisvan com respostas válidas no país em 2015 (n = 298.253). A seguir, empregou-se a análise fatorial confirmatória multigrupo para investigação de evidências de invariância configural, métrica e escalar entre as cinco macrorregiões (Centro-Oeste, Nordeste, Norte, Sudeste e Sul) e fases do curso da vida (crianças, adolescentes, adultos e idosos), no mesmo ano de referência. Avaliou-se a invariância longitudinalmente a partir de registros individuais válidos de 2015 a 2019 (n = 4.578.960). A adequação de índices de ajuste foi observada a cada etapa. RESULTADOS: Verificaram-se índices de ajuste aceitáveis e valores de carga fatorial adequados para um modelo bidimensional, que agrupou alimentos ultraprocessados (fator 1) e alimentos in natura ou minimamente processados (fator 2). A estrutura bidimensional, com os respectivos itens em cada fator subjacente ao conjunto de marcadores, foi equivalente entre macrorregiões, fases do curso da vida e longitudinalmente, confirmando a invariância configural. Os pesos de cada item e sua escala foram homogêneos para todos os grupos de interesse, confirmando as invariâncias métrica e escalar. CONCLUSÕES: A estrutura interna do formulário de marcadores do consumo alimentar refletiu adequadamente seu embasamento conceitual, com estabilidade dos fatores relacionados à alimentação saudável e não saudável em configuração, cargas e escala nos recortes investigados. Esses achados qualificam ações de vigilância alimentar e nutricional, potencializando o uso dos marcadores do consumo alimentar do Sisvan em pesquisas, monitoramento, orientação individual e produção de cuidado no Sistema Único de Saúde.OBJECTIVE: To characterize the internal structure of the Food and Nutrition Surveillance System (Sisvan) form of food intake markers for individuals over 2 years of age and to investigate measurement invariance between Brazilian macro-regions, life stages and over the years. METHODS: A parallel analysis with factor estimation was carried out, complemented with exploratory factor analysis using all Sisvan records with valid responses in the country in 2015 (n = 298,253). Only the first record per individual was considered. Next, multigroup confirmatory factor analysis was used to investigate configural, metric and scalar invariance between the five macro-regions (Midwest, Northeast, North, Southeast, South) and life stages (children, adolescents, adults, elderly) in the same reference year. Invariance was evaluated longitudinally using valid individual records from 2015 to 2019 (n = 4,578,960). The adequacy of fit indices was observed at each step. RESULTS: Acceptable fit indices and adequate factor loadings were found for a two-dimensional model, which grouped ultra-processed foods (factor 1) and unprocessed or minimally processed foods (factor 2). The two-dimensional structure, with the respective items in each factor underlying the set of markers, was equivalent across macro-regions, life stages and longitudinally, confirming the configural invariance. The weights of each item and its scale were homogeneous for all groups of interest, confirming metric and scalar invariances. CONCLUSIONS: The internal structure of the Sisvan form of food intake markers adequately reflected its conceptual foundation, with stability of factors related to healthy and unhealthy eating in configuration, weights and scale in the investigated categories. These findings qualify food and nutritional surveillance actions, enhancing the use of Sisvan food intake markers in research, monitoring, individual guidance, and care production in the Brazilian Unified Health System

    Frequência do aleitamento materno exclusivo aos 30 dias de vida: revisão de estudos longitudinais

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    Early life feeding can affect children’s development and survival. Adherence to breastfeeding practices and regular monitoring is essential. This study aims an integrative review of longitudinal studies on the frequency of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) at 30 days of life. Articles were retrieved from the PubMed and LILACS databases. The combination of descriptors used was: “prospective study” and “breast feeding.” The search was limited to articles published between 2015 and 2020 in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. We selected 17 original studies. Despite their methodological differences regarding sample size and type, follow-up period, and EBF definition and measurement method, results indicated a high rate of breastfeeding initiation (≥86%) and a wide variation in the occurrence of EBF at 30 days (4.5% - 86%) with substantial decline (<60%) in 63% of the investigated areas. These results are far from complying with the recommendation from the World Health Organization of maintaining EBF up to the sixth month of children’s life and point to the need for further investigations with a standardized methodology for comparisons within and between countries, aiming at planning actions which support breastfeeding.A nutrição adequada no início da vida pode afetar o desenvolvimento e a sobrevivência infantil, por isso a adesão às práticas de aleitamento materno e o seu monitoramento regular tornam-se essenciais. Este artigo objetiva realizar uma revisão integrativa da literatura sobre a frequência do aleitamento materno exclusivo (AME) aos 30 dias de vida, divulgada em estudos longitudinais. Para isso, foram identificados artigos nas bases de dados PubMed e LILACS. A combinação dos termos de pesquisa foi “estudo prospectivo” e “aleitamento materno”. A busca limitou-se aos artigos em inglês, espanhol e português, e compreendeu as publicações entre os anos 2015 e 2020. Foram selecionados 17 estudos originais. Apesar das diferenças metodológicas entre eles, em relação ao tipo e tamanho de amostra, a definição do AME e método de mensuração, os resultados indicam alta taxa de início da amamentação (≥86%) e ampla variação da ocorrência de AME aos 30 dias (4,5%-86%), com declínio substancial (<60%) em 63% dos locais investigados. Esses resultados distam do cumprimento da recomendação da Organização Mundial da Saúde de AME até o sexto mês, e indicam a necessidade de investigações, com metodologia padronizada, para comparação dentro dos e entre os países, visando ao planejamento de ações para incentivo da amamentação

    Comer transtornado entre universitárias brasileiras

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    This study aimed to investigate the socioeconomic and nutritional factors associated with disordered eating among Brazilian female college students (n = 2,489). Prevalence ratios of risk factors were calculated using Poisson regression models with robust variance based on responses to selected questions from the Eating Attitude Test and Disordered Eating Attitude Scale. It was found that 40.7% of students were dieting, 35.6% were using diet or compensatory methods, 23.9% skipping meals, 12.6% not eating or just drinking liquids, and 3.3%, vomiting to lose weight. A positive association was found between not eating or just drinking liquids and skipping meals and nutritional status after adjustment for age and region. A positive association was found between compensatory methods and dieting and education level of the head of the family. Disordered eating behaviors were frequent, and not eating and skipping meals were more prevalent among overweight/obese students; compensatory methods and dieting were less prevalent among students from families whose head had up to only four years of education. Prevention strategies and food education are necessary in order to decrease the prevalence of these behaviors.El estudio investigó factores socioeconómicos y nutricionales asociados a la alteración del orden de las comidas en universitarias brasileñas (n = 2.489). Modelos de regresión de Poisson con variancia robusta estimaron razones de prevalencia de factores asociados a comer trastornado -evaluado por preguntas del Test de Actitudes Alimentarias y la Disordered Eating Attitude Scale. Se halló que un 40,7% hacían régimen para adelgazar; un 35,6% seguían una dieta o métodos compensatorios; un 23,9% se saltaban comidas y un 12,6% comían a base de líquidos o se quedaban sin comer para adelgazar; y un 3,3% vomitaban. Ajustado por edad y región, quedarse sin comer o sólo con líquidos y saltarse comidas se asoció positivamente con el estado nutricional. Compensación y régimen se asociaron positivamente con la escolaridad del jefe de familia. Comer trastornado fue frecuente, siendo que quedarse sin comer y saltarse comidas fueron más prevalentes en aquellas con sobrepeso/obesidad; y compensación y régimen menos prevalentes en aquellas con jefes de familia con menor escolaridad. Las estrategias de prevención y educación alimentaria son necesarias para disminuir la frecuencia de estos comportamientos.O estudo investigou fatores socioeconômicos e nutricionais associados ao comer transtornado em universitárias brasileiras (n = 2.489). Modelos de regressão de Poisson com variância robusta estimaram razões de prevalência de fatores associados ao comer transtornado - avaliado por questões do Teste de Atitudes Alimentares e da Disordered Eating Attitude Scale. Encontrou-se que 40,7% faziam regime para emagrecer; 35,6% usavam dieta ou métodos compensatórios; 23,9% pulavam refeições e 12,6% ficavam à base de líquidos ou sem comer para emagrecer; e 3,3% vomitavam. Ajustado por idade e região, ficar sem comer ou só com líquidos e pular refeições associaram-se positivamente ao estado nutricional. Compensação e regimes associaram-se positivamente à escolaridade do chefe de família. O comer transtornado foi frequente, sendo que ficar sem comer e pular refeições foram mais prevalentes naquelas com sobrepeso/obesidade; e compensação e regimes menos prevalentes naquelas com chefes de família com menor escolaridade. Estratégias de prevenção e educação alimentar são necessárias para diminuir a frequência destes comportamentos.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Saúde PúblicaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Ciências da SaúdeUNIFESP, Depto. de Ciências da SaúdeSciEL

    Birth-to-childhood tracking of linear growth and weight gain in the MINA-Brazil Study

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate birth-to-childhood tracking of linear growth and weight gain across the distribution of length/height and weight for age z-scores and according to household wealth. METHODS: Data from 614 children from the MINA-Brazil Study with repeated anthropometric measurements at birth and up to age five years were used. Z-scores were calculated for length/height (HAZ) and weight (WAZ) according to international standards. Birth-to-childhood tracking was separately estimated using quantile regression models for HAZ and WAZ, extracting coefficients and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) at the 25th, 50th, and 75th quantiles. In a subgroup analysis, we estimated tracking between birth and age two years, and between ages two and five years. To investigate disparities in tracking, interaction terms between household wealth indexes (at birth and age five years) and newborn size z-scores were included in the models. RESULTS: Tracking coefficients were significant and had similar magnitude across the distribution of anthropometric indices at age five years (HAZ, 50th quantile: 0.23, 95%CI: 0.11 to 0.35; WAZ, 50th quantile: 0.31, 95%CI: 0.19 –0.43). Greater tracking was observed between ages two and five years, with coefficients above 0.82. Significantly higher tracking of linear growth was observed among children from wealthier households, both at birth, at the lower bounds of HAZ distribution (25th quantile: 0.30, 95%CI: 0.13 – 0.56), a nd during childhood, in the entire HAZ distribution at five years. For weight gain, stronger tracking was observed at the upper bounds of WAZ distribution at age five years among children from wealthier households at birth (75th quantile: 0.59, 95%CI: 0.35–o 0.83) and during childhood (75th quantile: 0.54, 95%CI: 0.15 –0.93). CONCLUSION: There was significant tracking of HAZ and WAZ since birth, with indication of substantial stability of nutritional status between ages two and five years. Differential tracking according to household wealth should be considered for planning early interventions for preventing malnutrition

    Body image dissatisfaction in female Brazilian university students

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    A insatisfação com a imagem corporal é avaliada por meio da diferença entre a figura real e a idealizada e pode influenciar comportamentos alimentares. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a insatisfação corporal de universitárias do sexo feminino nas cinco regiões do país e possíveis associações e correlações com a idade, o estado nutricional, a renda e o grau de escolaridade do chefe da família. MÉTODOS: 2.402 universitárias responderam à Escala de Silhuetas de Stunkard. As regiões foram comparadas por meio da análise de variância; correlações entre as variáveis foram analisadas pelos coeficientes de Pearson e Spearman. RESULTADOS: 64,4 por cento gostariam de ser menores do que sua figura atual, e mesmo as estudantes eutróficas escolheram figuras saudável e ideal menores. Na região Norte foram apontados os mais magros padrões ideais e de saúde e na região Centro-Oeste, os maiores. CONCLUSÃO: A ocorrência de insatisfação corporal foi bastante expressiva, com algumas diferenças regionais e sociodemográficas que devem ser consideradasBody image dissatisfaction is evaluated according to the difference between the real figure and idealized figure, and could influence eating behaviors. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate body dissatisfaction among female university students from the five regions of Brazil and possible associations and correlations with age, nutritional status, individual income and parental education. METHODS: 2,402 students answered the Stunkard's Body Image Scale and regions were compared by variance analysis, and correlations among variables with Pearson's and Spearman's coefficients. RESULTS: 64.4 per cent desired a figure smaller than their actual one, and even the normal weight range students chose ideal and healthy smaller figures. In North region the ideal and healthy patterns were smaller and in the Central West bigger. CONCLUSION: Occurrence of body dissatisfaction was common among Brazilian university students and some regional and socio demographic differences must be considere

    Gestational weight gain, nutritional status and blood pressure in pregnant women

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether weekly gestational weight gain is associated with anemia, vitamin A insufficiency, and blood pressure levels in the third trimester of pregnancy. METHODS: A prospective study with 457 pregnant women attending primary care in Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre. The weekly gestational weight gain rate measured between the second and third trimesters was classified as insufficient, adequate, and excessive according to the recommendations of the Institute of Medicine 2009. The outcomes at the beginning of the third gestational trimester were: anemia (Hb < 110 g/L), vitamin A insufficiency (serum retinol<1.05 μmol/L) and blood pressure levels (continuous values, in mmHg). Age-adjusted prevalence ratios, schooling, and use of vitamin and mineral supplements were calculated in Poisson regression models with robust variance. RESULTS: A total of 18.6% of pregnant women had insufficient weekly weight gain, and 59.1% had excessive weight gain. The frequencies of anemia, vitamin A insufficiency and hypertension (systolic blood pressure ≥ 140 mmHg or diastolic ≥ 90 mmHg) were 17.5%, 13.4%, and 0.6%, respectively. The prevalence ratios for anemia among pregnant women with insufficient and excessive weight gain were 0.41 (95%CI 0.18–0.93) and 1.00 (95%CI 0.63–1.59), respectively, when compared to pregnant women with adequate weight gain. For vitamin A insufficiency, the adjusted prevalence ratio was significantly higher among pregnant women with insufficient weight gain (2.85, 95%CI 1.55–5.24) and no difference for excessive weight gain (1.53, 95%CI 0.84–2.74) when compared to pregnant women with adequate weight gain. Pregnant women with excessive weight gain had higher mean systolic blood pressure (111.10; 95%CI 109.9–112.2) when compared to pregnant women with insufficient weight gain (107.50; 95%CI 105.4–109.6) and adequate (106.20; 95%CI 104.3–108.20). CONCLUSIONS: Insufficient weekly gestational weight gain was associated with the risk of vitamin A insufficiency. Excessive weight gain, in turn, was associated with higher blood pressure values at the beginning of the third gestational trimester

    Food and Nutrition Surveillance System markers predict diet quality

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the performance of food consumption markers of the Food and Nutrition Surveillance System (Sisvan) in assessing the overall dietary quality. METHODS: The study was carried out based on the reproduction of responses to markers in 24-hour recall data from 46,164 individuals aged ≥ 10 years, from the 2017–2018 Household Budget Survey (POF). Seven Sisvan markers were evaluated, and two scores were calculated for each participant, based on the sum of the number of healthy food markers (beans, fruits, and vegetables, ranging from 0 to 3) and unhealthy (hamburgers/sausages, sweetened beverages, instant noodles/salt snacks/crackers, stuffed cookies/sweets/candies, ranging from 0 to 4) consumed. Linear regression analyses were used to assess the association between scores and diet quality indicators (ultra-processed foods, dietary diversity, and levels of saturated and trans fat, added sugar, sodium, potassium, and fiber in the diet). RESULTS: The score of healthy eating markers increased significantly with increasing dietary diversity and potassium and fiber contents in the diet, while the opposite trend was observed for the densities of added sugar, sodium, saturated and trans fat (p < 0.001). The score of unhealthy eating markers increased significantly with the increase in the consumption of ultra-processed foods and densities of added sugar, saturated and trans fat levels in the diet, while an inverse trend was observed for potassium and fiber (p < 0.001). The joint analysis of the combination of the two marker scores showed that individuals with better performance (3 in the healthy food score, and 0 in the unhealthy food score) have a lower number of inadequacies in nutrient consumption. CONCLUSION: Sisvan food consumption markers, quickly and easily applied and already incorporated into the Brazilian public health system, have good potential to reflect the overall dietary quality.OBJETIVO: Investigar o desempenho dos marcadores do consumo alimentar do Sistema de Vigilância Alimentar e Nutricional (Sisvan) na avaliação da qualidade global da alimentação. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi realizado a partir da reprodução de respostas aos marcadores em dados de recordatórios de 24 horas, de 46.164 indivíduos com idade menor ou igual a 10 anos, da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares 2017–2018. Foram avaliados sete marcadores do Sisvan e calculados dois escores para cada participante, a partir do somatório do número de marcadores de alimentação saudável (feijão, frutas, verduras/legumes, variando de 0 a 3) e não saudável (hambúrguer/embutidos, bebidas adoçadas, macarrão instantâneo/salgadinhos/biscoitos salgados, biscoito recheado/doces/guloseimas, variando de 0 a 4) consumidos. Análises de regressão linear foram usadas para avaliar a associação entre os escores e indicadores de qualidade da alimentação (participação de alimentos ultraprocessados, diversidade e teores de gordura saturada, trans, açúcar de adição, sódio, potássio e fibra da dieta). RESULTADOS: o escore de marcadores de alimentação saudável aumentou de forma significativa com o aumento da diversidade e dos teores de potássio e fibra da dieta, enquanto tendência oposta foi observada para as densidades de açúcar de adição, sódio, gordura saturada e trans (p < 0,001). Observou-se que o escore de marcadores de alimentação não saudável aumentou de forma significativa com o aumento da participação de alimentos ultraprocessados e dos teores de açúcar de adição, gordura saturada e trans da dieta, enquanto tendência inversa é observada para potássio e fibra (p < 0,001). A análise conjunta da combinação dos dois escores de marcadores mostrou que indivíduos com melhor desempenho (3 no escore de alimentos saudáveis, e 0 no de alimentos não saudáveis) possuem menor número de inadequações no consumo de nutrientes. CONCLUSÃO: Os marcadores do consumo alimentar do Sisvan, aplicados de forma rápida e prática e já incorporados no sistema público de saúde brasileiro, possuem bom potencial para refletir a qualidade global da alimentação

    Time trends and social inequalities in infant and young child feeding practices: national estimates from Brazil’s Food and Nutrition Surveillance System, 2008–2019

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    Abstract Objective: To describe the time trends and socio-economic inequalities in infant and young child feeding practices in accordance with the Brazilian deprivation index (BDI). Design: This time-series study analysed the prevalence of multiple breast-feeding and complementary feeding indicators based on data from the Brazilian Food and Nutrition Surveillance System, 2008–2019. Prais–Winsten regression models were used to analyse time trends. Annual percent change (APC) and 95 % CI were calculated. Setting: Primary health care services, Brazil. Participants: Totally, 911 735 Brazilian children under 2 years old. Results: Breast-feeding and complementary feeding practices differed between the extreme BDI quintiles. Overall, the results were more favourable in the municipalities with less deprivation (Q1). Improvements in some complementary feeding indicators were observed over time and evidenced such disparities: minimum dietary diversity (Q1: Δ 47·8–52·2 %, APC + 1·44, P = 0·006), minimum acceptable diet (Q1: Δ 34·5–40·5 %, APC + 5·17, P = 0·004) and consumption of meat and/or eggs (Q1: Δ 59·7–80·3 %, APC + 6·26, P < 0·001; and Q5: Δ 65·7–70·7 %, APC + 2·20, P = 0·041). Stable trends in exclusive breast-feeding and decreasing trends in the consumption of sweetened drinks and ultra-processed foods were also observed regardless the level of the deprivation. Conclusions: Improvements in some complementary food indicators were observed over time. However, the improvements were not equally distributed among the BDI quintiles, with children from the municipalities with less deprivation benefiting the most