42 research outputs found

    From the sounds of languages to the development of a plurilingual phonological awareness: An experimental study with young children

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    Dans les dernières années, face à la diversité linguistique et culturelle des sociétés actuelles, des chercheurs de différents pays ont expérimenté des activités d’éveil aux langues dans les premières années de scolarité, tout en défendant l’importance de ces mêmes activités sur les capacités métalinguistiques des enfants, ainsi que sur leurs attitudes envers différentes langues, cultures et sujets (Armand, Maraillet et Beck 2003, Candelier et al. 2004). Nous présentons ici les résultats d’un atelier réalisé avec 138 enfants portugais (entre 3 et 8 ans) du préscolaire et de l’école primaire qui ont communiqué avec des chansons en différentes langues, dans des activités de découverte de nouveaux sons et de nouveaux paysages linguistiques. Au-delà du développement des attitudes positives envers la diversité linguistique et culturelle et l’apprentissage des langues en général, les objectifs de l’atelier étaient surtout de développer la conscience phonologique, entendue comme partie de la compétence plurilingue et pluriculturelle (Coste, Moore et Zarate 1997). Nous discuterons ici les résultats de cette étude, dans le sens d’approfondir le rôle de la diversité linguistique dans le développement d’une ‘conscience phonologique plurilingue’, ainsi que dans le sens d’identifier des activités à mettre en place avec des enfants de cet âge

    Éveil au langage et à l’écrit dans le préscolaire: un atout pour l’apprentissage des langues tout au long de la vie?

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    Nous avons comme objectif, dans le cadre de ce texte, de présenter une étude visant à comprendre l’impact d'activités d’éveil aux langues, centrées sur le contact avec différents systèmes d'écriture, sur le développement d'une conscience phonologique plurilingue des enfants du préscolaire. De notre point de vue, le développement de capacités d'ordre métalinguistique et métaphonologique dès le plus jeune âge peut devenir un avantage pour un apprentissage réussi des langues tout au long de la vie.The present study aims at understanding the impact of awakening to languages activities, focusing on the contact with different writing systems, in the development of a plurilingual phonological awareness by preschool children. From our point of view, the development of metalinguistic and metaphonological abilities from an early age may be an advantage for a successful and lifelong learning of languages

    Abordagens plurais nos primeiros anos de escolaridade: reflexões a partir de contextos de intervenção

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    Tout en cherchant des réponses aux défis qui se placent, aujourd’hui, aux systèmes éducatifs, dans la gestion de multiples diversités, nous voulons dans ce texte réfléchir sur les approches plurielles, notamment sur les possibilités ouvertes par l’éveil aux langues. Les études présentées montrent différentes formes d’éducation des éléves, dès les premières années de scolarité, au plurilinguisme (respect et mise en valeur de l’autre, de ses langues et de ses cultures ; conscience du langage ; compréhension des problèmes du monde), dans un engagement avec le développement durable et l’intercompréhension.Taking into consideration the challenges facing education today, namely the need to deal with the multiple diversities ever more present within the classrooms, it is our goal in this text to reflect upon the possibilities of plural approaches, in particular of the awakening to languages approach, in the first school years. In this sense, we present two studies which show possible ways of educating young children to value and respect Others with their languages and cultures, to become aware and reflect upon language and linguistic diversity, and to understand World issues, in a serious commitment with pluralism, multiculturalism and an education for sustainable development

    Educação para a cidadania global e identidade profissional: um estudo de caso na formação inicial de professores

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    O mundo globalizado requer uma educação que prepare os cidadãos para compreenderem contextos próximos e distantes, comunicarem de forma respeitosa, ultrapassando barreiras linguístico-culturais, e se comprometerem com a justiça social e a sustentabilidade. Assim, vários investigadores e formadores defendem a necessidade de promover uma educação para a cidadania global que capacite os professores com consciência crítica e agência transformadora. Neste sentido, este texto apresenta um estudo de caso com um futuro educador/professor do Mestrado em Educação Pré-escolar e Ensino no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, que pretende compreender como podem os educadores/professores em formação inicial construir conhecimento sobre educação para a cidadania global, integrando essa dimensão na sua identidade profissional. Para o efeito, analisaram-se as reflexões escritas produzidas pelo educador/professor em formação ao longo de um ano letivo, bem como um questionário de autoavaliação de balanço do percurso efetuado. Os dados recolhidos foram sujeitos a análise de conteúdo a partir de três categorias que caracterizam uma profissionalidade docente atenta aos problemas das sociedades globalizadas, a saber: uma dimensão pedagógico-didática, uma dimensão linguísticocomunicativa, e uma dimensão ético-política. Os resultados do estudo evidenciam que o educador/professor construiu uma identidade profissional docente questionadora do papel da educação nas sociedades globalizadas, ao mesmo tempo que tomou consciência da necessidade de continuar a aprender. Estes resultados sugerem que a formação inicial de educadores/professores tem de incluir espaços de articulação teoria-prática em torno dos temas com que se confrontam as sociedades globalizadas, mediante atividades que façam sentido para os sujeitos em formação e para os contextos em que atuam.publishe

    Valorization of cork using subcritical water

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    UIDB/QUI/50006/2020 PD/BD/142863/2018 IF/01146/2015Granulated cork was submitted to subcritical water extraction/hydrolysis in a semi-continuous reactor at temperatures in the range of 120–200 ◦C and with a constant pressure of 100 bar. The influence of temperature on the composition of the cork extracts obtained was assessed—namely, their content of carbohydrates and phenolics. The extraction yield increased with the temperature, and this was associated with the decrease in the dielectric constant of water and the increase in its ionic product. Extracts composed of up to 36% phenolics were obtained at temperatures of up to 120 ◦C, with an antioxidant activity only two times lower than that of pure gallic acid, but in low amounts. Assays at higher temperatures generated extracts richer in carbohydrates and with a phenolics content of ca. 20 wt.% in comparatively far higher amounts. Neither the amount of suberin nor its structure were affected by the subcritical water treatment.publishersversionpublishe

    Educating teachers for linguistic and cultural diversity in the early years: possibilities for the development of professional knowledge

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    Num mundo globalizado, marcado por avanços tecnológicos, pela mobilidade de pessoas e bens e pelas migrações, é fundamental repensar e intervir na formação de professores. Essa intervenção passa, necessariamente, pela conceção e operacionalização de programas de formação que, por um lado, promovam uma compreensão mais integrada da diversidade linguística e cultural e das questões mundiais, e, por outro lado, auxiliem os professores a desenvolverem práticas mais capazes de educar as crianças para (com)viverem e agirem em sociedades plurais e em permanente mudança. Neste enquadramento, este estudo visa compreender como é que o trabalho em torno da diversidade linguística e cultural permite desenvolver as dimensões do conhecimento profissional de professoras de educação infantil em formação inicial. Para esse efeito, foram analisados os relatórios finais de estágio produzidos pelas formandas, com incidência nos seus discursos sobre os projetos de tipo investigação-ação desenvolvidos em contextos de educação infantil, bem como nas aprendizagens que realizaram. Os resultados alcançados permitem concluir que as formandas construíram conhecimento profissional, tendo aproveitado o tratamento didático da diversidade linguística e cultural para aprofundarem o seu conhecimento sobre o currículo, sobre o contexto, sobre as crianças e sobre si próprias, numa clara compreensão das finalidades e valores da educação.In a globalised world, characterised by technological advances, mobility of people and goods and migration, it is fundamental to rethink and intervene in teacher education. This intervention necessarily involves the design and operationalisation of teacher education programs that, on the one hand, promote a more integrated understanding of linguistic and cultural diversity and global issues, and, on the other hand, help teachers to develop practices that are more capable of educating children to live together and act in plural and constantly changing societies. In this context, this study aims to understand how the work around linguistic and cultural diversity may contribute to the development of several dimensions of the professional knowledge of early years’ student teachers. To this end, the final traineeship reports produced by the student teachers were analysed, focusing on their discourses on the action research-type projects developed in the context of early childhood education, as well as on their learning achievements. The results allow us to conclude that the student teachers have developed their professional knowledge, seizing the opportunity of working with linguistic and cultural diversity to broaden their knowledge of the curriculum, of the school context, of the children and of themselves, in a clear understanding of the aims and values of education

    Toward adaptive radiotherapy for head and neck patients: Uncertainties in dose warping due to the choice of deformable registration algorithm.

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    The aims of this work were to evaluate the performance of several deformable image registration (DIR) algorithms implemented in our in-house software (NiftyReg) and the uncertainties inherent to using different algorithms for dose warping

    Synthetic approaches to a challenging and unusual structure—an amino-pyrrolidine guanine core

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    Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry-LAQV, which is financed by national funds from FCT/MCTES (UIDB/50006/2020). Grant number SFRH/BD/136692/2018 from FCT/MCTES.The synthesis of an unreported 2-aminopyrrolidine-1-carboxamidine unit is here described for the first time. This unusual and promising structure was attained through the oxidative decarboxylation of amino acids using the pair of reagents, silver(I)/peroxydisulfate (Ag(I)/S2O82−) followed by intermolecular (in the case of L-proline derivative) and intramolecular trapping (in the case of acyl L-arginine) by N-nucleophiles. The L-proline approach has a broader scope for the synthesis of 2-aminopyrrolidine-1-carboxamidine derivatives, whereas the intramolecular cyclization afforded by the L-acylarginines, when applied, results in higher yields. The former allowed the first synthesis of cernumidine, a natural alkaloid isolated in 2011 from Solanum cernuum Vell, as its racemic form.publishersversionpublishe

    Mutations in the MECP2 gene are not a major cause of Rett syndrome-like or related neurodevelopmental phenotype in male patients

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    Rett syndrome is a genetic neurodevelopmental disorder that affects mainly girls, but mutations in the causative MECP2 gene have also been identified in boys with classic Rett syndrome and Rett syndrome-like phenotypes. We have studied a group of 28 boys with a neurodevelopmental disorder, 13 of which with a Rett syndrome-like phenotype; the patients had diverse clinical presentations that included perturbations of the autistic spectrum, microcephaly, mental retardation, manual stereotypies, and epilepsy. We analyzed the complete coding region of the MECP2 gene, including the detection of large rearrangements, and we did not detect any pathogenic mutations in the MECP2 gene in these patients, in whom the genetic basis of disease remained unidentified. Thus, additional genes should be screened in this group of patients.Moónica Santos was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal) with the PhD fellowship SFRH/BD/9111/2002 and the postdoc fellowship SFRH/BPD/28555/2006. Research in Rett syndrome is supported by FSE/FEDER and FCT, Grant POCTI 41416/2001