69 research outputs found

    Global city: the occupational layer

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    Nowadays discussion on global cities concept is being addressed on European level. The concept is a consequence of multiplicities of globalization processes adding different layers according to social, economic and environmental requirements. Cities must also be seen as working systems, with the same needs and requirements in terms of safety and well-being that are considered for other systems. In this paper Authors address the evidences that support the importance of this additional layer. Different sources were used in order to obtain the data related to working systems and their relation to the global cities concept. The conducted systematic review indicate that the search words: sustainability, occupational and global city were not crossed for research. Furthermore, challenges that cities are facing must be understood as additional source of motivation and innovation towards a global city. Cities must also be seen as working systems, with the same needs and requirements in terms of safety and well-being that are considered for other systems

    ETdA: Ergonomic Tridimensional Analysis for common areas with circulation of people

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    Tese de doutoramento em Industrial and Systems EngineeringErgonomic Tri-dimensional Analysis (ETdA) is a new approach specifically developed for ergonomic assessments and redesign of Common Areas with Free Circulation of People (CAFCP). The available literature in the field of ergonomics provides an identification and description of several ergonomic contexts (considering man, machine and environment). According to the complexity of the analysed task and its level of automation and to the professionals’ interrelation with the organization, a dynamic environment can be defined. In these environments, the total quality management philosophy is focused not only in workforce satisfaction, but also in clients’ wellbeing, since in modern social-technical systems they are intrinsically linked to the organizations. It is important to notice that as a consequence of this interaction, clients and professionals can equally be exposed to the same ergonomic risk factors. From the management point of view, the ongoing concern with the clients requires a continuous improvement in several organizational keys-areas such as quality, occupational safety and health, environment protection, and cost of products and services. As a result of the market customization, the organizational adjustments taking place on the common areas must also benefit the ergonomic contexts of the professionals. Following these thoughts, and to optimize the performance of the overall system (economical goal), the strategies adopted by organizations and their goals must also consider the human wellbeing (social goal). In common areas, the human wellbeing is related to its users, both the clients and professionals. Therefore, processes of improvement are often multidimensional (considering all the organizational participants), cross and correlated. The ETdA development follows the ergonomics future tendency since it allows the participation of the entire organization in the identification of critical situations. It is a continuous model that assists the ergonomist (Analyst) in his/her ergonomic analysis allowing the diagnosis of the studied conditions and identification of the critical Ergonomic Factors (EF) and the consequent adjustments, which represents the ergonomic intervention. Different observation tools are used: a questionnaire, an evaluation sheet and direct and indirect observation (checklist) for the Clients, Professionals and Analyst dimensions, respectively. The development of the weighting tables allows the simplification and synthesis of the ETdA dimensions results, helping the Analyst in the decision making process regarding the ergonomic intervention. General guidelines for the use of ETdA model were established and a software was developed, ETdAnalyser. The ETdAnalyser main purpose is to help the analyst in the ETdA implementation, data analysis and report generation. The sustainability of ETdA model is clear in its realistic overview of the real work in CAFCP. Indeed, these areas are scenarios for different actors, and each one should be aware of the importance of ergonomic issues. ETdA model can also be seen as a model that will increase the population awareness for ergonomics. ETdA is a potential social instructive model, since the inclusion of clients’ dimension in the ergonomic analysis it is important to focus the clients’ attention towards the ergonomics issues. This will contribute to the spread of the knowledge on ergonomics. Clients’ dimension results can highlight some risky situations that otherwise could not be detected. This particular issue is useful to support the analyst decision when the professional and the Clients are in agreement. Considering the managements point of view, it seems easier to make organisational changes when the principal intervenient, client, has the same opinion of the analyst and/or the professional.O modelo de Análise Ergonómica Tridimensional (ETdA-Ergonomic Tri-dimensional Analysis) é uma nova abordagem ergonómica desenvolvida especificamente para análise ergonómica de áreas comerciais com livre circulação de pessoas. De acordo com a complexidade da tarefa analisada e o correspondente nível de automatização e de inter-relação do profissional com os vários níveis organizacionais, pode ser definido um ambiente de trabalho dinâmico. Esta situação verifica-se nas estruturas organizacionais mais recentes em que os clientes assumem um papel central estando intrinsecamente ligadas às políticas de desenvolvimento das mesmas. Da interação do profissional com o cliente em áreas comuns de livre circulação, considera-se que ambos podem ser igualmente expostos aos mesmos fatores de risco ergonómico. Pelo que, a gestão empresarial deverá concentrar os seus esforços não só na satisfação dos seus trabalhadores, como também no bem-estar dos clientes. Desta forma, e para otimizar o desempenho do sistema organizacional, as estratégias adotadas pelas organizações devem também considerar o bem-estar humano, constituindo este, o seu objetivo social. Todos os participantes da organização devem estar envolvidos nos processos de melhoria. No caso de áreas comuns com livre circulação de pessoas, os participantes identificados e que conjuntamente com o Analista farão a análise ergonómica, são os Profissionais e os Clientes, definindo assim as três dimensões da análise ergonómica. O desenvolvimento do modelo ETdA segue a tendência atual e futura da Ergonomia permitindo a participação de toda a organização na identificação de situações críticas. É um modelo de ação contínua que auxilia o ergonomista (Analista) na análise permitindo o diagnóstico das condições estudadas e a identificação dos fatores críticos. De acordo com a dimensão que faz a análise, diferentes instrumentos de observação são usados: um questionário para a dimensão dos Clientes, uma ficha de avaliação para a dimensão dos Profissionais e uma lista de verificação para a dimensão do Analista. Para efetuar a análise conjunta dos resultados das dimensões, são elaboradas tabelas de ponderação, permitindo a distribuição da classificação de cada categoria de resposta inerente a cada um dos domínios, numa escala que facilitará a construção do resultado final. A necessidade de elaborar tabelas de ponderação facilitará o trabalho final do ergonomista pois permite uma visão mais ampla e esquemática acerca das possíveis mudanças a implementar. Como resultado deste trabalho, são estabelecidas as orientações gerais para o uso do modelo ETdA bem como a aplicação informática, ETdAnalyser. O principal objetivo do ETdAnalyser é ajudar o Analista na implementação do modelo ETdA, na análise dos dados e na elaboração de relatórios. A utilização do modelo ETdA para análise ergonómica de áreas comuns com livre circulação de pessoas, permite ao Analista ter uma visão holística do problema identificado. Dado o envolvimento dos Clientes na análise, o modelo ETdA também pode ser visto como um instrumento que irá aumentar a consciencialização da população para as questões relacionadas com a ergonomia. Este facto contribuirá para a disseminação do conhecimento sobre ergonomia. Utilizar a opinião dos Clientes permite, por um lado, sensibilizá-los para as questões ergonómicas e, por outro lado, dar uma contribuição importante para a elaboração das propostas de mudança inerentes à intervenção ergonómica

    Weighting table : a broader view for the ergonomic intervention

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    The use of the Ergonomics Tridimensional Analysis (ETdA) methodology to perform the assessment of risk situations on areas commonly used by workers and clients allows a broader understanding of a system ergonomic approach. The final task of the ETdA is the establishment of a Weighting Table to support the analyst on the ergonomic intervention decisions. The decision-making process is based on a 3-point colored scale, identifying the situations requiring a short-term intervention, a mediumterm intervention or non-critical situations. In order to study the influence of the weights in decision making process a comparative study on results obtained from the Weighting Tables was done. The Ergonomic factors affected by the clients’ weight were assessed and each type of changes separately studied. Obtained results showed that increasing weights given to clients dimension can lead to different decision-makings regarding the ergonomic intervention

    Project management practices in private Portuguese organizations

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    Organizations are experiencing increasing pressure that is amplified by the current economic crises we are facing, where innovation, cost reduction, resource optimization, quality and customer satisfaction are increasingly even more important issues. Likewise, project management appears as a subject that has been growing over the years helping organizations to meet their goals, through the implementation of their projects, following good practices that are documented in various standards and methodologies. This research focuses on such practices. The goal was to find which are the most used project management tools and techniques in Portuguese Private Organizations and what factors influence their use

    Project management practices in private organizations

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    This article aims to make a contribution to theory, as well as to practice, by identifying which project management practices are used by most private organizations in general and by sector of activity. The influence of practitioners' characteristics in the choice of project management practices and their use in groups are also analyzed. The results show that the most used project management practices are kick-off meetings, activity lists, progress meetings, Gantt charts, and baseline plans; however, differences between activity sectors and practitioners' characteristics were found. The results also indicate that the most used project management practices are, in fact, used as toolsets.The authors received financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013

    Acoustic assessment and distribution of the main pelagic fish species in ICES Subdivision 9a South during the ECOCADIZ 2020-07 Spanish survey (August 2020)

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    The present working document summarises the main results obtained from the ECOCADIZ 2020-07 Spanish (pelagic ecosystem-) acoustic-trawl survey conducted by IEO between 01st and 14th August 2020 in the Portuguese and Spanish shelf waters (20-200 m isobaths) off the Gulf of Cadiz (GoC) onboard the R/V Miguel Oliver. The 21 foreseen acoustic transects were sampled. A total of 26 valid fishing hauls were carried out for echo-trace ground-truthing purposes. Four additional night trawls were conducted to collect anchovy hydrated females (DEPM-adult ad hoc sampling). Chub mackerel was the most frequent captured species in the fishing hauls, followed by mackerel, anchovy, horse mackerel, bogue, sardine, blue jack mackerel and Mediterranean horse mackerel. Round sardinella, longspine snipefish, Atlantic pomfret and transparent goby showed a very low occurrence, whereas the occurrence of boarfish and pearlside was incidental. Chub mackerel, anchovy and sardine showed the highest yields in these hauls. The estimate of total NASC allocated to the “pelagic fish species assemblage” has shown a slight decrease in relation to the historical records in 2018 and 2019, mainly caused by the regional decrease in Spanish waters. However, both total and regional estimates are still above their respective historical averages. Such estimates are the result of the relatively high acoustic contributions of anchovy, sardine (both mainly in Spanish waters), and chub mackerel (in Portuguese waters). GoC anchovy was widely distributed in the surveyed area, showing the highest densities between Cape Santa Maria and Bay of Cadiz. Anchovy acoustic estimates in summer 2020 were of 5153 million fish and 44 877 tones, with the bulk of the population occurring in the Spanish waters. The population was composed by fishes not older than 2 years, with age-0 fish contributing 75% of the total population. The largest (and oldest) fish were distributed in the westernmost waters and the smallest (and youngest) ones concentrated in the surroundings of the Guadalquivir river mouth and adjacent shallow waters. The current biomass estimate becomes in the second historical maximum within the time-series. GoC sardine distributed almost all over the surveyed area (avoiding the Spanish easternmost waters), but was mainly concentrated between west Cape Santa Maria and the Bay of Cadiz, especially in the Spanish central waters of the Gulf, where numerous dense mid-water schools were recorded in the coastal fringe (20-40 m depth). The estimates of sardine abundance and biomass in summer 2020 were 1923 million fish and 50 721 t, estimates close to the historical average, but lower than the values estimated last year and the most recent maxima reached in 2018. Although up to 5-year olds were recorded in the population, age-0 juveniles accounted for 71% of the total numbers, mainly occurring in relatively shallow waters along the coastal fringe comprised between Tinto-Odiel river mouth and the Bay of Cadiz. Chub mackerel was widely distributed in the surveyed area, mainly in the central and western shelf waters, although the highest densities occurred in the western Algarve. A total of 32 854 t and 448 million fish were estimated for Chub mackerel, estimates similar to the most recent ones and very close to the time-series average. Age-0 and age-1 groups were the dominant age groups and mainly occurring in the Portuguese waters. The oldest fish (3-5 years) occurred almost exclusively in Spanish water

    OPM3® Portugal project: information systems and technologies organizations: outcome analysis

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    Increasing the maturity in Project Management (PM) has become a goal for many organizations, leading them to adopt maturity models to assess the current state of its PM practices and compare them with the best practices in the industry where the organization is inserted. One of the main PM maturity models is the Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3®), developed by the Project Management Institute. This paper presents the Information Systems and Technologies organizations outcome analysis, of the assesses made by the OPM3® Portugal Project, identifying the PM processes that are “best” implemented in this particular industry and those in which it is urgent to improve. Additionally, a comparison between the different organizations’ size analyzed is presented

    Acoustic assessment and distribution of the main pelagic fish species in ICES Subdivision 9a South during the ECOCADIZ-RECLUTAS 2020-10 Spanish survey (October 2020)

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    The present working document summarises the main results obtained from the ECOCADIZ-RECLUTAS 2020-10 Spanish (pelagic ecosystem-) acoustic-trawl survey conducted by IEO between 02nd and 21st October 2020 in the Portuguese and Spanish shelf waters (20-200 m isobaths) off the Gulf of Cadiz (GoC) onboard the R/V Ramón Margalef. The survey’s main objective is the acoustic assessment of anchovy and sardine juveniles (age 0 fish) in the GoC recruitment areas. The 21 foreseen acoustic transects were sampled. A total of 22 valid fishing hauls were carried out for echo-trace ground-truthing purposes. Chub mackerel, anchovy, mackerel and sardine were the most frequent captured species in the fishing hauls, followed by bogue, horse mackerel, Mediterranean horse mackerel and blue jack mackerel. Boarfish, longspine snipefish and pearlside showed an incidental occurrence in the hauls performed in the surveyed area. Sardine, anchovy, chub mackerel and mackerel showed the highest yields. Total and regional estimates of total NASC allocated to the “pelagic fish species assemblage” in this survey become the historical records in their time-series. Such estimates are the result of the relatively high acoustic contributions of sardine (both in Portuguese and Spanish waters), anchovy (in Spanish waters), and chub mackerel (in Portuguese waters). GoC anchovy was widely distributed in the surveyed area, although higher densities were recorded between east of Cape Santa Maria and Bay of Cadiz. Anchovy acoustic estimates in autumn 2020, 36 070 t and 3197 million fish, showed a decrease in relation to the historical peak recorded the last year, but they were either close (abundance) or even higher (biomass) than the time-series average. The population was composed by fishes not older than 3 years. As usual, the bulk of the population, including juveniles, was located in Spanish waters. Age-0 anchovies accounted for 75% (2385 million) and 58% (21 060 t) of the total estimated abundance and biomass, respectively. Age-0 estimates experienced a similar decreasing trend than the one showed by the whole population in relation to the historical peak recorded the year before, but with values close to the time-series average. GoC sardine experienced a huge increase in autumn 2020, rising up to its time-series maximum and yielding 208 400 t and 5451 million fish, with similar regional contributions to the population and with the juveniles being located in the Spanish coastal waters. Age-6 group was the oldest age group in the population, although the occurrence of fishes older than 4 years was incidental. The population was mainly composed by fishes belonging to the age-0 to age-2 groups. Juvenile sardines (age-0 group) were the dominant group, accounting for 45% and 24% of the total abundance (2454 million) and biomass (49 259 t), respectively. This age-group also recorded its historical maximum in 2020. Chub mackerel estimates were of 22 918 t and 295 million fish, representing a slight decrease compared with the last year, but still above the time-series average. The population was composed by fishes not older than 3 years, with the age-1 group being the dominant one (73%, 216 million, and 75%, 17 082 t, of the total abundance and biomass). Age-0 fish was the second most important age group in the estimated population (17%, 51 million fish, and 12%, 2759 t, of the total abundance and biomass estimates). The bulk of the age-0 (73%) and age-1 groups (74%) was recorded in the Portuguese water