967 research outputs found

    Un model molecular que perfecciona processos industrials

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    Aconseguir que un procĂ©s industrial sigui ĂČptim, segur i net Ă©s una mica complex. DepĂšn de diversos factors tant externs com els que s'escapen als nostres ulls. Investigadors de la UAB intervenen en aquest nivell i segueixen de prop els fenĂČmens fĂ­sico-quĂ­mics dels materials industrials. En concret, intenten crear un model molecular que prevegi l'activitat del SF6, un gas sintĂštic de molta utilitat a la indĂșstria.Lograr que un proceso industrial sea Ăłptimo, seguro y limpio es un tanto complejo. Depende de varios factores tanto externos como los que se escapan a nuestros ojos. Investigadores de la UAB intervienen en este nivel y siguen de cerca los fenĂłmenos fĂ­sico- quĂ­micos de los materiales industriales. En concreto, intentan crear un modelo molecular que prevea la actividad del SF6, un gas sintĂ©tico de mucha utilidad en la industria

    Crossover soft-SAFT modelling of the CO2+NO2/N2O4 mixture

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    Accurate thermo-physical properties are mandatory for all industrial applications. However, experimental data are often scarce and models are needed for the estimation of properties. Such is the case in supercritical processes like the selective oxidation of vegetal macromolecules in mixture NO2/N2O4 – supercritical CO2 aiming at producing body-degradable polymers readily usable for inside body surgery. The so-called crossover soft-SAFT equation of state is used to model the pure compounds and the mixture. The quadrupolar effect is explicitly considered when modeling carbon dioxide, obtaining excellent agreement for the whole phase equilibrium diagram. NO2 is modeled as a self associating molecule with a single association site. Finally, CO2 and NO2 pure compound parameters are used to predict the vapor – liquid coexistence of the CO2 + NO2 / N2O4 mixture at different temperatures. Experimental pressure – CO2 mass fraction isotherms recently measured are used for comparison. Good agreement is obtained with the use of a unique binary parameter, independent of thermodynamic conditions, although more experimental data would be useful to conclude about the accuracy of the calculation

    Effect of Îł-ethyl-Îł-phenyl-butyrolactone (EFBL), anticonvulsant and hypnotic drug, on mouse brain catecholamine levels

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    γ-Ethyl-γ-phenyl-butyrolactone (EFBL) is a structural combination of the anticonvulsant γ-hydroxy-γ-ethyl-γ-phenylbutyramide (HEPB) and the hypnotic γ-butyrolactone (GBL), which inherits both properties. To clarify its mechanism of action, the effects of EFBL, GBL and HEPB on dopamine (DA) and noradrenaline (NA) brain levels were investigated. Influences of chlorpromazine, phenelzine and amino-oxyacetic acid were also studied. EFBL increased DA in a dose-dependent manner, remaining enhanced by 80 % over a period of 24 h and augmented NA by 54 % one hour after treatment. HEPB increased DA and NA approximately 2-fold after the first hour. GBL raised DA and NA after three and 24 h, resp. EFBL reversed chlorpromazine effects but potentiated those of phenelzine on DA. Amino-oxyacetic modified neither DA nor NA brain levels, not even in the presence of EFBL. The anticonvulsant and hypnotic properties of EFBL are attributed to its effect on presynaptic dopaminergic receptors and its lasting effect on ethyl and phenyl radicals that hinder its degradation. The results support the role of DA and NA in regulating seizure activity in the brain and indicate that EFBL offers a potential treatment for refractory epilepsy without complementary drugs and Parkinson’s disease, without the drawbacks of oral therapies

    Modeling the vapor-liquid equilibrium and association of nitrogen dioxide/dinitrogen tetroxide and its mixtures with carbon dioxide

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    We have used in this work the crossover soft-SAFT equation of state to model nitrogen dioxide/dinitrogen tetraoxide (NO2/N2O4), carbon dioxide (CO2) and their mixtures. The prediction of the vapor – liquid equilibrium of this mixture is of utmost importance to correctly assess the NO2 monomer amount that is the oxidizing agent of vegetal macromolecules in the CO2 + NO2 / N2O4 reacting medium under supercritical conditions. The quadrupolar effect was explicitly considered when modeling carbon dioxide, enabling to obtain an excellent description of the vapor-liquid equilibria diagrams. NO2 was modeled as a self associating molecule with a single association site to account for the strong associating character of the NO2 molecule. Again, the vapor-liquid equilibrium of NO2 was correctly modeled. The molecular parameters were tested by accurately predicting the very few available experimental data outside the phase equilibrium. Soft-SAFT was also able to predict the degree of dimerization of NO2 (mimicking the real NO2/N2O4 situation), in good agreement with experimental data. Finally, CO2 and NO2 pure compound parameters were used to predict the vapor – liquid coexistence of the CO2 + NO2 / N2O4 mixture at different temperatures. Experimental pressure – CO2 mass fraction isotherms recently measured were well described using a unique binary parameter, independent of the temperature, proving that the soft-SAFT model is able to capture the non-ideal behavior of the mixture

    MATGAS: a center of excellence on CO^2

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    Modulation of brain glutamate dehydrogenase as a tool for controlling seizures

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    Glutamate (Glu) is a major excitatory neurotransmitter involved in epilepsy. Glu is synthesized by glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH, E.C. and dysfunction of the enzymatic activity of GDH is associated with brain pathologies. The main goal of this work is to establish the role of GDH in the effects of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) such as valproate (VALP), diazepam (DIAZ) and diphenylhydantoin (DPH) and its repercussions on oxygen consumption. Oxidative deamination of Glu and reductive amination of α-ketoglutarate (K) in mice brain were investigated. Our results show that AEDs decrease GDH activity and oxygen consumption in vitro. In ex vivo experiments, AEDs increased GDH activity but decreased oxygen consumption during Glu oxidative deamination. VALP and DPH reversed the increase in reductive amination of K caused by the chemoconvulsant pentylenetetrazol. These results suggest that AEDs act by modulating brain GDH activity, which in turn decreases oxygen consumption. GDH represents an important regulation point of neuronal excitability, and modulation of its activity represents a potential target for metabolic treatment of epilepsy and for the development of new AEDs

    Thermodynamic properties and phase equilibria of branched chain fluids using first- and second-order Wertheim’s thermodynamic perturbation theory

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    We present an extension of the statistical associating fluid theory (SAFT) for branched chain molecules using Wertheim’s first- and second-order thermodynamic perturbation theory with a hard-sphere reference fluid (SAFT-B). Molecules are formed by hard spherical sites which are tangentially bonded. Linear chains are described as freely jointed monomeric units, whereas branched molecules are modeled as chains with a different number of articulation points, each of them formed by three arms. In order to calculate the vapor–liquid equilibria of the system, we have considered attractive interactions between the segments forming the chain at the mean-field level of van der Waals. The Helmholtz free energy due to the formation of the chain is explicitly separated into two contributions, one accounting for the formation of the articulation tetramer, and a second one due to the formation of the chain arms. The first term is described by the second-order perturbation theory of Phan et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 99, 5326 (1993)], which has been proven to predict the thermodynamic properties of linear chain fluids in a similar manner to Wertheim’s approach. The formation of the chain arms is calculated at Wertheim’s first-order perturbation level. The theory is used to study the effect of the chain architecture on the thermodynamic properties and phase equilibria of chain molecules. The equation predicts the general trends of the compressibility factor and vapor–liquid coexistence curve of the system with the branching degree, in qualitative agreement with molecular simulation results for similar models. Finally, SAFT-B is applied to predict the critical properties of selected light alkanes in order to assess the accuracy of the theory. Experimental trends of the critical temperature of branched alkanes are qualitatively captured by this simple theory.This work was supported by the Spanish Government under Project No. PB96-1025 and VI Plan Propio de Investigación de la Universidad de Huelva. One of the authors (F.J.B.) acknowledges a doctoral fellowship from Comisionat per a Universitats i Recerca from the Generalitat de Catalunya during the course of this wor

    Critical behavior and partial miscibility phenomena in binary mixtures of hydrocarbons by the statistical associating fluid theory

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    Predictions of critical lines and partial miscibility of binary mixtures of hydrocarbons have been made by using a modified version of the statistical associating fluid theory (SAFT). The so-called soft-SAFT equation of state uses the Lennard-Jones potential for the reference fluid, instead of the hard-sphere potential of the original SAFT, accounting explicitly for the repulsive and dispersive forces in the reference term. The mixture behavior is predicted once an adequate set of molecular parameters (segment size, dispersive energy, and chain length) of the pure fluid is available. We use two sets of such parameters. The first set is obtained by fitting to the experimental saturated liquid density and by equating the chemical potential in the liquid and vapor phases for a range of temperatures and pressures. The second set is obtained from the previous one, by rescaling the segment size and dispersive energy to the experimental critical temperature and pressure. Results obtained from the theory with these parameters are compared to experimental results of hydrocarbon binary mixtures. The first set gives only qualitative agreement with experimental critical lines, although the general trend is correctly predicted. The agreement is excellent, however, when soft-SAFT is used with the rescaled molecular parameters, showing the ability of SAFT to quantitatively predict the behavior of mixtures. The equation is also able to predict transitions from complete to partial miscibility in binary mixtures containing methane.It is a pleasure to thank Dr. Allan D. Mackie, Dr. Josep Bonet-A ÂŽ valos and Dr. Jorge Herna ÂŽ ndez-Cobos for helpful discussions. This work was supported by DGICyT ~ PB96- 1025 ! . One of us ~ F.J.B. ! has a doctoral fellowship from Comisionat per a Universitats i Recerca from the Generalitat de Catalunya. The financial support of this fellowship is gratefully acknowledged
