15 research outputs found

    Acumulação capitalista, Estado e reprodução de força de trabalho: o trato teórico-metodológico da política social

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    Resumo: Esse artigo de cunho qualitativo, de caráter exploratório e descritivo que se alicerça em uma revisão bibliográfica tem o objetivo de analisar o modo de produção capitalista, como acontece o processo de acumulação e reprodução e as inflexões para o papel do estado e da política social, a ênfase é nos períodos marcado por crises que provocam transformações societárias que impactam o mundo do trabalho e das relações sociais. O método crítico-dialético utilizado nessa pesquisa se debruça sobre as categorias mediação, historicidade e dialética com o propósito de desvendar a realidade para além da aparência e aprofundar as análises sobre o capitalismo. Como resultados apontamos que as crises capitalistas provocadas por suas próprias contradições o tem dimensionado o trato teórico-metodológico da política social. Capitalist accumulation, State and workforce reproduction: the theoretical and methodological treatment of the social policy Abstract: This qualitative nature of an article, exploratory and descriptive character which is based on a literature review aims to analyze the capitalist mode of production, as the process of accumulation and reproduction and inflections to the role of the state and social policy, the emphasis is in periods marked by crises that cause societal changes that impact the world of work and social relations. The critical-dialectical method used in this research focuses on the categories mediation, historicity and dialectics in order to unravel the reality beyond appearance and deepen the analysis of capitalism. The results point out that the capitalist crisis caused by its own contradictions has scaled the theoretical-methodological treatment of social policy

    Maternal protein restriction during pregnancy affects gene expression and immunolocalization of intestinal nutrient transporters in rats

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    Abstract Intrauterine dietary restriction may cause changes in the functioning of offspring organs and systems later in life, an effect known as fetal programming. The present study evaluated mRNA abundance and immunolocalization of nutrient transporters as well as enterocytes proliferation in the proximal, median and distal segments of small intestine of rats born to protein-restricted dams. Pregnant rats were fed hypoproteic (6 % protein) or control (17 % protein) diets, and offspring rats were evaluated at 3 and 16 weeks of age. The presence of SGLT1 (sodium-glucose co-transporter 1), GLUT2 (glucose transporter 2), PEPT1 (peptide transporter 1) and the intestinal proliferation were evaluated by immunohistochemical techniques and the abundance of specific mRNA for SGLT1, GLUT2 and PEPT1 was assessed by the real-time PCR technique. Rats born to protein-restricted dams showed higher cell proliferation in all intestinal segments and higher gene expression of SGLT1 and PEPT1 in the duodenum. Moreover, in adult animals born to protein-restricted dams the immunoreactivity of SGLT1, GLUT2 and PEPT1in the duodenum was more intense than in control rats. Taken together, the results indicate that changes in the small intestine observed in adulthood can be programmed during the gestation. In addition, they show that this response is caused by both up-regulation in transporter gene expression, a specific adaptation mechanism, and intestinal proliferation, an unspecific adaptation mechanism

    Nivel de conocimientos en salud bucal de las madres y su relación con el estado de salud bucal del niño menor de cinco años de edad

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    The aim of this study was to determine the level of knowledge on oral health of mothers and their relationship with oral health status of their children under five years old, who were admitted to hospitals of Ministry of Health (MINSA) and Social Security (ESSALUD). Were taken into consideration ethical standards. This is an analytical and cross-sectional study. The sample consisted of mothers with children under five years of age (n 143). Was used not randomized quota sampling. Was applied a structured questionnaire to collect information about the level of mother´s knowledge on oral health and a diagnostic sheet for oral health status of children under five. Clinical examination was performed with artifitial light, using epidemiological indices: Dental Caries Index (dmft), and the Simplified Oral Hygiene Index by Greene-Vermillion (OHI-S). There was no significant association between level of knowledge on oral health who have mothers with the oral health status of children under five years of age (p 0.16). Mothers had knowledge among regular and good in 77.6 % however this was not reflected in the oral health of children. Was concluded that it should work a program with emphasis on promoting preventive promotional positive attitudes towards oral health care from an early age not only to ensure the spacing of permanent teeth, but also to ensure the child’s feeding and their growth and bio-psycho-social development.El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el nivel de conocimientos sobre salud bucal de las madres de familia y su relacion con el estado de salud bucal del niño menor de cinco años de edad, que acude a establecimientos hospitalarios del Ministerio de Salud (MINSA) y Seguro Social (ESSALUD), teniendo en consideración los criterios y normas éticas establecidas; siendo un estudio de tipo analítico transversal. La muestra estuvo constituida por madres con sus hijos menores de cinco años de edad (n 143). El tipo de muestreo fue no probabilística por cuotas. Se aplicó una encuesta estructurada para la recolección de información del nivel de conocimientos sobre salud bucal de las madres de familia y ficha de diagnóstico del estado de la salud bucal del niño menor de cinco años, que fueron examinados clínicamente a luz artificial, utilizando los índices epidemiológicos de: Caries Dental (ceo-d), Placa bacteriana (Greene y Vermillion. IHO-S). No se halló asociacion significativa entre el nivel de conocimientos sobre salud bucal que poseen las madres, con el estado de salud bucal del niño menor de cinco años de edad (p 0,16). Si bien las madres poseen conocimientos entre regular y bueno en un 77.6 %, estos no son aplicados adecuadamente, por lo que se debe trabajar dando énfasis en todo programa preventivo promocional para propiciar actitudes positivas hacia el cuidado de la salud bucal, desde temprana edad, resaltando el rol que cumple la dentición temporal, no solo para garantizar el espacio de los dientes permanentes, sino mucho más como es la alimentación del niño y el rol que juega para su buen crecimiento y desarrollo bio-psico-social, logrando así estilos de vida adecuados