52 research outputs found

    Catherine Armstrong, Landscape and Identity in North America’s Southern Colonies from 1660 to 1745

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    In her monograph, Catherine Armstrong takes up the old but still debated and still unresolved historiographical question of the potential existence before the Independence of the United States of an American identity different from an English or a British one. Her contention is that traces of this other identity were visible in colonial times “culturally” (11) speaking. Her research is a contribution to Atlantic history as she focuses on “cultural transfer” (11) and reflects on the hybridity ..

    Catherine Armstrong, Landscape and Identity in North America’s Southern Colonies from 1660 to 1745

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    In her monograph, Catherine Armstrong takes up the old but still debated and still unresolved historiographical question of the potential existence before the Independence of the United States of an American identity different from an English or a British one. Her contention is that traces of this other identity were visible in colonial times “culturally” (11) speaking. Her research is a contribution to Atlantic history as she focuses on “cultural transfer” (11) and reflects on the hybridity ..

    Publier sur la Révolution américaine en France (1778-1788) : Entre diplomatie culturelle et censure monarchique

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    Cet article propose une Ă©tude des conditions de rĂ©daction et de publication des ouvrages Ă©crits en français sur la RĂ©volution amĂ©ricaine pendant les annĂ©es 1780. Ce corpus, nĂ©gligĂ© jusqu’à prĂ©sent par les historiens, comprend des textes soumis pour rĂ©vision aux diplomates amĂ©ricains en poste en Europe. Or, ces collaborations relativement peu Ă©tudiĂ©es permettent de rĂ©Ă©valuer ce moment franco-amĂ©ricain. Il en est de mĂȘme des Archives de la Librairie française qui contiennent les rapports des censeurs sur ces ouvrages, dont la plupart ont bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d’une permission tacite pour circuler en France. Il ressort de la consultation de ces documents que les critiques Ă  l’encontre des institutions françaises ont Ă©tĂ© secondaires pour Vergennes, Ă  condition qu’elles ne fussent pas Ă©rigĂ©es en systĂšme thĂ©orique. Ces sources suggĂšrent que ces Ă©crits sur la RĂ©volution amĂ©ricaine ne peuvent plus ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©s uniquement en termes de « propagande », comme le faisait Durand Echeverria, mais mĂ©ritent d’ĂȘtre intĂ©grĂ©s Ă  une histoire intellectuelle atlantique ou transatlantique de l’ùre des rĂ©volutions.This article focuses on the writing and publication in the 1780s of books in French about the American Revolution. The corpus, which has, until now, been neglected by historians, includes texts that were revised by American diplomats appointed in Europe. These collaborations, not yet studied in any depth, may lead us to reappraise this Franco-American moment. The same is true of the Archives of the Royal Office of Books which contain censors’ reports concerning these writings, the great majority of which were tacitly authorized to circulate in France. They reveal that the criticisms levelled at French institutions were secondary in Vergennes’ eyes, provided they were not turned into a theoretical system. The sources suggest that such texts should not be seen merely in terms of “propaganda” as Durand Echeverria did, but that they should instead become part of an Atlantic or transatlantic intellectual history of the Age of Revolutions

    Le Journal de Gouverneur Morris pendant la RĂ©volution française. Tome premier (1789)

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    Gouverneur (de son prĂ©nom) Morris, avocat et homme d’affaires new-yorkais Ă  la jambe de bois, membre de la Convention de Philadelphie en 1787, sĂ©journe en France de 1789 Ă  1794, tout d’abord pour des motifs personnels, avant d’ĂȘtre nommĂ© ministre plĂ©nipotentiaire par George Washington en janvier 1792. Le journal qu’il rĂ©dige assidument pendant son sĂ©jour français est une source importante pour ceux qui Ă©tudient l’ùre des RĂ©volutions. Aux États-Unis, le regain d’intĂ©rĂȘt pour ce PĂšre fondateur ..

    Du role des esterases en therapeutique.

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    Diss. Parijs.OPLADEN-RUG0

    A universal model for solar radiation exergy accounting: Case study of Tunisia

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    The global solar radiation is the origin for all environmental processes on the earth and the majority of energy sources are derived from it. The data of solar radiation are required for the design and the study of solar application systems. The more important is the quality of the solar radiation which is defined by the maximum work can be provided by the solar radiation. This quality is measured by the exergy content of a solar radiation. In the present work, a universal pattern has been built to provide a prediction of solar exergy dependently to the geographic location. Fitting models have been developed for exergy account depending on geographic location, based on the linear, quadratic, cubic, logarithmic, exponential, power regression. The Petela model is adopted from literature for exergetic efficiency accounting of solar radiation. The global solar radiation according to ASHRAE model is expressed dependently of the cosine of zenith angle. The developed model is applied on Tunisia regions to predict exergy solar potential. The studied regions are classified regarding the exergy account, high, medium and low solar exergy locations. Results show that generally the solar radiation shows a low degree of exergy content, about 7% of difference

    What inhibits and promotes work with sustainability in business in a medium-sized Norwegian municipality?

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    Master in Business Administration (MBA) - Nord universitet 202
