60 research outputs found

    Stock assessment and population dynamics of Senegal Jack, Caranx senegallus Cuvier, 1833, from industrial fishery of Cote d’Ivoire (West Africa)

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    Monthly data of C. senegallus length composition, was recorded from the continental shelf of Côte d’Ivoire from March 2016 to February 2018. The population parameters such as length-frequency distribution, length-weight relationship, growth, mortality, exploitation ratio and length at first capture of this species were investigated to get information for effective management of this fish, by applying Beverton and Holt (1957), virtual population analysis (VPA), using the FISAT Tool II. The lengthfrequency distribution of 804 samples showed polymodal distribution. The folk length ranged from 16.10 to 47.00 cm with a mean equal to 25.68 ± 0.23 cm. The statistical analysis shows that the combined sexes (“b” = 2.9793), and male (“b” = 3.0199) growth is isometric. However, female (“b” = 2.9489) growth is negative allometric. The estimated growth parameters were: FL ∞ = 51.45 cm, K = 0.46 year-1 and t0 = -0.31 year-1. The length at first capture was 19.04 cm (FL). The current exploitation rate (E = 0.33), was lower than the optimum level (E = 0.36). VPA indicate that the fish which die by natural mortality are higher than those which die by fishing mortality. These results show that the current stock of C. senegallus is not overexploited. Keywords: Carangidae, Caranx senegallus, Stock, Population parameters, Fishery   English Title: Gestion des stocks et dynamique des populations du carangue du sénégal, caranx Senegallus Cuvier, 1833, de la pêche industrielle de côte d’ivoire (Afrique de l’ouest) Les données mensuelles sur la composition en taille de C. senegallus, ont été enregistrées sur le plateau continental de la Côte d’Ivoire entre mars 2016 et février 2018. Les paramètres de population tels que la distribution des fréquences de taille, la relation longueur-poids, la croissance, la mortalité, le taux d’exploitation et la taille de première capture de cette espèce ont été étudiés pour obtenir des informations permettant une gestion efficace du stock de ce poisson, par la méthode de Beverton et Holt (1957) et l’analyse de population virtuelle, grâce au logiciel FISAT II. La distribution des fréquences de taille de 804 individus a montré une distribution polymodale. La longueur à la fourche variait de 16,10 à 47,00 cm avec une moyenne égale à 25,68 ± 0,23 cm. L’analyse statistique montre que la croissance des sexes combinée (“b” = 2,9793) et des mâles (“b” =  3,0199) est isométrique. Tandis que, la croissance des femelles (“b” = 2,9489) est allométrique négative. Les paramètres de croissance estimés ont  été les suivants : FL ∞ = 51,45 cm, K = 0,46 an-1 et t0 = - 0,31 an-1. La longueur à la première capture a été de 19,04 cm (FL). Le taux d’exploitation  actuel (E = 0,33), était inférieur au niveau optimal (E = 0,36). L’Analyse des Populations Virtuelles indique que les poissons qui meurent par mortalité naturelle sont plus élevés que ceux qui meurent par mortalité par pêche. Ces résultats montrent que le stock actuel de C. senegallus n’est pas  surexploité. Mots clés : Carangidae, Caranx senegallus, Stock, Paramètres des populations, Pêcheri

    Macronutrient composition of three cucurbit species cultivated for seed consumption in Côte d’Ivoire

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    Dry seeds from three indigenous cucurbits [Citrullus lanatus var. citroides (Thumb.) Matsum. & Nakai.,Cucumeropsis mannii Naudin, and Cucumis melo var. agrestis L.] largely cultivated in Côte d’Ivoire andconsumed as sauce thickeners were analyzed for their proximate composition and compared to a locallandrace of peanut (Arachis hypogae L.). The protein contents were 29.23±1.74, 36±2.17, 29.55±2.09, and24.79±0.44% for C. lanatus, C. mannii, C. melo, and A. hypogaea, respectively. The highest estimates offat content was observed with C. lanatus (56.67±4.90%) followed in decreased order by the peanut(48.17±1.60%), C. mannii (45.89±4.73%), and C. melo (42.67±3.43%). The carbohydrate content for C.lanatus was 9.87±3.52% and C. mannii and C. melo had 13.86±3.64 and 23.18±4.80%, respectively. C.melo was then the highest in carbohydrate content whereas A. hypogaea has the lowest value(6.39±2.66%). The crude fibre contents for C. lanatus, C. mannii, and C. melo averaged 2.87±1.07,2.30±0.85, and 2.94±0.75%, respectively. The three cucurbit species were markedly low in fibre value,compared to the analyzed peanut (17.14±3.82%). As expected on the basis of several published data,ash content of seeds from indigenous cucurbits was generally low: 1.33±0.52% (C. lanatus), 2.50±1.38%(C. mannii), and 1.67±0.82% (C. melo)

    Calcium rubies: A family of red-emitting functionalizable indicators suitable for two-photon Ca2+ imaging

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    We designed Calcium Rubies, a family of functionalizable BAPTA-based red-fluorescent calcium (Ca2+) indicators as new tools for biological Ca2+ imaging. The specificity of this Ca2+-indicator family is its side arm, attached on the ethylene glycol bridge that allows coupling the indicator to various groups while leaving open the possibility of aromatic substitutions on the BAPTA core for tuning the Ca2+-binding affinity. Using this possibility we now synthesize and characterize three different CaRubies with affinities between 3 and 22 μM. Their long excitation and emission wavelengths (peaks at 586/604 nm) allow their use in otherwise challenging multicolor experiments, e.g., when combining Ca2+ uncaging or optogenetic stimulation with Ca2+ imaging in cells expressing fluorescent proteins. We illustrate this capacity by the detection of Ca2+ transients evoked by blue light in cultured astrocytes expressing CatCh, a light-sensitive Ca2+-translocating channelrhodopsin linked to yellow fluorescent protein. Using time-correlated single-photon counting, we measured fluorescence lifetimes for all CaRubies and demonstrate a 10-fold increase in the average lifetime upon Ca2+ chelation. Since only the fluorescence quantum yield but not the absorbance of the CaRubies is Ca2+-dependent, calibrated two-photon fluorescence excitation measurements of absolute Ca2+ concentrations are feasible. © 2012 American Chemical Society

    Technology-mediated participatory and performative artistic expressions as social educational tools

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    This paper examines the role of participatory, performative forms of art that incorporate new media technologies as educational tools, in a wider social context. In particular, using paradigms from technology-based artistic performative and participatory expressions, the research underlines the importance of technology in diminishing the passive role of the viewers and focuses in alternative forms of educational experiences and social memory transmission. Herein the historical continuity of participatory notions is depicted from primitive cultures to the contemporary paradigm of the work of Rafael Lozano Hemmer, and from the Brechtian Epic theatre to the ritual performances of Joseph Beuys. In this context educational theories are presented focusing on the acquisition of knowledge through the notions of interactivity, participation and the experience of social space itself. Furthermore, through Connertons’ idea of performance as an act of ritual remembering, these kinds of events that represent artistic expressions are being regarded as ritual acts that interpret and transmit the knowledge of the past and the present. The paper concludes that participation and performativity, which have emerged through the use of technology, transform these kind of contemporary art forms to educational rituals. Copyright © 2018 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) DCAC 2018

    Longitudinal changes in lung function following initiation of lumacaftor/ivacaftor combination

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    Background: The combination of lumacaftor and ivacaftor (LUM/IVA) is a recently approved CFTR modulator treatment for homozygous F508del CF patients. Our study aimed at evaluating the change in the rate of lung function decline after one-year treatment with LUM/IVA. Methods: The study evaluated patients homozygous for F508del, 12 to 23 years old. All had been treated for one year with LUM/IVA. The collected data included the percent predicted values of FEV1 (ppFEV1) and FVC (ppFVC), and the FEV1/FVC ratio (FEV1/FVC), that corresponded to 12, 24, and 36 months prior to, and 12 months after the initiation of LUM/IVA; also, the 3 highest values of the ppFEV1 (and the corresponding ppFVC, and FEV1/FVC) for the periods 0-12 months, 12-24 months, and 24-36 months prior to as well as the 12-month period after the initiation of LUM/IVA. The baseline lung function was estimated before the commencement of the drug. Data were analyzed longitudinally with generalized estimating equations models and continuous linear splines. A single knot was used that corresponded to the time point of LUM/IVA initiation. Results: Fifty-two patients were analyzed. The multivariate longitudinal analysis of spirometric indices with linear splines demonstrated a significant change in the slopes of ppFEV1 and ppFVC decline, reflecting a significant improvement after the initiation of LUM/IVA treatment. Conclusions: In this real-world study, lung function improved over a relatively short time period of only one year, after the commencement of LUM/IVA. © 2019 Elsevier Lt

    Differentiating vocal cord dysfunction from asthma

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    Andrew Fretzayas,1,2 Maria Moustaki,3 Ioanna Loukou,3 Konstantinos Douros4 1Third Department of Pediatrics, Athens University Medical School, “Attikon” University Hospital, Haidari, Greece; 2Athens Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics, Marousi, Greece; 3Department of Cystic Fibrosis, “Aghia Sofia”, Children’s Hospital, Athens, Greece; 4Respiratory Unit, Third Department of Pediatrics, Athens University Medical School, “Attikon” University Hospital, Haidari, Greece Abstract: Vocal cord dysfunction (VCD)-associated symptoms are not rare in pediatric patients. Dyspnea, wheezing, stridor, chest pain or tightness and throat discomfort are the most commonly encountered symptoms. They may occur either at rest or more commonly during exercise in patients with VCD, as well as in asthmatic subjects. The phase of respiration (inspiration rather than expiration), the location of the wheezing origin, the rapid resolution of symptoms, and the timing occurring in relation to exercise, when VCD is exercise induced, raise the suspicion of VCD in patients who may have been characterized as merely asthmatics and, most importantly, had not responded to the appropriate treatment. The gold standard method for the diagnosis of VCD is fiberoptic laryngoscopy, which may also identify concomitant laryngeal abnormalities other than VCD. However, as VCD is an intermittent phenomenon, the procedure should be performed while the patient is symptomatic. For this reason, challenges that induce VCD symptoms should be performed, such as exercise tests. Recently, for the evaluation of patients with exercise-induced VCD, continuous laryngoscopy during exercise (such as treadmill, bicycle ergometer, swimming) was used. A definite diagnosis of VCD is of importance, especially for those patients who have been erroneously characterized as asthmatics, without adequate response to treatment. In these cases, another therapeutic approach is necessary, which will depend on whether they suffer solely from VCD or from both conditions. Keywords: asthma, children, laryngoscopy, vocal cord dysfunction, inducible laryngeal obstruction, ILO, continuous laryngoscopy exercise test, CL

    The links between allergen exposure and sensitization in children and adolescents: an overview for the clinician

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    Introduction: The links between allergen exposure and sensitization are complex and depend not only on the type of allergen but on various genetic and environmental factors. Areas covered: This review discusses the link between allergen exposure and atopic sensitization for different types of allergens and the factors that mediate or affect this link. For the purposes of this review search of PubMed was undertaken to identify English language articles using the terms ‘sensitization’ and ‘allergen exposure’ and ‘children/or adolescents.’ Expert opinion: Regarding food sensitization, the available data for peanuts and eggs suggest that there is a window period between 4 and 6 months of age when the introduction of these foods may limit sensitization and clinically overt allergy to the respective foods. As far as it concerns aeroallergens, it seems that there is a complex and variable relationship between mite exposure and specific sensitization especially if the exposure occurs early in life. Early exposure to dog allergens does not seem to be associated with specific sensitization; regarding cats, the results are still inconsistent. Several factors may mediate the relationship between early exposure to allergens and the development of sensitization or clinical allergy. © 2022 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group