2,899 research outputs found

    The role of health consciousness, food safety concern and ethical identity on attitudes and intentions towards organic food

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    The paper examines the roles of health consciousness, food safety concern and ethical self identity in predicting attitudes and purchase intention within the context of organic produce. A conceptual model is derived and tested via structural equation modelling. Findings indicate food safety as the most important predictor of attitude while health consciousness appears to be the least important motive in contrast to findings from some previous research. In addition, ethical self identity is found to predict both attitudes and intention to purchase organic produce emphasizing that respondents’ identification with ethical issues affects their attitudes and subsequent consumption choices

    A systematic review of the efficacy of alcohol warning labels:Insights from qualitative and quantitative research in the new millennium

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    Purpose The placement of warning labels on alcoholic beverages is a policy area with renewed interest, yet a strong evidence base regarding the efficacy of text-based or pictorial warning labels has still to emerge. Increased interest by policymakers has spurred research into potential alcohol warning label designs and messages. The purpose of this article is to draw together recearch in the alcohol warnings literature. Design/methodology/approach The current study seeks to review research that has sought to examine the effectiveness of alcohol warning labels. Searches for English-language articles (since 2000) using the terms “alcohol” and “warning label*” were conducted in 2015 across four databases (Web of Science, PubMed, PsycInfo and Cochrane). Articles were included if they empirically assessed the effectiveness and/or design of alcohol warning labels. Only studies that addressed the targeted individual consumer (consistent with downstream social marketing) were included. A narrative analysis approach was used for the 15 articles identified. Findings Findings are reported on five themes covering the design of the warning, starting with the use of imagery or recommendations, followed by a focus on the warning messages and whether they are specific, use signal words and are based on qualitative or quantitative information. Research limitations/implications Overall, there was little consistency in approach and measures, with very limited research having explored the potential of pictorial warning labels. Numerous research gaps are identified; thus, much more research is needed in this area. The evidence base is weak and caution is needed by policymakers regarding the introduction and implementation of alcohol warning labels. Limitations are discussed. Originality/value The review provides a timely up-to-date evaluation of the alcohol warning labels literature that has seen a recent resurgence but has not been critically reviewed. </jats:sec

    'Har vi hatt leksehjelp nÄ?' Sosial utjevning nÄr alle skal med

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    I en kompleks verden fĂ„r tiltak og ordninger ofte andre virkninger enn planlagt, fordi det skjer uforutsette ting i omgivelsene. Det kan ogsĂ„ vĂŠre paradokser innebygd i den enkelte ordning som gjĂžr at resultatene ikke blir som forutsatt. I sĂ„ fall kan selve implementeringen av ordningen preges av dilemmaer som mĂ„ lĂžses gjennom prioriteringer og kompromisser. I 2010 innfĂžrte regjeringen rett til leksehjelp for alle barn i grunnskolens 1.-4. trinn. Vi ser i denne artikkelen nĂŠrmere pĂ„ hvordan ordningen ble implementert og praktisert pĂ„ fire skoler, og spĂžr hva som skjer nĂ„r man i skolen skal nĂ„ frem til alle elever med det samme tilbudet, og samtidig bidra til Ă„ utjevne sosiale forskjeller mellom dem. I artikkelen gir vi en kort bakgrunn for innfĂžringen av leksehjelpsordningen, og viser hvordan den tolkes ulikt av ulike aktĂžrer. Vi avdekket at leksehjelpsordningen bĂŠrer i seg en spenning mellom det Ă„ skulle ”favne om alle elever” og samtidig ”bidra til sosial utjevning”. Lokale tilpasninger til dette spenningsforholdet resulterte i svĂŠrt ulik praksis i skolene. De Ăžkonomiske rammene for ordningen ga ikke rom for bĂ„de hĂžy voksentetthet og hĂžy pedagogisk kompetanse i leksehjelpen. Dermed mĂ„tte skolene velge og tilpasse sine valg i spenningsfeltet mellom disse godene etter hva som framsto som mulig Ă„ fĂ„ til, og hvilke hensyn som var viktigst i den lokale konteksten. I artikkelen viser vi hvordan disse forskjellene kan forklares som resultater av valg og prioriteringer som gir ulike praktiske lĂžsninger pĂ„ ordningens innebygde paradoks
