1,233 research outputs found

    Ius in Bello under Islamic International Law

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    In 1966, Judge Jessup of the International Court of Justice pointed out that the appearance of an English translation of the teaching on the ‘Islamic law of nations’ of an eighth-century Islamic jurist (Shaybānī) is particularly timely and of so much interest because of the debate over the question whether the international law, of which Hugo Grotius is often called the father, is so completely Western-European in inspiration and outlook as to make it unsuitable for universal application in the context of a much wider and more varied international community of States. However, there has been little analysis of the role of Islam in shaping the modern European law of war and its progeny, international humanitarian law. This article argues that there is a room for the contribution of the Islamic civilisation within international humanitarian law and a conversation between different civilisations is needed in developing and applying international humanitarian law norms

    Unleashing the robotic dogs of war : what implications does the use of unmanned predator drones for targeted killing have on the interpretation, application and formation of international law?

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    Includes abstract.~Includes bibliographical references.The thesis aims to establish the highest possible standards under international law to regulate the use of drones. It therefore seeks to suggest ways by which greater certainty and clarity can be brought to the law by determining which specific normative regime - selfdefence, humanitarian law or human rights - is most appropriate for the circumstance in which targeted killing is contemplated

    Masyumi's "Djihad dan Qitaal" and Islamic Laws of War: Ahead of Its Time?

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    During the post-independence wars in Indonesia, Masyumi’s “Djihad dan Qitaal” was a book serving as a guide for the laskar (Islamic militia) in conducting jihad against those who were attempting to re-conquer Indonesia, including the Dutch and the British forces. We utilize literature research and interviews (obtaining secondary data) to examine the extent of this book’s contribution in terms of legal scholarship, particularly in the context of its historical setting (1945-1948). This research first explores the significance of “Djihad dan Qitaal” during the post-independence wars among the laskar. Second, we explore both the Islamic laws of war (fiqh al-jihad ) and the International Humanitarian Law (IHL) applicable at that time. We find that Djihad dan Qitaal” was a very important book during the war, at least in two things. First, Masyumi’s “Djihad dan Qitaal” is an important war manual used by the laskar during the post-independence wars, and it teaches Islamic laws of war as well as strengthens the spirit of jihad. Second, despite the conciseness of the book, the Islamic laws of war explained have prescribed and encouraged restraint in warfare in a way that fulfills the purpose of IHL, and is sometimes even more advanced than the IHL applicable at that timeDuring the post-independence wars in Indonesia, Masyumi’s “Djihad dan Qitaal” was a book serving as a guide for the laskar (Islamic militia) in conducting jihad against those who were attempting to re-conquer Indonesia, including the Dutch and the British forces. We utilize literature research and interviews (obtaining secondary data) to examine the extent of this book’s contribution in terms of legal scholarship, particularly in the context of its historical setting (1945-1948). This research first explores the significance of “Djihad dan Qitaal” during the post-independence wars among the laskar. Second, we explore both the Islamic laws of war (fiqh al-jihad ) and the International Humanitarian Law (IHL) applicable at that time. We find that Djihad dan Qitaal” was a very important book during the war, at least in two things. First, Masyumi’s “Djihad dan Qitaal” is an important war manual used by the laskar during the post-independence wars, and it teaches Islamic laws of war as well as strengthens the spirit of jihad. Second, despite the conciseness of the book, the Islamic laws of war explained have prescribed and encouraged restraint in warfare in a way that fulfills the purpose of IHL, and is sometimes even more advanced than the IHL applicable at that tim


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    Latihan tempur Angkatan Bersenjata sangat diperlukan untuk membangun militer yang kuat, namun jika dilakukan secara kontinyu dalam waktu lama akan menimbulkan kerusakan lingkungan alam. Karenanya latihan tempur harus ramah lingkungan dan memperhatikan alat serta cara berperang baik pada saat maupun setelah pelaksanaan latihan. Penelitian normatif ini menganalisis elemen materiil dan psikologis berupa aturan nasional dan kebijakan yang berkaitan dengan latihan tempur TNI. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa elemen hukum kebiasaan humaniter internasional telah diinternalisasikan dalam aturan internal TNI, namun masih memerlukan aturan pelaksanaan pada tingkat taktis-operasional

    Taking care to protect the environment against damage: A meaningless obligation?

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    Little attention is paid to the obligation of 'care' in Article 55(1) of Additional Protocol I. Beyond a general principle of upholding environmental value in times of armed conflict, what is the scope and content of the obligation? If it is worthless, what makes it so? Since the care provision includes the same high threshold of harm found elsewhere in the environmental provisions, has this stumbling block now been removed by state practice? Rule 44 of the Customary Law Study might appear to suggest that this is so, or does it? Ultimately then, is the care obligation worth caring about? © Copyright International Committee of the Red Cross 2010

    Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Tahanan Administrasi Atau Interniran pada Situasi Konflik Bersenjata Non Internasional

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    Salah satu bentuk perampasankebebasan pada konflik bersenjatanon internasional adalah interniratau penahanan administrasi.Penahanan ini di dasarkan padaadanya ancaman terhadapkeamanan negara atau keamanannegara memerlukannya. Meskipunbentuk penahanan ini disebutkandalam Protokol Tambahan II tahun1977 Mengenai konflik bersenjatanon internasional, namun Protokoltidak mengatur lebih lanjut secarakomprehensif mengenai penahananini. Hal tersebut mengakibatkanlemahnya perlindungan hukum bagitahanan. Guna mengisi kekosongantersebut dapat digunakaninstrument hukum kebiasaanhumaniter internasional dan hukumhak asasi manusia.Kata Kunci : Interniran, konflik bersenjat