321 research outputs found

    Faculty Recital

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    Etude des fonctions cellulaires de SAMHD1, facteur de restriction du VIH-1

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    Understanding host pathogen interactions reveals not only important information regarding the replication cycle of the pathogen but it often leads to the discovery and better understanding of key biological processes of the host. The aim of my PhD was to decipher the cellular functions of the HIV-1 restriction factor SAMHD1.SAMHD1 (SAM domain and HD domain-containing protein 1) is expressed in most human tissues. This protein is able to hydrolyze cellular deoxyribonucleotides triphosphate (dNTP) and possesses a nuclease activity primarily against single stranded RNA.Mutations in SAMHD1 have been described in patients suffering from an auto-immune disease causing premature death of newborns. This phenotype suggests a role of SAMHD1 in the control of immune response. Moreover, SAMHD1 restricts HIV-1 in non-cycling cells. The HIV-2 accessory protein Vpx induces SAMHD1 degradation by the proteasome, conferring cell permissiveness to HIV.In fact, the antiviral activity of SAMHD1 has been extended to other viruses including Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and Hepatitis B virus. Nevertheless, the mechanism by which SAMHD1 restrict HIV replication is debated. It was initially thought to act by depleting the dNTP pool but recent studies highlighted a potential role of SAMHD1 nuclease function in degrading HIV-1 genomic RNA.Many studies aiming at understanding the antiviral activity of SAMHD1 are being pursued, whereas little is known about the cellular function of this protein. The fact that SAMHD1 is able to regulate the cellular dNTP pool and to interact with nucleic acids suggests a key role of this protein in cellular processes, such as DNA replication and repair.During my PhD, I showed that SAMHD1 modulates the cell cycle, as the overexpression of this protein slows down cell proliferation. I also observed that SAMHD1 overexpression increases cellular sensitivity to double strand DNA breaks-inducing agents. Moreover I discovered that, after double strand breaks induction, SAMHD1 is specifically regulated by phosphorylation on its threonine 592 and recruited at the damaged sites.Other studies confirmed the importance of SAMHD1 regulation along the cell cycle as its overexpression and depletion both decrease cell proliferation. In addition to my observations, some studies suggested that SAMHD1 is important to maintain genomic integrity, presumably through its implication in DNA repair. Altogether, these results promote SAMHD1 as a key player in cellular homeostasis.I additionally showed that SAMHD1 expression is reduced in 80% of patients suffering from chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). SAMHD1 loss is therefore correlated to the development of a disease due to disturbances of cellular integrity. Looking at samples from different types of tumors, I showed that SAMHD1 loss is shared between all tested cancers, although at lesser extent than in CLL.My PhD work underlines the central role of SAMHD1 to maintain cellular integrity.L’étude des interactions entre un pathogène et son hôte, bien qu’ayant généralement pour objectif de contrôler l’infection par le pathogène, permet parfois de découvrir des éléments fondamentaux sur le fonctionnement de l’hôte. J’ai choisi d’étudier les fonctions cellulaires d’une protéine initialement identifiée comme un facteur de restriction du VIH-1.SAMHD1 (SAM domain and HD domain-containing protein 1) est une protéine exprimée dans la plupart des tissus humains. Elle est capable d’hydrolyser les déoxyribonucléotides triphosphates (dNTP) cellulaires et possède une activité nucléase ciblant différents acides nucléiques dont les ARN simple brin in vitro. Des mutations dans le gène SAMHD1 entraînent le développement d’une maladie auto immune pouvant conduire à la mort précoce des nourrissons, ce qui suggère un rôle de la protéine correspondante dans la régulation de la réponse immunitaire. Il a été montré que SAMHD1 est un facteur de restriction capable d’empêcher l’infection de cellules ne se divisant pas par le VIH-1. La protéine virale Vpx, exprimée par le VIH-2, est capable d’induire la dégradation de SAMHD1 par le protéasome et permet de rendre permissives les cellules initialement résistantes à l’infection par le VIH. SAMHD1 est en réalité capable de restreindre l’infection par des virus aussi différents que les rétrovirus et le virus de l’herpès simplex 1. Néanmoins, le mécanisme permettant à SAMHD1 de contrecarrer différents virus reste aujourd’hui sujet à controverse. Initialement considéré comme agissant en dégradant les dNTP cellulaires, SAMHD1 semble également capable de dégrader l’ARN génomique du VIH-1.Si de nombreux travaux portent sur l’activité antivirale de SAMHD1, peu de données sont disponibles concernant la fonction cellulaire de cette protéine. Or SAMHD1 est capable de réguler la quantité de dNTP cellulaires et d’interagir avec certains acides nucléiques. Ces données font de SAMHD1 un acteur potentiel de différents processus cellulaires fondamentaux sensibles à la quantité intracellulaire de dNTP, notamment la réplication du génome ou la réparation des dommages à l’ADN.J’ai montré au cours de mon doctorat que SAMHD1 module le cycle cellulaire et notamment que la surexpression de cette protéine ralentit la prolifération cellulaire. J’ai également observé que la surexpression de SAMHD1 augmente la sensibilité des cellules aux agents induisant des ruptures double brin de l’ADN. De plus, j’ai découvert qu’en cas de ruptures double brin de l’ADN cellulaire, SAMHD1 est régulé de façon spécifique par phosphorylation sur sa thréonine 592 et est recruté aux sites de cassures.D’autres travaux ont confirmé l’importance de la régulation de SAMHD1 au cours du cycle cellulaire, sa surexpression et sa réduction induisant toutes deux un ralentissement de la prolifération cellulaire. En complément de mes résultats, quelques études suggèrent que SAMHD1 joue un rôle dans le maintien de l’intégrité du génome, qui pourrait être dû à son effet sur la réponse aux dommages à l’ADN. Dans l’ensemble, ces résultats font de SAMHD1 un garant de l’homéostasie cellulaire.J’ai de plus montré que l’expression de SAMHD1 est réduite chez environ 80% des patients souffrant de leucémie lymphoïde chronique. La perte de cette protéine est donc corrélée à l’apparition d’une maladie découlant de la perturbation du fonctionnement cellulaire. L’étude d’échantillons d’autres types de tumeurs montre que, dans de moindres proportions, l’altération de l’expression de SAMHD1 est une caractéristique générale des cancers. Mes travaux de doctorat soulignent ainsi le rôle fondamental de SAMHD1 dans le maintien de l’intégrité cellulaire

    Countermeasure against the SPA attack on an embedded McEliece cryptosystem

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    International audience—In this paper, we present a novel countermeasure against a simple power analysis based side channel attack on a software implementation of the McEliece public key cryptosys-tem. First, we attack a straightforward C implementation of the Goppa codes based McEliece decryption running on an ARM Cortex-M3 microprocessor. Next, we demonstrate on a realistic example that using a " chosen ciphertext attack " method, it is possible to recover the complete secret permutation matrix. We show that this matrix can be completely recovered by an analysis of a dynamic power consumption of the microprocessor. Then, we estimate the brute-force attack complexity reduction depending on the knowledge of the permutation matrix. Finally, we propose an efficient software countermeasure having low computational complexity. Of course, we provide all the necessary details regarding the attack implementation and all the consequences of the proposed countermeasure especially in terms of power consumption

    Role of tumor necrosis factor-α and its receptors in diesel exhaust particle-induced pulmonary inflammation

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    Inhalation of diesel exhaust particles (DEP) induces an inflammatory reaction in the lung. However, the underlying mechanisms remain to be elucidated. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) is a proinflammatory cytokine that operates by binding to tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR1) and tumor necrosis factor receptor 2 (TNFR2). The role of TNF-alpha signaling and the importance of either TNFR1 or TNFR2 in the DEP-induced inflammatory response has not yet been elucidated. TNF-alpha knockout (KO), TNFR1 KO, TNFR2 KO, TNFR1/TNFR2 double KO (TNFR-DKO) and wild type (WT) mice were intratracheally exposed to saline or DEP. Pro-inflammatory cells and cytokines were assessed in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). Exposure to DEP induced a dose-dependent inflammation in the BALF in WT mice. In addition, levels of TNF-alpha and its soluble receptors were increased upon exposure to DEP. The DEP-induced inflammation in the BALF was decreased in TNF-alpha KO, TNFR-DKO and TNFR2 KO mice. In contrast, the inflammatory response in the BALF of DEP-exposed TNFR1 KO mice was largely comparable with WT controls. In conclusion, these data provide evidence for a regulatory role of TNF-alpha in DEP-induced pulmonary inflammation and identify TNFR2 as the most important receptor in mediating these inflammatory effects

    Obésité Et Logiques Sociales Du Contrôle Alimentaire Chez Les Jeunes A Abidjan-Cocody

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    L’obésité étant définie comme une maladie chronique, elle est considérée comme un problème de santé publique. Elle engendre ainsi de nombreuses maladies telles que les maladies cardiovasculaires, le diabète de type 2, l’hypertension, l’apnée du sommeil, la dyslipidémie, et certains cancers. Les jeunes constituent une frange importante de cette maladie. Des moyens de prévention tels que le contrôle alimentaire sont proposés aux familles des jeunes obèses. Pourtant, une permissivité de ce contrôle alimentaire par les mères est constatée.Cet article se propose d’analyser les logiques sociales du non contrôle alimentaire des jeunes obèses dont l’âge varie entre 10 et 17 ans dans la commune de Cocody.  Une approche qualitative basée sur la recherche documentaire, l’observation et des entretiens individuels approfondis a été adoptée en vue d’atteindre cet objectif. Les résultats obtenus indiquent que la permissivité dans la prise en charge du jeune obèse est un phénomène lié au sens, à la signification du statut de l'enfant et du contrôle alimentaire des mères. Aussi, l’obésité est une construction sociale dans la société ivoirienne et dans les rapports du jeune à son corps et dans les relations mère-enfant

    French Science Communication on YouTube: A Survey of Individual and Institutional Communicators and Their Channel Characteristics

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    Science videos on YouTube attract millions of viewers each month, but little is known about who the content producers are, how they work and what their motivations and qualifications are. Here, we analyze the characteristics of 622 French YouTube science channels and 70,795 science videos in French, and complement this analysis with a survey of 180 of these youtubers. We focus on three questions: who are the science communicators (sociodemographics, resources, and goals), what are the characteristics of their channels, and are there differences between institutional and non-institutional communicators. We show that French science communicators on YouTube are mostly young men, highly qualified and usually talking about their topic of expertize. Many of them do not earn enough money to make a living out of this activity and have to use personal money to run their channels. At the same time, many are not interested in making this activity their main source of income. Their main goal is to share science and stimulate curiosity, as opposed to teach and entertain. While a small number of channels account for most of the views and subscribers, together they are able to cover a lot of scientific disciplines, with individuals usually focusing on a couple of fields and institutions talking about more diverse subjects. Institutions seem to have less success on YouTube than individuals, a result visible both in the number of subscribers and engagement received in videos (likes and comments). We discuss the potential factors behind this discrepancy, such as the lack of personality of institutional channels, the high number of topics they cover or the fact that institutions usually have an additional goal compared to individuals: to present and promote the institution itself. A video version of this article has been recorded and made available here: https://stephanedebove.net/youtube</jats:p

    Morphological characterisation of portal myofibroblasts and hepatic stellate cells in the normal dog liver

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    BACKGROUND: Hepatic fibrosis is a common outcome of hepatic injury in both man and dog. Activated fibroblasts which develop myofibroblastic characteristics play an essential role in hepatic fibrogenesis, and are comprised of three subpopulations: 1) portal or septal myofibroblasts, 2) interface myofibroblasts and 3) the perisinusoidally located hepatic stellate cells (HSC). The present study was performed to investigate the immunohistochemical characteristics of canine portal myofibroblasts (MF) and HSC in the normal unaffected liver as a basis for further studies on fibrogenesis in canine liver disease. RESULTS: In the formalin-fixed and paraffin embedded normal canine liver vimentin showed staining of hepatic fibroblasts, probably including MF in portal areas and around hepatic veins; however, HSC were in general negative. Desmin proved to react with both portal MF and HSC. A unique feature of these HSC was the positive immunostaining for alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) and muscle-specific actin clone HHF35 (HHF35), also portal MF stained positive with these antibodies. Synaptophysin and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) were consistently negative in the normal canine liver. In a frozen chronic hepatitis case (with expected activated hepatic MF and HSC), HSC were negative to synaptophysin, GFAP and NCAM. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) immunogold labelling for α-SMA and HHF35 recognized the positive cells as HSC situated in the space of Disse. CONCLUSION: In the normal formalin-fixed and paraffin embedded canine liver hepatic portal MF and HSC can be identified by α-SMA, HHF35 and to a lesser extent desmin immunostaining. These antibodies can thus be used in further studies on hepatic fibrosis. Synaptophysin, GFAP and NCAM do not seem suitable for marking of canine HSC. The positivity of HSC for α-SMA and HHF35 in the normal canine liver may eventually reflect a more active regulation of hepatic sinusoidal flow by these HSC compared to other species

    Climate Action In Megacities 3.0

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    "Climate Action in Megacities 3.0" (CAM 3.0) presents major new insights into the current status, latest trends and future potential for climate action at the city level. Documenting the volume of action being taken by cities, CAM 3.0 marks a new chapter in the C40-Arup research partnership, supported by the City Leadership Initiative at University College London. It provides compelling evidence about cities' commitment to tackling climate change and their critical role in the fight to achieve global emissions reductions
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