103 research outputs found

    Random walks on finite lattice tubes

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    Exact results are obtained for random walks on finite lattice tubes with a single source and absorbing lattice sites at the ends. Explicit formulae are derived for the absorption probabilities at the ends and for the expectations that a random walk will visit a particular lattice site before being absorbed. Results are obtained for lattice tubes of arbitrary size and each of the regular lattice types; square, triangular and honeycomb. The results include an adjustable parameter to model the effects of strain, such as surface curvature, on the surface diffusion. Results for the triangular lattice tubes and the honeycomb lattice tubes model diffusion of adatoms on single walled zig-zag carbon nano-tubes with open ends.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Three-dimensional recording by tightly focused femtosecond pulses in LiNbOā‚ƒ

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    The authors report on a three-dimensional single-shot optical recording by 150fs pulses at 800nm wavelength in Fe doped LiNbOā‚ƒ. The rewritable bits (2ā‚“Ć—2yƗ8zĪ¼mĀ³) are demonstrated. The highest refractive index modulation of āˆ¼10ā»Ā³ per single pulse has been formed by preferential photovoltaiceffect at close to the dielectric breakdownirradiance of āˆ¼TW/cmĀ² and was independent of polarization (in respect to the c axis). The achievable refractive index modulation is evaluated and the recording mechanisms are discussed.One of the authors M.S. thanks the Matsumae International Foundation for the research fellowship. Another author E.G.G. acknowledges support of the Australian Research Council through its Center of Excellence

    The role of the catalytic particle temperature gradient for SWNT growth from small particles

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    The Vapour-Liquid-Solid (VLS) model, which often includes a temperature gradient (TG) across the catalytic metal particle, is often used to describe the nucleation and growth of carbon nanostructures. Although the TG may be important for the growth of carbon species from large metal particles, molecular dynamics simulations show that it is not required for single-walled carbon nanotube growth from small catalytic particles

    Electronic states and quantum transport in double-wall carbon nanotubes

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    Electronic states and transport properties of double-wall carbon nanotubes without impurities are studied in a systematic manner. It is revealed that scattering in the bulk is negligible and the number of channels determines the average conductance. In the case of general incommensurate tubes, separation of degenerated energy levels due to intertube transfer is suppressed in the energy region higher than the Fermi energy but not in the energy region lower than that. Accordingly, in the former case, there are few effects of intertube transfer on the conductance, while in the latter case, separation of degenerated energy levels leads to large reduction of the conductance. It is also found that in some cases antiresonance with edge states in inner tubes causes an anomalous conductance quantization, G=e2/Ļ€ā„G=e^2/\pi\hbar, near the Fermi energy.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures, to be published in Physical Review

    Coupled laser molecular trapping, cluster assembly, and deposition fed by laser-induced Marangoni convection

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    A coupled mechanism for molecular aggregation in a thin water solution film by laser-tweezers is suggested based on (i) simulation of light intensity distribution and (ii) order of magnitude analysis of heat and mass transport induced by Marangoni convection. The analysis suggests that the laser induced temperature distribution develops within 1 ms and Marangoni convection flow commences within 0.01-1 s, which increases by 1-2 orders of magnitude the mass transfer of dissolved molecules into the laser focus where they are trapped and aggregate by attractive van der Waals forces. This mechanism, considered for the particular case of polymer assembly, suggests that it can also be successfully applied for assembling other types of clusters and molecular aggregates from solutions
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